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The beautiful duckling

- One day of spring, near one side of a lake in an old farm, below some apple trees, 4
ducks were born after their eggs hatched, but after a moment one of them was so
quiet inside his egg while their brothers were quacking and running around their
parents, after some attempts to escape from egg he finally was born, but he was
rejected by his family because he was different, he was so pretty and that’s why
none of them accepted him, he just didn´t look like them, so they decided to
abandoned him although he was just a baby, after that he started to cry alone. While
he was crying, he was watching herself on water, he just didn’t understand why they
let him, despite he was just a baby he had never been alone, at least since he was out
of the egg, so after that, he was very sad because he was alone so he decided left the
old farm and to enter in the forest, before he left the farm through the forest, he had
enough time to memorize the place where he was born. while he was walking
through the forest, he was thinking about their parent’s decision, and after some
hours he realized that he could be a little bit different compared with his “family”,
for instance; he was yellow golden and his family was all dark colored, he was
beginning to understand their reasons.
One day while he was walking, he found a donkey and he began to talk with him,
his name was “burro”, ¡but the duckling didn´t know his own name! so the donkey
gave him one based on his appearance, he called him Beauty Duckling, After he had
met the donkey, he was invited to eat with his family, while they were having
dinner, they asked him to live with them, because they realized that he was alone.
After several weeks he began to feel better because he found a new friend, after he
had lived with the donkeys, he realized that donkey was a real friend and that he
found a new family that loved him.
Years later, he was helping his friend to catch some apples from some trees near the
lake, suddenly apples fell into the water and there were some ducks swimming in
the lake, then, our hero went to get it, but while he was approaching to apple and
ducks, he was surprised because he recognized that was his first “family”, those
who abandoned him when he was a baby, but he didn’t felt grudge, he forgave
them because all of those years allowed him to understand why he was rejected that
day by them, he learned and explained them that probably when he was on egg, one
day while mama duck wasn’t on her nest, something happened and one egg from
another nest was put in by the farmer's mistake, and he was a swan and not a duck.

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