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Emotion: Positive and Negative

Extraverson and Neuroticism

# Motivation Set Goals
# Emotion track progress towards goals
- There is some overlap, because there is no single motivation system and no
single emotion system

*Learning theory = Behaviourism (1950's)

Some presuposition usefull but not quite right

Working Theory = "Motivation set goals" : they define conceptual space within which
you precieve the world and within which you act to the end point/goal
End point specified by motivational system (hyphothelamic system often but not
always) and also tune your preception so you only looking to things that you know
to be relevant in your pursuit of the goals and
they also either inhibit or disinhibit behaviour scheme / motor scheme (autonomic
response) that you normally use to pursuit the goal. Example : when your food
deprive and you start to thingking about food and start to organize your behaviour
througout food as an end your body also prepared for food so the motivational state
is all encompassed phsycho - phisiology phenomena. is not something as simple as
chain of behaviour ( behaviourism theory).
Its usefull to think it as micropersonality

Emotion Track Progress Towards goal wheather your on the right track or not.

Basic Motivation (Freud : It / Primordial)

*Pain : mental equivallent to the physicall is Grieve , Dissappointment,
Frustration, loneliness, Depress
*Anger/Agression (Defensif related to Neuroticism. Predatory)
*Panic / Escape (Asscociated with pain)
*Sexual Desire

*Exploration: half of the hyphotelamus devoted toward exploration, it meand that

its really old crcuit.
So if every basic mootivation area satiated then tou tend to do exploration depends
if you extrovert you tend to explore by going to new place and seeing new people
and if you high in opennes you tend to engage in activity tha are more cognitive
level( Philosophy, artistic, fiction dll). the reason is because if you have extra
energy you might use that to map out the environment so when push come to shove
youll be in position on more knowledgeable and more flexible.
People have tendency to default Exploration

Other way of seeing Motivation

*Self Maintenance
- Ingestive
- Defensive
*Self Propagation
- Reproductive

We share the basic motivation with mammal too.

Its Layered things.
Brain anatomy not well known untill now only part of it else is terra incognita
Mechanism : let say you have your frame which specify your lack say your hungry
and then a goal pop ups which i must have something to eat and hyphotelamus start
to modulating preceptual and cognitive circuit so your think tah so your start to
parse up the world in to aplace where hungry people like you can get satisfied.
our counscious mostly there to detect / monitor the deviation from desire. if
something you dont want to happen happens, it move upa and down the hierarchy of
goal ( from motor output to the highest goal). that process kick in when you moving
toward the goal and something you dont want happen. if nothing bad / too bad happen
then you start to explore ( animal do it by moving aroun but people by thingking /
running simulation in their mind)
Swanson divide the hypothelamus
motor output system enabling us to move and it communicating with our spine and
lower part of brain stem

the ability of abstraction make people think complex thing to a binary things.

BAsic Emotion
*Approach: ( Positive
- Curiosity
- Joy
- Hope
- Interest
* Defense & avoidance (flight & behavioral inhibition) ( Negative
- Pain
- Anxiety
- Fear : Things that signal primary pain stimulus ( Child scare toa needle)
- Disgust more for Consciencous

Positive emotion fall into 2 class

1. you fell when your run a motivational frame to its limits. you hungry you eat
and you no more hungry ( Consumatory reward / uncondition positive response)
assicociated with serotonin.
2. you feel when you might get the cosummatory reward ( Incentive reward) /
dopaminergic or not get ( Fear). it can be learned or innate ( Snake, Fire, loud

There are things that satiating ( Consummatory),there are things that cause you
pain, there are thing that signal each of those, and there a class of things that
you dont understand (Paradoxicall) / Novelty. Phenomology call it meaning

Positive Emotion Moving You Forward, and Negative emotion protecting you
if negative thing happen you stop and you reconfigure the behaviour / framework
that you using in other to get orund the obstacle to continue to the goal or its a
bad enough then you stop or you solve the problem by turn to the other problem
So you altered your behaviour so your motivational frame work will come to a
completion. ( Example your hungry go to the kitchen no food then you go to sleep).

The neuroticism and the extroversion, the vary in with the degree to wich the
negative emotion system is strong or the positive emotion system is strong an their
2 different system you can think of them as unit of positive emotion per unit of
promise or unit of negative emotion per unit of threat.
example thereis a rumour that you gonna lose your job how much should you worry
about that it depends on your wiring if you high in negative emotion you gonna
freak out about it if youemotionally stable then you ok
* Uncondition punishments
- Pinishes motivational state or subset of state
- Pain, Frustration Disaapointment, grief
* Conditioned Punishments
- Threats ( produces fear)
- Can be learned - also innate
- Dampened by serotonin or GABA
- Negative aspect of novelty

if you get punsihment in your frame work you less like to run that framework again
in a future,


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