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Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts


In this section of my portfolio, I have chosen a selection of artifacts that have contributed

to the knowledge and understanding that I have obtained throughout my journey to becoming a

teacher. The eight artifacts that I have chosen will demonstrate my planning and instructional

abilities with their corresponding assessment, highlight my engagement strategies that are based

on the needs and the abilities of the class, my knowledge of the content within various

curriculum areas, and to showcase how I effectively integrate technology into my instruction and

the students learning environment. In addition, these artifacts demonstrate my continuing

competencies in culturally responsive teaching, awareness and support of learning through

accommodations and modifications, classroom management skills, best teaching practices, and

collaborations at a professional level. Along with the artifacts that have been selected, a rationale

will be provided that connects the relationship between both the curriculum and professional

standards that have been set by both the Canadian and American governments.

The eight artifacts that I selected are: Angles Mathematics Lesson Plan, Survey

Assignment with Data Analysis Summary, Annotated Bibliography, my Developmental Services

Worker Diploma, Bitmoji Classroom Lesson, Pecha Kucha Presentation, Theorist Presentation

(Harry Wong) and my Science Experiment Activity. These eight artifacts have their own

meaning and importance in how they display my knowledge of the content, instruction, planning

and assessing the abilities of the learners and my enthusiasm for teaching.

Artifacts & Rationales

Artifact #1: Angles Mathematics Lesson Plan

The first artifact that I chose to include is my Angles Mathematics Lesson Plan,

developed for grade 4 students. This lesson plan displays my level of comfort with Math

standards and how I integrate math into my lessons using real life examples. This artifact also

demonstrates my ability to model a culturally responsive lesson that is in keeping with my goal

of creating and maintaining a culturally responsive classroom environment. This lesson shows

that when planning, I consider the different learners within the classroom and try to create

lessons to best suit their learning needs. Through the use of movement, song, visuals, and

technology, I aim to accommodate all learners.

The INTASC standards that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #2, #7, and #8.

Standard #2, Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and

diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each

learner to meet high standards. Standard #7, Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans

instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon

knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as

knowledge of learners and the community context. Standard #8, Instructional Strategies. The

teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop

deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge

in meaningful ways.

The Ontario Ethical Teachers standard, care, best aligns with this artifact. The ethical

standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest, and insight for developing students'

potential. Members express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through

positive influence, professional judgment, and empathy in practice.

The New York State code of ethics that best align with this artifact are principle 1 and 2.

Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of every

student. Educators create support and maintain challenging learning environment for all.

Medaille College Department of Education Standards that best align with this artifact are

claim 2 and 3. Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. Claim 3: Medaille College graduates

are caring educators.


Teacher Candidate’s Name: Kristina Mitchell

Date: Feb 16, 2020

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: __x_____ Suburb: _______ Town:_______ Rural:

Grade level: ____4____ Number of students in the class: ___21_____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your
students that will affect your instruction in this learning segment.
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Classifications/Needs Students Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Exceptional behaviour - IEP 2 Students receive support from an
Educational Assistant that includes keeping
the students on task and giving redirection
when needed. Preferential seating is given as
well as other Occupational Therapy
strategies (fidgets, wobble stool).

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
2 Both students receive ongoing ENL support
ENL students including
• Illustrations and math vocabulary
• The Educational Assistant in the
classroom will assist when necessary
and is available to do so

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications

Subject and Lesson Topic: Mathematics/ Angles

Grade Level: 4 Lesson Duration: 40


Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable
theme, essential question, or topic within the curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making
Good Choices, 2016).
The purpose of the learning segment is to build upon the prior knowledge of identifying angles as the
students build their capacity of mathematical geometric and spatial sense. The students will be able to
identify and classify angles (acute, right, obtuse and straight angles). These lessons will be used as
building blocks to allow students to then measure and construct angles up to 90 degrees, using a

Knowing Your Learners

Using Prior Knowledge
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 2a)

In Ontario, as part of the curriculum, students have learned to identify benchmark angles and relate their names to measures in
degrees, in the previous grade. The students know that a right angle is 90 degrees and other angles are straight angles, right
angles or half a right angle. The students used these as a benchmark to compare real-world objects and classify the angles with
those names.

In NYS, as part of the curriculum, students have learned a deep understanding of two-dimensional shapes.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this information to continue to have students practicing identifying angles within the classroom and have them
translate their prior classification into the new terms they will be learning.

