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Tolentino, Villy Jay S.

September 1, 2020



Research: What are the different data types? Describe each briefly

1. Character- this is a data type that is used to store individual characters or ASCII values.
2. Integer- following a certain limit, this is used to store any whole numbers
3. Float- this is like integer, however, this has support for decimals, or one can say, for whole
4. Boolean- a data type that has only two values, true or false, 1 or 0, or depending on the
representation in the compiler.
5. String- this data type is used for combining any characters, and compiling it into one object
6. Array- this data type is used for compiling non-identical elements, with the same data type
7. Class- this is basically an “adjective” for an object. It contains the variables and methods that
can portray the behavior of an object.
8. Interface- like a class, an interface can contain methods and variables, however it is only
declared with a method signature, and without a body
9. Date- stores date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
10. Time- stores time in the format HH:MI:SS
11. Datetime- stores date and time information in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
12. Timestamp- Stores number of seconds passed since the Unix epoch (‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’
13. Year- stores year in 2 digit or 4 digit format.
14. Varchar- variable length storage with maximum length of 8,000 characters
15. Varchar(max)- variable length storage with provided max characters, not supported in
16. Text- Variable length storage with maximum size of 2GB data
17. NCHAR- Fixed length with maximum length of 4,000 characters
18. NVARCHAR- variable length storage with maximum length of 4,000 characters
19. NVARCHAR (max) – variable length storage with provided max characters
20. NTEXT- variable length storage with maximum size of 1GB data
21. Binary- Fixed length with maximum length of 8,000 bytes
22. Varbinary- variable length storage with maximum length of 8,000 bytes
23. Varbinary (max) – variable length storage with provided max bytes
24. Image- variable length storage with maximum size of 2GB binary data
25. CLOB- Character large objects that can hold up to 2GB
26. BLOB- for binary large objects
27. XML- For storing xml data
28. JSON- for storing JSON data

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