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Fifty Quotes on Forgiveness

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"Forgiveness is God's invention for coming to terms with a world in which, despite their best intentions, people
are unfair to each other and hurt each other deeply. He began by forgiving us. And he invites us all to forgive
each other."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"None of us wants to admit that we hate someone...When we deny our hate we detour around the crisis of
forgiveness. We suppress our spite, make adjustments, and make believe we are too good to be hateful. But the
truth is that we do not dare to risk admitting the hate we feel because we do not dare to risk forgiving the person
we hate."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"We attach our feelings to the moment when we were hurt, endowing it with immortality. And we let it assault
us every time it comes to mind. It travels with us, sleeps with us, hovers over us while we make love, and
broods over us while we die. Our hate does not even have the decency to die when those we hate die--for it is a
parasite sucking OUR blood, not theirs. There is only one remedy for it. [forgiveness]

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"Their pain [the injurer's pain at having injured you] and your pain create the point and counterpoint for the
rhythm of reconciliation. When the beat of their pain is a response to the beat of yours, they have become
truthful in their feelings...they have moved a step closer to a truthful reunion."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"...Forgiving is not having to understand. Understanding may come later, in fragments, an insight here and a
glimpse there, after forgiving."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"You can forgive someone almost anything. But you cannot tolerate everything...We don't have to tolerate what
people do just because we forgive them for doing it. Forgiving heals us personally. To tolerate everything only
hurts us all in the long run."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"The rule is: we cannot really forgive ourselves unless we look at the failure in our past and call it by its right

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve
"When we forgive evil we do not excuse it, we do not tolerate it, we do not smother it. We look the evil full in
the face, call it what it is, let its horror shock and stun and enrage us, and only then do we forgive it."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"If we say that monsters [people who do terrible evil] are beyond forgiving, we give them a power they should
never have...they are given the power to keep their evil alive in the hearts of those who suffered most. We give
them power to condemn their victims to live forever with the hurting memory of their painful pasts. We give the
monsters the last word."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"With a little time, and a little more insight, we begin to see both ourselves and our enemies in humbler profiles.
We are not really as innocent as we felt when we were first hurt. And we do not usually have a gigantic monster
to forgive; we have a weak, needy, and somewhat stupid human being. When you see your enemy and yourself
in the weakness and silliness of the humanity you share, you will make the miracle of forgiving a little easier."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"We forgive freely or we do not really forgive at all."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"The problem with revenge is that it never gets what it wants; it never evens the score. Fairness never comes.
The chain reaction set off by every act of vengeance always takes its unhindered course. It ties both the injured
and the injurer to an escalator of pain...Why do family feuds go on and on?...the reason is simple: no two
people, no two families, ever weigh pain on the same scale."

Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

"Gandhi was right: if we all live by 'an eye for an eye' the whole world will be blind. The only way out is

Sidney and Suzanne Simon - Forgiveness: How To Make Peace With Your Past And Get On With Your Life"

All the years you have waited for them to "make it up to you" and all the energy you expended trying to make
them change (or make them pay) kept the old wounds from healing and gave pain from the past free rein to
shape and even damage your life. And still they may not have changed. Nothing you have done has made them
change. Indeed, they may never change. Inner peace is found by changing yourself, not the people who hurt
you. And you change yourself for yourself, for the joy, serenity, peace of mind, understanding, compassion,
laughter, and bright future that you get."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"When you give up vengeance, make sure you are not giving up on justice. The line between the two is faint,
unsteady, and fine...Vengeance is our own pleasure of seeing someone who hurt us getting it back and then
some. Justice, on the other hand, is secure when someone pays a fair penalty for wronging another even if the
injured person takes no pleasure in the transaction. Vengeance is personal satisfaction. Justice is moral
accounting...Human forgiveness does not do away with human justice."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How
"I have discovered that most people who tell me that they cannot forgive a person who wronged them are
handicapped by a mistaken understanding of what forgiving is."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"God is the original, master forgiver. Each time we grope our reluctant way through the minor miracle of
forgiving, we are imitating his style. I am not at all sure that any of us would have had imagination enough to
see the possibilities in this way to heal the wrongs of this life had he not done it first."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"It takes one person to forgive, it takes two people to be reunited."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"A wise judge may let mercy temper justice but may not let mercy undo it."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"Forgiving is an affair strictly between a victim and a victimizer. Everyone else should step aside...The worst
wounds I ever felt were the ones people gave to my children. Wrong my kids, you wrong me. And my hurt
qualifies me to forgive you. But only for the pain you caused me when you wounded them. My children alone
are qualified to forgive you for what you did to them."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"I am certain that people never forgive because they believe they have an obligation to do it or because someone
told them to do it. Forgiveness has to come from inside as a desire of the heart. Wanting to is the steam that
pushes the forgiving engine."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"Not even God can make something fair out of what is intrinsically unfair. Only one thing can be done.
Something must break through the crust of unfairness and create a chance for a new fairness. Only forgiveness
can make the breakthrough."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"God invented forgiving as a remedy for a past that not even he could change and not even he could forget. His
way of forgiving is the model for our forgiving."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"I worry about fast forgivers. They tend to forgive quickly in order to avoid their pain. Or they forgive fast in
order to get an advantage over the people they forgive. And their instant forgiving only makes things
worse...People who have been wronged badly and wounded deeply should give themselves time and space
before they forgive...There is a right moment to forgive. We cannot predict it in advance; we can only get
ourselves ready for it when it arrives...Don't do it quickly, but don't wait too long...If we wait too long to
forgive, our rage settles in and claims squatter's rights to our souls."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How
"Spoken forgiving, no matter how heartfelt, works best when we do not demand the response we want. I mean
that when we tell people we forgive them, we must leave them free to respond to our good news however they
are inclined. If the response is not what we hoped for, we can go home and enjoy our own healing in private."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"How many times should you forgive your household bruiser? You should not even think about forgiving him.
Not yet. Not as long as he has his foot on your neck. Your problem at this point is not forgiving. Your problem
is how to get out of his reach. Once you get away from him, you can think about forgiving him."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"Forgive a wife-slammer if you can. But you don't have to live with him. Forgive a husband who is abusing
your children if you can. But only after you kick him out of the house. And if you can't get him out, get help. It's
available. In the meantime, don't let him near the kids, and don't let anyone tell you that if you forgive him it
means you have to stay with him. [There's an important difference between forgiving a person and tolerating
their bad behavior.]"

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"Forgiving does not usually happen at once. It is a process, sometimes a long one, especially when it comes to
wounds gouged deep. And we must expect some lapses...some people seem to manage to finish off forgiving in
one swoop of the heart. But when they do, you can bet they are forgiving flesh wounds. Deeper cuts take more
time and can use a second coat."

Lewis B. Smedes - The Art of Forgiving: When You Need To Forgive And Don't Know How

"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we
cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future."

Beverly Flanigan - Forgiving The Unforgivable: Overcoming the Legacy of Intimate Wounds

"Forgiveness has nothing to do with forgetting...A wounded person cannot--indeed, should not--think that a
faded memory can provide an expiation of the past. To forgive, one must remember the past, put it into
perspective, and move beyond it. Without remembrance, no wound can be transcended."

Beverly Flanigan - Forgiving The Unforgivable: Overcoming the Legacy of Intimate Wounds"

A [seemingly] unforgivable injury is a profound and irreversible assault on the fundamental belief system of the
person who has been injured...It is not the battering but what happens to a battered woman's beliefs as a result of
the battering that makes [the injury seemingly so] unforgivable...[the most serious] injuries separate people
from the very ideas they once believed were true--beliefs about themselves, the world, other people, good and
bad, right and wrong, the future, and even the validity of the history they have shared with the person who hurt
them...The forgiving process is one in which both morality and meaning are defined and redefined until the
world again makes sense [to the person injured]."

Beverly Flanigan - Forgiving The Unforgivable: Overcoming the Legacy of Intimate Wounds

"Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope, a reorganization of thought, and a reconstruction of dreams. Once forgiving
begins, dreams can be rebuilt. When forgiving is complete, meaning has been extracted from the worst of
experiences and used to create a new set of moral rules and a new interpretation of life's events."
Beverly Flanigan - Forgiving The Unforgivable: Overcoming the Legacy of Intimate Wounds

"In a way, forgiving is only for the brave. It is for those people who are willing to confront their pain, accept
themselves as permanently changed, and make difficult choices. Countless individuals are satisfied to go on
resenting and hating people who wrong them. They stew in their own inner poisons and even contaminate those
around them. Forgivers, on the other hand, are not content to be stuck in a quagmire. They reject the possibility
that the rest of their lives will be determined by the unjust and injurious acts of another person."

Gordon Dalbey - Letter to the Editor, The Christian Century (November 20-7, 1991)

"The Risen Christ proclaimed not that we 'have to forgive,' but rather, that at last we CAN forgive--and thereby
free ourselves from consuming bitterness and the offender from our binding condemnation. This process
requires genuine human anger and grief, plus--and here is the awful cost of such freedom--a humble willingness
to see the offender as God sees that person, in all his or her terrible brokenness and need for God's saving
power. I would never tell another, 'You have to forgive.' But my uncomfortable duty as a Christian is to confess
the truth, so lethal to our self-centered human nature: 'Jesus, who suffered your sin unto his own death, calls you
likewise to forgive, so that God's purposes may be accomplished in both you and your offender."

Lewis Smedes - Forgiveness: The Power To Change The Past (article, Christianity Today, January 7, 1983)

"Vengeance is having a videotape planted in your soul that cannot be turned off. It plays the painful scene over
and over again inside your mind...And each time it plays you feel the clap of pain again...Forgiving turns off the
videotape of pained memory Forgiving sets you free."

Lewis Smedes - Forgiveness: The Power To Change The Past (article, Christianity Today, January 7, 1983)

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."

Philip Yancey - The Unnatural Act (article, Christianity Today, April 8, 1991)

"Forgiveness is the only way to break the cycle of blame--and pain--in a relationship...It does not settle all
questions of blame and justice and fairness...But it does allow relationships to start over. In that way, said
Solzhenitsyn, we differ from all animals. It is not our capacity to think that makes us different, but our capacity
to repent, and to forgive."

Old Chinese Proverb -

"The one who pursues revenge should dig two graves."

Allen C. Guelzo - Fear Of Forgiving (article, Christianity Today, February 8, 1993)

"It is possible to have pardon without forgiveness--a murderer can be pardoned by the governor, but that does
not mean the victim's family has forgiven him. And there can be forgiveness without pardon. In 1986, Michael
Saward, a well-known Anglican evangelical, answered the door of his London vicarage. The three men who
stood in his doorway pounded Saward over the head with a cricket bat, fracturing his skull. Then they broke
into the vicarage, raped Saward's daughter, and beat up her boyfriend. The three were quickly arrested, and in a
television interview shortly afterward, a badly battered Saward touched the British nation by publicly forgiving
his assailants. But when the men were sentenced to prison terms of three to five years, Saward frankly criticized
the sentences as too lenient."
Robert D. Enright et alia - Must a Christian Require Repentance Before Forgiving? [Luke 17:3] (article, Journal
of Psychology and Christianity, 1990)

"It is potentially dangerous if pastoral counselors insist on a client's withholding forgiveness until the other
repents. We can easily imagine a devastated client who is trapped in bitterness or even hatred because of the
legalistic requirement that the other must repent. The client's psychological well-being is now dependent on the
other's response."

