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Connor, Erin & Cameron

My gaming brood


(text based on the Black Hack v1.2 - 2016-04-03 by David Black)

A Fantasy Game of Heroics

An ‘OSR’ First Edition Hack of a Hack v1.3

Developed by: Graham Spearing

Cover Art by: Jack Holliday

Cover Design by: Stephanie McAlea

Adventure Map: Dyson Logos

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Based on The Black Hack by David Black, with elements borrowed from ‘original’ era
rpg gaming, modern d20 theory and ideas from The Black Hack community.


David Black, Ed Ortiz, Bruno Bord, John Clayton, Two Steps from Hell, Newt
Newport, Stephanie McAlea, Dom Mooney, Andrew Watson

Visit Wordplay Games at

Heroic Fantasy...............................................................................................6
Creating a Character.....................................................................................7
1. Rolling Stats................................................................................................................8
Assigning Numbers to Stats..........................................................................................9
2. Choose a Race............................................................................................................9
3. Choose Alignment....................................................................................................14
4. Choose Class.............................................................................................................14
Damage Die Steps.........................................................................................................16
5. Create Aspects.........................................................................................................29
6. Bonds.........................................................................................................................30
7. Buy Equipment.........................................................................................................30
8. Name.........................................................................................................................30
The Rules of the Game................................................................................31
The Basic Rule...............................................................................................................31
Advantage & Disadvantage.........................................................................................31
Saving Throws..............................................................................................................32
Criticals, Specials, Failure & Fate................................................................................33
Usage Die.......................................................................................................................34
Armour Points..............................................................................................................34
Armour Proficiency......................................................................................................36
Equipment List.............................................................................................................36
Combat and Action......................................................................................................39
Time & Turns..............................................................................................................39
Player’s Turn................................................................................................................39
Movement & Distance................................................................................................40

Monster Hit Dice..........................................................................................................41
Attacking, Defending & Damage................................................................................41
Two Handed Weapons................................................................................................43
Critical Damage.............................................................................................................43
Death & Dying.............................................................................................................43
Powerful Opponents....................................................................................................44
Player vs Player.............................................................................................................45
Gaining Levels..............................................................................................................46
Class Weapons..............................................................................................................46
Random Encounters.....................................................................................................46
Creature Reactions.......................................................................................................46
Banishing Undead.........................................................................................................47
Magic Items..................................................................................................................48
Creating Magic Items..................................................................................................49
Detecting and Understand Magic Items.....................................................................49
Bard & Cleric Spells Per Day.......................................................................................51
Wizard & Necromancer Spells Per Day.....................................................................52
Bard Spells.....................................................................................................................53
Cleric Divine Spells.......................................................................................................55
Arcane Spells................................................................................................................57
Necromancer Spells......................................................................................................59
The Monster Table......................................................................................................62
Being a Player................................................................................................................71
Being a Gamesmaster....................................................................................................72
Example of Play............................................................................................................72
The Sorcerer’s Lair......................................................................................76

Heroic Fantasy
This book is a short and simple to play roleplaying game (RPG). RPGs were made
popular by games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Traveller in the late 1970s and
remain popular today. In this game one player will be the ‘Gamesmaster’ (GM) who
will facilitate the game session, create the setting and the starting adventure that will
be played. The other players will be the ‘Players’, each creating one character, who
they will become, speak as, and control in the game adventure. These characters will
interact with each other in a freeform way around the table, and also with the other
characters in the setting created by the GM.

Heroic Fantasy provides you with rules for creating your characters and resolving
heroic action in fantastical medieval worlds with magic and monsters. Based on ‘The
Black Hack’, which itself was designed to recreate a pared down version of the
original fantasy roleplaying style of game.

Although the GM will create a setting and adventures for the characters to
participate in, the process will be iterative as the players will have characters that also
inform the setting and will add content and ideas to the game world. Player character
history and motivation contribute to the direction of new adventures.

Think of the GM as a combination of writer, director and producer of a TV series.

They write the scripts (adventure outlines), prepare the filming locations (setting and
scenes) and provide special effects (maps, props, and music). The players are the
principal actors, the main protagonists in the shared story. The main difference is that
‘the script’ isn’t set in stone with pre-determined lines. The game plays out as an
improvised conversation between all the participants. The creative spark in the
discourse will take the story in unexpected directions, new scenery to chew, new
protagonists and new plotlines to explore.

So, we have a shared setting, some characters with abilities and motivations and an
adventure or two that they will go on together. The only limit to an RPG is the
imagination; the round the table discussion is open to any direction the group decide
to take. One game session could involve a whole adventure or part of one. Your game
could begin and finish in one sitting or develop into a series of sessions as one or more
adventures are played out. Characters may develop, triumph or die, just as though
you are creating your own dramatic series. Might you need to commission a ‘Season 2’
to continue your character stories even after the denouement in Season 1?

These rules help define what happens when action is taken with uncertain outcomes.
A brief example of play is found at the back of the book (p 72), illustrating group
discourse and how the rules work, but don’t let that limit the chaos of your own

When an outcome in the game is uncertain, and the characters that you play are
tested by dangers, dice are used to help determine success or failure. Dice are also used
to create numbers that measure the relative strength and weaknesses of the characters

Heroic Fantasy uses a full range of different shaped

dice, from four sided through classic six sided, eight,
ten, twelve and the pivotal twenty sided. How the
dice are used is explained below. A die is abbreviated
so that a four sided die is noted as a ‘d4’, a standard six
sided die is a ‘d6’ and so on. When multiple dice need
to be rolled together this is notified like this - ‘3d6’, or
roll three six sided dice together and total the result.
Sometimes you will roll multiple dice and add a
number - ‘3d6+2’ - which means roll three six sided
dice together and add two to the result.

Creating a Character
All players will create a character to play and the GM will have a menagerie of their
own ‘Non Player Characters’ (NPCs) to populate the setting. Each character is made
up of a range of numbers and descriptions. Together they give a vivid picture of the
character, helping the player to become this character during play.

A Heroic Fantasy character is made up of the following:

➢ Six numeric Stats that tell you how effective the character will be in
overcoming obstacles in the game. The higher the number of the stat the
more effective the character is in that area. A character is likely to have a
mix of high and low stats to start with.

➢ A fantasy Race that tells you something of the character’s background,
outlook, special abilities and advantages.
➢ An Alignment that tells you about the character’s moral code and how they
approach decisions.
➢ A Class that tells you about the character’s abilities, what they are
especially good at, and how they approach action and combat.
➢ A number of Aspects that tell you something about the character’s personal
history, experiences, special abilities or knowledge. These help to personalise
and fine tune the character’s abilities.
➢ Bonds are created between player characters to tie their stories together
from the beginning
➢ If the character follows a god then they are identified along with their
realms of power.
➢ A range of Equipment that give the character’s the tools they need to

With practice it should take about 15 minutes to create a character. If you know the
options, and are clear about what you want, it should take no more than 10 minutes.

All the information on the character are stored on a ‘character sheet’ for reference
during the game. A blank character sheet is available on the Wordplay Games
website. Print out one for each player.

1. Rolling Stats
Characters are measured using six Stats; these are:

Strength - a measure of physical power

Dexterity - a measure of quickness and fine manipulation
Constitution - a measure of toughness and health
Intelligence - a measure of mental power and knowledge
Wisdom - a measure of insight and perception
Charisma - a measure of attraction and social power

Stats can be generated by rolling 3d6, adding them together and applying the result for
each in the following order: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON),
Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA). No stat starts at more than 15.

If a stat of 16+ is rolled then make the result 15. If you roll a 6 or below, then that stat
is 7.

Once all stats are generated 1 pair of stats may be swapped around.

Assigning Numbers to Stats

Alternatively, Stats can be generated by assigning numbers. This provides great
control but lacks the random fun of using dice. Start with a pool of 63 points. Assign
points to each of the six stats. No Stat may start higher than 15 or lower than 7.

Each Class makes particular use of a number of the stats, so if you wish to carefully
construct your character, you may wish to check the classes to see how they are used.

2. Choose a Race
Each character belongs to one of four races, each providing a unique background and a
range of abilities and advantages with certain tests. A description of each is below.
Including us humans, three of the most iconic fantasy races have been provided,
though it is easy to make up your own or decide that only one race will feature in
your setting.

Each race has a number of special abilities. You gain all of these straight away as a
starting character. Some of these abilities will make sense once you have read the game
rules to follow. For now you can note them down on your character sheet.

You may either select a race or, if you are ‘on a roll’, pick up a d10 and consult the
table below.

Roll d10 Race

1-2 Dwarf

3-4 Elf

5 Halfling

6-10 Human

In the ancient times, before the histories of men, the dwarves emerged from beneath
their mountains, hewn into life by one of the primal gods of the earth. They were
created strong and resilient to the dangers of the world. They are crafters, whose
magic is found in the skill of their hands in creating treasures made from the riches of
the earth: gold, silver, iron, minerals and jewels. As they make, so they hoard, prizing
treasures and creating great collections of riches in their mountain halls deep

Stout of build with resplendent beards and whiskers, dwarves encase themselves in
armour and favour axes and hammers as weapons, proficient with these regardless of
chosen class. As long lasting as the rock of the earth, they live up to four times as long
as the fleet living humans, gradually encrusting into statues of varied rocks as they
reach their end time.

There is an ancient enmity between the dwarves and the elves, simmering through
the ages due to betrayals recorded in the songs and ledgers of their histories. The
dwarves still find respect in the craft of the elves and the beauty of their construction,
even if they can’t be trusted.

Special Abilities
Dwarves are incredibly Resilient. Once per day a dwarf gains a 1d6 Usage Die of
natural armour. This can be used at will and reduces damage by the total rolled. On a
1-2 it reduces that much damage and depletes to a d4. The natural armour die is fully
restored at the beginning of each day.

Dwarves roll at an Advantage to resist the effects of Poison (CON).

Dwarf spellcasters roll at a Disadvantage when trying to keep their spell slots.

Increase damage die by one step when damaging Goblins and Orcs.

Dwarves are able to see clearly in darkness out to Nearby.

Elves are the first born, and came to the world from out of the great ancient forests
that thrived in the youth of time. The elves were gifted with lasting spirits, grace,
beauty and a strong affinity to the art of magic. This final gift proved also to be a
curse as some of their kin were seduced by the power of magic and used it for fell
purposes that divided their peoples into competing dynasties that squandered the
beauty they had created in the world. These ancient dynasties remain a force that
influence the diminishing power of the elves.

Elves are tall and fair with sharply defined features and deepset eyes of many exotic
hues. They move with a languid, effortless, grace.

The elves of this age are extremely long lived, so much so that they are regarded as
immortal by the other races. In fact they fade from the material plane after many
centuries, becoming indistinct and spirit like. At the end, and with a final sigh of
longing, the world can no longer hold onto them and they dissipate, so it is said, into
another realm, where they ready to re-enter the cycle of life and take a new physical

Special Abilities
As First Born in the world and Reborn in the great cycle of life, the elves have a deep
knowledge of the histories, places and peoples of the world. Once per day the elf’s
player can ask the GM for one piece of knowledge or invent one fact about the setting
that is true.

Elves are incredibly vigilant. They roll at an Advantage for Listen, Search and other
awareness tests (WIS).

Elves are incomparable archers. They roll at an Advantage when using bows (DEX).