Using Student Assets

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA
Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)

My students are able to identify angles within the classroom and at home and provide real-world examples that relate to
angles. These lessons are designed to foster their knowledge of geometric and spatial sense to build their capacity of classifying
and constructing angles. My students live in a large urban community and most have access and enjoy using technology. I will
use technology as a way to engage my students, through PowerPoint and videos online that they could access through their own
technology later. As a classroom community I have many kinesthetic learners, more than half of the students participates in
sports outside of school so I know movement is important for my students, therefore I try to reach this learning style in my
lessons. Also, as a class community these learners enjoy drawing, I will use this knowledge when creating my assessment.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by designing a PowerPoint that provides the students with a review of key
terms and classification of angles. I will also play this video “Numberock Angles Song” for the students as an activator in mind this classroom

community benefits from movement, I will incorporate that in my instruction through modelling and having them show angles
with their arms using this song

Curriculum Standards
NY-4.G1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and
parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
NY -4.MD6. Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified

Ontario – Grade 5 – Geometry and Spatial Sense – Geometric properties

– identify and classify acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles
-measure and construct up to 90 degree, using a protractor

Objectives Assessment Modifications to

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include Using formal and/or informal Assessments
statements that identify what students assessment tools, how will you evaluate If applicable, explain how you will
will be able to do by the end of the lesson and document your students’ progress on adapt assessments to allow students
and are aligned to the standards each of the objectives? with specific needs to demonstrate
identified above. their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
Students will be able to identify and I will use the PowerPoint and a video as • I will check for understanding
categorize four angles and their an activator. Following I will ask the • Demonstrate for students that
attributes using real-world examples and students to stand and model with their need clarification
completing a graphic organizer with 80 arms by watching a video to show how to • Use hand-over hand modeling
% accuracy. represent the different angles I call out when necessary
(acute, obtuse, right).

I will use a “angles search” worksheet • Place students in groups of 4

and presentations to assess the students’ with different levelled
understanding and reflect on what may thinkers
need to be reviewed the next day. • Students can use their
Illustrations and math
vocabulary cards
• Adapt assessment to ask only,
the name the object and
identify what type of angle it

Academic Language Instructional Supports

Demands Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand,
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) use, and practice the concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function • identify I will support students using explicit
Looking at your standards and instruction (I do…, We do…, You do…) by
objectives, choose the one exploring Angles All Around Us through Power
Bloom’s word that best
describes the active learning
Point and video (I do), together represent angles
essential for students to develop using our arms with a video (example, obtuse
understanding of concepts angle) (We do) and then explore and identify
within your lesson. through work in a group on the “Angles search”

worksheet (You do). A modified worksheet will

be given to students with exceptionalities, this is
also where they can carry and use their angles
illustration and vocabulary cards to assist them.
Vocabulary • Obtuse angle The vocabulary will be presented using a Power
Key words and phrases students • Acute angle Point presentation and video (song) with
need to be able to understand examples and illustrations to show what each
and use
• Right angle
• Straight angle angle looks like as well as its attributes. The
• Degrees students will also be able to refer to the math
word wall where these vocabulary words will
be accessible to them. During their angles walk,
students will be able to use these words when
identifying and categorizing them.
Syntax The students will apply Using the Power Point, I will provide examples
Describe ways in which students syntax by identifying such as…..
will organize language (symbols, angles and their • A right angle is 90 degrees
words, phrases) to convey
attributes. • An Obtuse angle is more than 90 degrees
• An acute angle is less than 90 degrees (so
• A straight angle is 180 degrees
• Degrees is a measurement of a plane
Discourse The students will apply (I do) I will present identifying attributes of
How members of a discipline discourse by identifying angles during the Power Point presentation and
talk, write, and participate in and categorizing the video (song). Students will then apply the
knowledge construction and
communicate their
different types of angles knowledge through kinesthetic representation,
understanding of the concepts by their attributes. This showing how each angle looks, using their arms
will be done during (song) (We do). Students will work in groups on
whole and small group an angle walk where they will complete a
discussion/work. They worksheet and will have to identify and
will continue to practice categorize the different types of angles and their
during their importance (You do).
presentations, group
work and written tasks
throughout the week.
Instructional Process Accommodations and/or
Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator • I will “wait” until the

• Today we will be reviewing, identifying and classifying angles class is ready to show
• Ask the students if anyone can remember the names of the the Power Point review
angles slides
• Yes, obtuse, right, straight and acute • I will circulate the room
• Start with the Power Point on angles to review the attributes of to ensure the students
each angle are engaged and able to
• Play the video (song) also as a reminder see the images and
• Tomorrow we will continue to build upon our knowledge of information
angles by constructing them with a straws game in groups, then • I will provide cue cards
we will be transferring this knowledge to triangles and finally with visuals for ENL
we will be constructing and measuring angles using a and IEP students so
protractor to get ready for your weekly quiz they are able to refer to
• Let’s focus your eyes to the front for our review them on a more direct
Instructional Procedures • I will circulate to make
(I do…) sure students are
• I will stand up and model kinesthetically, using my arms, to understanding how to
show how to represent different angles (video and then show represent different
myself) angles using their arms
• I will use hand over
(We do…) hand for those needing
• Myself and the students will stand up and model guidance
kinesthetically, using our arms, to show how to represent • Students will discuss
different angles examples together
• Class will then discuss the different attributes that are prior to the group task
associated with different angles • Students will be placed
• Let’s take a look in the classroom to see what angles we can in groups with different
find? leveled thinkers
• Students will discuss a few examples together, with their • I will circulate while
teacher’s assistance, discussing the angle that was found, the students are on their
kind of angle it is and why the angle is important for that object walk to ensure they are
(You do…) able to find examples
• Students will be placed in groups of four to begin our angles
walk around the school with their “angles search” worksheet
(10 minutes)
• SWBAT apply their knowledge and find examples of angles on
their walk and answer “where was the angle found?”, “what
kind of angle is it?” and “why is the angle important for this
• Each group will present one to two examples from their walk to
the class, giving each group member an opportunity to share
• Students will place their worksheet in their math notebooks to
review upon when needed