George Herbert -

"He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would reach heaven; for
everyone has need to be forgiven."

Lance Morrow - (article, Time Magazine, January 9, 1984)

"Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past, by old grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new
business. Not to forgive is to yield oneself to another's be locked into a sequence of act and
response, of outrage and revenge, tit for tat, escalating always. The present is endlessly overwhelmed and
devoured by the past. Forgiveness frees the forgiver. It extracts the forgiver from someone else's nightmare."

Carol Luebering - Finding A Way To Forgive (article, CareNotes)

"You can't forgive what you refuse to remember, any more than you can seek treatment for a disease whose
symptoms you have yet to notice."

Carol Luebering - Finding A Way To Forgive (article, CareNotes)

"Let's get one thing straight: Forgiving is not something you do for someone else. It is not even something you
do because you SHOULD, according to the standards of religious belief or human decency. Forgiving is
something that you do for yourself. It is one way of becoming the person you were created to be--and fulfilling
God's dream of you is the only way to true wholeness and happiness. You NEED to forgive so that you can
move forward with life. An unforgiven injury binds you to a time and place someone else has chosen; it holds
you trapped in a past moment and in old feelings."

Carol Luebering - Finding A Way To Forgive (article, CareNotes)

"Ask for divine help in your struggle to forgive. The God of the Judeo-Christian tradition has an ancient
reputation for compassion and mercy. Try praying FOR your enemy. Don't just ask for a change in that person's
heart or behavior; really pray FOR him or her. You may find it hard to find words for such a prayer, but words
are not necessary to the God who knows your mind and heart. Just stand before God with that person at your
side, and let God's love wash over both of you until it penetrates your heart."

Joan Borysenko - Forgiveness: A Bold Choice For A Peaceful Heart (in Preface to this book by Robin

"Forgiveness entails the authentic acceptance of our own worthiness as human beings, the understanding that
mistakes are opportunities for growth, awareness and the cultivation of compassion, and the realization that the
extension of love to ourselves and others is the glue that holds the universe together. not a set of
behaviors, but an attitude."

Robin Casarjian - Forgiveness: A Bold Choice For A Peaceful Heart

"Sometimes forgiving was easy for me; sometimes forgiving was a very bold choice. Whatever kind of choice it
was, it always led me to a more peaceful heart. It always left me happier and free to move on to create healthier
relationships with others and with myself."

Robin Casarjian - Forgiveness: A Bold Choice For A Peaceful Heart

"Sometimes choices are made in the name of forgiveness while what is occurring isn't forgiveness at all. It is
important not to confuse being forgiving with denying your own feelings, needs, and desires. Forgiving doesn't
mean being passive and staying in a job or a relationship that clearly doesn't work for you or is abusive. It is
important that you are clear about your boundaries. What is acceptable for you? If you are willing to allow
unacceptable behavior again and again in the name of 'forgiveness,' you are more than likely using 'forgiveness'
as an excuse not to take responsibility for taking care of yourself or as a way to avoid making changes."

Robin Casarjian - Forgiveness: A Bold Choice For A Peaceful Heart

"Don't allow your self-forgiveness to be contingent upon somebody else's readiness or willingness to forgive
you. They may get something out of holding on to anger that they aren't ready to let go of. They may be too
frightened or wounded to let go of their anger. Feeling angry may be an important part of their healing process
at this time. Allow others to be where they are. Respect their right to feel the way they feel."

10 Inspirational Quotes on Forgiveness

Here’s a small collection of quotes on forgiveness.
I especially like the quote by Catherine Ponder, it’s an accurate and useful observation of how things can work.
And it’s a good reason to forgive.
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
Paul Boose
When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that
is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.
Catherine Ponder
The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbour as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto
ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves.
We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice
Eric Hoffer
Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde
We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends.
Sir. Francis Bacon
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Mahatma Gandhi
Most of us can forgive and forget; we just don’t want the other person to forget that we forgave.
Ivern Ball
To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
Robert Muller
True forgiveness is not an action after the fact, it is an attitude with which you enter each moment.
David Ridge
Let us forgive each other – only then will we live in peace.
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Forgiveness Quotes and Proverbs

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

As difficult as it seems, you can be sure of this: At the core of the heart, you have the power to move
beyond the old issues that are still hindering your freedom. The hardest things—the ones that push
you up against your limits—are the very things you need to address to make a quantum leap into a
fresh inner and outer life.

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

In the long run, it's not a question of whether they deserve to be forgiven. You're not forgiving them
for their sake. You're doing it for yourself. For your own health and well-being, forgiveness is simply
the most energy-efficient option. It frees you from the incredibly toxic, debilitating drain of holding a
grudge. Don't let these people live rent free in your head. If they hurt you before, why let them keep
doing it year after year in your mind? It's not worth it but it takes heart effort to stop it. You can muster
that heart power to forgive them as a way of looking out for yourself. It's one thing you can be totally
selfish about.

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

Take it slowly. The deepest resentments are wrapped up in a lot of hurt and pain. We think we're
protecting ourselves by not forgiving. Acknowledge that and go easy on yourself. Forgiveness means
that you've decided not to let it keep festering inside even if it only comes up once in awhile.
Forgiveness is a powerful yet challenging tool that will support and honor you, even in the most
extreme circumstances.

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

The incoherence that results from holding on to resentments and unforgiving attitudes keeps you from
being aligned with your true self. It can block you from your next level of quality life experience.
Metaphorically, it's the curtain standing between the room you're living in now and a new room, much
larger and full of beautiful objects. The act of forgiveness removes the curtain. Clearing up your old
accounts can free up so much energy that you jump right into a whole new house. Forgiving releases
you from the punishment of a self-made prison where you are both the inmate and the jailer.

Sara Paddison, Hidden Power of the Heart

Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't
worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth
to people in its own way and time—just like it does for you and me.

David McArthur & Bruce McArthur, The Intelligent Heart

Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not
learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional
stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the
release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work with the situation more effectively.

Catherine Ponder
When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an
emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get

Israel Zangwill
The Past: Our cradle, not our prison; there is danger as well as appeal in its glamour. The past is for
inspiration, not imitation, for continuation, not repetition.
Mahatma Gandhi
If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and

Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.

Thanks to Mike D.

from Live and Learn and Pass it On -age 51

I've learned that when you have an argument with your spouse, the first one who says, 'I'm sorry I
hurt your feelings; please forgive me,' is the winner.

Alden Nowlan
The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he
forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.

Mahatma Gandhi
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was YOU.

Jean Paul Richter

Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.

He who forgiveth, and is reconciled unto his enemy, shall receive his reward from God; for he loveth
not the unjust doers.

Henry Ward Beecher

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to
be like a cancelled note--torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.

Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself.

Madame Dorothée Deluzy

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

Mahatma Gandhi
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

George Bernard Shaw

The secret of forgiving everything is to understand nothing.

Josh Billings
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.

Oscar Wilde
Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much.
Alexander Pope
To err is human; to forgive, divine.

Ed Howe
A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.

These visualization quotes are some of my favorites. They help to remind me that in
order to manifest anything into my life, I must first be able see it in my mind. I hope
they help you in your search for success!

Now on to the quotes:

"You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold
them in your mind until they become second nature."

Les Brown

"See things as you would have them be instead of as they are."

Robert Collier

"Make sure you visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants for you."

Jerry Gillies

"To visualize is to see what is not there, what is not real -- a dream . To visualize is, in
fact, to make visual lies . Visual lies, however, have a way of coming true."

Peter McWilliams

visualization quotes

"Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is
possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible,
they begin to see it as possible."

Cherie Carter-Scott
"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding.
Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the
picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination."

Norman Vincent Peale

"My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at
once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device
in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every
possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into
concrete form the final product of my brain."

Nikola Tesla
1856-1943, Croatian Physicist and Electrical Engineer

"Fantasies are more than substitutes for unpleasant reality; they are also dress
rehearsals, plans. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination."

Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

"Without this playing of fantasy, no creative work has ever yet come to birth...the debt
we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable."


Visualization Quotes - Quotes About Visualization

"There is no fate ,but what we create."
- Sarah Coonor

Quotes About Visualization

"Make sure you visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants
for you."
- Jerry Gillies

Visualization Quotes
"I've discovered that numerous peak performers use the skill of mental
rehearsal of visualization. They mentally run through important events before
they happen."
- Charles A. Garfield

Quotes About Visualization

"Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your
mental blue print, and begin to build."
- Robert Collier

Visualization Quotes
"When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step
back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go
to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of
- Alan Cohen

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Quotes About Visualization

"I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better.
Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize
and go eat a sandwich."
- Jim Carrey

Visualization Quotes
"You are living simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of
your thoughts, emotions and attitudes, and the outer reality of people, places,
things and events. Because we fail to separate these Inner and Outer worlds,
we allow ourselves to become dominated by the Outer world of appearances,
and we use the Inner world solely as a 'mirror' for whatever happens to us. Our
Inner world reacts constantly and because we spend all of our time simply
reacting, we never experience our power. Ironically, you begin changing your
reality the day, the hour, the minute you cease constantly reacting to it."
- John Kehoe

Quotes About Visualization

"People who soar are those who refuse to sit back, sigh and wish things would
change. They neither complain of their lot nor passively dream of some distant
ship coming in. Rather, they visualize in their minds that they are not quitters;
they will not allow life's circumstances to push them down and hold them
- Unknown
Visualization Quotes
"To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan...
believe... act!"
- Alfred A. Montapert

Quotes About Visualization

"Now here is a key: you want to make it real and present in the realm of your
consciousness. You don't say 'I'm going to do such and such' - it already has
happened. Now, is consciousness real? It exists and it is very powerful. The
idea is to have this mesh between your consciousness - your visualization - and
the so-called material world."
- George Leonard

Visualization Quotes
"The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer... He can
visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it
- Robert L. Schwartz

Quotes About Visualization

"Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of
- Unknown

Visualization Quotes
"Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a
world without death! Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil."
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Quotes About Visualization

"Visualize, 'prayerize', 'actionize', and your wishes will come true."
- Charles L. Allen

Visualization Quotes
"To visualize is to see what is not there, what is not real -- a dream . To
visualize is, in fact, to make visual lies . Visual lies, however, have a way of
coming true."
- Peter McWilliams

Visualization Quotes
"You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more
happiness, and more joy by learning to contact and release the hidden power of
your subconscious mind."
- Dr. Joseph Murphy

Visualization Quotes
"What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."
- Napoleon Hill
Motivational Quotations - Visualization Quotes & Motivational Quotations

A collection of Visualization & Motivational Quotations. 

I hope the followingvisualization quotes motivate you to use your mind to help further
your goals and dreams. 