Every arrow is sacred, so an Elf rolls at an Advantage for the arrow usage die.

Elf spellcasters roll at an Advantage when trying to keep their spell slots (INT).

Their longevity and dominant history gives elves a Disadvantage for social tests with
other races.

Elves have low light vision and are able to see twice as far as a human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the
ability to distinguish colour and detail under these conditions out to Far Away.

Hidden away in forgotten pastoral idyls, in comfortable and cosy dwellings, live the
secretive halflings. They shy away from conflict, other than the petty jealousies of
rival families. For most halflings an adventure amounts to no more than a trip to a
neighbouring village or, if courage can be mustered, passing through the old woods on
the boundaries of their lands. Just over half the size of humans, halflings can hide
away from prying eyes and,unobtrusively, get on with their lives.

There is a simple wisdom to their lifestyle, which values comfortable living, careful
and sympathetic balance with the lands they inhabit and a desire for as little
disruptive change as possible. They excel at farming, brewing and create sumptuous
and inventive gardens for fetes and quiet contemplation.

Several halfling families are burdened by producing adventurous souls who combine
the more typical uncomplicated practicality with a desire for new lands and dangers.
Other halflings who live shoulder to hip with ‘twicelings’ (humans) have kept their
love of simple pleasures with a keen understanding on how to survive in more brutal
lands .

Special Abilities
If a halfling manages to have two breakfasts before elevenses then they are
indomitably cheered and will automatically succeed at one test whilst digesting
throughout the day.

Conversely, a halfling suffers acutely when they have not eaten well for a few days.
Once a few days has passed without decent food, the halfling gains a ‘miserable’ 1d8
Usage Die. At the moment the halfling is about to act and roll dice in a new scene,
the Usage Die is checked. On a 1-2 result the halfling will be at a Disadvantage for
that whole scene. The Usage Die is reset to a 1d8 after a comforting night's sleep. A
halfling stops being miserable after a good tasty feast.

Halflings have perfected the art of not being seen. All hiding tests (DEX) are rolled
at an Advantage.

Halflings have a natural affinity with the earth, plants and healing. All agricultural
based tests and healing tests are rolled at an Advantage.

Halflings have low-light vision. They retain the ability to distinguish colour and
detail under these conditions out to Nearby.

Endlessly inventive and adaptable, fiery and vital, clinging to their short lives with
determination and guile, the humans now dominate the realms. Humans multiply
quickly and live short and often brutal lives, glorying in wars against each other,
whilst also suffering from the ravages of disease. Despite this humans have prospered
and dominated, creating many great nations and now set the direction of the future.

From great empire metropolis to wilderland fastness, humans have explored widely,
uncovering ancient lore and magic. Seduced by riches and power, they flirt with
disaster whilst conquering secrets that propel them forward.

Humans are the default race in Heroic Fantasy and, depending on the setting of your
game, the most populous in the realms.

Special Abilities
Somehow humans have dominated the lands. This may be partly down to their
inherent viciousness and quick witted Guile. Gain a d4 Guile Usage Die. If you
choose to use your Guile then roll at an Advantage for the next Test and then roll the
Usage Die. Your Guile runs out on a 1 or 2. The Guile Die is restored after sleeping 8

Humans are the most adaptable of people in the realms of Heroic Fantasy. Humans
can pick any one additional Aspect.

Humans can pick one weapon to use that is outside their class proficiency group.

Humans have a knack of getting up when you thought they were defeated. Roll at an
Advantage on the OofA table.

3. Choose Alignment
There are 3 choices. Good, Neutral or Evil - your race, class or aspects may suggest
which of the three to choose.

Alignment is a measure of moral character and provides one sort of hook to inform
how to play the character. Characters will experience many turbulent and difficult
events during the game. These events may question the chosen alignment and require
a character to consider changing to a different one. A moral dilemma. Enjoy the
moments of change as these significant events could plunge your shared story into new

Depending on chosen alignment, a GM may declare that certain actions have to be

taken at a Disadvantage due to the pull against the alignment instincts of the
character. Moments of altruism may be difficult for an evil character. This may be the
moment of transition for a character. Switching of alignment can only happen once
between every odd character level.

Good characters will tend to think of others and, to one degree or another, provide
help to those around them whilst getting suckered into doomed crusades against
hordes of festering evil. Trustworthy and well meaning, they try to build companies
and societies that benefit the majority of people.

Neutral characters will be more focussed on themselves and their immediate kin, clan
or company. Although self seeking, they will support strong regimes that maintain
order, be it natural or tyrannical if it keeps everything together with necessary checks
and balances.

Evil characters will largely be focussed on themselves to the detriment of anybody

else. Societal conventions only have value if they can be made to fully serve the
character. Inflicting pain and misery on others is easily accepted and societies that
create control to the detriment of other people or races through conquest and
slaughter are supported.

A character’s alignment may make them more susceptible to certain magical effects.

4. Choose Class
Your character will have one ‘class’, an archetype that will shape abilities and role in
the game. There are 9 choices: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger,
Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard - your class determines how much damage you do in

combat, your resilience in combat measured by Hit Points, and unique abilities and
advantages with certain tests. It’s a key decision that defines the role of your
character. Each class comes with a short description to give an idea of the roles you
will tend to perform in play. The GM may permit use of the Necromancer, one that
treads the cold paths between the living and the dead, as a player character Class.

Characters’ experience and power is measured in levels. It is assumed that characters

will start at first level and work up to tenth level. If your game suggests otherwise,
then characters can start at any level. Simply apply the level advancement checks as
many times as required.

If you can’t help yourself, then roll randomly for your class on the table below.

Roll d20 CLASS

1-2 Barbarian

3 Bard

4-5 Cleric

6 Necromancer

7 Paladin

8-9 Ranger

10-12 Rogue

13-17 Warrior

18-20 Wizard

Some combinations of race and class are less likely, but can inspire your setting. Elf
Barbarians could be a feral dynasty of elves that were isolated and fell back to more
primitive skills and primal urges. A Halfling Necromancer could be a one off, or tell
you something about a hidden tradition, keeping family lines ‘alive’ in the apparently
simple villages.

The example classes can serve as a template for you to create your own.

Characters start with a number of Hit Points. These points represent your fitness,
health and capability to keep going in adversity. If your Hit Points are reduced to zero
or below then you are ‘Out of the Action’ and facing death. Each Class starts the
character on a different range of hit points. Warriors tend to have more, reflecting
their knowledge in combat and helping to preserve them for longer. Either roll the die
associated with the Class or, if the GM permits it, start everyone at 1st level on the
maximum possible for that class - so a Barbarian would start with d10 + 4 = 14 hit

The types of weapons and armour that the character can easily use are described and
the amount of damage the character can inflict in a successful attack is also stated.

Damage Die Steps

Race, Class and Combat options sometimes allow an increase to the damage die by
one step through various circumstances. The damage die can increase more than one
step if multiple circumstances apply. When you increase the damage die use the
progression below.

• 1 (1)
• d4 (2)
• d6 (3)
• 1d8 (4)
• d10 (5)
• d12 (6)
• d6 + d8 (7)
• 2d8 (8)
• d8 + d10 (9)
• 2d10 (10)

In the outer wilderlands, on the edge of empire, come the barbarians. Keeping to the
old ways and holding back the rapacious armies of their innumerable foes, the
barbarian is the primal warrior, drawing on instinct and controlled rage, they fight
their battles with fist, axe and guile.

Barbarians fearlessly face foes with their weapons and pick their moment to go into a
fearsome battle focus that draws you into killing at all costs. You may wonder at the
more civilised realms and lose yourself in the decadent
pleasures they may provide.

Suggested Races : Dwarf, Human

Starting HP : d10 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10

Weapons & Armour : Any and All

Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
As part of their action a Barbarian can make up to 1 attack
per odd level with a melee weapon.

Once per battle a Barbarian can see the red mist and go berserk. Whilst in this killing
frenzy all rolls to attack and any tests to move towards an enemy are at an advantage
and all other die rolls, including to defend, are at a disadvantage. The attack damage
die is increased one step whilst berserk. A successful WIS test is required to withdraw
from the frenzy. This can be attempted every Moment. Whilst in the frenzy the
barbarian will move with all haste to find more enemies to kill.

Barbarians roll at an advantage for wilderness lore, survival and tracking.

Once per hour, whilst in combat (but not whilst berserk), a Barbarian can regain d8
lost HP. At 4th Level regain 2d8 and at 8th Level regain 3d8 HP. This is a free

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and CON.

Bards come in a number of flavours, yet they are all tellers of stories, poets, and singers
of songs of old. Their voices carry ancient power and magic, giving the Bard access to
spells that they can weave in song and bold recitation.

As a Bard you provide support to the main warriors with your magic, though you can
also hold your own in a fight. Your voice powerfully draws people to you and, with or
without intent, influences behaviour. You flourish in social situations.

Suggested Races : All

Starting HP : d8 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d8

Weapons & Armour : All Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small

Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
A Bard can Inspire through their music and stirring rhetoric. Gain a 1d8 Inspire
Usage Die. As an action a nearby individual or group can be inspired. At any point
during that scene the inspired characters can choose to make one test at an
Advantage. Roll the Usage Die after each inspiration. The UD refreshes after 8 hours

A Bard is at an Advantage when influencing or persuading and philandering


Knowledge of the rich sagas and songs of the realms allow a Bard to be at an
Advantage when using Lore (INT).

Songs and Stories

Bards can cast a number of Bardic Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section for more

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or CHA.

If your setting has one or more deities that bother to listen to their servants and,
perhaps, grant power in return in order to further their cause in the world, then there
is a good chance that there will be clerics. A cleric is a priest with a close and
obligated connection to one of the deities. These gods may be part of a pantheon of
related gods. Typically they will accentuate a particular element, passion or activity.
The cleric will emulate their chosen god in the world.

As a cleric gains levels they also gain more and more powerful divine effects, or spells.

Expect your character to provide supporting magical effects for the rest of your
companions, to fight with weapons and act as an ambassador for their god.

Starting HP : d8 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d8

Weapons & Armour : All Weapons, or signature weapon of their god, Gambeson,
Leather, Chain Mail, All Shields

Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Roll with Advantage on any one area that is promoted by the deity.

A Cleric can spend an action to banish all Nearby undead by testing their WIS and
adding the creature's HD to the roll.

Divine Spellcasting
Clerics can cast a number of Divine Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section.

Sacred Text
Clerics start with a large sacred text containing a total of 1d4 spells from the Level 1
and 2 Divine Spell lists.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR or WIS.

The necromancer is a class more suited to the villainous opposition than player
characters, but that will depend on the setting and adventures you are playing out. A
twisted and macabre version of the Arcanist, the Necromancer has power over the
dead and restless spirits, mighty wraiths and other evil beasts. Their power gives them
an instinctive understanding of the boundary between life and the stillness of death. In
those cold borders comes a frightening and unacceptable gift.

This class can be used for diabolic adversaries, wraith like undead kings and
misunderstood player characters.

Starting HP : d4 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4

Weapons & Armour : Sacrificial Knife and Staff

Attack Damage : 1d4 / 1 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid
damage or effects from spells or magical devices.

Arcane Spellcasting
Necromancers can cast a number of Necromancer Spells per day as per Wizards, see
the Spellcasting section.

