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Introduction to Mass

Definition of Concentration

i) Number of molecules of each species present per unit volume

ii) Molar concentration of species i = Number of moles of i per unit
volume (kmol/m3)
iii) Mass concentration = Mass of i per unit volume (kg/m3)
Molecular diffusion

The diffusion of molecules when the whole

bulk fluid is not moving but stationary.
Diffusion of molecules is due to a
concentration gradient.
The general Fick’s Law Equation for binary mixture of A and B

J AZ  cDAB
c = total concentration of A and B [kgmol (A + B)/m3]
xA= mole fraction of A in the mixture of A and B
Convection Mass Transfer
 When a fluid flowing outside a solid surface in forced convection motion, rate
of convective mass transfer is given by:

N A  k c (c L1  c Li )
kc - mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
cL1 - bulk fluid conc.
cLi - conc of fluid near the solid surface

 Kc depend on:
1. system geometry
2. Fluid properties
3. Flow velocity
Principles of Mass
Molecular Diffusion in Gases

 Equation (6.1-13) can be used, where P = 1.0132 x

105 Pa, z2-z1 = 0.10 m, and T = 298 K. Substituting
into Eq. (6.1-13) for part (a),

 Rewriting Eq. (6.1-13) for component B for part (b)

and noting that pB1 = P – pA1 = 1.01325 x 105 – 1.013 x
104 = 9.119 x 104 Pa and pB2 = P – pA2 = 1.01325 x 105
– 0.507 x 104 = 9.625 x 104 Pa.

 The negative for J*B means the flux goes from point 2
to point 1.
For equimolar counterdiffussion, NA=-NB ,
then NA=J*A=-NB=-J*B
Example 6.2-4

A sphere of naphthalene having a radius of

mm is suspended in a large volume of still
air at
318 K and 1.101325 x 105 Pa (1 atm). The
surface temperature of the naphthalene can
assumed to be at 318 K is 6.92 x 10-6 m2/s.
Calculate the rate of evaporation of
naphthalene from the surface.

 The flow diagram is similar to Fig. 6.2-3a. DAB =

6.92 x 10-6 m2/s, pA1 = (0.555/760)(1.01325 x 105)
= 74.0 Pa, pA2 = 0, r1 = 2/1000 m, R = 8314
m3.Pa/kg mol.K, pB1 = P-pA1 = 1.01325 x 105 – 74.0
= 1.01251 x 105 Pa, pB2 = 1.01325 x 105 – 0. since
the values of pB1 and pB2 are close to each other,

 Substituting into Eq. (6.2-32),

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