Visualization Quote #1
"See things as you would have them
be instead of as they are."
- Robert Collier

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #2

"I am thought. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I
can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel 
what the heart cannot feel."
- Peter Nivio Zarlenga

Visualization Quote #3
"Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose."
- Bo Bennett

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #4

"Visualization and belief in a pattern of reality activates the creative power of
- A. L. Linall, Jr.

Visualization Quote #5
"You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for
them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature."
- Les Brown

Visualization Quote #6
"Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize
not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by
visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible."
- Cherie Carter-Scott

Visualization Quote #7
"Surely there is grandeur in knowing that in the realm of thought, at least, you
are without a chain; that you have the right to explore all heights and depth;
that there are no walls nor fences, nor prohibited places, nor sacred corners in
all the vast expanse of thought."
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Visualization & Motivational Quotation #8
"Nimble thought can jump both sea and land."
- William Shakespeare

Visualization Quote #9
"Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the
picture your own."
- Robert Collier

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #10

"Try out your ideas by visualizing them in action."
- David Seabury

Visualization Quote #11

"I visualize things in my mind before I have to do
them. It's like having a mental workshop."
- Jack Youngblood

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #12

"We lift ourselves by our thought. We climb upon our vision of ourselves. If you
want to enlarge your life, you must first enlarge your thought of it and of
yourself. Hold the ideal of yourself as you long to be, always everywhere."
- Orison Swett Marden

Visualization Quote #13

"The real trick is to make the moves in your head
first, as a way of testing them out."
- Juliene Berk

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #14

"See yourself confronting your fears in your mind's eye and handling those
fears like a champ."
- Les Brown

Visualization Quote #15

"My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea,
I start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and
operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody
everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and
when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my
- Nikola Tesla

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #16

"The whole idea is to enable you to see mentally the picture at all hours of the
- Claude M. Bristol
Visualization Quote #17
"Ideas cross mountains, borders, and seas. They 
go anywhere a man can go."
- The Houston Times

Visualization Quote #18

"I would give all the wealth of the world, and all the
deeds of all the heroes, for one true vision."
- Henry David Thoreau

Visualization Quote #19

"Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for
the limits of the world."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Visualization & Motivational Quotation #20

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what
is essential is invisible to the eye."
- Antoine Saint-Exupéry
20 Powerful Visualization Quotes

This post marks the end of a short spell about visualization – these visualization and mental imaging
techniques have been used by some of the most successful people in the world – read the following
quotes from some of these people and put the power of visualization to use in your own life!

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.”

- Bo Bennett
“Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is
possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they
begin to see it as possible.” – Cherie Carter-Scott
“See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.” – Robert Collier

“I am thought. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel
what the heart cannot feel.” – Peter Nivio Zarlenga

“Visualization and belief in a pattern of reality activates the creative power of realization.” – A. L.
Linall, Jr.

“Surely there is grandeur in knowing that in the realm of thought, at least, you are without a
chain; that you have the right to explore all heights and depth; that there are no walls nor fences,
nor prohibited places, nor sacred corners in all the vast expanse of thought.” – Robert Green

“Nimble thought can jump both sea and land.”

- William Shakespeare
“Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.”
- Robert Collier
“You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in
your mind until they become second nature.”
- Les Brown
“I visualize things in my mind before I have to do them. It’s like having a mental workshop.”
- Jack Youngblood
“Try out your ideas by visualizing them in action.”
- David Seabury
“My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once
building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device in my mind.
When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I
can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my
- Nikola Tesla
“We lift ourselves by our thought. We climb upon our vision of ourselves. If you want to enlarge
your life, you must first enlarge your thought of it and of yourself. Hold the ideal of yourself as you
long to be, always everywhere.”
- Orison Swett Marden
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
- Antoine Saint-Exupéry
“The real trick is to make the moves in your head first, as a way of testing them out.”
- Juliene Berk
“See yourself confronting your fears in your mind’s eye and handling those fears like a champ.”
- Les Brown
“The whole idea is to enable you to see mentally the picture at all hours of the day.”
- Claude M. Bristol
“Ideas cross mountains, borders, and seas. They go anywhere a man can go.”
- The Houston Times
“I would give all the wealth of the world, and all the deeds of all the heroes, for one true vision.”
- Henry David Thoreau
“Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Quotations about Gratitude

Related Quotes      Prayer      Thank You      Thanksgiving      Kindness

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say "thank you?"  ~William A.

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.  No Americans have been more impoverished
than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.  ~H.U. Westermayer

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.  ~G.B. Stern

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.  ~Meister Eckhart

There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed.  If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned

ingratitude.  ~Robert Brault,

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.  ~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time.  Why are
we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?  ~G.K. Chesterton

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.  ~John E.

Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.  ~Kak Sri

If you have lived, take thankfully the past.  ~John Dryden

As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily.  The breaking of
the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world.  ~Terri Guillemets

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled
by wonder.  ~G.K. Chesterton

You say grace before meals.  All right.  But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace
before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting,
swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.  ~G.K.

For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get. 
~Frank A. Clark

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as
the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!  ~Henry Ward

Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.  It's a way to live.  ~Attributed to
Jacqueline Winspear

Praise the bridge that carried you over.  ~George Colman

If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.  ~Robert Quillen

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he
has.  ~Epictetus

What a miserable thing life is:  you're living in clover, only the clover isn't good enough.  ~Bertolt
Brecht, Jungle of Cities, 1924

Gratitude is the best attitude.  ~Author Unknown

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. 
~W.T. Purkiser

We thank Thee, O Father of all, for... all the soul-help that sad souls understand.  ~Will Carleton

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. 
~Thornton Wilder

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order
to exist at all.  ~William Faulkner

If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness.  It will change your life mightily.  ~Gerald Good

Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices.  ~Thomas Fuller

There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude.  It is accompanied with such an
inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance.  ~Joseph Addison

I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.  ~Benjamin

There is no greater difference between men than between grateful and ungrateful people.  ~R.H. Blyth

Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart.  ~Henry Clay

Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.  ~Estonian Proverb

Thou hast given so much to me,

Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.
~George Herbert

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.  ~Eric
Hoffer, Reflections On The Human Condition

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.  ~Henry Ward Beecher

When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?  ~George Canning

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.  ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.  ~Cynthia Ozick
Only a stomach that rarely feels hungry scorns common things.  ~Horace

The grateful person, being still the most severe exacter of himself, not only confesses, but proclaims,
his debts.  ~Robert South

Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors.  ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.  ~Aldous Huxley

When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.  ~Chinese Proverb

Thanks are justly due for boons unbought.  ~Ovid

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I
am not a Republican.  ~H.L. Mencken

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.  ~William Arthur

Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel.  ~Author Unknown

49 Gratitude Quotes and a Poem Of Thankfulness


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Here are 49 beautifulgratitude quotes and a poem of thankfulness:

1. “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has
cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” — Albert Schweitzer

2. “You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace
before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting,
swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.” — G.
K. Chesterton
3. “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks”. — Unknown

4. “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our
souls blossom.” — Marcel Proust

5. “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which
he has.” — Epictetus

6. “You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each
day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law:
the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach

7. “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
— Thornton Wilder

8. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

9. “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change
ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward

10. “Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you
would hanker after them, if you had them not.” — Marcus Aurelius

11. “Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgement of
what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.” — Sarah
Ban Breathnach

12. “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick

13. “Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted–a paved road or a washing
machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life
will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — Rabbi Harold Kushner

14. “We can be thankful to a friend for a few acres or a little money; and yet for the freedom and
command of the whole earth, and for the great benefits of our being, our life, health, and reason, we
look upon ourselves as under no obligation.” — Marcus Annaeus Seneca

15. “When we become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty,
helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others, our desire grows to pass on similar
gifts. Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us. The spirit of
gratitude is a powerful energizer.” — Wilferd A. Peterson

16. “Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and
then to appreciate all that we have, on every level. We need to literally “count our blessings,” give
thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already
have.” — Shakti Gawain

17. “Thou that has given so much to me,

Give one thing more–a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if thy blessings had spare days;
But such a heart, whose pulse may be
Thy praise.”
– George Herbert

18.  “(Some people) have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the
basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.” — A.H. Maslow

19. “If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that would suffice.” — Meister Eckhart

20. “Find the good and praise it.” — Alex Haley

21. “Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” — The Hausa of Nigeria

22. “What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give
them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you
must truly appreciate what you already have.” — Ralph Marston

23. “Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude.” — Joseph Wood Krutch

24. “The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious,
awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” — Henry Miller

25. “There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” — Ralph H. Blum

26.  “Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful,
then no matter how much we have we will not be happy — because we will always want to have
something else or something more.” — Brother David Steindl-Rast
27.  “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual
experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” — Denis Waitley

28. “As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The
breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world. ” — Adabella

29. “For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

30. “Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It’s a way to live. ” — Attributed to
Jacqueline Winspear

31. “When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.” — Chinese Proverb

32. “Only a stomach that rarely feels hungry scorns common things.” — Horace

33. “But the value of gratitude does not consist solely in getting you more blessings in the future.
Without gratitude you cannot long keep from dissatisfied thought regarding things as they are.” —
Wallace Wattles

34. “Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.” — Author

35. “If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life
will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — Rabbi Harold Kushner

36. “Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good,
which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of
gratitude.” — Albert Schweitzer

37. “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?” — William A.

38. “Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.” — John Henry Jowett

39. “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the
things that you appreciate and value into your life.” — Christiane Northrup

40.”The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.” — Richard Bach

41. “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes
of which all men have some.” — Charles Dickens

42. “Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our
conscious choice which secret garden we will tend… when we choose not to focus on what is missing
from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present — love, health, family, friends, work,
the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure — the wasteland of illusion falls away
and we experience Heaven on earth.” –Sarah Ban Breathnach

43. “Whenever we are appreciative, we are filled with a sense of well-being and swept up by the feeling
of joy.” — M.J. Ryan

44. “Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” –Doris Day

45. “Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of
gratitude.” — Wallace Wattles

46. “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if
we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all
be thankful.” — Buddha

47. “Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what
we give.” — Edwin Arlington Robinson

48. “There is a law of gratitude, and it is . . . the natural principle that action and reaction are always
equal and in opposite directions. The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to supreme
intelligence is a liberation or expenditure of force. It cannot fail to reach that to which it is addressed,
and the reaction is an instantaneous movement toward you.” — Wally Wattles

49. “Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude,
the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good, even in
unpleasant situations. Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive
experience in order to feel grateful.” — Marelisa Fábrega
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
Author Unknown

Gratitude Quotes

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.Each
of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within
us." -Albert Schweitzer

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for
those which he has." - Epictetus

"Go to foreign countries and you will get to know the good things one possesses at
home." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is
lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every
virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." -John
Henry Jowett

“For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and
food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.” -G.B. Stern

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?"
-William A. Ward

"No one is as capable of gratitude as one who has emerged from the kingdom of night."
-Elie Wiesel

"Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic"

- John Henry Jowett

"If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily."
- Gerald Good

"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts

more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life." -Christiane Northrup

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is
all that is necessary.” -Margaret Cousins

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you,
knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better
than your current situation."
-Brian Tracy

“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.”-Eric

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
-William Arthur Ward

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a
little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least
we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha

“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but
to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is
done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is
directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of
gratitude.” -Albert Schweitzer

“Let's be grateful for those who give us happiness; they are the charming gardeners who
make our soul bloom.” - Marcel Proust

“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.” - Alfred Painter

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God."
-The Bible Phil 4:6 NKJV
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not
to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice." -
Meister Eckhart

"Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors." - François Duc de La


"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is
happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's
going to get." - Frank A. Clark

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." - Henry Ward Beecher 

How to Use a Vision Board to Activate the Law of Attraction

By Tristan Loo

A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of
attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. The concept of the vision board (also known
as a goal board, goal map, or treasure map) has been around for generations, but it’s gained a
renewed interest and popularity after success expert John Assaraf related his story of using vision
boards to achieve his dreams in the best-selling DVD documentary The Secret.[1]


A vision board is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or
do in your life. It consists of a poster or foam board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing on it
of the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become. The purpose of a vision
board is to activate the law of attraction to begin to pull things from your external environment that will
enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with
feelings ofpassion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.


