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1-5. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words.

1. When I make salad, I used lettuce and ____________________.

A. tomatos C. tomato
B. tomatoes D. tomatoe

2. The dry ____________ are thrown into the compost pit.

A. leaf C. leaves
B. leafs D. leeves

3. Roses are beautiful, and so are _____________________.

A. bushes C. bushs
B. bushies D. bushys

4. I like going to ______________ because I like meeting and talking people.

A. party C. partys
B. parties D. partyies

5. Policemen catch __________________.

A. thiefs C. thieves
B. thiefes D. thievs

6-10. Identify the following sentences according to function.

A. declarative C. exclamatory
B. interrogative D. imperative

6. Give me a glass of orange juice.

7. Are you a Filipino?
8. Ouch! You’re hurting me!
9. Vegetables are good to eat.
10. Is she your seatmate?

11-13. Choose the correct adjective that will complete each sentence.

11. Aling Celia sells the ____________ mangoes.

A. sweet C. sweetest
B. sweetier D. more sweet
12. Who is _____________, Jean or Cathy?
A. pretty C. prettiest
B. prettier D. most pretty

13. Ana’s grades in English are _______________.

A. good C. best
B. better D. worst

14-16. What inference can you draw out from each situation?

14. The clown bowed his head. The monkey wiggled its tail. People stood up, clapped, and
cheered. The children shouted and excitedly waved their little flags.
A. The children wanted to go home.
B. The audience was very angry at the clown.
C. The show was a success.
D. The show was a flop.

15. Mother woke Nila up. Nila groaned. She lifted her heavy body. Mother touched Nila’s
forehead. “You’ve got to take medicine.” Mother said.
A. Nila was sleepy.
B. Nila was ready to go to school.
C. Nila was feeling well.
D. Nila was sick.

16. Dark clouds covered the city. Lightning struck and thunder roared. The wind blew and trees
swayed with the wind. People rushed inside the building .
A. A storm was coming.
B. It was time to sleep.
C. It would soon be daytime.
D. It would be a sunny day.
17-20. Read the selection. Then, tell what is identified in each sentence. Choose from the given

Pam was carrying a basket of eggs to their house. Suddenly, she cried. “Help!
Help! The goose is running after me.”
“Wait! I’m coming,” replied Dan.
“Hurry! All the eggs will fail to the ground,” shouted Pam.
But Dan came too late. He was delayed by the cows he was feeding.
“What a mess! Let’s clean it up,“ he said.

What is being identified?

A. setting C. climax
B. character D. ending

17. house
18. Pam
19. The goose is running after Pam.
20. Pam and Dan cleaned up the mess.

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