Necromancers start with a large spellbook, made from the skin of intelligent races,
containing a total of 1d4+2 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Necromancer Spell lists.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or WIS.

The Paladin is a holy warrior who lives by the laws of their god. They actively seek
out evil to destroy it, whilst spreading knowledge of their religion amongst the
populace. Their divine focus accords them holy powers of healing and against the foul

A Paladin will have to live by a code that restricts them, to remind them of their god
and the true order of things. Create three restrictions or ‘Geas’ that the Paladin must
adhere to. If the Paladin fails to live up to these restrictions then their holy powers
should be taken from them, either permanently or until they return to the ways of
their god.

Example geas might be:

➢ Only fight with the holy sword, eschew all other weapons
➢ Abstain from worldly pleasure
➢ Indulge in a worldly pleasure at least once per day
➢ Spend every Godsday in contemplation from sunup to sundown
➢ You shall have no coin of your own and will share coin that you acquire to
the poor and needy
➢ Follow the commands of the Order of Justicars without question
➢ The old ways of nature and spirit are evil. Find the practitioners and slay

Alignment : Good (You may wish to have Evil Paladins who will have some reversed
Special Abilities)

Starting HP : d10 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10

Weapons & Armour : Any and All

Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Paladin can regain d8 lost HP by calling upon
their god. At 4th Level regain 2d8 and at 8th Level regain 3d8 HP. This is a free
As part of their action a Paladin can make up to 1 attack per odd level with a melee

A Paladin’s attacks against demons increase the damage die one step

A Paladin is trained to fight from horseback, as other knights, and rolls at an

Advantage for attacks against smaller unmounted foes.

A Paladin can spend an action to banish all Nearby undead by testing their WIS and
adding the highest HD creature to the roll. Banished undead flee from the area for 1

A Paladin may ‘Lay on Hands’, which heals 1d8 HP damage every odd level. At 5th
level the power also acts as the Cure Disease spell. Test WIS after use to to see if the
power is retained. The power returns after a full sleep.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and WIS.

Out in the wilds and more desolate lands, the Rangers are hardy and resourceful, at
one with the land. Often used as trailblazers and scouts, Rangers combine a
knowledge of the wilderness with a tough warrior capability, particularly with the
bow, acting as skirmishers with deadly accuracy.

Their time out in the wilds can make them less suited to diplomacy or the
expectations of old civilisations, instead they become tuned to the baser animal
kingdom. Player character Rangers gain a familiar, an animal companion with which
they have a close bond and understanding at a very basic level.

Lead your fellow adventurers out into the wild and guide them back to safety again,
at least those that survive the dangerous encounters whilst there.

Starting HP : d10 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10

Weapons & Armour : Any and All

Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Ranger can regain d8 lost HP. At 4th Level
regain 2d8 and at 8th Level regain 3d8 HP. This is a free action.

As part of their action a Ranger can make up to 1 attack per odd level gained with
any weapon.

The Ranger can make a Precision Strike with a bow if the Attack Roll is equal to or
less than the Ranger’s level. This increases the damage die by one step.

A Ranger is attuned to an animal familiar. Choose one natural animal companion and
create some statistics for them. The Companion has HD equal to the Rangers level
and will increase HD as the ranger increases level. Testing for Attacks and Defence on
a base of 14. In addition to the abilities of the companion, they also regain HP when
resting just as their Ranger does. If a familiar is killed the Ranger immediately takes
1d8 damage due to the loss. Another familiar can be attuned when gaining another
level or after a full session of play.

Rangers roll at an Advantage for tracking, survival and stealth in the wilderness.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and DEX.

The shadowy Rogue comes in many possible guises: tomb robber, hoard lightener,
second storey specialist, charming swindler, wiley merchant, bandit, politician,
assassin. The rogue emerges to strike from the shadows having unlocked the gate and
disarmed the fiendish trap. Nowhere is entirely safe from the sneaking presence of the
cunning rogue, be it in the deepest darkest tomb, the brightest boldest of markets or
the deadliest of debating chambers.

The rogue generally wears lighter armour to stay more free for movement and
although quick and possibly tenacious, lacks the strength of the warrior in combat. If
you are delving into dungeons deep then make sure that you bring a rogue with you.

Starting HP : d6 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d6

Weapons & Armour : All Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small

Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
There are many flavours of Rogue. Start with one of the following specialisms. Gain
another at 4th and 8th levels.

Tomb Robber : Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or effects
from traps and magical devices and opening locks. Roll with Advantage when testing
INT to disarm traps. Roll with Advantage when testing WIS to detect cunning secret

Thief : Roll with Advantage when testing INT to appraise value of items, assess
weaknesses in target buildings, and disarming traps. Roll with Advantage when
testing DEX to pick locks. Roll with Advantage when testing DEX when climbing,
moving silently, acrobatics or tumbling.

Charming swindler : Roll with Advantage when testing CHA to charm, seduce,
persuade or otherwise lie and hoodwink your way out of a situation. Roll with
Advantage when testing INT for Streetwise.

The Charming Swindler always seem to be able to ride their Luck. Gain a d4 Luck
Usage Die. If you choose to use your Luck then roll at an Advantage for the next Test
and then roll the Usage Die. Your Luck runs out on a 1 or 2. The Luck Die is restored
after sleeping 8 hours. If you are a Human Charming Swindler then you increase your
Guile Die to a d6 instead.

Bandit : Roll with Advantage for all rolls for ambush (See p. 40).

The Bandit can move and fight effectively in armour up to chainmail and can use
medium shields. As part of their action a Bandit can make up to 1 attack per odd level
gained with any class weapon.

Politician : Roll with Advantage when testing CHA to sound convincing, lie or
emotively stir up a crowd through oratory. Roll with Advantage when testing INT
to appraise a political situation or to find scandal.

Politicians are adept at creating and destroying arguments through ritualised debate.
In a debating contest each side starts with an Argument Usage Die of d6. Use
opposed CHA rolls to determine debate initiative order. The lowest successful roll
attacks first.

Use CHA to attack the argument. Use the Powerful Opponent rule (p. 44) by
comparing politician levels. A successful attack allows a roll of the opponent’s
argument Usage Die until it depletes to nothing. Roll the Usage Die twice if a critical.
Defend your argument with INT. The first to destroy the other’s argument wins.
Start with 3d6 x 50 coins of backhanders and bribes.

Assassin : Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to move silently in shadows.

The Assassin is trained in the formulation of Poisons and Antidotes. Poisons and
antidotes have a potency equal to the level of the creator. To resist poison roll CON
using the potency as per the Powerful Opponent rule. If successful no damage is

If poisoned then the poison has a Lethality

Usage Die. Every Minute (or Moment for
particularly lethal poisons) roll Lethality and
take that as HP damage. This continues until
the poison has run its course and the Usage
die has completely gone.

At Level 1 the Assassin can brew a d4 poison.

At Level 4 d6, Level 8 d8, Level 10 d10.

Once poisoned an antidote allows a further CON test to resist. The antidote potency
is compared with the poison and if higher provides the difference as a bonus to CON.

The Assassin is also known to use Blade Venom. The burning pain of the poison
increases the damage die by one step. D6 Usage Die, rolled after each strike.

The Assassin is trained to use a blade in each hand. The Twin Blade Strike increases
the damage die by one step.

Roll with Advantage when attacking from behind and deal 2d6 / 2d4 + the
Assassin's level in damage.

Merchant : Roll with Advantage when testing INT to appraise value of items, know
markets, and Navigate to new places. Roll with Advantage when testing CHA to
bargain and haggle deals.

Start with 3d6 x 100 coins, a mule and a small covered wagon.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for DEX or INT or CHA

The warrior lives and dies by the sword. Your role is to engage in hand to hand
combat, in the front rank if necessary. There are many types of warrior, from the
noblest of knights to the most deplorable of sell swords, but all are skilled in combat,
face death when they have to, and can kill when needed.

This class description is for a fairly generic warrior. Optionally, an additional ability
here or there will fine tune this fighting machine into one of a number of flavours. See
the Barbarian, Paladin and the Ranger as examples. The base you have here comes
with some honed special abilities of its own and is ready to get you out into combat
against unlikely and formidable foes.

Starting HP : d10 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10

Weapons & Armour : Any and All

Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Warrior can regain d8 lost HP. At 4th Level
regain 2d8 and at 8th Level regain 3d8 HP. This is a free action.

As part of their action a Warrior can make up to 1 attack per odd level with any

If a Warrior fails a STR or DEX test and would be dealt damage from an attack, they
can opt to sunder (destroy) their shield - if they have one equipped - and ignore the

A Warrior rolls at an Advantage when testing the Armour Usage Die.

The Warrior can make a Power Strike with a melee weapon if the Attack Roll is
equal to or less than the Warrior’s level. This increases the damage die by one step.

Once per combat, a Warrior can declare a successful attack as a Signature Strike, a
well practiced and honed attack move that allows them to roll damage with
Advantage. This can be combined with a Power Strike and a Critical.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and DEX.

The wizard is on a life-long journey to understand, control and wield magic.
Researching in city academies or secluded in solitary towers, the wizard pours over
scraps of ancient lore to build their knowledge and arcane power.

As the mighty spellcasters of your world, the

wizard dabbles with powers that might be better
left alone. Absolute power can all too easily,
seductively, corrupt the individual wizard, so care
and perspective are needed as much as strong

If the wizard can survive the lower levels of

advancement, they become extremely powerful at
later levels, able to cast devastating magic and
create world changing effects.

Starting HP : d4 + 4

HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4

Weapons & Armour : 1-handed Sword, Dagger and Staff

Attack Damage : 1d4 / 1 Unarmed or Improvising

Special Features
Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid damage or effects from spells or
magical devices.

Roll with Advantage when testing INT for deciphering texts, reading and speaking
languages and understanding magical items.

Arcane Spellcasting
Wizards can cast a number of Arcane Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section.

Wizards start with a large spellbook containing a total of 1d4+2 spells from the Level
1 and 2 Arcane Spell lists.

Leveling Up
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or WIS.

5. Create Aspects
In addition to race and class, characters start with two ‘Aspects’. An Aspect is a
single line description of a place or a role the character has held or is currently holding,
special knowledge or an ability. The GM will help the players with these as they will
say something about the setting as well as the character.

Here are some examples:

➢ “Shepherd in the foothills of the Dragonspine Mountains.”

➢ “Celebrity chef to King Dravok the Unsteady.”
➢ “Swift as the wind”
➢ “Actor in a company of players touring the Middle Kingdoms.”
➢ “Brought up in the wild lands of Icevale.”
➢ “Penetrating Stare”
➢ “Survivor of the Temalan massacre.”
➢ “Noted beauty”

Characters can use their Aspects to roll at an Advantage in Tests.

Characters gain a new Aspect at level 4 and 8.

6. Bonds
Bonds represent particularly close ties between two player characters. Create at least
one Bond with another character and use it to develop stories between you or perhaps
some history that might resurface at an inopportune moment.

Make it a one liner like these examples:

I fell in love with __________ from the first time I met him.

___________ saved my life in the battle of ___________

I would still have been languishing in the emperor's deepest dungeon were it not for

7. Buy Equipment
Most new characters start with 3d6 x 10
coins with which to buy their
equipment. They also start with a set of
clothes, Leather or Scale armour, and a
one handed weapon as allowed by their

8. Name
The final step to creating your character is to work collaboratively with your group of
players and GM to provide an introductory story that says something about their past
and draws together all the elements that have been generated so far.