What exactly is the law of attraction? The law of attraction states that we attract into our lives anything
that we give attention to, regardless whether it be positive or negative.[2] From a psychological view,
the law of attraction can be best explained by the information filtering system of the brain known as
the reticular activating system (RAS). Vision boards serve the role of programming the RAS to tune
into external stimuli that can help us move closer towards our intentions.

At the base of the human brain stem, in between the medulla oblongata and the mesencephalon,
there is a small finger-sized control center called the reticular activating system (RAS) that sorts and
evaluates incoming data.[3] Your RAS is responsible for filtering all the incoming information that your
brain receives and it also acts as receiver for information that is tagged as important.

A simple way to conceptualize the RAS is to think of it like a radio. You are surrounded by radio
waves from various stations and your portable radio can pick up those channels, but only one at a
time. You have to tune your radio to a specific frequency of your favorite radio station in order to
receive it properly. Your RAS is not much different in this regard. Imagine you are in a meeting room
talking to several people and out in the distant corner of the room you hear your name. All your focus
gets diverted in the direction that you heard your name because that bit of information is tagged by
the RAS as important to you. Your RAS is responsible for having the ability to sleep through the noise
of traffic outside your room, but waking up suddenly at the smallest cry from your infant child. Another
example of the RAS at work is when you go and buy a brand new car and then suddenly you notice
many more people around your city have that exact same car.

According to Hans Morvec, the principal research scientist at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie
Mellon University, the human brain can handle up to 100 trillion bits of information at any given time.
[4] With all that information coming in, how does your RAS know what to filter? Your RAS is naturally
programmed to prioritize information that is necessary for survival, like listening for a the particular
sound of an oncoming vehicle when walking close to a street. The RAS can’t distinguish between a
real event and a contrived reality, however, and we can exploit this weakness to program it to seek
out stimuli in our environment that resonate with our goals. The process of creating a vision board is
one of the best ways to program the RAS. It programs the RAS to pay attention to certain things in
your environment that are in frequency with your goal or vision, in much the same way as you are
able to pick up your name being mentioned in a conversation on the other side of a room while talking
to others. This selective attention filter makes you aware of daily things that can help you achieve
your goal and it’s your job to take action on those opportunities when they present themselves.


Your personal vision board is only limited by the extent of your own creativity. Some of my students
have produced simple vision boards and others have made vision boards that could probably sell at
an art show for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Having artistic ability is not a prerequisite for
creating a functional vision board however and the procedures I’ve outlined below can be used by

The general elements that a well-designed vision board should include are:

Visual. Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images, so make your vision board as visual
as possible with as many pictures as you can. You can supplement your pictures with words and
phrases to increase the emotional response you get from it.

Emotional. Each picture on your vision board should evoke a positive emotional response from you.
The mere sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion to achieve it every
time you look at it.
Strategically-placed. Your vision board should be strategically placed in a location that gives you
maximum exposure to it. You need to constantly bath your subconscious mind with it’s energy in
order to manifest your desires quicker than you hope.

Personal. Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that your vision
board emits. If you fear criticism or justification of your vision board from others, then place it in a
private location so it can only be seen by yourself.

Supplies Needed

Foam core board (recommended) or poster board

A large assortment of magazines. You want to make sure that these are in color. You can go to
various businesses or hospitals to ask for their old issues.
Glue. I prefer the dispenser type tape rollers, commonly used to mount photos because they are
clean and won’t damage your pictures.
(Optional) Color inkjet or laser printer
(Optional) 3 1/3” x 4” or larger printer labels. I use Avery #5164 mailing labels that work great.
(Optional) Internet access

Step 1—Compile your pictures. Start by going through your magazines and compiling all the pictures
that you can find that are relevant to your goal. Don’t evaluate the pictures or start pasting them onto
your board. Just stack them into a pile. If you are internet saavy, then a much quicker method that I
do myself is to use an internet search engine to find good pictures that I can use for my board. You
can either print the pictures out on paper and then glue it to the board, or print the pictures out onto a
self-adhesive label so that it becomes a sticker. This is the preferred method because it is takes much
less time to do and you can pinpoint your pictures using very good technology at your hands. Make
sure that each image that you put on your board resonates with your heart and makes you excited at
the mere look of it. It’s also important when selecting pictures to include anything that is congruent
with your goal, such as any changes in your life that might result from obtaining your goal. So if your
goal is to have a six figure income, then select pictures of a lifestyle that is congruent with your six
figure income. Asking yourself the following questions might help you design a congruent vision

What would you do differently when you realize your goal?

Where would you travel?
Where would you live?
What would you wear?
What things would you own?
What kind of vehicle would you drive?
What would you do for work?...Or would you work?
Who would you help?

Step 2—Sort and Cut. Go through your pile of pictures and select the ones that impact you the most
emotionally. Cut the extraneous material away from the image.

Step 3—Arrange and glue. Start arranging your pictures creatively on your board. Don’t worry about
being artistic—that’s not the point. The point is that your board should resonate with your emotions.
Arrange your pictures in a way that gives you an emotional connection to your vision board. After you
are satisfied with the arrangement, glue all your pictures in place. Additionally, you might want
to add writing or drawing on your vision board if you feel that it would better resonate with your
emotions. A feature unique to my vision boards is that I also put two labels on the bottom of board
that read: “Date created: [today’s date]” and “Date Manifested: [blank]” This lets me know how long
my vision has been gestating since its creation and also every time I look at my vision board, not only
am I emotionally charged with the pictures, but I also feel an overwhelming sense to see it manifested
to completion.

Step 4—Strategic positioning. The most important part of having a vision board is having it in a
strategic location that gives you as much visual exposure to it throughout the day. For most of us, this
is in the office, but if that is not possible or appropriate, then try your living room or your bedroom.
Some people I know mount their vision boards on the ceiling above their bed so that it is the first thing
they see when they wake up and the last thing they see when they go to sleep. If you are sensitive to
what others might say of your vision board, then be sure to keep it in a safe area where only you will
see it. Negative criticism or justification of your dreams can kill the energy that your vision board
releases. As Brian Tracy states, “What they don’t know, can’t hurt you.”[7]

Step 5— Update your vision board. Your vision board has to inspire you. It has to charge you with
renewed passion everytime you look at it and over time and as you progress closer towards your
vision, you might find that some of the images or pictures on your vision board don’t really carry as
much emotional impact on you as they did before. When this happens, you’ll want to update your
vision board with new fresh images that do inspire you. You’re vision board is not a finished piece of
art after its initial creation. It’s a dynamic piece of art that shifts and changes as your vision shifts and
changes. Therefore, if you find your level of passion that your vision board gives you is growing
weaker, then update it to bring fresh new emotions to it.


Here are three examples of famous people who have used the techniques of visualization to activate
the law of attraction in their lives. Although not all of them specifically used vision boards to get what
they wanted, the applications that they used were similar in function.

John Assaraf’s Vision Board. Successful entrepreneur and author, John Assaraf, brought the age-old
concept of a vision board to the mainstream public by relating his story of it in the motivational
documentary, The Secret. In May of 2000, John was working in his home office inside his beautiful
new home in Southern California when his five-year old son came in and asked him what were in the
dusty boxes in the corner of his home office. John told him that it contained his vision boards. His son
didn’t understand what they were, so John opened one of the boxes to show him. When John pulled
out the second board from the box, he began to cry. On it was a picture of a 7000 square foot house
on top of six acres of spectacular land that he had seen and cut out from Dream Homes magazine in
1995. It was the exact house that he had just purchased several weeks prior—A sure testament to
the law of attraction at work.

Bruce Lee’s Letter. The late martial arts legend and my own personal role-model, Bruce Lee,
understood the power of the law of attraction. As a struggling entrepreneur and actor, Bruce sat down
one day and wrote the following letter to himself: “By 1980, I will be the best known oriental movie
star in the United States and will have secured $10 million dollars… And in return, I will give the very
best acting I could possibly give every single time I am in front of the camera and I will live
in peace and harmony.” In 1973, months after Bruce’s untimely death, the blockbuster movie Enter
the Dragon was released in both the United States and China, elevating Bruce to the level of an
international star. According to Jack Canfield, that very letter that Bruce wrote to himself is hanging
up on one of the walls at Planet Hollywood in New York City.[8]

Jim Carrey’s Check. As a struggling young comedian trying to make it in the make or break city of
Hollywood, Jim Carrey was just about ready to give up his dream of becoming a professional actor
and comedian. He had just performed at an open mic session at one of the nightclubs in Los Angeles
and had been booed off the stage by his audience. He sat by himself at the top of Mulholand Drive
and looked out at the city below him—the city that held his future success or failure. He then pulled
out his check book and wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars and made a note on it: “for acting
services rendered.” He then carried that check with him in his wallet everywhere he went from that
day forward. By 1995, after the success of his blockbuster movies: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb
and Dumber, and The Mask, his contract price had risen to the price of $20 million dollars.[8]


Vision boards are an important tool in your success tool box. They are cheap to make and their
potential value to you is immeasurable. Figure out what you want in your life and then commit
yourself 100% towards making that first step of creating your vision board and activating the law of
attraction to pull your dreams into reality.

1. Think about your positive attributes. Take stock of yourself by making an inventory of your
best qualities, abilities, or other attributes. Are you gorgeous? Write it down. Are you a hard worker?
Make note of it. Write each quality down in a short sentence, starting with "I" and using the present
tense: "I am beautiful," for example, or "I am generous". These statements are affirmations of who
you are. We rarely focus on those things that we really like about ourselves, instead choosing to dwell
on things we'd like to change. An inventory will help you break that cycle, and using these affirmations
to help you appreciate who you are will give you the confidence you need to accept your affirmations
of who you want to become.