Closure • I will provide time for

• Tomorrow we will review the attributes in identifying and students to move into
classifying angles their groups
• Ask the students to represent angles using their arms (obtuse, • I will demonstrate how
acute angle, right angle and straight). to play the game prior
• Ask the students these three questions: how many degrees is a to the groups breaking
right angle, how many degrees is an acute angle, how many off
degrees is an obtuse angle? • An anchor chart will be
• We will go into groups of two or three tomorrow and use displayed for students
straws in a game to create and identify straight, acute, obtuse to refer to
and right angles • I will repeat instruction
• During this game each angle identified will be worth points and as necessary
students will take turns recording their scores for each round,
first one to twenty, wins
• We will be learning how to construct and measure angles
• At the end of the lesson you will be asked to provide an exit
ticket identifying and classifying the attributes of each angle

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts,
assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.

• Computer with a projector and screen/board that has a Wi-Fi connection

• Power Point Presentation
• Link for video (song)
• “Angles search” worksheet for each student to take with them on their walk – also modified
• Cue cards with visuals for ENL and IEP students

[Back to Table of Contents]


Artifact #2: Survey Analysis Assignment

The second artifact that I have chosen to include is my Educational Survey Analysis and

data summary. I created, administered, and then analyzed an educational survey on parent’s

involvement and engagement with their child’s literacy. This artifact highlights my ability to

acknowledge the importance of literacy development in children and gather information in hopes

to understand areas of improvement between how literacy learning can best be supported at

home. This artifact demonstrates the preparedness for a career as an educator because it shows

that I am willing and committed to having a partnership between home and school to support the

involvement and engagement of families with their child’s literacy. Through research, I was able

to gather information on how as an educator, I could best support families in supporting their

children. My level of professionalism is displayed in the development and administering of the

survey questions. My summarization and analysis demonstrate my ability to accurately reflect

and communicate for the purpose of continual learning.

The INTASC standards that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #9, and #10.

Standard #9, Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing

professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the

effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the

community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Standard #10, Leadership and

Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take

responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school

professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

The Ontario Ethical Teachers standard, care, best aligns with this artifact. The ethical

standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest, and insight for developing students'

potential. Members express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through

positive influence, professional judgment, and empathy in practice.


Survey Analysis Assignment

Kristina Mitchell

Medaille College, Buffalo


Survey Motive

The purpose of this survey is to assess parents’ involvement and engagement with their child’s

literacy. When parents are involved in their child’s literacy development they are only aiding to

their future success. This survey will improve educator’s knowledge of the literacy learning that

is happening at home and how to support, continue or establish that success.

Target Population

The target population of this questionnaire is designed for parents with students in elementary

school from grade one to grade six.


Literacy is the foundation of development. Learning to read in the first few years of elementary

school is critical for retention and success in future grades. It is important to find ways both at

school and at home to increase children’s exposure to literature. By finding out the involvement

and engagement of parents with their child’s literacy, an educator can assist parents in

supporting, maintaining or suggesting a way to establish a routine at home. An educator can also

suggest means of literature that children can have access to, for example, online reading

websites, ensuring library books go back and forth and, in some cases, levelled books. By

gathering information and working together with parents to broaden literature exposure,

children’s literacy can develop. This benefits the parents because they can have literature

experiences with their children and see their growth both in their education and at home. This

benefits the teachers because as a result the more exposure the children have to literature the

more foundation they build. Ultimately, this benefits the students because it fosters a love for

reading and learning. In conclusion, by working together as a school-home community to


increase student’s literature exposure, the more successful children will be as they move through

future grades.

Survey Questions on Literacy

The purpose of this survey is to assess parents’ involvement and engagement with their child’s
literacy. Please be assured that your responses are anonymous. When completing the survey
please be as truthful as possible and be sure to circle the number that best describes your level or
agreement. Please only circle one answer per question.

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree

Disagree or Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

1. My child enjoys reading.

1 2 3 4 5

2. The teacher gave me information about my child’s reading ability.

1 2 3 4 5

3. I understood the information that the teacher shared with me about my child’s reading ability.

1 2 3 4 5

4. I feel like I know how to support my child’s reading at home.

1 2 3 4 5

5. I ask my child about what they’ve read, while reading with them.

1 2 3 4 5

6. I feel confident about accessing literacy websites to enhance my child’s abilities.

1 2 3 4 5

7. I feel that it is important to encourage reading at home every night.


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree

Disagree or Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

8. I feel that it is important to play literacy games at home with my child.

1 2 3 4 5

9. I feel that it is important to practice writing and/or spelling words with my child weekly.

1 2 3 4 5

10. I enjoy taking my child to a bookstore or library to pick out or borrow books.

1 2 3 4 5

11. What types of books does your child like to read?




12. How many hours a week does your child spend reading at home (this can be to themselves or

you reading to them)?




