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Milo Farner

Crunchy Chinchillas


11 - 5 - 2020

Alcohol Abuse and Native Americans Lifestyle

The use of alcohol has become a major issue in many of the Native American

communities, and it is still a struggle to find the most effective solutions to solve this problem.

Alcohol and substance abuse are frequent issues in numerous Native American Reservations,

which is a subject most lean toward not to talk about. Native Americans have higher risks of

liquor use, dangerous drinking habits, and increased mortality rates compared to other ethnic

groups. Since the discovery of America, Native Americans have been attempting to keep their

own way of life and their own culture. Sadly, in the evolution of the Reservations, Alcohol is one

of the ingredients of deteriorating what they could have become.

(Fig.1) : The True Path

Talan, Jamie. ​The True Path​. ​Drunken Indians,​ 6 June 2001,​.

The Cartoon drawn by Jamie Talan is depicting how Native Americans are excluding

themselves from “The True Path”. Jamie Talan shows the different panels of christianity being

shown. The effects of being colonized has made Native American making them very ignorant

and emotionally affected. The loss of their population, land, and culture has made uncertain

afflictions be communicated across the Native American people. Making unhealthy habits to

cope with the trauma, for example, drinking. (Fig. 1)

The movement of dangerous use of alcohol in the Native American communities

extended over the numerous years, which is someplace in the scope of the 1990s to the present

time. As shown by the Centers for Disease Control to them this is the most important segment

during that time. It shows the rising trend of alcohol abuse and how it is affecting the adolescent.

The American Addiction Center (AAC) wrote a piece called “Risk of Alcoholism Among Native

Americans”. They stated that every 1 in 6 Native American adolescents (age 12-17) engage in

underage drinking, the highest rate of alcohol use of all ethnic groups. Causing a rising trend of

alcohol abuse in the future as they mature into adulthood. With the effects of many health issues

such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, liver disease, and hepatitis. (AAC)

A poem called “Evolution” by Sherman Alexie wrote about his view on alcohol and how

it is affecting his culture. In the poem, one of his lines being “Buffalo Bill opens a pawn shop on

the reservation right across the border from the liquor store and he stays open 24 hours a day, 7

days a week”. The way that Alexie demonstrates that the local pawn shops, is that everyone

relinquishes something of value to go buy it with alcohol. She goes into more detail on alcohol

and how her culture revolves around alcohol. Stating that most Natives are becoming addicted

and to abuse this substance, making them anxious and letting go of their cultural beliefs.

Although alcohol has caused many problems for the Native Community, many would

argue the benefits of what it could have been. The culture has shifted to casinos, bars, and plenty

of liquor stores across the reservation. Natives are trying to improve the economy, which is to be

incorporated into the new wave of gambling, tourist attraction, and to be rich such as Las Vegas.

Another stance is that a number of Native people can drink socially and not acquire major issues.

They see the limitations of alcohol and the laws being passed are unfair. They believe that if you

are struggling with alcohol, they must seek help from family or friends. Many of the tribes would

refer you to the “Medicine Man” to seek help, but there is so much he can do without

professional help.

Native Americans are in desperate need of treatment and vary in each Native American

Reservation. Treatment can be incredibly useful for Native Americans battling with liquor issues

and many other illnesses, in spite of the fact that there is sadly an absence of accessibility of

health care. The lack of medical personnel and the lack of funding from the government has

made it difficult to operate. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), Native

Americans who are born today and live on reservations have a future life expectancy that is 4.4

years less than most of the U.S population.

Overall, the use of alcohol in the Native American Reservations being higher than most

ethnic groups and furthermore has caused many issues to their culture, health, and to their

community. Past issues, such as the Trail of Tears, Smallpox, and the establishment and

treatment of the reservations has scared them making further progressions and ties with the U.S

government. I personally have witnessed and experienced what alcohol does to a person. My

Great Grandfather was addicted to alcohol and the trauma and emotional attacks it has caused

my family has taken a toll.


“Evolution by Sherman Alexie.” ​Skagit River Poetry Foundation,​ 26 Mar. 2016,

Edited by Editorial StaffLast Updated: January 2, 2020. “Alcohol Abuse in the Native
American Population.” ​American Addiction Centers​,

Maass, Allison. ​Native Americans Have Historically Battled Addiction, and Now It Could
Be Getting Worse​. ​YOUTUBE,​ THE NATIONAL DESK, 2018,

Edited by Editorial StaffLast Updated: January 2, 2020. “Alcohol Abuse in the Native

American Population.” ​American Addiction Centers​,

“Native Americans: A Crisis in Health Equity.” ​American Bar Association​,

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