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Law of Attraction Hints
 Advice On How To Apply The Law of Attraction

2. 2

Think about what negative scripts you want to counteract or what positive goals you want to
accomplish. Affirmations can be extremely useful to counteract negative perceptions you
have developed about your appearance, your abilities, or your potential (we'll refer to these types of
affirmations as "counter-scripts"). Affirmations can also help you achieve specific goals, such as
losing weight or quitting smoking. Make a list of your goals or the harmful self-perceptions you want to

3. 3

Prioritize your list of things to work on. You may find that you have a lot of goals or that you need
many counter-scripts. It's best, however, to concentrate on just a few affirmations at a time, so
choose those that are most important or most urgent and work with those first. Once you see
improvement in those areas or accomplish those goals you can develop new affirmations for other
items on your list. You can try using as many affirmations as you want at any given time, but you may
want to start by using no more than five.

4. 4

Write your affirmations. In step 1, you got plenty of practice writing affirmations based on your
positive qualities in the present. You can use these alone as counter-scripts, or you can add other
affirmations to influence your behavior in the future. The affirmations you will use to influence future
changes should follow the same basic form as those from step 1. They should start with "I," and be
short, clear, and positive. There are two kinds of future-oriented affirmations you can use to work
toward goals.

o "I can" statements: Write a statement affirming the fact that you can achieve your
goal(s). For example, if you want to quit smoking, a statement such as "I can quit smoking," is a good
start. Many experts recommend that you avoid any sort of negative connotation, so that you would
instead say something like "I can free myself from smoking," or "I can become smoke-free."
o "I will" statements: Write a statement affirming that today you will actually use your
ability to achieve your goal. So, following the above example, you could say, "I will be smoke-free
today," or "I will smoke fewer cigarettes today than yesterday." Again, the affirmation should use
positive language and should simply express what you will do today to achieve the longer-term goal.

5. 5

Match up some of your positive attributes with your goals. Which of the positive qualities that
you affirmed in step 1 will help you achieve the goals you have set? If you're quitting smoking, for
example, you may need willpower or courage, or you may need to reflect on the fact that you are
beautiful or that you care about your family. Select two or three of these affirmations to support your
goal-oriented affirmations.

6. 6

Make your repetitions visible so you can use them. Repetition is the key to making affirmations
effective. You want to think about your affirmations several times a day, every day. There are several
ways to do this.

o Make a point of writing your affirmations in a journal or diary each morning when you
wake up and each night before you go to sleep. Repeat the affirmations to yourself at these times, as
well. Ideally your affirmations should be the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last
before you go to sleep.
o Meditate on your affirmations. Close your eyes, shut out the rest of the world, and think
about your affirmations. Say and repeat the words, but think about what the words mean to you; think
about the future and try to feel the emotions that the affirmations evoke.
o Leave reminder cards in various places. Use 3X5 index cards or sticky notes to write
your affirmations (one per card). Make several cards for each affirmation, and then leave these cards
where you will see them: place one where you sit at the kitchen table, tape one to your car's steering
wheel, slip one inside your desk drawer, or stick one to your computer monitor, etc. Each time you
see the card, read it and think about what it means.
o Carry your affirmations with you. Make a list of your affirmations and put it in your wallet
or purse. If you need a pick-me-up, or if you find yourself about to waver from your goals, get out your
affirmations and read them.

7. 7

Continue using your affirmations. The more you affirm something, the more firmly your mind will
accept it. If you are trying to accomplish a short-term goal, use your affirmations until you have
accomplished it. If you simply want to use affirmations as a counter-script, use each one as long as
you like

Knowing how to use affirmations effectively can prevent it from being a total waste of time

How to use affirmations? Like many other things, there are certain ground rules which should be
followed to ensure that your self affirmations are actually effective. Increase your chances of having
effective affirmations by knowing how to use affirmations. Review the guidelines below.

The Rules...

1. How to craft good affirmations

When practicing affirmations, make sure it is stated in the present. Don’t use time based words that
refer to the future. Phrases such as ‘in the future’ , ‘by next year’ , ‘tomorrow’ etc. The reason is
because our brains do not follow the concept of time. If you affirm ‘I will make 1 million dollars next
year’ , to your mind it will always be the next year. The use of specific dates can help solve this

Personally for me, I try to refrain from using ‘I will’ statements as well. As it may also imply that it is
something that you will only achieve in the (vague) future. Again solve this problem by adding specific
dates into your affirmation.
I prefer statements which refer more to the present. It gives the feeling that it is happening now.
Moreover, our brains only really understand the present. Use statements like these ;

I am becoming more and more……. everyday

I am feeling more and more……everyday

I am improving in……….. each and everyday

(Everyday) I am moving closer and closer to my goal of….. 

Notice that all those statements imply that you have not attained your goal yet, but you are getting
closer and closer to it. This is how to use affirmations effectively.

One thing to avoid at all costs is to affirm things that are blatantly untrue. For example ‘I am a
millionaire’. If you are not, then who are you kidding? Your subconscious mind will pick that up and
know that you’re full of bull. That makes the subconscious mind less receptive to future affirmations.

2. Do it with emotion and passion

Showing emotion & passion is a signal that you believe in what you’re doing and that you genuinely
want it. If I told you to run a campaign on saving cockroaches from
extinction, will you be very emotional and passionate about it?

When doing affirmations, put more of yourself into it. Don’t just say it
blandly. Show that you care, that you want it, that it is important and that
you believe in it. Your subconscious mind and the universe will pick that up
and act on it. If you say it like you don’t believe it’s possible then it won’t
happen. Say it like you don’t really care… it won’t happen.

In the end, it’s not just what you are affirming, but how are you affirming it. You must be congruent.
Every fibre within you must be pulling in the same direction, and this includes your mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual aspects. Every drop of doubt must be eliminated.

How to use affirmations with emotion?

Voice – verbalize in a strong, confident tone. Project your voice, don’t be monotonous & inject life into
your intonation.

Body – Strong, upright posture. Take in deep breaths. Move around to add more energy (such as
walking). Use lively gestures (fist pumping etc)

Mind – Focus on what you are affirming. Don’t start dreaming about other things. A good way to do
this is by visualizing the affirmation. For example if you are affirming for self confidence, while doing
the affirmations, you can visualize yourself confidently talking, interacting & doing things. Bear in
mind, usually it is not easy to do affirmations and visualize at the same time. So just keep it simple by
constructing a few images and keep repeating it in your mind.
3. Stick to it

Be consistent. Focus is power. Just stay on track and you’ll eventually get to your destination.

Other tips on how to use affirmations : 

• Don’t do too much at once – Stick to a few affirmations at most and

work on those consistently. Concentrate and focus.

• Practice it first thing in the morning, and last thing before going to
sleep at night. 

• Meditation – If you practice meditations, you can use affirmations

during your meditation. The relaxed and focused meditative state will
be of benefit. 

• Reminder cards - Write out your affirmations on little cards put it in

places where you can see them. Around your house, car, office etc.
This is to act as a reminder. Another way is to put it in your wallet
and carry it around. 

• Set goals that are in line with the affirmation. Set short term goals, this way you will
be motivated when you see the result. Start small and develop confidence from it. 

• Another way is to read out the affirmation and record your voice. Listen to the
recording while doing daily activities like exercising etc. Listening in bed as you sleep is
also a good idea. 

• Ask others to say to you. Eg. John, you are an excellent money manager. Get
someone supportive to help you out. Avoid negative and unhappy people. 

• Say out your name in the affirmation. “I, John Smith…..” Some people find that this
works better for them. 

• Start your day practicing affirmations. Give the first 15 mins of your day to practicing
affirmations before starting your day. 

• Say your affirmations each time you meet with proof or indication that what you are
affirming is true. For example, each time you find yourself exercising, eating healthy
food, or whenever someone compliments you, affirm that you take good care of your
health. Do it at the moment of proof, so to say.
Final thoughts….

I hope that this page on how to use affirmations can help you craft effective affirmations. Remember,
the how is just as important as the what. However, without persistence no matter what you do and
how well you do it, it will come to naught. Practice affirmations, do it right, and be persistent in it.

Self Improvement Mentor is not just about sharing tips for increasing productivity or becoming
smarter. Rather the information here approaches self improvement through total alignment and
integration of the whole being to support the outcome. True lasting success can only exist when the
soul, mind, body and emotions are aligned

10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude & Become Happier

Written by Hans Rippel on 23 January 2010 
Tags: Gratitude, Happiness, Interventions, Positive Psychology, Robert A. Emmons, Self-Help
Updated: Jan 19, 2011

Gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to improve your well-being and among other
things, increasing your happiness. Within positive psychology inquiries, gratitude
interventions have proven to be among the most effective, as world expert on gratitude Robert
A. Emmons and other researchers have found. Among the wide ranging benefits, researchers
have found that “gratitude is positively related to such critical outcomes as life satisfaction, vitality,
happiness, self-esteem, optimism, hope, empathy, and the willingness to provide emotional and
tangible support for other people, whereas being ungrateful is related to anxiety, depression, envy,
materialism and loneliness.” (p. 186)
“A person with the disposition to feel grateful has established a worldview that says, in effect, that all
of life is a gift, gratuitously given. Although we cannot in any direct way be grateful, we can cultivate
gratefulness by structuring our lives, our minds, and our words in such a way as to facilitate
awareness of gratitude-inducing experiences and labeling them as such.” (p. 187) In other words
“gratitude is a way of life.” (p. 186)
(Gratitude is one of the 24 Character Strengths included in the VIA Survey of Character
Strengths which is a scientifically validated measurement designed to identify what your top signature
strengths are.)
The top 10 evidence-based prescriptions for becoming more grateful:
1. Keep a Gratitude Journal (p. 189)
write down, be specific, avoid repetition
 Write down the blessings you are grateful for.
 Create a habit of becoming aware and paying attention to gratitude-inspiring events.
 Be as specific as possible. Try not to just list people and events but rather list what exactly a
person did what aspects of an event you are grateful for.
 Watch out not to keep repeating the same list day after day, make a conscious effort to think of
new things you are grateful for.
 “Take the time to be especially aware of the depth of your gratitude.” (p. 191)
2. Remember the Bad (p. 191)
 “When we remember how difficult life used to be and how far we have come, we set up an
explicit contrast in our mind, and this contrast is fertile ground for gratefulness.” (p. 191)
3. Ask Yourself Three Questions (p. 192)
recognize: gifts, connectedness, pain you cause

Reflect on the following three questions daily for about 20min in the evening:

 “What have I received from _____?” – recognizing the gifts we have received

 “What have I given to ______?” – how connected we are to others

 “What troubles and difficulties have I caused _____?” – acknowledging the pain we cause

4. Learn Prayers of Gratitude (p. 194)

 Pick a prayer of gratitude that suits you, your faith, your religion, or the absence thereof.

 One suggested by Robert A. Emmons is by Thich Nhat Hanh that will suit any faith as well as
the faithless:
“Waking up this morning, I see the blue sky.
I join my hands in thanks
for the many wonders of life;
for having twenty-four brand-new hours before me.” (p. 196)
(Robert found in his studies that prayer helps with achieving goals)
5. Come to Your Senses (p. 197)
 Being grateful for our senses of touch, see, smell, taste, and hear, just like we are grateful for
our health.