13. Does your child have access to online reading websites, if so, which ones do they like best?




Thank you for participating in this survey and taking the time to answer the questions honestly.

Your participation is appreciated. The results of this survey will be used to evaluate how

educators can better communicate with parents about the benefits and different ways of

broadening their child’s exposure to literature.


Data Collected from the Survey

Quantitative Data

Questions Answers Average

1. My child enjoys reading. 5, 4, 5, 2, 5, 4, 2, 1, 4, 5 3.7
2. The teacher gave me information about my child’s reading 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 4 3.7
ability. Agree

3. I understood the information that the teacher shared with me 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4 3.7

about my child’s reading ability. Agree

4. I feel like I know how to support my child’s reading at home. 3, 4, 4, 3, 2 ,4, 3, 4, 5,4 4
5. I ask my child about what they’ve read, while reading with 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5 3.9
them. Agree

6. I feel confident about accessing literacy websites to enhance my 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3 3.5

child’s abilities. Neither
Agree or
7. I feel that it is important to encourage reading at home every 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4 4.1
night. Agree

8. I feel that it is important to play literacy games at home with my 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4 4.1

child. Agree

9. I feel that it is important to practice writing and/or spelling 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4 3.9

words with my child weekly. Agree

10. I enjoy taking my child to a bookstore or library to pick out or 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4,3, 3, 3 3.3
borrow books. Neither
Agree or

Qualitative Data


Question 11. What types of books does your child like to read?
Response Chapter books
Picture books, magazines
Chapter books, specifically Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Picture books
Levelled readers with pictures
Mystery books
Action and Adventure books
Typically picture books their child brings home
Can barely get my child to read levelled book sent home each night
Picture books, on Robert Munch kick
Any book with pictures
Question 12. How many hours a week does your child spend reading at home (this can be to
themselves or you reading to them)?
Response 8 hours
6 hours
10 hours
3 hours
8 hours
7 hours
4 hours
2 hours
9 hours
11 hours
Question 13. Does your child have access to online reading websites, if so, which ones do they like
Response Yes – nothing further
Yes – epic!
Yes – epic!
Yes – nothing further
Yes – at school, not sure.

Yes – Raz-Kids
Yes - Starfall and Tumblebooks

Survey Results

The data collected in the survey indicates the importance of educator and parent

communication when it comes to student literacy. By having a deeper understanding of what

parents see at home from their child, educators can then develop a plan that works best for that

student or even the class. Knowing the literacy activities that are enjoyed at school, or suggesting

new ones to try at home that are engaging and meet individual needs.

The results of the quantitative data are that most parents agree that reading at home and

literacy in general, is important. The data also suggests that it would be helpful for the educator

to communicate with the parents about their child’s reading level and ways to access resources

online to aid in their development and engagement.

The results of the qualitative data are that students tend to enjoy reading a wide variety of

books, which is also likely reflective of the different ages of readers whose parents were

surveyed. The hours read each week varied, although some were low. Some parents knew of

websites to access, some knew their child accessed them but didn’t know which ones and others

didn’t know of any.

Overall, looking at both sets of data, you can conclude that parents agree that literacy is

important. Through communication of the educator and parent, a parent can have a better

understanding of their child’s literacy development and how they could help at home. Also,

being able to have the information to access other programs and/or resources would benefit


Plan for Improvement

In order to improve parents’ involvement and engagement in their child’s literacy

development, the educator and parent need to be communicating. The teacher can improve this

communication by keeping the parents informed with their reading level as well as any resources

they can access online or be sent home to increase their development. For example, through the

use of an agenda, by email, interview or phone. In addition to this, some form of communication

referencing websites with logins to literacy programs online, would also be beneficial. This

would allow parents access at home, with their child.

Finding what is engaging to those students who read less, would be extremely helpful.

Educators need to change it up and talk with the student to find out what interests them in order

to continue to build that literacy foundation. Perhaps even having a student spend some time with

the school librarian would be helpful. From here they can present the information to the parents

so together they can find other avenues to engage that child and their literacy development. The

educator along with the parent need to get creative! Working together will only benefit the

student in the long run.

Although the survey accessed students from grades 1-6, what did show from the

qualitative data was that it would be good to be able to allow students to access resources online

that provided them with a variety of reading opportunities and types of books. There was such a

range in types and genres, so keeping that in mind I think choice for students is what is really

important. So, making sure the activities they enjoy in particular are shared with the parents so

that the engagement is there both at school and home.