The character’s name needs to be wisely chosen as it will be used frequently in the
game. You will address the other players around the table by their character name to
help keep everyone immersed in the shared adventure. Names will be decided based
on the setting. If you are really struggling to find a name for the character, pick up an
IKEA catalogue, flip to a random page and name your character after one of the items.
That’ll teach you.

The Rules of the Game
This section describes how to play the game. Here we will cover when to roll dice,
how to survive melee and magical effects, monsters and foes and how characters
advance in expertise to become stronger and more capable.

The rules are relatively short and simple to apply. As such, this section provides a
framework in which to play and enough to give you the tools to make a rule for any
situation that comes up in play. The rules are for both the Gamesmaster and the
Players so that there is a shared understanding of the game, allowing you to all get on
and tell some great stories about the heroes that you have created.

The Basic Rule

Everything a character might possibly attempt, where failure would be interesting, is
resolved by testing one of the Attribute Stats. These numbers were generated as part
of character generation. In order to successfully test a Stat - a player must roll below it
on a d20.

Monsters and other adversaries don’t make tests - a character must avoid their attacks
by making a test. The only time a GM would roll dice is when a player fails a
defensive test and a monster’s attack damage die must be rolled.

Advantage & Disadvantage

A GM may decide that a particular course of action or task has a higher or lower
chance of success. They will ask a player to roll an additional die when making a test -
with Advantage the player picks the most advantageous result and with Disadvantage
the GM chooses the die. A character’s Race, Class and Aspects provide examples
when Advantage and Disadvantage dice rolls are in play. Advantage and
Disadvantage do not stack; you can only ever have one extra dice in play. If there
were two reasons to have Advantage, and one for Disadvantage, you would only have
a single Advantage die.

Saving Throws
Heroic Fantasy asks the player to roll Attribute tests when any spell, trap or effect
would impact them - using the below as a guide. Apply the advice in the Powerful
Opponents section (p. 44).


Physical Harm that cannot Physical Harm that can Poison, Disease or
be dodged. be dodged. Death.


Resisting Spells and Magic. Deception and Illusions. Charming effects.

Whenever a character carries out a significant action where the outcome is uncertain
then it is a test. Tests, like combat actions and saving throws, require a d20 roll under
a Stat to succeed. Choose a Stat depending on the type of action.


Physical strength, brawn,

Athletics, dodging, hand- Keep going, Holding
pulling, pushing and
eye coordination, juggling, your breath,
breaking things, swimming,
moving Staying sober


Debating, understanding, lore
Perception, common seduction,
and knowledge, reading,
sense, force of will, negotiation,
healing, building and
empathy haggling, oratory,

The Races and Classes identify the sorts of tests that gain Advantage. Whether an
Aspect applies for Advantage is open to dialogue between player and GM, with GM
making the final decision based on the situation.

The GM may decide that some tests require specialist or intensive training. In these
cases the default test roll is at a Disadvantage or simply not possible. Examples of
these tests might include specialist lore or knowledge, battle tactics, chirurgery or
trained physical discipline, such as horse archery.

Initiative, Attacking and Defending in combat are particular types of test and are
covered below.

Criticals, Specials, Failure & Fate

When rolling for any kind of test, certain die results create special effects.

If you roll a 1 on a test then that is the best result possible and is called a critical. The
Test is carried out to perfection. More information is available if it is an observation.
Devotion follows a persuasion Test. A critical climb or jump would place the
character precisely where they needed to be with the minimum of fuss and at great
speed. Attacks will do more damage (see p. 43) and Defences negate all damage and
create a positional advantage to the defender.

If you roll equal to or less then your character level and also lower than the Stat being
tested then this is a special. This is a particularly good success. Some classes use this to
generate extra impressive attacks. With a special something extra, unexpectedly useful
or good for the character, can be described along with the success.

If you roll a ‘20’ on a test then it is a failure, even if it should have been a success.
Even characters with stats at 20 or high stats with bonuses will fail some of the time.

If you roll exactly equal to the stat on a test then Fate has taken an interest and has
stepped in. The GM decides the outcome of the test, either a success or a failure, but
also introduces a new situation into the action, either linked to the test or the overall
story. Fate acts as a trigger for the GM to bring new and unplanned things into play.

Here are some examples:

➢ The dragon is suddenly seen overhead. After so long, it has now emerged to
➢ Your sword is embedded in the troll’s hide. You cling on as it lumbers
through the undergrowth.

➢ As you turn you see the outline of a door shimmering in the revealed

Usage Die
Any item listed in the equipment section that has a Usage Die (UD)is considered a
consumable, limited item. When that item is used the next Minute (turn) its Usage
die is rolled. If the roll is 1-2 then the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die in
the following chain:

d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4

When you roll a 1-2 on a d4 the ability or item is expended and the character has no
more of it left. Abilities often regenerate after a rest.

Armour Points
Armour provides protection by reducing all incoming damage. Each type will reduce
damage by a number of Armour Points. When hit a character can decide if the blow is
absorbed by armour or not. If it is the armour then the Armour Points are reduced by
the amount of damage. If there are insufficient Armour Points to absorb the damage
then the remainder comes off the character’s Hit Points. The armour is no longer a
benefit during that scene.

Shields also help to protect in battle. They add

+1 to the character’s STR in melee when
defending. A large shield also provides a +1 to
either STR or DEX when defending either a
melee or missile attack.

With a minute or so of attention, Armour

Points fully recover after a battle, ready to
protect for the next battle.

Immediately after a fight where armour or shield has been used to reduce damage, its
Usage Die must be rolled. If the roll is a 1 or 2 then the maximum Armour AP is
reduced by 1. So for example, failing a UD roll for Chain would reduce it to having 8
AP maximum, no matter what the present AP of the armour is after absorbing
damaged. The maximum Armour AP can only be recovered if repairs are made by an

A failed Usage Die roll for Armour does not reduce the Usage Die, only the maximum
Armour Points are reduced.

If the Maximum Armour AP is reduced to zero by a failed UD roll, then it is is

considered destroyed and should be removed from a player’s inventory.

Armour can be repaired from losses due to attrition from failed Usage Die Rolls. Roll
its original Usage Die for each AP that needs repairing and multiply the total by 10,
this is the cost for an armoursmith to repair the armour back to full AP. If a character
has an appropriate Aspect that will let them repair the armour, and access to the
correct tools and materials, half this cost.

Shields that are used to protect in a combat roll their UD at the end of the battle. On
a 1-2 the UD is reduced by one level. In this case a small shield is destroyed on the first
failed UD roll. Shields cannot be repaired like armour, they simply need to be


Gambeson 3 d4

Leather 6 d6

Scale 7 d8

Chain Mail 9 d8

Plate & Mail 12 d10

Dragon scale armour

15 d12
or elven chain

Small shield +1 to STR d4

Medium shield +1 to STR d6

Large shield + 1 to STR or DEX d8

Monsters may also benefit from armour. If it is natural armour then there is no UD
and this is usually simply factored into the monster’s Hit Points. Some humanoid
monsters also carry shields.

Armour Proficiency
If a character wears armour that is not listed in their class, then they roll at a
disadvantage to any rolls for Initiative, to Attack or Avoid Damage.

Equipment List
Below is a simple list of fine items to equip and divert a typical adventurer.


Gambeson or Heavy
50 d4 3 Armour points

Leather 100 d6 6 Armour points

Scale 200 d8 7 Armour points

Chain Mail 350 d8 9 Armour points

Plate & Mail 600 d10 12 Armour points

Special materials
1000 d12 15 Armour points

Shield 50/ +1 to STR or STR &

Small/Medium/Large 75/100 DEX

Long Sword 75

Spear 10

Axe 50


Bow 25

Dagger 15

Backpack 5 - Carry +2 extra

Create a 2d6
Flask of oil 2 d6

Work Tools 2 - -

+2 to WIS when
Holy Symbol 25 -

2d6 damage to
Holy Water 25 d4
undead and demons

Iron Spikes 1 - -

Lantern 10 - -

Handheld mirror 5 - -

Preserved Rations 15 d8 -

Fresh Rations 5 d4 -

50' Rope 1 - -

Small Sack 1 - -

Large Sack 2 - -

Thieves Tools 25 - -

Flint & Steel 3 - -


Each Torch has a

Usage Die which is
Torches (6) 1 d6
rolled every couple of
minutes of game time.

Wineskin 1 d6 -

Wine 1 - -

Assorted Common
10 d8 -

10' Pole 1 - -

Quiver of Arrows /
10 d10 -

2-Handed Weapon 50 - -

Inn Lodging for 1 night 2 Private Room

As a homage to old school games of the 70s and 80s a simple rule is included to
moderate the amount of loot, armour and equipment that a character can carry. GMs
should feel free to apply this rule ‘on the fly’ if a particular character appears to be
heavily weighed down. Carrying 50 coins is the equivalent of 1 item.

A character can carry a number of items equal to their STR with no issues. Carrying
over this amount means they are encumbered and all attribute tests are taken with
Disadvantage - you can also only ever move to somewhere Nearby. They simply
cannot carry more than double their STR.

Combat and Action

In the deadly and tumultuous worlds of Heroic Fantasy mortal combat is frequent and
inevitable. The lands are full of dangers and evil foes. It is quite possible that your
character can die in the game. The rules below will guide you through the perils and
hopefully you will come out the other side unscathed.

Time & Turns

There are 2 important types of tracked time - Moments (rounds) and Minutes
(turns). Moments are short pulses of time, only a few seconds, used during combat
and fast paced scenes of danger. It’s enough time for all characters and opponents to
act. Minutes are used when exploring and adventuring. A GM may advance the clock
as they need substituting Minutes for Hours, Days or even Months should the
adventure require it.

Player’s Turn
During a player’s turn in a Moment, a character may move and perform an action.
They could attack, look for a clue, talk with an NPC, cast a spell - interacting with the
world is an action. Often they will test their attributes to determine the outcome.

Movement & Distance
Rather than track precise numbers, Heroic Fantasy uses 4 abstract ranges for
measuring distances. Close, Nearby, Far-Away and Distant. On their turn every
character can move somewhere Nearby as part of an action, performing that action at
any stage of the move. They can forgo their action and move somewhere Far-Away
instead. Anything beyond Far-Away can be classified as Distant and would take 3
moves to get to.

This system is designed to support the narrative ‘theatre of the mind’ style of play,
and is less concerned about tracking squares and fiddly distances. For converting
existing movement rates or measures (for spells or areas of effect) use the following as
a guide :


0 - 5ft 5 - 60ft 60 - 120ft

When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted into an order so that they each get
to act and react in turn. Every character tests their DEX, those that succeed, take
their turn before their opponents, they must then act as a group, deciding their own
order for actions. Those that fail their DEX tests, go after their opponents.

If one side or another are attempting to ambush the other, then first resolve a Test of
Stealth vs Perception. If the PCs are being ambushed they must choose one of their
number to test WIS on behalf of the group. Class or Race may provide Advantage,
and there may be circumstances where the characters are at Disadvantage. If the
ambush is successful then the opponents have initiative and go first for the duration of
the combat.