6. Use Visual Reminders (p. 198)

mindfulness, reminders, share with others

 Forgetfulness and the absence of mindful awareness are two primary obstacles to being
grateful. (p. 199)
 Work desk, fridge, bathroom door, computer, cell phones, car, wallet …
 Having an accountability partner with whom you share or swap gratitude lists is a good way
not to forget. (p. 200)
7. Make a Vow to Practice Gratitude (p. 201)
 You increase the likelihood of practicing gratitude and sticking with it when you let your
friends and family know, make it a public pronouncement, and post reminders of it.

8. Watch Your Language (p. 203)

express gratitude when talking to others & to yourself

 Words we use when we talk to others and to ourselves create much of our perception of reality.
 Express your gratitude to others.
 Change your mood by changing what you say to yourself. Engaging in “gratitude self-talk that
draws our attention to the positive contributions that others have made to our lives will
simultaneously favorably impact our environmental well-being while strengthening our social
bonds.” (p. 205)
9. Go Through the Motions (p. 205)
express gratitude, remember it, spend time with those who do likewise

 Do things that will help you be grateful.

 Spend more time with grateful people.
 Say, “Thank You.”
 Write gratitude letters.
 Express your gratitude to others.
 Count your blessings.
 Doing these things even when you don’t feel grateful is better than not doing them at all.
Research shows feelings will follow your behavior. You behave grateful and you will start feeling
10. Think Outside the Box (p. 206)
 Express gratitude to those who harm you.
 Be grateful to those whom you benefit.
Which of these have had the biggest impact in your life? Please share your experiences what has
works well for you as well as those you had less success applying in your life. For everyone benefit,
keep the conversation going and leave a comment :)
Five Steps To Creative Visualization
By Ken | In visualization 
How bad do you want something?  Can you almost taste and feel it?  Do you imagine
that it’s already beside you, nestling comfortably under the crook of your arm? Can you
really see it in 3D form in front of you?
If you wish for something that your heart desires, then think really hard and it might
just come true. If one adds concentration and feelings, it becomes a great creative
power that makes things happen. In this case, you are gathering the power of your
subconscious mind in a concentrated single line and which like a laser cuts through just
anything that stands in front of it. Your mental power is more powerful than you can
ever imagined! 
Creative visualization is not just about positive thinking, it goes beyond it. It is the
ability to use one’s imagination to greater heights, to see into one’s mind eye an exciting
reality. Creative visualiation is a tool that you can use to design your destiny and goal. It
is not just merely imagination; it’s about converting your abstract thoughts into physical
reality. It has been used in several different forms, usually subconsciously or
unconsciously throughout a person’s lifespan. 
The brain is a powerful tool and should be utilized only for good. In fact, Dr Deepak
Chopra once accredited the brain as a powerful quantum machine, you can use it to
manifest just anything that you want. But due to the negative programmings and false
beliefs, most people have given up hope on this tool. They think that the only function of
the brain is to think and more specifically, thinking stink thoughts! This is at least
what the majority do and I am not kidding about this.
Creative visualization can transform one’s life from dull to dazzling or from rags to
riches. The idea will serve as a draft and the emotion provides the force to pursue
reality. By thinking of the good things that you want to happen, a positive stream of
energy is created, surrounding you inch by inch. This positive energy then solidifies and
becomes reality. This is a quantum fact and I will find a slot in discussing this in the
near future.
There are many ways to go in harnessing the power of creative visualization, but
it could be summarized in five easy to follow steps. This helps a lot if you are in hurried
and which you need basics ideas in enhancing your visualization process.
1. The first step is to relax. Sit or lie in any position that will make you comfortable.
First close your evyes and begin to breathe deeply and rhythmically.  Inhale and
exhale slowly.  Picture your tense muscles slowly relaxing.  Unknot those tight
bunches and arrange them in an orderly arrangement. You can use guided relaxation
audio program to assist you in this process. I once had a major problem in releasing
tense in my body and such program really had helped me.  
2. Secondly, set your highest ideal by picturing things that you want to happen.
You are the master of your future so do this to the utmost of your ability.  Conjure
pictures with distinct colors and vibrant hues. Realize that you are the director here
and you can just bring in anything that you want. Nothing is not impossible at this
stage. Bring back the child inside you where you are not constrained by anything and
the only thing that you know is possbile. 
3. Thirdly, focus on it as often as possible. Think of it all throughout the day to
galvanize the process. The more often that you see your mental image, the
more powerful and energized it becomes. 
4. Fourthly, is giving your thought a positive energy. Mix your visualizaton with
powerful emotion such as desire, joy, love and gratitude. Emotion is actually ‘energy
in motion’ and when you incorporate emotion in the process, you are really energized
it and thus making, your mental picture move faster. Believe me, every thought has
energy (indeed they are energy in vibrational form). 
5. Letting go. This might be the hardest thing to do in the process. You need to
let go whatever that you have visualized but knowing deeply inside you that you can
achieve what you desire. Letting go is very important in order to free your conscious
mind from indulging in the process of how and when or more specifically, the
question of ”It is possible?” Such feeling will create conflict inside you and you might
be finding yourself in a battle to prove that such thing is not possible. Your conscious
mind always win and that’s why they say that your conscious mind is the biggest
obstacles in achieving success.
There are several ways on how to use creative visualization in your life. You may use it
to relieve almost any physical problem. For instance, in cases of pain, where one could
imagine himself away from the hospital room, not in a drab hospital gown and without
any tubes attached. Instead, he could see himself having a grand time in the Caribbean
surrounded by the white sand and deep blue sea. A person who is on a diet may
envision himself to have a fit and beautiful body. Some may use it to boost character or
attitude. When a person views himself as poor, pathetic, idiotic or selfish; he may start
to act that way. But the moment he sees himself as an intellectual, humorous and
friendly, then he can begin to become that way. It may also improve one’s relationship
by picturing an increase in harmony, appreciation, affection and closeness.
At last, you always get what you visualize (what you see in your mental whiteboard)
and not what you want. The universe or the infinite intelligence could not read what you
want, it only see what you see in your mental picture. That’s why it is very essential that
you always watch out for your mind. Visualize only things that are aligned with your
goals. Stay away from looking or staring at unpleasant images whether from the
magazines or TV. You mind capture things (images) really fast and if you are frequently
exposed to them, your mind will tend to re-run them automatically and guess what?
Later or sooner, you will find yourself be surrounded by the same kind of images but
now only in the form of 3D and which you are part of it.

Use Your Feelings for Creative Visualization

By Tania Kotsos
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The third step in the creative visualization process is to learn to use your feelings. You
must learn to feel what it would feel like if you already had your intended outcome in
the present moment. Where imagination is the engine of your thoughts, your feelings
are their fuel. The creative power of any mental image is determined by how often you
imagine it and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it.

Emotions are Energy in Motion: As you learn to use your feelings for creative
visualization, think of your emotions as e-motions - energy in motion. In accordance
with the Law of Attraction, like energy attracts like energy. By learning to use your
feelings, you can significantly affect the dominant frequency emitted by your thoughts
and mental images and hence what you attract into your life. When you infuse your
mental images with positive feelings during your creative visualization sessions it is like
breathing life into your mental creations. Feelings multiply the creative power of your
Getting into the Feeling: While you are visualizing your specific intended outcome in
a relaxed state, think about what dominant feeling you would experience if your
intention were to physically manifest by the time you opened your eyes. Would you be
grateful, happy, joyful, excited? Whatever that dominant feeling would be, focus on it
for a while and allow it to grow. In that state, visualize yourself experiencing that which
you want to have or achieve in the present moment and allow yourself to feel all the
other feelings that come with it. This is what it means to use your feelings.
Always Feel in the Present Moment: When you use your feelings, it is
important to experience the feelings you associate with your chosen outcome
in the present moment. Imagining your ideal outcome in the future keeps it
out of reach because by default you are focusing on what you do not have
right now. So feel what it would feel like to have, be and do that which you
choose NOW. You can do this more convincingly by knowing that whatever you
imagine during your creative visualization sessions is instantly created in the
mental realm, which is the realm from which all things manifest.
The Three Turbo Feelings: Although there are a great number of positive feelings
you can experience, there are three feelings which will turbo charge the manifestation
of your intentions from the mental to the physical realm. Unconditional love, gratitude
and peace - these are the three turbo feelings which you should endeavour to make
part of each of your creative visualization sessions and your life in general.
1. Unconditional Love begins with self love. When you truly love yourself, you place
yourself in a position of knowing you deserve to receive everything that you choose.
Know that you are one with the One Universal Mind - the One Source of All Love. You
are connected to everything and everyone. Nothing and no-one is separate from you.
To love without condition is to love without attachment. It is to love for the sake of
2. Gratitude is about being grateful for everything you already have in your life,
whether it be visible in the physical realm or still invisible in the mental realm. Know
that whatever you appreciate appreciates - it grows. I like to think of gratitude as an
attitude of grace. Be graceful in everything you think, say and do and you will find your
choices manifesting faster than you ever dared to imagine.
3. Peace is about experiencing the peace of mind that comes with knowing that
everything is unfolding in perfect harmony and that no matter what you are currently
experiencing in your physical reality, you can at any moment decide to change it
through your mind power. See the perfection in everything as it is and you will grant
yourself the power to change it. Remember that whatever you resist will persist. Be at
peace with yourself and the world will be at peace with you.
The Inner Smile: A great way to experience and ensure that you maintain a
positive mental attitude during your creative visualization sessions is to smile
gently - the kind of smile that extends to your inner world. Try it now. Thinking
of nothing in specific, just smile gently and see how your mental attitude
changes. Smile gently throughout your sessions and you will find it far easier
to visualize yourself experiencing your mental intentions.
Maintain an Overall Positive Attitude: Endeavour to maintain an overall positive
mental attitude as you use your feelings during the creative visualization process, as
well as in you day-to-day life. It is of little use being positive for twenty minutes a day
only to entertain negative thoughts for the rest of the day. With this end in mind, it is
important to be aware of how the Law of Attraction and the other Universal
Laws influence your life.
Once you have learnt how to relax, imagine and use your feelings for your intended
outcome, you can move on to the fourth step in the creative visualization
process: Believe. To believe anything you must really know it is true, to the point
where you no longer have to think about it.
In a nutshell, the third step in creative visualization is to learn how to
use your feelings. In other words, tofeel how it would feel to
experience your chosen outcome in the present moment - now - not
sometime in the future. Of all the feelings you can experience,
unconditional love, gratitude and peace are the three that will turbo
charge the manifestation of your intentions.
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How to Relax for Creative Visualization

By Tania Kotsos
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The first step in the creative visualization process is learning how to relax your body
and empty your mind. This is a critical step. Contrary to what you may have been told
in the past, achieving your goals and creating your ideal life begins with relaxation not
action. Learning how to relax opens you up to the limitless power of the subconscious

Take a Seat: Find yourself a quiet place where you know you will not be disturbed for
at least half an hour. Sit upright in a comfortable seat with your feet touching the floor,
your back supported and your hands resting on your lap. You can choose to lie down if
you prefer as long as you can keep yourself from falling asleep during the process.
How to Breathe: Close your eyes and take three to five deep, abdominal breaths.
Inhale deeply and steadily through your nose allowing your stomach to rise slightly or
push out. This relaxes your diaphragm and allows more air to enter your lungs. Hold
your breath momentarily and then exhale slowly through your mouth, allowing your
stomach to return to its normal position.

