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Mathematical models in system theory

A mathematical model is the representation of some process or problem in

mathematical form in which equations are used to simulate the behaviour of the process
or system represented. Usually it enables a range of alternative actions to be simulated in
order to ascertain the optimum conditions under which the system would be operated to
achieve, or most nearly achieve, its objectives. More strictly, the word model is used to
mean a model expressed in terms which can be analysed, usually by mathematical
methods, or if not analysed directly, can be studied by simulation techniques.
The aim of building a model is to include in it only those features of the situation
which are important to it. The model builder must consider, at the formulation stage,
what features he has to include. It is easier to investigate the model than the situation it
represents (which may not even exist) although generally speaking, the more features
included, the more difficult the subsequent analysis. The amount of detail included
should give both meaningful result and ease of analysis.
Once the mathematical model is set up, it is desirable to know what the logical
consequences of this model are. In many instances, the nature of these consequences may
be guessed by the practicing engineer, who has insight born of experience. In setting up
the mathematical model the engineer uses a combination of physical intuition and logical
reasoning peculiarly suited to the task. This mixture of logic and physical feel is a
necessity, if a model is to be produced. Mathematical models cannot be proved; they
must be assumed in so far as the purely mathematical phase of the investigation is
The simplest models will yield results directly, the more complicated will need
complex techniques to handle them. In the simple case the analyst may find he has only
to solve a series of simultaneous equations, or optimize some variables, perhaps by linear
programming techniques. In the more complex he may have to resort to sampling theory,
using perhaps Monte Carlo Methods, or operational gaming. The engineer may often find
that the analogue computers can be of help.
A digital computer is often essential in analyzing a model. Simulation studies are
made much more easily, allowing larger simples to be taken. How ever the use of a
computer for simulation studies is not an easy task, although the introduction of new
languages is making this easier.
The construction of a mathematical model of a situation is nearly always
worthwhile, since it can only add to the understanding of that situation. It must be
remembered, however, that a model is literally only a model, and the more detailed the
model become, the more difficult will become subsequent analysis.
World list
to set- set-ste up= a monta, a construe, a infiinta
to guess-ed-ed=a ghici
to ascertain-ed-ed=a stabili, a se convinge de
insight= perspicace, patrundere
suited to=potrivit
in so far as=in masura in care, intr-atat cat
to resort—ed-ed= a recurfe
operational gaming= jocuri operationale
to be worthwhile= a merita(sa fie facut)

Notes to the text

1. -of help -helpful

to be- -of interest = to be- interesting
-of use -useful

2. to concern= be of importance, have relation to, affect

to concern oneself with= be busy with, interest oneself in
concern(noun)= something in which one is interested of which is important to one

The second law concerns only bodies at rest.
This is the best solution, as far as we are concerned.
At present they are concerned with the application of these theoretical results.
The removal of these affects is a matter of great concern to all of us.
No observations were made concerning the second problem.

1. It enable allows sample to be taken.
They exact the results to have been printed

2.The more features are included the more difficult the analysis
Ex. 1. Comprehension check up.

1. What is a mathematical model?

2. What is its objective?
3. What is the next step after the model is set up?
4. What does the engineer rely on in building a model?
5. What does the engineer resort to in the case of more complex models?

Ex.2. Join the two sentences into one according to the model:
Many features are added. The analysis is difficult.
The more features are added, the more difficult the analysis

The model is comprehensive. It represents the system well.

The simulation is accurate. It is easy to find a solution.
The level of the programming language is high. The programmer’s task is easy.
You find few mistakes. You will soon finish.
The results contain many details. They are meaningful.
Little attention is paid to safety measures. The risk of having an accident is great.
The values are small. The approximation is close.
We study this problem carefully. We understand it well.
Ex.3. Translate the fallowing sentences into English, minding pattern1.

Ei se asteapta ca documentatia sa fi fost trimisa inainte de sfarsitul lunii. Aceasta

tehnica face posibila ca amblele transistoare sa fie cuplate intr-o bucla. Semnalul de
reactie va face ca tranzistorul sa fie deconectat.Aceasta va permite curentului sa fie
transformat din alternative in continuu. Utilisarea modelelor matematice va permite ca
multe probleme complexes a fie rezolvate. Caracterul atat de abstract al matematicii ii da
posibilitatea sa-si gaseasca aplicare in aproape toate domeniile stiintei.Ei doresc ca toate
rezultatele sa fie prezentate in forma lor finala.

