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### Terrain Categories


categories = {
unknown = {
color = { 255 0 0 }

ocean = {
color = { 40 83 176 }
movement_cost = 1.0
is_water = yes
sound_type = sea

lakes = {
color = { 58 91 255 }
movement_cost = 1.0
is_water = yes
sound_type = sea

forest = {
color = { 89 199 85 }
movement_cost = 1.5
combat_width = -0.20
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 5.0
match_value = 5
sound_type = forest

units = {
attack = -0.2
#movement = -0.2

enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.1

hills = {
color = { 248 255 153 }
movement_cost = 1.5
combat_width = -0.33
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 3.0
match_value = 2
sound_type = desert

units = {
attack = -0.3
#movement = -0.2
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.05

mountain = {
color = { 157 192 208 }
movement_cost = 2.0
attrition = 0.4
combat_width = -0.66
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 10.0
match_value = 10
sound_type = desert

units = {
attack = -0.6
#movement = -0.4

enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.10

plains = {
color = { 255 129 66 }
movement_cost = 1.0
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 0.1
match_value = 0.5
sound_type = plains

urban = {
color = { 120 120 120 }
movement_cost = 1.2
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 4.0
match_value = 4
sound_type = plains

units = {
attack = -0.3
#movement = -0.2

enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.50

jungle = {
color = { 127 191 0 }
movement_cost = 1.5
attrition = 0.3
combat_width = -0.25
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 6.0
match_value = 6
sound_type = forest

units = {
attack = -0.3
#movement = -0.3

enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.25

sickness_chance = 1.0

marsh = {
color = { 76 96 35 }
movement_cost = 2.0
attrition = 0.5
combat_width = -0.25
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 8.0
match_value = 8
sound_type = forest

units = {
attack = -0.4
#movement = -0.4

sickness_chance = 1.0

desert = {
color = { 255 127 0 }
movement_cost = 1.05
attrition = 0.2
ai_terrain_importance_factor = 8.0
match_value = 8
sound_type = desert

sickness_chance = 1.0

water_fjords = {
naval_terrain = yes
color = { 75 162 198 }
movement_cost = 1.0
is_water = yes
sound_type = sea

battle_cruiser = {
units = {
attack = -0.2
movement = -0.2
defence = -0.2
navy_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.2
battleship = {
units = {
attack = -0.2
movement = -0.2
defence = -0.2
navy_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.2
heavy_cruiser = {
units = {
attack = -0.2
movement = -0.2
defence = -0.2
navy_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.2
carrier = {
units = {
attack = -0.2
movement = -0.2
defence = -0.2
navy_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.2
navy_visibility = -0.2
positioning = -0.15

water_shallow_sea = {
naval_terrain = yes
color = { 56 118 217 }
movement_cost = 1.0
is_water = yes
sound_type = sea

submarine = {
navy_visibility = 1.0
positioning = -0.05

water_deep_ocean = {
naval_terrain = yes
color = { 2 38 150 }
movement_cost = 1.0
is_water = yes
sound_type = sea

destroyer = {
units = {
attack = -0.2
movement = -0.2
defence = -0.2
light_cruiser = {
units = {
attack = -0.1
movement = -0.1
defence = -0.1
submarine = {
navy_visibility = -0.15
units = {
movement = -0.25

naval_mine_hit_chance = -0.5

### Graphical terrain
### type = refers to the terrain defined above, "terrain category"'s
### color = index in bitmap color table (see terrain.bmp)

terrain = {
terrain_0 = { type = plains color = {
0 } texture = 1 }
terrain_1 = { type = forest color = {
1 } texture = 4 }
desert_mountain = { type = hills color = {
2 } texture = 3 }
desert = { type = desert color
= { 3 } texture = 9 }

terrain_4 = { type = forest color = {

4 } texture = 5 }
terrain_5 = { type = plains color = {
5 } texture = 0 }
terrain_6 = { type = mountain color
= { 6 } texture = 11 }
terrain_7 = { type = desert color = {
7 } texture = 12 }
desert_hills = { type = desert color = {
8 } texture = 14 }
terrain_9 = { type = marsh color = {
9 } texture = 6 }
terrain_10 = { type = mountain color = {
10 } texture = 13 }

desert = { type = mountain

color = { 11 } texture = 11 }
desert = { type = desert color
= { 12 } texture = 8 }

forest_13 = { type = urban color = {

13 } texture = 10 spawn_city = yes }
forest_14 = { type = lakes color = {
14 } texture = 255 }
ocean_15 = { type = ocean color = {
15 } texture = 9 }

snow_16 = { type = mountain

color = { 16 } texture = 11 perm_snow = yes }
plains_17 = { type = plains color = {
19 } texture = 0 perm_snow = yes }

hills_blend = { type = hills color = {

17 } texture = 2 }
mountain_variation_sand = { type = mountain color = {
18 } texture = 7 }
mountain_variation_grass = { type = mountain color = {
20 } texture = 7 }
jungle_18 = { type = jungle color = {
21 } texture = 4 }
jungle_blend_18 = { type = jungle color = {
22 } texture = 5 }

jungle_blend_18 = { type = mountain color

= { 27 } texture = 7 }
desert_mountain_tops = { type = mountain color = {
31 } texture = 15 }

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