To make sure you are using correct breathing techniques, place your hand on
your stomach and practice this breathing technique. This is the correct way to
breathe. Train yourself to effortlessly breathe this way right through your
visualization sessions.

Count Down: Mentally count down slowly from 25 to 1 while you continue to breathe
deeply. If you find that counting backwards from 25 does not bring you to a relaxed
state, try starting from 50 or as high as necessary. In the same way, with practice you
may find that counting back from as little as 10 is enough to achieve the same state of
Relaxation Techniques for Creative Visualization: As you count down to 1,
consciously relax each part of your body, starting with the top of your head, forehead,
eyes and face and then working downwards to your shoulders, your chest, your arms,
your hands and fingers, your stomach, your pelvis, your thighs, your knees, your
calves and finally your feet and toes. Release any tension that is being held by your
body and relax your muscles.

A great relaxation technique when learning how to relax is to slowly tense and
then relax each muscle group. This helps you distinguish between muscle
tension and relaxation. Tense or squeeze each muscle group for at least 5
seconds and then release it. Progressively work down your body from your
face to your toes.

Empty Your Mind: It is important that you learn to quiet your mind during your
creative visualization sessions. The simplest of relaxation methods to help empty your
mind of your thoughts is to place your attention on your breathing. It has also been
shown that rolling your eyes slightly upwards at a 45 degree angle without straining
them helps in the relaxation process by producing more alpha brainwaves.

As you begin to relax, you may find thoughts racing through your mind. Do not
fight or resist them. Let them flow through your mind without giving them
attention and you will find that with time such uncontrolled thoughts will
lessen. As it states in the Bhagavad Gita, "the mind is restless and difficult to
restrain, but it is subdued by practice." Do not become frustrated if some
arbitrary thoughts continue to linger in your mind during the creative
visualization process - they will lessen with practice.

In neuroscience, this relaxed state of mind in which you are conscious of your
surroundings but your body is in deep relaxation is associated with the alpha and
theta brainwave frequencies.
You may want to repeat the first creative visualization step of applying these relaxation
methods several times until you feel comfortable with it. Remember this first step is all
about relaxing so release any thoughts of whether you are doing it "right" or "wrong".
Relaxation is a skill. As with any skill, it takes time and practice to master it. Be patient
with yourself, persevere and relax you will. Once you have learnt how to relax your
body and empty your mind, you can move on to the second step in the creative
visualization process: Imagine.

In a nutshell, the first step in creative visualization is to learn how to

relax. Find a comfortable seat, sit upright, breathe deeply and steadily,
count down slowly from 25 to 1 while relaxing all your muscle groups
from head to toe. Empty your mind by focusing on your breathing. Do
not become frustrated if thoughts race through your head. Relaxation
techniques are a skill that you can learn. All you need do is practice
what you have learnt here about how to relax.
Creative Visualization... A Path to True Healing

Ignite true health with creative visualization.

Ron (who suffers with multiple sclerosis) describes his remarkable recovery after nearly
dying from pneumonia.

“I felt my life force ebbing from me as I struggled to breath in my critical care bed.
Shooting hot pains ripped through my tongue. I asked for healing. An image of my cat,
Tom, appeared. Tom’s a big white, fluffy cat with green eyes. I felt the warm softness of
his fur. I heard his rhythmic purr and felt its subtle vibration. I could even smell a hint of
his animal nature. My heart opened and I felt an enormous outpouring of love. That love
filled me with peace and healing. My breathing eased, the pain in my tongue vanished. I
continue to call on Tom [his image] whenever I feel scared or need comfort and

Ron recovered from his pneumonia. He still has multiple sclerosis (MS) but he now views
it as essential to his life’s purpose. He became a counselor specializing in helping people
cope with chronic disease. His talent for helping others stems from his personal
experiences with MS. He loves his work. And… even though it isn’t perfect, he loves his

Health exists within you. It may be a dim ember, but it is there awaiting the conditions
for its full expression. It is your true self, your birthright.
Healing is the movement toward health. The word heal is derived from the old English
word “haelan” meaning to restore wholeness. True health exists in the full expression of
who you are…body, mind, and spirit. You may have an incurable disease or an injury so
extensive that a function is forever lost, but you can always heal.

Health begins on the inside. It’s mainly determined by the choices you make in how to
live your life every moment of the day. Your thoughts (mind) and feelings (heart)
determine how you chose to act or behave. Sure, your genes play a role in health, but
it’s minor (only 10 to 30 percent) compared to the powerful role your mind and heart

What is mind? It’s a lot more than the three-pound mass of brain that lies inside your
head. It’s your thoughts (including beliefs and attitudes) that drive feelings, choices, and

What is heart? Your heart’s more than the amazing 10-ounce muscle pumping blood
through your body. Your heart is the symbol for your spiritual nature. It’s where you feel
the strongest of emotions like love, anger, and fear.

Too often, our thoughts are on automatic. Automatic thoughts come from significant
people in our lives like parents and teachers. Over time, we become so accustomed to
them we accept them as fact. When they are positive and support our health and
growth, we benefit from them. But, when they are negative or critical they harm us.

You do not have to stay on automatic. You have an awesome resource within you that
you can access at any time to create the life and health you desire… your imagination.

Sometimes people think they don’t have an imagination or they’re not creative. We all
have and use our imagination. Let’s try and experiment. Just answer the two questions

1. What were you doing on your last birthday?

2. Imagine taking a bite out of a juicy lemon.

You probably saw yourself doing something (even if it’s a vague image) in response to
question one and you may have even noticed more saliva in your mouth as you
imagined taking a bite out of the sour lemon in question two. You used your

Creative visualization, or guided imagery exercises help you use your imagination in an
intentional way to create the life and health you desire.

Now, let’s harness the power of your mind and heart through creative visualization.
These steps include all of your senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, and smelling (not just
visual as the name suggests). The more vividly you experience all the senses the more
real and effective creative visualization becomes. Just follow these three steps: get
ready, do it, and reflect on the experience.
Creative Visualization: Get Ready

Getting ready is all about getting relaxed. Chose a time and place where you are free of
distractions. Let others know, if need be, that you want to be quiet and alone for 20 or
30 minutes. Get comfortable. Loosen your clothing, take off your shoes and sit or lie
down in a comfortable position.

You may want to play relaxing background music or record this script along with the
music to guide you. Or, you may find that after practicing a few times you recall these
creative visualization steps easily.

Creative Visualization: Do It

Now that you are comfortable, take ten easy, deep breaths. Imagine filling your lungs
with healing oxygen from the air you breathe in. Say to yourself “relax” as you breathe
out. Imagine releasing all tension and dis-ease as the air flows out. You can close your
eyes, if you wish.

Now scan your body for areas of tension. If you notice an area of tension, breathe into
the area and as you breathe out imagine releasing the tension. If the tension persists,
tighten the area and hold it for several seconds then let it relax.

When relaxed, imagine a healing image that will flow through your body. It can be a
clear or colored light; God’s love, universal love, universal healing energy, or whatever
image has meaning to you.

Now, imagine this image (I will use golden light from here on) is flowing down through
the crown of your head. Then it flows over your forehead, around your eyes, cheeks and
into your jaws and lips, healing and relaxing as it flows. It flows down the back of your
head and into your neck and throat… healing, nourishing, and relaxing.

Continue to breathe in the golden light as it flows down your shoulders and into your
arms, wrists, and hands… healing, nourishing, and relaxing. Now direct the light into
your lungs and your heart… healing, nourishing, and relaxing. Take a few moments to
feel and experience the healing golden light as your hold it in your heart. Feel its energy
filling your heart and radiating out into every cell of your body.

Now continue to direct the golden light with your breath into you abdomen and pelvis…
healing and relaxing. Bring the light down your spine and into your hips… healing,
nourishing, and relaxing. Then bring the light into your thighs, knees, lower legs, ankles,
and feet… healing, nourishing, and relaxing.

Take a few moments to experience this peaceful and healing state. Soak the healing
golden light into every cell.

Now recall or imagine a special place that was healing or nurturing for you. It could be
from a vacation, your childhood or purely from your imagination. It’s a place where you
feel safe, peaceful, and relaxed.
Now, notice and experience this place.

What do you see? Is there water or trees, blue-sky, white puffy clouds or a gentle rain?

What are the sounds of this place? Is there the sound of water flowing over rocks in a
river or stream, or the sound of waves lapping at the shore? Or, perhaps there is the
sound of the wind in the trees?

What do you feel in this place? Do you feel the warmth of the sun’s light or the gentle
summer breeze on your skin? Or, the invigorating tingle of the ocean spray as it blow
across your body.

Are there smells that nurture you… like fresh baked apple pie, or the sweet smell of
honey suckle in full boom, or the salty smell of the ocean in the breeze?

Perhaps there is even a taste associated with this special place. Perhaps it’s the taste of
sweet berries, or cool ice cream on a warm summer day.

Take some time just appreciating and experiencing your special place. Experience its
deep peace, relaxation, and comfort.

If you like, you can ask for guidance on something that is concerning you. This guidance
may come from within you, or from an image such as a light. Or it may come from an
animal, bird or a higher power. Take some time to be with this wise source, just relaxing
and listening, being open and peaceful.

When you’re ready return from your special place. Focus on your breathing, appreciating
that this is your special place that you can return to at anytime. It is always there for
you by following this simple process.

Now choose a signal that reminds you of this special place. Your signal can be a simple
act like holding your thumb and index finger together or taking three deep breaths. This
signal can bring you back instantly to the peace and relaxation of your special place.

Now take a deep breath in and as you breathe out say to yourself, “I am well” as you
gently open your eyes and return to noticing your surroundings.

Creative Visualization: Reflection

Give yourself a few moments of feeling profound gratitude. Soak up and appreciate your
experience. Recall that this experience is always available to you and that you can
access it at any time with these simple creative visualization steps and/or your signal.

Congratulations, you just completed a creative visualization exercise. Like anything you
do, the more you practice the easier it becomes.

This exercise is a guide. Please modify it to fit your unique style and needs. Don’t worry
if you found yourself getting distracted. Just bring yourself gently back to focusing on
feeling your breath. And, don’t worry if you didn’t notice any guidance from a request.
Some times the guidance doesn’t come in words, it can come in any form and you may
be absorbing it without even knowing it.

Creative visualization works. That’s why athletes use it to improve in their sport and
therapists use it to help their patients heal. Studies show that creative visualization has
many positive effects on health and personal growth. It can lower blood pressure,
cholesterol, and glucose blood levels. It can also heighten short-term immune cell
activity and lessen pain.

You may want to use professionally prepared guided imagery CDs to speed up your
learning. Visit healthjourneys where Belleruth Naparstek provides an excellent array of
research-based creative visualization exercises (see resources).

If you are dealing with a significant health issue, you may want to work with a therapist
skilled in using creative visualization. The Academy for Guided Imagery provide a
directory of certified imagery practitioners (see resources).

However you decide to do it, begin now to use creative visualization to create the health
and life you desire.