A helpful tool in all of this is if an educator had their own website. As different students

and different resources come about, why not have one central place where all parents can access

literacy engagement tasks or websites. Providing links to websites and maybe PDF’s that are

printable. Although this would be a lot of work for an educator initially, it would take away from

a lot of repetitive work later on. Also, it would provide the parents with easy access because it’s

all in one place.

For students who may not be as motivated as others, or students in primary grades,

building literacy exposure is really important. Keeping a reading log may benefit them. Keeping

a log of the books they’ve read and how long they have read for, may be rewarding, especially if

there is some kind of incentive in it for the students. Perhaps the educator can come up with a

reinforcement after they have read so many books. This is also something educators and parents

could discuss together, to ensure the motivation is there.

After looking over the data and coming up with ways to find out interests about a

students reading, some communication strategies and strategies to motivate and engage students,

this survey allowed for a reflection on how educators and parents can work together to ensure an

engaging foundation of literacy for their students and children.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Artifact #3: Annotated Bibliography

The third artifact that I chose is my Literacy Research Article Review of a peer reviewed

journal article called ‘Improving Urban Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through Synergistic

Individualized Tutoring and Self-reflection’. This article displays one of the many ways that I

continue to educator myself on my journey to becoming an educator. The critical analysis of this

journal article demonstrates my ability to obtain reliable and relatable information that enhances

my understanding of articles that relate to education. This journal article takes a specific look

into literacy assessment in hopes to better support the strengths and needs of students in the

classroom while measuring their achievement. This artifact indicates that I have an active

approach in furthering my professional development and that I, as an educator, embrace that

learning never truly ends as we are dedicated to becoming lifelong learners ourselves.

The INTASC standards that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #5 and

Standard #9. Standard #5, the teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing

perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving

related to authentic local and global issues. Standard #9, Professional Learning and Ethical

Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually

evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others

(learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the

needs of each learner.


Literacy Research Article Review

Kristina Mitchell
Medaille College, Buffalo NY
EDL 650


Improving Urban Teachers’ Assessment Literacy through Synergistic Individualized Tutoring

and Self-reflection


Study Purpose

The purpose of the study is to improve pre-service teachers’ understanding of key literacy

assessment concepts and to provide them with the knowledge of procedures to successfully

administer and interpret a number of literacy assessment tools (Murphy, 2015).

Research Questions

The article highlights that teachers are now required to have a more sophisticated

understanding of literacy assessment due to the growing demands of the “knowledge economy”

(Murphy, 2015). Today, assessments are geared to identify students’ strengths and needs while

measuring their achievement. Due to this shift, teachers are required “to provide an informed

rationale for the assessment tools they use” (Murphy, 2015). Most teachers were not traditionally

trained in how to conduct proper assessment and the research question is based on how Teaching

programs can better train pre-service teachers in literacy assessment.


The article focused on the research of two teacher candidate experiences that would

foster the development of growth and understanding in relation to literacy development. One

focus was pre-service teacher tutoring and the other was teacher reflection through the creation

and reading of narratives. These were then combined and tried with a pre-service teacher

education class.


A series of structured interventions were introduced into a pre-service teacher education

class (Murphy, 2015). Teacher candidates who were working towards endorsements or degrees

in literacy education were providing school-aged children with free tutoring after-school. The

author of the article was also the professor of the class and the class is a requirement of the

endorsement or degree in reading education. The professor provided the students with

assessment techniques and then the students were to translate their knowledge to working one-

on-one with a student at the tutoring program at “a literacy center housed inside a large urban

state university in the southeastern United States” (Murphy, 2015). After the sessions and once

back in class, the students were asked to reflect on what their experience was and were given

feedback from both their peers and their professor.


Being able to work one-on-one with students allowed the teacher candidates the

opportunity to

“refine their assessment data collection and interpretation skills with the research proven

assessment instruments and techniques that they had been learning about throughout the course”

(Murphy, 2015). Connections were made between the experience and class readings and

activities and the knowledge of how to administer, score, and interpret results from a range of

assessment tools that had been discussed and presented during class. “Candidates also began to

refine their sense of matching appropriate assessments to learners as well as critical awareness of

what the assessment can and cannot tell us about the learner” (Murphy, 2015). The reflections

allowed for a space where students could speak about their struggles and the professor could

offer suggestions, which aided in strengthening their delivery of assessments.


Critical Analysis

The strengths of the study are that the evidence showed that students were able to gain a

deeper engagement with a variety of assessment and make those connections between the class

material as well. The professor of the class is the one who did the research to then implement in

his own class, which does allow for a more thorough analysis and reflection.

One thing that was mentioned was it does reinforce the feelings that students have in

regard to assessment being intimidating and technical (Murphy, 2015). This study was based on

one class in one University, it would be interesting to implement this rigorous outline in other

colleges or even just more than one class, to see if the students would benefit in the same way.

Another point that was mentioned in the article was that because it is a more hands on approach,

it may also mean that some students do not engage in the subject material as much. This is

because it is a substantial amount of material to be covered overall in just one semester.


