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Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve… Just thinking about these holidays and the foods that our

tables are filled with make me drool over my keyboard. But when I think about what happens after we
eat everything, not so much. Stepping on the scale and seeing those 10 extra pounds makes me want to
uneat everything I’ve eaten. Not really but you know what I mean. And then the real suffering begins.
Restricting calories, eating only fruits and veggies. Don’t get me wrong I love eating healthy but I have a
soft spot for all kinds of junk food.

So you start restricting, eating less, working out etc.. but then just when you have the last 2 pounds left
to lose you start maintaining your weight. That is called a weight loss plateau. It happens when you burn
as much calories as you eat. You lose the weight gradually therefore your body has less fat and it needs
less calories to maintain your weight. So to get out of it either you have to eat a bit less or to eat the
same amount of calories and workout more.  It’s your choice. In continuation will be posted tips and
tricks to help you get out of your weight loss plateau.

Diet tips

Recount your caloric needs

As mentioned before if you lost body fat, you will need less calories throughout the day. So basically
search online for a calorie counter, fill the fields with the information needed and it will provide the
answer you want.

Eat more fiber

Fiber is one of the main ingredients that help you feel fuller over a longer period of time. It is a complex
carbohydrate so it takes longer to break down in your metabolic system.

Don’t forget the protein.

It helps keeping your muscles toned and shaped, and also it can help lose body fat while retaining
muscle mass.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

We all know that water should be our #1 best friend. It help us feel full, makes our skin glow and a
million other health and beauty benefits. Apart from water, green tea is also great for weight loss and
revving up your metabolism. Always keep a water bottle in your bag, just in case.

Cut back on salt.

Sometimes the problem isn’t that you’re not losing weight but that you’re retaining water because of too
much salt in your organism. So try eating less salt and step back on the scale.

Fitness tips
Lift heavier weights.

The more muscle you have the more calories you burn aka the bigger your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is.
So by weight training you gain muscle which will tone you up and keep you lowering your body fat.


Or so called High Intensity Interval Training. Short 20 second intervals with 10 second rest in between. It
helps you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Combined with weight training, it is the
perfect combination.

Find a workout buddy.

Somebody who will strive to achieve the same things as you, someone who has the same goals, not just
in health and fitness, but in life. Someone to always keep you motivated.

Make being active an everyday routine, not an obligation.

Because when something becomes a job or a duty it is harder to keep doing it. You become annoyed by
it and keep finding excuses to stop putting effort in it. So do everything with love and commitment.

Don’t lose Zzz’s and have a rest day.

Sleep plays a big part in our everyday health and mood. So try to sleep at least 8 hours at night to keep
yourself well rested and ready for the day. Also don’t over work your body, give yourself at least one day
break from working out because sometimes doing just that is the best way to break a weight loss
plateau. Give your mind and body time to recharge its batteries by a having good night’s sleep followed
by day of resting.

.. And last but not least: The scale is not always right. Muscle weights more than fat so sometimes you
can weight the same but look different due to change of body fat with muscle mass. Try on your favorite
old pair of jeans that you couldn’t fit into before and compare. As they say, you can never make a
mistake with an old pair of jeans.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, good things take time.  Rome wasn’t built in one day.

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