Conversely the group must be successful in a test of DEX to ambush opponents. If the
ambush is successful then the PCs have initiative and go first for the duration of the

Monster Hit Dice
Hit Dice, or HD, represents a monster's level and the number of d8 rolled to
determine its HP. The higher the HD the more powerful the monster and the more
damage it inflicts when it hits a character. Also, note that for every HD the monster
is above a PC level, then add that number to all dice rolls against it (see below).

Attacking, Defending & Damage

When a character attacks an opponent they must roll below their STR stat for a
Melee Attack or DEX for a Ranged Attack. Likewise, when a creature attacks, the
character must roll below their STR to defend against a Melee Attack and their DEX
against a Ranged Attack to avoid taking damage. A GM will often give the stat
required for the test.

The damage an attack deals is based on the character’s class or the number of HD a
monster has. Class special abilities sometimes increases the damage die.

To make a Melee Attack an opponent must be Close. Ranged Attacks against Close
opponents are possible, but the attacker suffers a Disadvantage.

Monsters deal damage based on their HD - refer to the table next to the list of
Monsters but if you’d prefer to use the damage stats listed in an existing module that
you are playing, you can certainly do that instead.

Monsters will often attack as a horde, seeking to surround and overwhelm opponents
with numbers. When acting as a horde you can simplify how to handle the situation
and minimise die rolls. Use these optional rules to handle a horde:

➢ A maximum of 4 monsters of human size can attack a character at once.

➢ For a mixed group of Monsters pick the one with the highest HD for the
Powerful Opponent Rule.
➢ Make one Defence roll for the whole Horde. Add +1 to the die roll for each
opponent after the first attacking.
➢ Hordes inflict damage by taking the highest HD monster as base damage and
then increase the damage die one step for each monster after the first.
➢ To attack a horde, treat it as one target. Add +1 to the die roll for each
opponent after the first in the horde. Roll damage as usual and choose which
of the horde are affected.

Two Handed Weapons
Larger, more deadly weapons are handled by adding +2 to any d20 dice rolled with
them. They are harder to hit and parry with. Two handed weapons also do more
damage. Increase the damage die by one step.

Critical Damage
If a player making an attack rolls a 1, they double the result of the damage dice they
roll. If they roll a 20 when avoiding an attack, they take double damage. Armour
Points are used normally.

Death & Dying

When a character is reduced to zero Hit Points (HP) they are taken Out of Action
(OofA), they are unconscious and cannot make any actions. When the fight is
over/are out of danger, a character that is taken OofA can roll on the table (below) to
see what happens to them. If they survive they gain 1d4 HP.

If the characters lose the fight or are unable to recover the body of the character, the
character is lost forever!


Returned from Death - Come round inspired and at an advantage on

all tests for the next hour.

2-3 KO’d - Just knocked out for a few moments.

4 Fat Head - Alive but disadvantage on all tests for the next hour.

5 Cracked Bones - STR, DEX and CON are temp. -2 for the next day.

6 Crippled - STR or DEX is permanently reduced by 2

7 Disfigured - CHA reduced by 4.

8-9 Dead - Not alive anymore but spirit is at rest.

Undead - Not alive but the spirit is restless and will return as a ghost
10 or raise the corpse as a hungry undead with HD equal to character’s
level unless buried with the full appropriate rites.

Powerful Opponents
For every HD above the character’s level, add +1 to every roll the player makes for
any attribute test that would determine the outcome of a conflict between them and
the opponent. - A level 3 character defending against a HD 5 monster’s attack would
add +2 to their roll.

Player vs Player
There may come points in your shared story when player characters come to blows
with each other. Apply the following rules:

Initiative - everyone rolls initiative. Lowest successful initiative rolled goes first,
followed by other successful rolls in ascending order. Next is the lowest rolled failed
initiative, followed by other failed rolls in ascending order.

Tests - apply the Powerful Opponents rule using Levels instead of HD for all Tests,
including Attacks.

Characters can gain Hit Points from Spells, Potions, Abilities and Time. They can
never gain more than their maximum - and can never go below zero either. When
healing a character who is OofA, just start at zero and count up. That character is
now back on their feet and no longer OofA.

A character with a healing ability or Aspect can heal someone up to 1d4 HP per odd
level gained on a successful WIS test. So, a level 5 healer would heal 3d4 HP. A
character can only receive the benefit of a healing ability once until damaged again.

Once per day, after resting, characters may roll the Hit Die associated with their class
and regain that many HP.

Adventurers learn through defeating and overcoming obstacles. Killing one boring
Kobold won’t bring a revelation of learning to someone. Surviving a dungeon of
terrors, completing a quest, or simply living to tell the tale, are the things that bring
perspective and growth.

For every session / dungeon level / quest / major event the character survives they
gain a level.

The GM will decide which, and it’s recommended that this decision remains more or
less a constant throughout the campaign - and a GM should be clear and upfront with
the players so they know where the ‘goalposts’ are.

Gaining Levels
When a character levels up, their maximum Hit Points increase by rolling the Hit
Die for the class. Also a player should roll a d20 for each Stat, if the result is higher -
that Stat increases by 1.

Level 10 is the highest level where all the special Class gains apply. At 10th the
character has reached the apex of their capabilities. However, if you want to play on
with your mighty hero, then why not? For every level from 11 to 20 gain 1 extra Hit

If this starts an arms race with even more fearsome monsters having HD greater than
12 then so be it!

Class Weapons
When using a weapon not listed in their class, combat tests are at a Disadvantage.

Random Encounters
The GM should roll a d10 Usage Die every 15 minutes of real world play. A result of
1-2 means the players will encounter a randomly generated creature or distraction in
the following Minutes (turn). The Usage Die is reduced to the next lower until it
becomes a d4.

Creature Reactions
Most monsters and NPCs will have predetermined personalities and goals that will
guide a GM when choosing their actions and feelings towards the characters. Those

that do not, such as randomly encountered creatures, make a Reaction roll on the
following table :


1 Flee then roll again.

2 Avoid the PCs entirely.

3 Trade with PCs.

4 Give the PCs aid.

5 Mistake the PCs for friends.

6 Trick the PCs (roll again)

7 Call for Reinforcements.

8 Capture/Kill/Eat the PCs.

Banishing Undead
Clerics can attempt to banish nearby undead as
an action. They must successfully test their
WIS for each group of creatures they are
attempting to banish, adding the highest
creature's HD to the roll. A cleric can Banish
a number of undead equal to Level x 3 in HD.
A GM will determine which creatures are in
any particular group.

Undead monsters that are Banished by Clerics must spend all their movement (and
convert actions to movement) to move away from the Cleric for 2d4 Moments after
being Banished.

Magic Items
Items imbued with magical power, from simple trinkets to ancient artefacts, can be
discovered in lost halls, deep underground, buried with legendary kings, held at the
bottom of lakes, in ruined castles or found in the treasure hordes of emperors and
dragons. A magical item should be relatively rare and, for those of more power, come
with a story as to their creation. These stories could be very old, drawn from ages past
when the item was conceived and wrought.

Magic items can be anything that has been enchanted to hold a spell. Give the item a
1d6 Usage die to see how long the effect can be called. Each time the item is used roll
the die.

Here are some examples:

➢ Potion of Healing - heals 1d8 HP

➢ Potion of invisibility - as per the 2nd level Arcane spell
➢ Potion of Changing - as per Disguise Self Spell
➢ Ring of Protection - 1d8 Usage Die - Provides 10 Armour Points per
➢ Brush with Death - a broom with level 2 magic missile
➢ Gloves of Knocking - I’m going to leave that one to your imagination

Most Magic items will have spell powers up to

2nd Level, but the same principles apply to all
spell levels.

Magic Weapons typically add +1 to any

attribute being tested whilst using the weapon
and +1 to each damage dice rolled. More
powerful weapons (+2/3) can be found if the
GM includes them. These weapons will have
names and histories, which the players can
discover or create.

Magic Armour increases the amount of AP by

half again (round up) and increases the Usage Die by one step. For example Magic
Chain Mail has 14 Armour Points and a d10 Usage Die. They can be repaired in a

similar way to ordinary armour, but if they are ‘destroyed’ then the magic is gone and
can only be repaired as ordinary armour.

Creating Magic Items

Wizards can enchant magic items. Placing a spell into an item takes 1 week of
dedicated time per level of the spell. A mixture of common and rare arcane materials
are expended to bind the magic to the item. The materials cost 100 coin per level of

Wizards with armourer or weapon making Aspects can create magic weapons and
armour at 5th Level. It takes 5 weeks to create a + 1 weapon or suit. Material cost is 5
times the suit value. At 7th Level the Wizard can create +2 items and at 9th Level

Detecting and Understand Magic Items

Items imbued with magic are generally detected using the 1st level Detect Magic spell.
Understanding the sort of magic an item carries requires a successful INT test.

Bards, Necromancers, Wizards and Clerics have the ability to cast spells that are
chosen from their appropriate class list (on the following pages). Bards cast magic
using CHA, Wizards and Necromancers using INT and Clerics using WIS.

They can cast any spell they know by reading from their
spellbook/holy text/music, or can memorise a number of
spells equal to their Level and cast those without them.
Write them down, these are the spellcaster’s spells for
the day.

They have a number of 'spell slots' they can cast each

day - as shown below. These represent a magic user's
'energy' and the taxing nature of casting spells over a
long period. When they run out of spell slots, they
cannot cast any more spells.

Once a spell is cast the character must test their

CHA/WIS/INT - adding the spell's level to the roll.
If they fail then they reduce the number of 'spell slots'
corresponding to the spell level just cast by 1. When a
memorised spell is cast it is not forgotten. If there remain
spell slots for the level of spell, the memorised spell can
be cast again.

After roughly 8 hours rest, the number of 'spell slots' a character has refreshes to its

If you are adapting a spell from a traditional OSR or original era game that calls for a
creature to make a save, then instead the spellcaster must test their CHA, INT or
WIS - to see if the magic cast was powerful enough to overcome their defences
(remember the Powerful Opponents rule).