The information in this article made me reflect on how Saturday Academy would have

really strengthened some of that pre-service assessment understanding for me, through

experience and dialogue with my colleagues and professors. The takeaway of information from

this article is about making sure there is a rationale for the assessment that is being used and that

they are properly being executed. In my experience in education, I always find it helpful to watch

others administer an assessment as it helps me to understand the delivery and scoring. Also, I

feel that taking additional professional developments in this area would be beneficial. Having a

dialogue with colleagues and other board staff members would allow for educators to grow and

have a better understanding and delivery of assessments. Even more so, this experience would be

great to have in pre-service education, but I am hoping to also experience once I am in my


teaching practicum. The more experience you have with delivering a variety of assessments,

along with a dialogue with professors and colleagues, the better you will be at the execution.

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Artifact #4: Developmental Services Worker Diploma

The fourth artifact that I chose to include is my Developmental Services Worker

Diploma. I chose to include my diploma because of my experience with working with children

with disabilities is what brought me to the education system. Learning about different types of

disabilities, dual diagnoses, and mental illnesses was at the forefront of my education and best

practices that surround supporting these individuals. As my experience shifted from a treatment

setting to an educational one, I realized my passion for supporting students in education. This

ultimately has led me to where I am today and guided me on my path to becoming a teacher. I

believe these experiences will aid in my position as an educator as inclusive education is

continued to be developed. My knowledge, understanding, and skillset will add to my classroom

management skills and curriculum planning.

The INTASC standard that I feel best align with this artifact is Standard #9. Standard #9,

Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning

and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her

choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and

adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

The New York State code of ethics that best align with this artifact are principle 1 and 2.

Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of every

student. Educators create support and maintain challenging learning environment for all.

Medaille College Department of Education Standards that best align with this artifact is

claim 3. Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.


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Artifact #5: Bitmoji Classroom Lesson

The fifth artifact that I chose to include is my Bitmoji Classroom Lesson, ELA lesson

developed for grade 2 students. This lesson plan displays my level of comfort with ELA

standards and how I execute a lesson in an online format. This artifact also demonstrates my

ability to model a culturally responsive lesson that is in keeping with my goal of creating and

maintaining a culturally responsive classroom environment. This lesson shows that when

planning, I consider the different learners within the classroom and try to create lessons to best

suit their learning needs. Through the use of scaffolding and voice recordings, I aim to

accommodate all learners.

The INTASC standards that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #2, #7, and #8.

Standard #2, Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and

diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each

learner to meet high standards. Standard #7, Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans

instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon

knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as

knowledge of learners and the community context. Standard #8, Instructional Strategies. The

teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop

deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge

in meaningful ways.

The Ontario Ethical Teachers standard, care, best aligns with this artifact. The ethical

standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest, and insight for developing students'

potential. Members express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through

positive influence, professional judgment, and empathy in practice.


The New York State code of ethics that best align with this artifact are principle 1 and 2.

Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic potential of every

student. Educators create support and maintain challenging learning environment for all.

Medaille College Department of Education Standards that best align with this artifact are

claim 2 and 3. Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. Claim 3: Medaille College graduates

are caring educators.

International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE)

standard that best aligns with this artifact is teacher standard #5. 5a) Use technology to create,

adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and

accommodate learner differences and needs. 5b) Design authentic learning activities that align

with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

5c) Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning

environments that engage and support learning.



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Artifact #6: Pecha Kucha Presentation

The sixth artifact I have chosen to include my Pecha Kucha Presentation. This style of

presentation consists of 20 slides of visuals only, with 20 seconds of verbal information pre-

recorded on each slide. I completed this presentation on the research I conducted on Oppositional

Defiant Disorder. I included this artifact because the style of presentation is something that was

new to me and unique in its delivery. This offers a lot of information in a short amount of time

with pictures to support. It showcases my ability to use a variety of techniques designed to keep

the interest and attention of the intended audience. This artifact also highlights my research

abilities for the purpose of informing fellow colleagues and parents. This information is

important for educators to have because it is relevant and provides facts, suggestions, and

websites for further information or support. This artifact supports professional development and

could be used as a guide to assist in the development of an IEP.

The INTASC standard that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #10. Standard

#10, Leadership and Collaboration. the teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and

opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families,

colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to

advance the profession.

The Council for Exceptional Children (ECE) standard that best supports this artifact is

Standard #6. Standard #6 is using evidence, instructional data, research, and professional

knowledge to inform practice.


Slide 1 Definition Oppositional Defiant Disorder is defined as a pattern of angry/irritable

mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6
months as evidenced by at least four symptoms of the following
categories and exhibited during interaction with at least one individual
who is not a sibling.

Slide 2 Children who are diagnosed with ODD are commonly diagnosed during
their early elementary years and diagnoses ends around teenage years.
Children who have ODD typically have well-established patterns of
problem behaviours. Kids who have experienced a lot of life stress and
trauma are also more likely to develop ODD.

