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It is said that :


Addiction refers to the harmful need to consume substances that have damaging consequence on the
usef. This leads to many behavorial changes in the person
as well as affects brain functions .Drug addiction includes abusing alchoal, cocaine, heroine, painkillers,
and nicotine . Drugs like these help the person feel good about themselves and induce" depamine" or
the happiness homeone .As they continue to use the drug, the brain starts to increase dopamine levels
and the person demands more .

As someone said that :


Drug addiction can have a long _term influence on life.It can develop acute symptoms like trmbling
,fatigue, anxiety, depression , insomnia ,headache, sweating ,chills, change in behaviour , poor
cordination issues , nausea etc

It is rightly said :


There are several reasons why teenagers and youth from all parts of the globe are addicted toward drugs
and other types of substance abuse:

FIRST:Stress is the biggest reason behind drug addiction . Stress can be due to various reasons. Youth
who have moved to different countries in search of job, generally face issues to adapt to the new
environment. They are more susceptible to get caught in the clutchesof drugs. As it is rightly said:

"it's not the drugs that make a drug addict; It's the need to escape reality."

SECONDLY, another important cause behind drug addiction is peer pressure. As we are living in an
extremely competitive age, it becomes very essential to grow in the world. Due to peer pressure, a lot of
teenagers and young people feel the pressure to consume drugs, alcohol and smoke. For young people,
it is difficult to ignore this peer pressure. Otherwise they feel neglected and isolated in the group. To
prevent such happenings, they get into forming a habit of consuming drugs

THIRDLY , another major reason to try drugs is the present mental health of a person. People who are
weaker on emotional levels have the tendency to feel depressed. They search for means that sets them
free and live life as per their choice. In that situation, they begin consuming drugs and slowly it becomes
an addict
FOURTHLY , a lot of drug addicts hold psychological trauma as the cause behind substance abuse.
Around 75% of people who suffer from psychological shock, use drugs to get cured. It is perceived as a
self-medicating strategy to deal with their self-destructive behavior.

Drug addiction is catagorized as a brain ailment that modifies the entire functioning of brain. It is an
irrepressible urge to consume drugs, due to which addicted people indulges in obsessive behavior to
consume drugs. the addict feels it unbearable to stop consumption of drugs, due to which they fail to
perform their daily responsibilities effeciently. As the addict forms a dependency for specific drug
substance, its addicton is also mentioned as "drug dependency"


There are sevsral negative consequences of getting addiction to drugs .Most of them are seen
on physical, mental and psyological levels. The impact of druds on a person are profound and wide. Let
us see each of them in detail .

1.The psylogical influence if drug addiction comprises of craving of drugs. Some of the emotional impact
of drug addiction are depression , mood swings, anxiety, violence reduction in day to day activites ,
confussion , halfucinations and psycologial tolerance towards drugeffects.

2.Drug addiction causes a lot of physical effects on the person .It includes irregular heartbeat heart
attack respiratory issues , lung cancar contraction oh HIV , kidney damage abdominal pain , brain
damage, liver problem seizures , changes in appetite , and stroke.The influence of addiction to drugs
does not remain limited to a specific body organs but eaffects various other organs of the body. Exessive
use of drugs weakens immune system.

3. Drug addiction causes the liver of addict to work a lot harder. It hampers the brain function adversely,
impacts decision making ability, creates mental confusion, reduces memory and causes permanent
damage to brain.

4. Drud abuse causes negative impact on the mental and physical health of an addict, but can even lead
to legal consequences. Individuals need to deal with these consequences throughout their life. Several
firms nowadays require their employees to pass drug test prior to getting hired. Driving under the impact
of drugs can even result in serious lawsuits and heavy penalties too.

The united nations celebrates International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on
the 26th of June.

Unless a person wishes to get rid of this evil, it is very difficult to give it up. Hence, an awareness
campaign can serve this purpose. The media, the NGOs, self-help groups and other governmental and
non-governmental agencies can play influencial role.

Besides, our education curriculum should be so designed that value-based moral education is made a
part of it. Since in very early age, more values need to be inculcated in children, they should be taught to
develop good hobbies to spend time happily and meaningfully in good company. They need to be taught
to develop a useful and constructive work-oriented daily routine in which they do manage some time for
social activities. They should be made aware of the vices of addiction. You can take help from drug
rehabilitation centers that offer help in combating addiction of drugs in a completely supportive

"Drug addiction cannot be cured if the fear of not consuming drugs is greater than
the will power to quit."

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