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Bad habits and their impact on a human’s health

Any person either has or had unpleasant habits. Some people try to
get rid of them, others managed to accustom themselves to a full
life without bad habits, while another group of people does not even
think about getting rid of them and start living in a healthy manner.
In this article, we will discuss bad habits and their negative impact
on human’ health.

The category of bad habits includes those habits that both, harm
human health and restrict a person from the full use of his abilities
throughout his life. The most dangerous habits are those, who were
obtained at a relatively immature age and to get rid of which a
person is not capable of. Such habits cause considerable damage
to human existence – loss of potential and motivation, premature
aging of the human body and the acquisition of diseases of various
kinds. Such habits include the consumption of the following killing
substances: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic
substances. However, there also exist less dangerous, yet
unhealthy habits, such as computer or smartphone dependency;
harmful diet, including diets for losing weight and consumption of
fatty products that cause obesity; the habit of not getting enough
sleep – not letting your body to rest at least 8 hours a day;
gambling; undisciplined sex life, which provokes various sexually
transmitted diseases; uncontrolled use of medicines… etc.

Alcohol abuse
Alcohol refers to a group of neuro depressants – substances that
impair the activity of the brain centers. Such substances reduce the
flow of oxygen into the human brain relatively strongly, because of
that the brain can only function with less activity: the person
experiences coordination distortion, speech inconsistency, unclear
thinking, loss of concentration and attention, inability to think
logically and make reasonable decisions.

The main factors that may cause alcoholism include domestic

drunkenness with physical dependence on alcohol; unfavourable
relations and conflicts in the family; traditions which imply alcohol
consumption; unfavourable surroundings; low cultural level; high
prosperity… etc. Also, many people try to express themselves with
the help of alcohol.

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