Slide 3 Treatment for ODD often includes therapy, training to develop self-
regulation and positive relationships as well interactions. Students can
also sometimes be taking medication to assist in treatment of a related
mental health condition. Teachers may want to reach out to their school
counsellor or psychologist for a consultation.

Slide 4 Learning and Some behaviours that are associated with ODD are characterized on
behavioural levels of mild, moderate, or severe which are based on the number of
characteristics settings the symptoms are confined to. Behaviours student may exhibit
relevant to are deliberately annoying people, blaming others for mistakes, being
teaching easily annoyed and hostility towards authority figures.

Slide 5 Students with ODD can have a difficult time making friends and even if
they do, it can be challenging to maintain those friendships; therefore,
they can occasionally be isolated. Sometimes they can be seen as a target
for bullies or become bullies themselves. It is important to build
relationships and trust with your students so they can come to you when
they need assistance with conflict resolution.

Slide 6 It is possible that an individualized education plan (IEP) is needed for a

student with ODD because it is often associated with a learning disability.
Also, there is a likely chance that students who have attention deficit
disorder (ADHD) may also be diagnosed ODD.

Slide 7 Educational Some strategies to consider for students with ODD.

approach Think about your classroom seating arrangement, students sitting closer
suggestion to the teacher may help to avoid disruptions. Allow for regular breaks
for teachers from the classroom to prevent students from feeling overwhelmed and
offer them additional time to complete assignments.

Slide 8 Having classroom rules posted to be able to review often is also a helpful
strategy. If an escalation happens in the classroom be sure you have a
plan in place to follow. When providing a student with ODD with
feedback, do this in private to respect their dignity. Also, avoid putting
the student on the spot to complete a difficult task in front of their peers.

Slide 9 It is extremely important to praise positive behaviours, such as staying

seated, not calling out, taking turns, and being respectful. Also be sure to
do this with other classmates that are role modelling what your
expectations are. This will also help reinforce your expectations.

Slide 10 Having a calming space designated in the classroom to allow for a break
or de-escalation time, is beneficial for any student, but especially one with
ODD. Find out what assists them in emptying their beakers when they
are full and allow them to access this easily. Items you can have on hand
are weighted blanket, mandalas, fidgets, etc.

Slide 11 Educational When considering an educational placement for a student with ODD,
placement individual factors need to be considered. Considerations for these is all
suggestion(s) part of the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), as a team this
with will be discussed and decided. As previously noted ODD can often be
rationale associated with ADHD or other related mental health conditions.

Slide 12 One suggestion of an educational placement for a student with ODD is

placement in a general education mainstream classroom. Using the
strategies outlined previously to ensure the success for the student and
offering breaks when needed. In order for this to be successful, the
student would benefit from being able to access the resource room when

Slide 13 It would also benefit the student to receive weekly counselling that
provides self-regulation and coping strategies. This can allow for the
student to be working on and gaining strategies that they can use during
their time at school. Along with this, the teacher will receive beneficial
information to gain a better understanding of the student and strategies
suggested by the professional.

Slide 14 Another suggestion of an educational placement for a student with ODD

is a
Social Skills classroom. Within these programs’ students work with
trained teachers to help with their social skills, self-regulation, and
decision-making skills. This can be on a full-time or part-time basis and
would depend on their IEP and severity of symptoms.

Slide 15 Picture book Providing the classroom with instruction and understanding of someone
or novel you who has ODD or any disability is important. I would use the book Its’s
may utilize Okay to Be Different in a primary classroom. This is more of a beginner
with reader and it will allow students to understand and celebrate
classroom individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence.
students to

Slide 16 In a junior classroom, I would introduce the Stretch More books. They
feature a pick-your-path type of story about a rubber-band character
that has behaviour issues. When faced with difficult challenges of change,
frustration, and problem solving, the readers get to discuss and suggest
how Stretch will react to the problem and see the consequences of his

Slide 17 Website Websites for parents to access with resources are Lives in the Balance
suggestion and Transforming the Difficult Child. Lives in the Balance provides ideas
for parents about how children who are behaviourally challenging should be
and co- understood. It provides ways to show compassion while still being
teachers effective and non-punitive. It also gives ideas on how to teach skills that
are on the better side of human nature.

Slide 18 Transforming the Difficult Child helps children use their intensity in
successful ways. It focuses on a set of strategies for transforming the most
intense children through channeling their energies without the use of
medication. It hopes to show the steps you can take toward shifting
negative behaviour and inspiring thriving relationships, not just with
your children, but with all people

Slide 19 A website for teachers and co-teachers to access is KidsHealth. It

provides factsheets for teachers on what they should know and what they
should do when working with a child with ODD. It is important to be on
the same page if you are in a classroom where you are co-teaching. Being
consistent will allow for the student to know what is expected of him/her.

Slide 20 Oppositional Defiant Disorder can be successfully supported in the

classroom. Utilizing resources, working collaboratively, building
relationships, and providing your student with the strategies and
supports they need are extremely important. These will help maintain a
classroom environment that is accepting and understanding of all
students needs.