Ex.4.Fill in the blanks with definite or indefinite articles:

-model is- representation of –system, device or process in- mathematical form. Many
computer system can be regarded as comprising-formulation and studying of- models of
real life situations. Loosely,-model may be many things, from-profit and loss account
representing-business situation to-weather chart representing-meteorological situation.-
ability of-computer to handle large samples does not replace-necessity for-model builder
to provide-model, which corresponds closery to-real situation.
Ex.5. Topic for class conversation: How can you explain the fact that mathematics has
come to pervade almost every branch of science nowadays?
Ex.6. Translate the following sentences into Romanian minding the Rendering of which:

The model which is presented here does not suit our case.
He forgot some important data, which is unusual for him.
Here are the examples which you have asked for.
He went into too many details, which was quite boring.
I don’t know the circumstances under which this happened.
We must find this error, which isn’t such an easy task.
Here are a few cases to which this theory applies.
The two values which carried out the calculation is of a fairly old type.
We still have to investigate the second case, which means six month’s more work.


A computer is a tool. A tool operates by taking raw-material and converting it

into a product by means of a device which performs a process. The process is determined
by people. To take an analogy from everyday life: a blunt pencil knife performing the
process of sharpening, as determined by a school boy. The device – the penknife-can of
course be turned to several other uses, but its scope is basically limited to one type of
process and one type of material. In all essentials, computers are tools, and in describing
them we can consider each of the functions of any tool: the raw material, the product, the
device, the process and the people.
The raw material are facts(data). A fact is a thing or event know to exist or
have happened: something which can be described in precise measurable terms. A fact
may be an amount of £13 as written of a check; a line on an architect’s plan, a
measurement in a scientific experiment, an address, an item on an invoice, a forecast in a
plan. An individual fact on its own, does nothing more than provide the single piece of
information it represents.
The product that a computer generates from this raw material is information.
By the relation of facts of the same type or different types, something useful is obtained.
In isolation the single line on the architect’s drawing is meaningless; related to all the
other lines on the drawing it plays a part as representing an outside wall, or a room
divider or a drain. A single experimental measurement may be insignificant: related to
hundreds of other measurements, the fact may become crucial in the proof of a scientific
theory. The process carried out by the computer is the converting of isolated facts into
information by relating them to each other.
How does the computer compare with other information- processing tools?
Three main distinguishing features of a computer are speed, capacity and versatility. An
example of speed: an average person might take about a minute to add up ten 7-digit
numbers. In the same time, some computers could have added up 1 000 million or more
number, Further, the average man would feel some unease about the accuracy of his
addition of 1.000 million number: the computer sum would be correct. Here is an
example of storage capacity: the contents of a hundred columns of a London telephone
directory would be accommodated in one typical storage unit: in one second,15.000
entries could be looked up. Coming now to the problem of versatility it is enough to give
a few examples: the same computer could be used to draw perspective drawings form
outline sketches; to calculate satellite orbits or to calculate population statistics.
The computer achieves such prodigious feats not because of any
superhuman powers of intelligence, but because it is able to carry out a few extremely
simple operations accurately and very fast. The computer has a repertoire of basic
operations which it can carry on data. These operations can be loosely grouped into
control operations, which enable the computer to operate various devices which feed data
into it for processing, and which accept results after processing: arithmetic operations
enabling the computer to add and subtract, and thus multiply and divide as well; and
logical operations which enable the computer to select different sets of instructions as a
result of tests made on items of data.
Word list

Raw material ,s =materie prima, neprelucrata

Blunt =neascutit,tocit.
Sharp=ascutit, net
Penknife,ves= briceag
Scope = orizont,sfera,gama
Item,s = articol, bucata
invoice,s =factura
Forecast, s =prognoza, prevedere
Drain, s =canal
Versatility= universalitate
Unease= neliniste
Telephone directory, ies= carte de telefon
To accommodate-ed-ed= a adaposti, cuprinde, a avea loc pentru
Entry, ies= adresa,artiocl de dictionary
To look-ed-ed up=a cauta(un cuvant in dictionary , un numar de telefon)
Outline sketch,es+ schita sumara
Repertoire, s=repertoriu
Instruction, s instructiune, comanda
Feat, s=fapta, spreava

Notes to the text

1. Synonyms


2. to carry-ed-ed= support the weight of and move from one place to another.
Ex. They carried all the instruments into the other room.

To carry on = continue with something, be engaged in

Ex.From the last six months he has carried on research on a very interesting problem.
To carry out= put into practice , complete something to the end.
Ex. The computer carried out the operations fast and accurately.


exact the computer to perform accurately

to have performed

They made resume

heard him tell the story
let repeat

Ex.1. Comprehension check up.

1. What is a computer?
2. What is the raw material used by computers?
3. What is the product a computer generates?
4. Which are the distinguishing features of a computer?
5. How can a computer achieve such feats?
6. Which are the main classes of operations a computer carries out?

Ex.2. Combine the following groups of two sentences into one according to the

Model: The computer helped the designer. He solved the problem.

The computer helped the designer to solve the problem

a. They asked the engineer.

He processed the data on a computer.

b. They expected the lecturer.

He spoke about the new generation of computers.

c. They noticed the light.

It turned green.

d. We knew the experiment.

It was difficult.

e. We invited a group of specialists.

They visited our plant.
f. We watch the operator.
He keyed in the data..

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