Bard & Cleric Spells Per Day
Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 1 - - - - - -

2 2 - - - - - -

3 2 1 - - - - -

4 2 2 - - - - -

5 2 2 1 - - - -

6 2 2 2 - - - -

7 2 2 2 1 - - -

8 2 2 2 2 1 - -

9 3 3 2 2 2 1 -

10 3 3 3 2 2 2 1

Wizard & Necromancer Spells Per Day
Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 1 - - - - - -

2 2 - - - - - -

3 3 1 - - - - -

4 3 2 - - - - -

5 4 2 1 - - - -

6 4 3 2 - - - -

7 4 3 2 1 - - -

8 4 3 3 2 1 - -

9 4 3 3 2 2 1 -

10 4 3 3 2 2 2 1

Bard Spells
Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test CHA each turn to see if the effect
Cure Light Wounds : Heal 1d8 HP to a Nearby target.
Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - 5mins.
Disguise Self : Change appearance by illusion. - 1hr. Test WIS. if the illusion is
Faerie Fire : Create a glowing light around creatures and objects within 20 feet - 10
Sleep : Puts 1d6/level worth of HD monsters to sleep. 8 hours. Only affects monsters
with HD equal to or less than the caster's level.
Calm emotions : Unravel a charm or prevent hostility. Test CHA/hr to see if the
effect lasts.
Detect thoughts : Read the thoughts of another. Test INT to deepen beyond surface
thoughts - 1 min
Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
Knock : A Nearby door or lock is opened.
Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - 10mins/level.
Magic Mouth : Enchant an illusory mouth and message of 25 words on an object
with a trigger condition.
See Invisibility : See invisible or ethereal creatures for the duration of 1 hour.
Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell.
Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - 10mins.
Sending : Send a message of 25 words to someone you know, any distance. They can
Tongues : Understand all languages for the spell duration - 1 hour
Magic Mouth : Creates an illusory mouth that repeats a phrase to all Nearby

Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
Dream : Enter a sleeping target’s dream and send a message. CHA to make a
nightmare that prevents rest at advantage if you have something that belongs to them.
Freedom of Movement : Touch a willing creature and their movement is unimpeded
by terrain or freed from non-magical bonds.
Hold Monster : Test CHA every moment to prevent a monster from moving for up
to 1 minute..
Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
Contact Higher Plane : Ask 1 question/level.
Dominate Person : Test CHA to control one target for 1 min/level. If the target
takes damage then test WIS again.
Geas : Test WIS to charm a creature and give it a command that it must carry out - 30
Mass Cure Wounds : Heal 3d6+3 HP for up to 6 nearby targets
Modify Memory : Test CHA to speak and charm a target. Modify a memory in the
last 24 hours.
Seeming : Minor changes in appearance to any number of targets you can see - 8
hours.. Scrutiny would require an INT test.
Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - 10mins/level.
Power Word, Stun : A Nearby target with 50 HP or fewer is stunned and cannot
Regenerate : A nearby target heals for 1d8 per 10 minutes for an hour. Recently lost
limbs grow back in the same time frame and recently lost Stats.
True Seeing : Enable a target to see things as they really are - 1 hour
Foresight : A nearby willing target can see into the immediate future. All combat
rolls at an advantage - 8 hours

Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 50HP or fewer dies and cannot be
Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Moments.

Cleric Divine Spells

Cure Light Wounds : Heal 1d8 HP to a Nearby target.
Detect Evil : Everything Nearby that is evil glows - 5mins.
Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - 1hr.
Protection from Evil : Advantage on all harmful tests from an Evil source - 1hr.
Purify Food and Drink : Removes all diseases from all Nearby food and drink.
Bless : Nearby allies gain +1 to stats when making attacks and saves - 1hr.
Find Traps : Notice all nearby traps - 10mins.
Hold Person : Paralyse 1d4 Nearby targets. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect
Silence : Magical silence covering everything Nearby to a target - 1hr.
Speak with Animals : Can understand and talk with animals - 1hr.
Daylight : A nearby area is illuminated by sunlight - 1hr.
Cure Disease : Cures a Nearby target of all diseases.
Locate Object : Sense direction of a known object - 1 minute/level.
Prayer : All Nearby allies defend against attacks with Advantage - 1d4 moments.
Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
Speak with Dead : Ask a Nearby corpse 3 questions.
Create Food/Water : Create enough food/water for all Nearby creatures for a day.
Cure Serious Wounds : Heal 3d8+3 HP to a Nearby target.
Neutralise Poison : Remove/Immunise poison from a Nearby target - 10mins.
Protection from Evil : Nearby allies gain 6 temp AP against evil creatures - 10mins.

Commune : The Cleric's deity truthfully answers 3 questions - 10mins.
Dispel Evil : Removes a Nearby Divine (Evil) spell.
Finger of Death : Choose a Nearby target and test WIS, if a pass the target is OofA.
Plague : Test WIS for all Nearby targets, they lose 2d8 HP for the next 1d6 turns.
Quest : Force a Nearby creature to obey an order.
Raise Dead : Return a Nearby willing target to life, who's died within the last 7 days.
Animate Object : Give a Nearby object motion and a simple intelligence - 10mins.
Blade Barrier : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d8) -
Conjure Elemental : Summons an elemental with HD equal to caster's lvl -1hr.
Find Path : The path to a chosen location is made known - 1hr.
Speak with Monsters : Can understand and talk with monsters - 1hr.
Word of Recall : Give ability to teleport back to the location this spell was cast -
Aerial Servant : Summons a servant to recover a distant object.
Astral Spell : Projects an avatar of the caster onto a chosen plane - 1hr.
Control Weather : Control the Nearby weather to all extremes - 10mins.
Earthquake : Test WIS for all Nearby creatures, passes are taken OofA.
Holy Word : Nearby creatures with less than 5HD die, 6-10HD paralysed for 1d4
Wind Walk : Turn into mist and back, at will - 1day.
Restoration : Returns all levels lost to monsters with level drain or lost Stats..

Arcane Spells
Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect
Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - 5mins.
Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - 1 hour.
Magic Missile : A Nearby, Far-Away or Distant target takes 1d4 damage/level.
Shield : Gain 2 AP/ level.
Sleep : Puts 1d6/level worth of HD monsters to sleep. 8 hours. Only affects monsters
with HD equal to or less than the caster's level.
Blur : All defence Tests are at an Advantage - 1min
Darkness : Creates darkness covering a Nearby area that blocks all types of vision -
Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
Knock : A Nearby door or lock is opened.
Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - 10mins/level.
Magic Weapon : By touching a weapon it becomes magical and +1 - 1 hour
Web : Traps a Nearby area, stopping movement. Test WIS/hr to see if the effect
Conjuration of Minor Demons : Summons a Demon with 1HD/level.
Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell or other magic effect at the GM’s
Fireball : 1d6 Nearby creatures take 1d6/level damage.
Magic Circle : A protective circle that prevents one type of summoned being to cross
the circle - 1 hour
Magic Mouth : Creates an illusory mouth that repeats a phrase to all Nearby
Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - 10mins.

Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
Wall of Fire/Ice : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d6) -
Wall of Stone/Iron : A wall covers a Nearby area - 1 hour.
Animate Dead : Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
Cloudkill : Anyone with less than 5HD that touches it must test INT or be OofA –
Conjure Elemental : Create an Elemental of chosen type with 3d4 HD.
Contact Higher Plane : Ask 1 question/level.
Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - 10mins/level.
Telekinesis : Move Nearby objects - 1 hour.
Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.
Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
Death Spell : 2d8 Nearby targets with 7HD or fewer die.
Disintegrate : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
Invisible Stalker : Summons an extra-dimensional monster to perform one task.
Stone to Flesh : Turns a Nearby target into stone (or vice versa).
Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 50HP or fewer dies and cannot be
Conjuration of Demons : Summons a Demon with 2HD/level.
Meteor Swarm : Effects the same as casting Fireball 4 times.
Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Moments.

Necromancer Spells
Detect Life : Sense numbers of sentient life Nearby for 5mins.
False Life : A necromantic facsimile of life, you gain 1d4+1/lvl temporary hit points-
Fog Cloud : Create a 20’/level diameter of dense fog - 1 hour
Necrotic Missile : A Nearby, Far-Away or Distant target takes 1d4 putrefying
Protection from Good : Target gains 6AP for attacks by good creatures - 10mins.
Shield : Gain 2 AP/ level.
Darkness : Creates darkness covering a Nearby area that blocks all types of vision - 1
Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
Knock : A Nearby door or lock is opened.
Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - 10mins/level.
Ray of Enfeeblement : Target deals half damage whilst affected Test WIS - 1min.
Animate Dead : Create 1d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell.
Gaseous Form : Transform target into a floating vapour - 1 hour.
Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - 10mins.
Vampiric Touch : Successful melee attack causes 3d6 necrotic damage and heals the
caster the same amount - 1min.
Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.

Phantasmal Killer : A target’s nightmare attacks their mind, WIS to attack Close
targets (3d6) - 1min.
Wall of Stone/Iron : A wall covers a Nearby area - 1 hour.
Animate Dead : Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
Cloudkill : Anyone with less than 5HD that touches it must test INT or be OofA –
Conjure Elemental : Create an Elemental of chosen type with 3d4 HD.
Contact Higher Plane : Ask 1 question/level.
Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - 10mins/level.
Telekinesis : Move Nearby objects - 1 hour.
Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.
Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
Create Undead : Create 1d4 Ghouls with HD/level, from nearby bodies or 1
Death Spell : 2d8 Nearby targets with 7HD or fewer die.
Disintegrate : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
Invisible Stalker : Summons an extra-dimensional monster to perform one task -
Lich Ritual : Create a Lich from the fresh body of a dead Wizard or Necromancer.
Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 50HP or fewer dies and cannot be
Conjuration of Demons : Summons a Demon with 2HD/level.
Weird : A 30’ sphere of deepest nightmares target victims for INT/4d6 damage per
turn - 1 min.
Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Moments.

Monsters are the inimicable foes to the player characters. They will appear
everywhere, in large armies controlled by evil sorcerers, in dark corners of wilderness,
or in unsuspecting haunts in the midst of civilisation.
Monsters are provided in a list, ordered by their Hit Dice (HD), with the weakest at
the top. Most monsters will tend to be at a particular HD level, but some are created
somewhere on a range, depending on how individually powerful they are. This is
particularly true of evil orcs.
To calculate a monster’s Hit Points, roll a number of d8 equal to their HD and total
the result.
By default, Monster damage is dictated by their HD. The higher the monster’s HD
the more damage they do.


1 d4 (2)

2 d6 (3)

3 d8 (4)

4 d10 (5)

5 d12 (6)

6 d6 + d8 (7)

7 2d8 (8)

8 d8 + d10 (9)

9 2d10 (10)

10 d10 + d12 (11)

To simplify, armour is usually not factored as an attribute for monsters, it is assumed
that this is covered by their overall HD and hit points. However, if you want to make
monsters even more difficult for the characters you could also apply ‘natural’ armour
APs or even worn armour just as the characters, but without the need for any UD.

GMs will also create a huge range of NPCs too, using the rules for creating
characters. The NPCs will use their class level as ‘HD’ for the Powerful Opponent
rule. Where a class description states an Advantage, this equates to a Disadvantage to
the opposing player’s roll.

The Monster Table

Here’s a big list of monsters, grouped by their HD.


Fire Beetle 1 Light glands have a usage die of d8.

Additional 1d6 damage next

Giant Vampire Bat 1
moment after attack.

1 CON test to resist disease. If

Giant Rat
diseased HPs cannot be regained
Diseased packs of evil and until cured.
oversized rats who like to feed on
Disadvantage on stealth rolls if the
rat can use its keen sense of smell.

Kobold Typically attacks with sling and

A pale blue skinned, small spears. Only has 1d6 HP.
goblinoid creature with large ears Defend at Advantage if the Kobold
and small black eyes. is attacking in sunlight.

If hit the stirge does damage and

Stirge attaches. The stirge attaches and
A tiny flying creature with sharp 1 does damage each round until
proboscis causing 10 HP of damage, when it
detaches, bloated.


Giant Centipede Bite plus CON test or 2d6 Poison

damage. Paralysed at 0 hp

Manes Demon
2 Claws (1d4) + 1 Bite (1d6), Half
Weakest demon, reckless and 1
damage from non-magic weapons
dangerous in great numbers

Will always plan cunning ambushes

1 and place their opponents at a
Small green skinned and vicious.

HD levels vary. Usually armoured

Orc in at least Leather (6 Armour
Larger goblinoid foot soldier of Points) and often wield curved
evil overlord armies. Slate grey blades and bows. Will seek to
to coal black skinned, sharp teeth. overwhelm foes with numbers or
attack in darkness.