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Artifact #7: Theorist Presentation

The seventh artifact I have chosen to include is a theorist presentation that was done

collaboratively with a partner. The theorist we researched and presented on was Harry Wong.

Harry Wong speaks to the importance of classroom management and in order for teachers to be

effective and successful they need to establish routines and procedures early in the school year.

He also states that a well-managed classroom is one where students are deeply involved with

their work, know what is expected of them, waste little time, and where the climate is relaxed

and pleasant. I chose to highlight this artifact because I acknowledge the importance of

classroom management and how it affects the dynamic of a classroom. This artifact also

showcases my ability to work collaboratively with a colleague where we research and present the

information to our peers.

The INTASC standards that I feel best algin with this artifact is Standard #3 and #9.

Standard #3, Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments that

support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction,

active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Standard #9, Professional Learning and

Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to

continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on

others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet

the needs of each learner.

International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE)

standard that best aligns with this artifact is teacher standard #4. Educators dedicate time to

collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources

and ideas, and solve problems.


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Artifact #8:

The eighth artifact I have included is my lesson outline of my science experiment

activity. The lesson is intended for grade 5 students, with the focus on how heat affects matter.

With this experiment the students will use inquiry and experimentation to investigate changes of

matter. The students will be able to make predictions and then conduct the experiment in groups

of 4. This artifact showcases my ability to create engaging learning experiences for students that

allow hands-on learning.

The INTASC standards that I feel best align with this artifact are Standard #1 and

Standard #4. Standard #1, Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and

develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and

across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and

implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Standard #4,

Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and

structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the

discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Medaille College Department of Education

Science Experiment/Activity
Grade 1-6
Due 11/7/20

Modified Lesson Plan that includes the information below

Science Experiment Lesson Plan that includes:

I. Objective

By the end of the lesson, students will understand that when the gas (air) in the
bottle is heated, its particles absorb heat and move away from one another.
Therefore, as the air absorbs heat from the warm water, its volume increases,
which inflates the balloon.

II. Standards
Structure and Properties of Matter
5-PS1-1. Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to
be seen

Properties of Changes in Matter
2.3 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills to investigate changes of state and
changes in matter

III. Targeted Grade Level and will this be done whole group/small group/
or with a partner

The targeted grade level for this experiment would be grade 5.

Students will complete this experiment in groups of 4.

IV. Materials being used, and amount of time needed:

• Large plastic bottle

• Balloon
• Large container of warm water

IV. Procedure - step by step directions to complete this activity/experiment.

1. Look at the pictures on the page (text) and preview the exploration steps. Predict
what will happen when you put the bottle in warm water.
2. Examine the inside of the bottle and describe any matter you see.
3. Place the neck of the balloon over the mouth of the bottle.
4. Put the bottle in the warm water. Hold the bottle so that the warm water comes
just up to the bottle’s mouth.
5. Record your observation.

VI. Closure – Any additional pertinent information you feel we need to

have to be able to do this lesson.

• Teacher may want to ensure the temperature of the water is warm enough for
the experiment to be successful by using a thermometer

• Science Inquiry Report worksheet


Name: ____________________________
Science Inquiry Report

Answer the following questions as detailed as possible.

1) What are you investigating in this experiment?


2) What is your hypothesis? ( I think……)

3) What materials are needed to conduct this experiment?

● ________________________ ________________________
● ________________________ ________________________
● ________________________ ________________________
● ________________________ ________________________

4) What are the key steps that you will have to follow?

Step 1 ____________________________________________________
Step 2 ___________________________________________________
Step 3 ___________________________________________________
Step 4 ____________________________________________________
Step 5 ____________________________________________________
Step 6 ____________________________________________________

5) Conduct your experiment

6) Was your hypothesis supported by your results? Why or Why not?


7) What did the end results tell you about the investigation?

8) Use the space below to communicate your results. Consider using detailed images
(include labels before and after) graphs, charts, diagrams, etc..

9) How does this investigation relate to what you have seen or experienced outside of the

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The artifacts that I chose to include in my portfolio provide a rich insight on my abilities

and experience as an educator. My Angles Mathematics Lesson Plan, Survey Assignment with

Data Analysis Summary, Annotated Bibliography, my Developmental Services Worker

Diploma, Bitmoji Classroom Lesson, Pecha Kucha Presentation, Theorist Presentation (Harry

Wong) and my Science Experiment Activity all validate the different way that I have been

preparing, developing, and reflecting on my skill set into becoming an educator. These artifacts

allow me to showcase my abilities to plan and instruct lessons, provide, implement, and review

assessments, and to reach all of the learning styles within a classroom. The also highlight my

understanding and ability to differentiate through accommodations and modifications for

students with disabilities as well as English Language Learners. This allows for me to create an

inclusive classroom environment where students feel welcomed and a part of a community.

Lastly, these artifacts show that I am motivated and committed to being a lifelong learner and am

excited to continue on my journey in education.

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