Attacks twice. WIS test or shocked

Skeleton and at a Disadvantage for the first
A basic version of the 1 round.
necromancer’s servants Edged weapons roll at a
Disadvantage to damage a skeleton.

Roll fire damage against the zombie

at an Advantage
Slow shambling horrors that 1
Advantage when trying to detect
would like to feast on your brain.
due to stench of corpse

Carrion Creeper
Green and yellow caterpillar like Bite (1) + 6 Tentacles (0) + CON
monster with tentacles erupting test or Paralysed.
from its head.

2 claws (1d3) + 1 bite (1d4) +
A pallid skinned undead creature 2
CON test or Paralysed.
feeding on corpses.


Giant Spider DEX to avoid webs. STR to break

Large evil and cunning arachnids free or at a Disadvantage.
with web and sharp mandibles. Also bites. CON to avoid poison
Scurry and climbs anywhere 1d6

Large jackal headed, demon Spear and Bite attacks. Also can be
worshipping, humanoids. Hunt in armed with longbows.
packs. Fast and vicious.

All DEX tests are rolled with
Large hairy brute of a humanoid 3-4
that raid and fight.

Song - CHA test or PCs must move
Winged and taloned humanoid, 3
towards it. Two attacks.
often attractive.

Horse Shies away from combat but can

Noble beast of burden. rear and kick if threatened.

Cannot gain Advantage when
A man that can turn into a giant 3
attempting to surprise a Wererat.

Shadow Touch (1d4 and -1 STR), only hit

A flowing humanoid undead 3 by magic weapons. Gain Advantage
shadow. against it if fighting in daylight.

A human that can change into Change form in a moment,
any small or medium humanoid disadvantage against magic tests.


Malevolent undead humanoid Can only be hit by magical or silver
that drains life from those it weapons, Drain 1 Level with Hit.

Blink Dog
A large fey dog that can blink to
4 Teleport nearby once per fight.
another near place

Grizzly Bear
2 claws + if both hit hug for
A very large bear that is also 4
likely to be angry.

2 claws (1d4) + 1 bite (1d4) + 1
A winged demon, which when 4
horn (1d6).
still looks like a statue.

WIS test to see the cube. CON test

Gelatinous Cube
4 on touch or be Paralysed, immune
An evil transparent ooze.
to cold and lightning.

A large baleful hound of hell Bite and Firebreath (2d6). DEX
with red glowing eyes and mouth test to take half damage
full of teeth and fire.

War Horse
CHA test to get the horse to
Large specially trained horses for 4
attack. Kick + Bite (d6)

The classic lycanthrope, man 4 Only silver weapons can hurt it.


A giant humanoid with yellow to Gives advantage on all CHA tests
brown skin. Wield large clubs made against it.
and javelins.

2 Claws (1d10), if both hit then

Barbed Devil crushes opponent into its barbed
A medium powered demon with hide for 1d12. Or, can hurl flame for
spikes, claws and spewing of 2d8 damage. Disadvantage on magic
flame. tests, immune to non magic

Bite (1d6) and CON test or
A small rooster like avian with 5
bat wings and a scaly tail.

Magical creature with a giant 2 claws (1d8) + 1 bite (2d6) + DEX
owl head on the body of a large test or Hug for 2d8.

Basilisk CON test on eye contact or be

A large reptilian monster. petrified.

2 Claws (1d10), Disadvantage on

magic tests, immune to non magic
A beautiful humanoid demon
6 weapons, level drain (-1) with kiss.
seducer, sucking life energy from
Can cast Charm person (spell) once
entranced victims.
per hour.

Attacks with two claws.
A giant humanoid with large 6
Regenerates 1d8 HP every moment.
claws and tough scaly hide.


Mummy Attacks stop healing until cure

The undead form of a buried wounds cast, immune to normal
body imbued with a malignant weapons, half damage from magic
spirit. weapons.

Hideous undead humanoid that Shriek - CON test or Paralysed for
can sense you coming from miles 2d6 moments.

Can take Gaseous Form, Create

7 Objects, Create Illusions, Cast
A large, good aligned, elemental.
Invisibility (spell) as action.

A large two legged draconic Bite + Stinger (1d6). CON test or
creature with a large stinger on 2d6 poison damage.
the end of its tail.

Chimera 2 Claws (1d3) + 2 Goat horns (1d4)

A large flying lion magical + 1 Lion bite (2d4) + 1 Dragon bite
creature with the head of a (3d4) or Breathes fire as a Dragon
dragon, lion and goat. (4d8).

Balor Demon Sword (1d12+2) + Whip (0) DEX

Giant winged demon with sword 9 test or be pulled Close to the Balor
and whip. and burnt for 3d6 fire damage.

Hezrou Demon 2 Claws + 1 Bite (2d8), Cause Fear

Heavy set, tank-like, brute 9 (as per Banish) or Darkness (spell) -
demons. each once per fight.

Black Pudding
A large acidic back ooze that can Metal objects that touch it melt the
slip through tiny cracks and next moment.


Frost Giant Can make two Great Axe attacks

One of a number of giant peoples 10 or throws boulders or great chunks
looking for a fight. of ice.

Spells as 10th level Arcanist or

11 Will reform by its hidden
Undead of a powerful spellcaster.
phylactery in 1d10 days
At a Disadvantage to Turn

Stone Golem Only spells that affect rock or stone

Large magically constructed 12 work, weapons must be +2 or
living statue. better to damage it.

Pit Fiend Claws + Mace + Bite (1d10), +

Great demon lieutenants of the 12 Tail (1d8)
Dark God. Wings, fire Can cast Fireball at will.

2 Claws + Bite, or Breathes fire -

d4+2 nearby targets (4d8) Can cast
Large, evil, treasure hoarding 9 to
1d4 1st level spells + 1d2 2nd level
reptiles, strafing with fire and 11
huge claws.
15 Dragon Scale Armour Points

Feel free to create your own monsters, it’s really quick. All you need is a name, a
description, the number of HD, which equates to power level, and notes on any
special powers or attacks. Use the table above to provide a guide on where to place
your monster amongst the others.

The gods of Heroic Fantasy make war across the various planes of existence. Through
ancient pacts, or perhaps masterly banishment, they cannot manifest directly into the
plane of the mortals. Instead their influence is felt through the parts of existence that
they govern. Most powerfully they are represented by their priests and followers,
through whom their power can flow.

Clerics, priests of a particular god, gain the powers identified in that Class, including
theurgical powers. All worshippers also gain a +1 to any Stat roll, where the Test can
be linked to the realm controlled by their god.
Here are some example gods.

Realm : Air, Wind, Storm and Lightning, Flight
Alignment : Neutral
Rorthal is the great storm god, worshipped by the
Northic Barbarians and the Old Tribes in the deserted,
frigid north.

Realm : Earth, Healing, Living things, Crops
Alignment : Good
Earth mother, keeper of the hearth, vital power that, with the aid of Rorthal,
breathes life into living beings. A force for good and celebration of life. Also
worshipped by farmers, through her bounty comes a good field of crops and healthy

Realm : Fire, Conflagration, Volcanoes
Alignment : Neutral
Energetic brother to Rorthal, Krackall is respected and feared in equal measure. When
tamed he provides warmth and protection from the endless cold, but when unfettered
he can cause great destruction.

Realm : Water, Sea, Crashing Waves, Ocean voyages
Alignment : Neutral
Ooshana, the ancient sea god, is revered and respected for his overwhelming strength.
Sailors pray for safe voyages and that he will deliver them safely to shore. Coastal
habitation maintain temples and shrines to him to be spared the worst when he wars
with Rorthal.

Realm : Forest, Beauty and the Elves
Alignment : Good
Daughter of Erethne, Tarielne is the Queen of the Elves and Mistress of the Forests.
Those that hold to her council seek and create beauty and harmony. Followers will
fight ferociously to preserve beauty and to destroy the sickening blight of evil.

Realm : Darkness, Nightmares, Forbidden Magic
Alignment : Evil
Embodying the sickening blight of evil, Shanlie is the banished sister of Tarielne,
creator of her own twisted dark elves that dwell in ancient halls deep underground.

Realm : The Underworld Kingdoms, Demons
Alignment : Evil
The dark lord, worshipped by the creatures that lurk in the underworld, in the fetid
sewers and in the high courts where lust for power corrupts the ambitious. Breaking

the Great Accord, a powerful avatar, a shard of the god, has manifested in the wastes,
building a great army to conquer the mortal realms.

Realm : Higher Planes, Creation, Cities,
Alignment : Good
Remote, all knowing, standing above the more petty concerns of the gods, Lahn
provides wisdom and benevolent guidance to those that can hear his distant voice. His
quiet assurances provide a long term vision that places one life in the context of the
many and beyond into the realms of death.

Gods come in all shapes and sizes. From the great elemental powers, to the minor
deities who hold sway in valleys, rivers, hills and those that are the legends of the
great heroes.

Being a Player
Here are some suggested principles and pointers when playing Heroic Fantasy:
➢ Live and breathe your character during play. See things from their
➢ Speak to the other players in character and address them by their character
➢ Seek out adventures and excitement.
➢ Share the spotlight with your GM and fellow players and support their
characters so that they can shine.
➢ Get to know the game rules so that you know what you are doing and help
to speed up play.
➢ During play, be creative and embellish your character with background
stories and other important characters that the GM and other players can
use to develop the shared narrative.
➢ Offer to make a round of tea or bring snacks.
➢ Dance when you go up a level.

Being a Gamesmaster
Here are some suggested principles and pointers when GMing Heroic Fantasy:
➢ Create a compelling and magical setting, which the characters can shape and
develop with you through their heroic exploits.
➢ Give your setting a life of its own, but place the heroic player characters in
the centre of it.
➢ Provide opportunities for the player characters to shine and be the heroes.
➢ There are many character fulfilling rewards of greater substance than loot
and experience levels.
➢ Provide props such as maps, figures, plans and music; anything that helps to
visualise the setting and adventure.
➢ Listen to your players, note their ideas and inventions, and use them to help
fuel the stories that you are all telling.
➢ Address the characters directly by their names.
➢ Ask questions all the time, allow the players to narrate outcomes of action.
➢ If fate suggests that character death is necessary then you have the OoA
table to determine the outcome. Make character death noteworthy and
meaningful, but don’t shy away from it.
➢ Give your monsters and other NPCs their own purpose and objectives.

Example of Play
GM : You stride deeper into the open ruins, the baleful glow of Kallahn’s second red
full moon glowers through the teeth of the ruin walls. Ahead you can see a largely
intact wall with a large arched metal lined oak door in the centre, what do you want
to do?
Rogue : Is the door Nearby?
GM : Yeah.
Rogue : I'll move to it and as my action I’ll check it for traps.
Barbarian : Assuming it's safe, I want to smash it down with my axe.
Paladin : I cautiously stride forward whispering a prayer to Lahn.
Wizard : And I want to cast light on my staff.

GM : Ok, with the Barbarian limbering up, Rogue, test your Wisdom by rolling a d20
under your WIS score - to check the door for traps. As a rogue you have Advantage,
so roll two d20 and pick the one you prefer.
Rogue : *rolls* Made it!
GM : You're confident it's free of anything designed to do you harm, Barbarian, still
want to smash it in? If so test your Strength!
Barbarian : Yaaaaargh.
Paladin : Rolls eyes.
Barbarian : *rolls* Piece of cake!
GM : Good stuff, now Wizard, you cast Light on your staff. That's a level 1 spell
Wizard : Yup.
GM : Ok, well test your Intelligence and add one to your d20 roll, if you fail you lose
a level one spell slot for the rest of the day.
Wizard : *rolls* I need to roll under, not on it, right?
GM : That's right. If you roll equal to your INT let me know as something else will
happen if you do.
Wizard : Damn, I rolled equal to my INT.
GM : Fate steps in! Your spell sputters into life creating a flickering blue white light
that disorientates as much as helps. Beyond the shattered door is a large chamber
surrounded by overhanging black trees, acting as a gnarled canopy. What do you want
to do?
Barbarian : The momentum of smashing the door has carried me into the chamber
Rogue : I slip into the chamber hugging the shadows if I can?
Paladin : I stride in confidently.
GM : Hunched over some kind of blackened alter looms a rising, huge, humanoid form
(a Barbed Devil). It’s eyes, two fiery pits, look at you. Its powerful form is riven with
bristling spines. What do you do?
Barbarian : I spring forward with axe in hand to smite the demon! Yaaargh!
Paladin : What, again?
Barbarian : Yaaargh!
Rogue : I'm trying to move to outflank it.
Wizard : I’m readying a spell.

GM : Ok, all of you roll for Initiative. The Demon is powerful so add 2 to your DEX
Rogue : Success!
Barbarian : Nothing can stop me, I succeed and charge forward!
Paladin : I also succeed and close with the foul creature.
Wizard : I fail. I shall react to the demon’s move, if it survives.
Barbarian : I go berserk and as the red mist descends I launch myself at the demon!
GM : OK, you are third level, so get two attacks. As you are berserk you get each
attach at an Advantage, however, you need to add 2 to each dice roll due to the
power of the demon (5 HD).
Barbarian : Two hits! 1d10 damage each due to being berserk. 7 & 7 for 14 damage.
Paladin : I stand forward and smite the evil with my blade. A miss and a hit. Oh,
only 1 damage. Hello demon.
GM : Rogue, you are working your way round and will attack next Moment.
The Demon claws the Barbarian. It has two attacks, so defend twice, each at a
Disadvantage as you are berserk, and at plus 2 due to the power of the demon.
Rogue : *rolls* My ancestors hate me! A failure and a fumble!
GM : Both claws hit for 6 & 7, 13 HP damage. The demon also crushes you into its
barbed spines for 1d12 damage, another 4 HP!
Barbarian : I’ll use my leather armour to absorb 6 HP of the damage, which means I
take 11 HP altogether. I’m in a spot of bother.
Wizard : I unleash Magic Missile at the demon. That’s 3d4 damage right there! *rolls*
I do a rather disappointing 4 HP damage. *rolls* I keep the spell slot and ready to
unleash another blast next Moment.
Rogue : I emerge from the shadows and stab the beast in the back of the neck! I’m at
an Advantage for my attack, but at +2 on each die due to the demon’s power. Yes I
have a hit! 2d6 plus 3 for my level is 11 HP damage.
GM : The demon bellows a death cry as it slumps to the floor dead. You dodge to the
right as the body starts to be consumed by an inner demonic fire.
Rogue : I survey the room.
Barbarian : I emerge from the red mist.
GM : Check your armour Usage Die?
Barbarian : *rolls* Oh, a 1. My Leather Armour is now down to 5 Armour Points.
Wizard : I collect some of the demon ash in a small gourd. It will be useful for my
Paladin : That is evil essence, I forbid you to take it!
Wizard : What, again?
GM : On the altar is a white shrouded figure that lurches up to a sitting position, in
the pale red and flickering light you can just about make out a female face that starts
to smile and then shriek a maddening laugh. What do you do…

The Sorcerer’s Lair
A First Quest for Heroic Fantasy
This fearful encounter is ideal to test the mettle of your newly created 1st Level
characters. These pages are for the GM only.
This is just a starting simple encounter. It present a place of mystery with foes within
that must be defeated. This encounter can form a centerpiece or stepping stone to a
more complete story. The text contains questions that you might use to embellish to
further adventures.

The valley of Trale, on the edges of civilised lands has been beset by dark shapes,
horrors that prey at night. Nobody feels safe with many of the northern farms
abandoned to the walled safety of the southern town. The local temple of Lahn
appears to have been a repeat target, with Paladins from the Order of Light now
protecting this holy place. For differing reasons your group have taken up the request
of Father Hederlig of the temple of Lahn to find the source of these attacks and
cleanse it.

➢ Why are the demons attacking the Temple of Lahn?

➢ What terrible secret has Father Hederlig kept from the adventurers?
➢ What powerful artefact is kept there and why?

An investigation of the northern valley farms and settlements will confirm lumbering
shapes have been seen emerging from the crag lands that River Spring runs through.
So it is that the characters approach the northern craglands towards the head of the

➢ What tragedies do the characters discover on their way North?

➢ What relationship do the characters have with the displaced farmers that
they meet?
➢ Who provides the description of where to look? What do they know?

The craggy lands are bleaker with course bushes and hardy gnarled trees amongst the
broken grasses and rocks.

A successful Track test (WIS) will pick up a set of trail that lead to the crag site
Location 1, where the Spring emerges, gushing, into the valley. A special result would
indicate that these are large humanoids. A critical result confirms that they are Gnoll,
there were 4 or them and the trail is less than a day old. A special is the same as a
critical for 1st level characters, but then you might have a 2nd level character in
amongst the adventurers…

Characters may also be led to the likely site by a brave local who claims monsters live
inside the cave from which the Spring flows. Refer to the encounter map and the
numbered items, which correspond to the descriptions below. The top of the map is

1. Outside the Caves

The tracks lead to the western cave from which the Spring flows. The eastern cave is
more of a deep crevice which disappears into the darkness. All that can be heard in
this location is the sound of the rushing water of the Spring.

Close observation (WIS) into the western cave will make out the form of a stone
bridge in the receding light.

2. The Challenging Bridge

Upon the stone bridge stands a snarling Gnoll, wearing pieces of some crude heavy
leather armour (2HD, 9HP, 4 Armour Points). It carries a large two handed spear
with which it draws a line across the width of the bridge and bellows a challenge.
Only one character can face the Gnoll on the bridge at a time. If the characters do not
accept the combat challenge and fire missiles or magic, then the Gnoll will try to
retreat northward.

3. The Columned Chamber

This chamber is lit by several guttering torches (which can be taken) and a large
burning brazier in the northwest corner. The bolted door to area 7 is of thick wood
and rusted iron. A critical or special STR test is required to break it open.

The columns are carved as interlocking arms reaching up to the ceiling. Crude frescos
adorn the walls of supplicants in columns heading toward a conflagration overseen by
large demonic figures. From the darkness of Area 4, three Gnolls will seek to ambush
the characters as they fire arrows from their bows.

4. The Entrance Chamber

The three Gnolls (HD2, HP 6, 6, 11, 3 Armour Points) will fight to the death. They
will start by trying to surprise the characters with missile fire from their bows. If
characters advance to the steps leading up to this chamber then they will switch to
their spears and fight.

The smooth walls in this chamber are of pitch black. The northward double doors are
of black wood with tendril like silver metal designs reaching chaotically over them.
The doors are locked. The southern room is rancid and foul smelling. A successful
CON test is required to venture in. Amongst the scattered bedding of the Gnolls can
be found 15 coins. Against the southern wall are two plough shears. Hidden in a recess
in the floor are the keys for the double doors. Only a character prepared to make a
detailed search and succeed with a WIS test will find them.

5. The Summoning Chamber

This chamber is bathed in a fiery red glow emanating from the summoning circle to
the Northwest. Within the circle are four Manes Demons (HD 1, HP 1,3,5,7). They
snarl and scream as the characters enter. They are held captive by the power of the
circle. If any character breaks the circle in any way then they are released and will

Shelves on the northern wall contain a range of dubious materials to assist in the
summoning of demons. Sold in the right place they might fetch 50 coins.

6. The Bedchamber

The door to this chamber is unlocked. The room within is lit by two glass globes
containing Fire Beetle glands. The flickering light dances on the heavy red curtain that
forms the western wall. Behind these drapes waits the sorcerer’s mate, a fearful Harpy
named Merrika (HD3 HP 16). Watchful, she will sing her enticing song from behind
the drapes and see if she can ensnare a character with her taloned claws. If she gauges
that she will be overwhelmed she will attempt to flee through the secret door to the
south. The secret door requires a successful WIS test at a disadvantage to find. Speedy
characters may draw the curtains in time to see her escape.

The wardrobe on the southern wall contains a series of empty fine wrought jars. In
the south-western corner stands an impressive looking iron shod staff.

7. The Secret Chamber

The secret door entrance to this chamber requires a successful INT test to work out
the mechanism to open it. This small chamber is the study of Poten the sorcerer. If
Merrika manages to get to this point then she will unbolt the eastern door and flee.

Potens, a 5th level Wizard, is not at home. In this chamber will be found the

➢ A spell scroll containing knowledge of the casting of the 2nd level spell ‘Blur’
➢ A plan of a temple with an underground series of chambers. One of the
chambers has a glyph written on it (deciphering it means ‘Here is the Key’)
➢ 50 coins
You may wish to consider a number of questions:

➢ Where is Poten and when will he return?

➢ What is the key that the plans identify?
➢ Are there other servants of the sorcerer in the vicinity?

8. The Icy Leap

Spring flows strong through the constraining rocks. To leap to the other bank requires
a successful test of DEX. Failure lands the character into the icy fast flowing water.
The character will be pulled further downstream to area 2. This causes 1d8 damage.

Vigilant characters who state they are looking carefully in this area, on a successful
test of WIS will see silvery tendrils of spider webs above the river on the cave ceiling.

9. The Spiders

Deep to the rear of this chamber up some shaped steps is the lair of 3 Giant Spiders
(HD2, HP 9, 12, 7). They will drop from above to poison the adventurers and cocoon
them in webs for a later feast.

The northern door is completely obscured by webs. Only someone who forces their
way through the sticky clawing mass will find the door. It is bolted from the inside

but quite weak. A successful test of STR will smash it in. Several dismembered
skeletons are littered amongst the webs. A successful test of WIS will discover a ring
worth 100 coins on a boney hand.

10. The Storeroom

The western door is not locked and can simply be opened. This room holds several
barrels of wine a series of moulding storage shelves, which can contain a few pieces of
useful equipment, possibly some weapons and armour and also some links to another

➢ A map case with a map to a tomb in the northern wasteland?

➢ A letter from a merchant agreeing to terms to return his son for a hefty
➢ A large key with a royal seal upon it?

There is one final angry Gnoll guard(2 HD, 5 HP). This Gnoll may well have got
caught up in other events if the adventurers advanced into the lair over the bridge.

The characters have an opportunity to destroy this lair, particularly the demonic
circle. Of course, destroying the circle will free the demons held within it.

Where is Poten? Perhaps he is undertaking a quest of his own? Has he travelled to

the temple to carry out some kind of ritual? Will he return to his lair? Probably. Will
the player characters ambush him on his way back or from the heart of his own lair?
Merrika will know some of what what Poten plans. Is Poten himself working for
somebody or something else?

The cleansing of the lair will prove to be a beginning for a number of new adventures.

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