Vision Boards can Manifest Everything you Ever Dreamt of!

Vision Boards are quick and easy to make, costs only a few pennies and are one of the most
effective tools for activating the Law of Attraction to manifest all your desires.
So whether you’ve never even heard of a vision board, heard of one but never tried using one before,
or have been using one for years without success, this article is for you!

Here Is A Vision Board

Vision Boards – The Basics
A vision board, also known as a dream board or visualization board, is basically a collage of pictures
fixed to a board, then placed where it can be seen easily. Different people have different ways of
making their own boards, that’s irrelevant, it’s more important to know how to make vision boards  in
the right way that gives maximum effects and benefits.
The idea is that by creating a vision of what you want to attract into your life; good health, a great new
job, better relationships, a shiny new car, tons of money, luxury holidays – your subconscious mind
reacts to the images, your mind set changes and you start to manifest the objects and desires you
have asked for.. And it really works, it’s a beautiful concept!

Is a Vision Board for real or all hype?

There are sceptics with everything, but don’t let that put you off!
If you read ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne– and if you haven’t then please do – you will recall John
Assaraf, one of the Masters of ‘The Secret’, telling how he had manifestedthe actual house he was
now living in by using a very simple and basic vision board: Not a similar house – the actual house!
Vision boards have always been around; it’s only recently that people have woken up to their true
How to Make a Vision Board
There are different methods so it’s vital you choose the way that works best, but broadly speaking
it’s not how you make the vision board but what you choose to put on it that counts.
The end goal is to have a collection of pictures and affirmations that really mean something to you;
that is the most important point to remember. What you put on a vision board must relate to your
end dreams and desires so accuracy is key to ultimate success: An example of this would be that if
you are mad keen on a Rolls Royce Ghostmotor car it wouldn’t help too much to put a photo of
a Honda Civic on your vision board, agreed?
Vision Board Affirmations
The first step is to write down your list. Let your imagination run wild, go for the best and aim big.
Decide what really makes you feel good and excited – nothing less than that will do; that’s where
most people go wrong. don’t waste time on smaller targets just yet, I will come to that another time.
The most popular wants are health, wealth and relationships – remember, go for the desires that get
you emotionally charged up and set your pulses racing! Write down a simple phrase to match the
emotion and always use the present tense, not the future, and never use a negative phrase.

The next step is to match your list of affirmations or desires, with pictures and that is where you need
to be really accurate.

Choosing the Correct Pictures for your Vision Boards

A vision board needs to be in total alignment with your thoughts to achieve that ultimate goal, and
getting pictures from magazines may be alright for ‘broad targets’ but when you want to drill right
down and get it dead-on, like my example of the Rolls Royce Ghost, then my trick is to use the
internet search engines to find exactly the right picture; it works every time! Simply print the picture
off and its ready to be used.
Once you’ve got your collection of print-offs glue them to sheet of plain paper and then cut round the
image to make the photo more stable and longer lasting, rather than having a vision board full of
curling images.

7 Steps to Making your Perfect Vision Board

1. Think of what you Really Want
2. Be Precise and Accurate
3. Make a list of affirmations
4. Choose your Photos
5. Group Your Pictures in a way that feels right
6. Write affirmations and goal targets on the photos
7. Put your vision board in a very noticeable place
Most people who follow the correct ways of making vision boards are amazed at how quickly they
start to notice positive change in their lives. The Law of Attraction gives us what we ask for, positive
or negative, and the vision board helps us think in a positive way bringing us closer to our goals in
This article only just scratched the surface of how a vision board can help bring us great health,
wealth and better relationships into our lives by drawing on the natural powers of the Law of Attraction

The Lost Secrets of Manifestation

© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lost Secrets of
By song Chengxiang
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online ebooks "Rapid
Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of Manifestation". His words have
helped thousands of people greatly change the quality of their lives and
manifest their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently
developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind Power,
with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch. Check out this
amazing new system and get a FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse
Sign up FREE now
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The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2005-2006 Song Chengxiang
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and
signed permission from the author.
The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of
publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the
right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for
informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the
information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume
any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or
organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed,
the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended
as for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws
which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and
Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Lesson One: Ask, It is Given………………… ………………………………5
Lesson Two: The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation
Lesson Three: The Easiest Way to Achieve Happiness…………………………...14
Lesson Four: An Easy Way to Attain Your Desires……………………………...17
Lesson Five: The Power of Appreciation…………..……………………………...20
Lesson Six: The Power of Feeling Good ………………………...………………23
Lesson Seven: The Fastest Way to Manifest Your Desires….…………………....26
Lesson Eight: Why Have You Not Seen Your Desires Come True?……………30
Lesson Nine:
What is the Right Action that Leads to your Ultimate Goals? ............……………32
Lesson Ten:
3 Simple Steps Guarantee Your Success …………….……………..…………......35
Bonus Lesson:
Powerful Techniques to Live With Your True Purpose …………………………..38
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 1: Ask, It is Given
"Ask, it is given." I know you have heard it a million times. You
may think this is only true in stories and movies, and it will never
happen to you. But I can tell you that this is a universal truth that
works for everyone, including you.
Today I am going to reveal to you the real meaning of this truth,
and the step by step process that you can use to live by this
principle. Before I tell you the techniques, I would like to discuss
with you why this law works perfectly and why this is an absolute
Scientists have been studying the human brain for centuries. They
know the anatomy of the brain very well, but they have failed to
locate the place in our brain where our thoughts come from. They
probably will never succeed, because thoughts come though our
brain, but they are not manufactured in our brain. Where do they
actually come from? They come from a pure unified mind field,
where everything is manifested. Some people call this field the
Universal Mind, or Cosmic Mind, some call it God, or source
energy. They basically mean the same thing. It is the unified field
that is the origin of thoughts, the origin of you and me, and
everything in this world. We are all extensions of this field, and we
are all one with the field. Think of the ocean and the
waves. When we see waves, we see millions of different patterns,
and we think they are all different and separate from each other,
but in essence, they are all extensions of the ocean. We are
extensions of the unified field in the same sense.
Since we and the unified field or God are one, then our thoughts
are God's thoughts, our desires are God's desires. Do you think
God will fail to fulfill his own desires? Of course not. Then why
should we worry about our desires? Whatever we ask, it is given.
Then the logical question is: Why am I still living a life of struggle?
Why am I still experiencing anxiety and unhappiness? The answer
if simple. No matter what you are experiencing now, you
have invited or asked for at some point in the past. Any time
you have a thought of anxiety and worry, you are asking for more
of the same. We are always asking unconsciously, and most of the
time, we are asking negatively.
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
We are living in a negative world. Most people think negatively all
the time. We don't need to blame anyone; this is the way life
works. Without overcoming these negative forces, we are unable
to grow; just as without overcoming the gravitational force, we
could not climb up a mountain. Then the question is, how to
overcome these negative forces or negative thoughts? We
overcome them by replacing them with positive ones. It is
easier said than done; I know very few people can do it. Over the
years, I have learned some very profound and powerful
techniques from the world’s best masters. These techniques are
very easy to apply, but very powerful. I guarantee you, as long as
you apply them, you will quickly see benefits within days,
sometimes instantly!
Get your intentions clear!
In order to receive, you must first ask, and you must get clear on
what to ask. We have 60,000 thoughts every day - which ones are
important? And many of the thoughts are in conflict. Imagine you
have a thought of going to London, but at the same time you have
another thought of going to New York. Then which one should the
universe fulfill? In fact there is no way it can fulfill either, there
will be no result. So getting clear on what to ask is the first
important step.
Technique No.1: Intention writing
The first technique for getting clear on what you want is what I
call intention writing. This technique is from Brian Tracy, but I
have modified it a little bit so that it works better for me. Here is
what you do with this technique. Every morning when you wake
up and every night before you retire, write down all the things you
want in the form of intentions. And here is what it should look like.
"I intend to I accept this or something better"
If you want to have a new BMW car, you should state
"I intend to manifest a new BMW car now. I accept this or
something better."
I don't recommend that you change the wording, because I
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
believe this format is very powerful.
After writing down all your intentions, write these words " please
make these or something better happen in the ways that
are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. Thank
you, thank you, thank you."
Do it exactly like I say, don't change the words and the format. I
don't have enough space here to explain why these words are so
important, but trust me, you will see your results when you use it.
Technique No.2: Make a deal with your inner CEO
This is a technique I learned from Bob Scheinfeld. Prepare a small
box, and put it in a private place where only you can access it.
Write your top desires on pieces of paper, and put them into the
box. You have to make a deal with your higher self (or God, Bob
calls it your inner CEO). The deal is, whatever you put into this
box is important for you.
By using the first two techniques, you will be able to post your
request to the unified field successfully.
Get connected to the unified field
Technique No.3: 15 minutes short meditation
Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the
evening. Simply focus on your breathing, and when you find your
mind wandering, bring it back to your breath. This technique will
help you reconnect with the unified field, and restore your energy.
The unified field works best for you when you feel the connection.
This simple technique will make a huge difference in your life.
Trust me on this.
The next two techniques will help you clear all your
negative blocks, and work harmoniously with the field; therefore
speeding up the process of manifesting your desires.
Technique No.4: 17 seconds of flip switch
This is my favorite technique, I learned it from the legendary Dr
Robert Anthony. It dramatically changed the quality of my life,
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
and will change yours as well. Most self improvement programs
fail, because they don't work in the moment. When we have a
negative feeling, we must correct it in the moment, don't allow it
to accumulate. This is exactly what flip switch does. From time to
time during the day, take at least 17 seconds to think about good
feelings. Think of the people or things that you feel good about,
and feel grateful for. Think of anything that makes you feel good,
and focus on that for 17 seconds. You can do this when you are
feeling bad, so that you can feel good; you can also do it when
you feel good, so that you will feel even better. I suggest you
make a list of things that you feel grateful for, or things you enjoy
doing. Look at that list several times during the day, and focus on
it for just 17 seconds. You will see dramatic changes in your life.
Technique No.5: 3 minutes Power Pause
This is John Harricharan's famous 3 minute power pause
technique. It works like a charm. Before you do this exercise,
make a deal with yourself that no matter what problem you have
right now, you will leave it alone and take only 3 minutes to think
about whatever you want to think. In this 3 minutes, you can
think of anything. The exercise consists of 3 steps: step one:
disconnect from your problems. Once you have made the deal
with yourself, this step is done. The second step is to think of
how you would feel if your desires had already come true,
really experience it in your mind. The third step is to say thank
you, and feel grateful. These are all done within 3 minutes.
Simple? Then do it.
Trust the Process
You will find there are times when you worry about whether your
desires will be fulfilled. When this happens, you must remind
yourself of the truth.
Here are things I tell myself to remind me of the truth.
"The life in me is inseparably connected with all life that
exists and is entirely devoted to my personal advancement"
The second script I use is from Dr Robert Anthony's "Rapid
manifestation" program
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Here it goes: That which I seek is seeking me. I let go of
how it will come to me and I focus on my heart’s desire. My
higher self within me knows how to make it happen, so I
just relax and let go. Everything that is necessary for the
fulfillment of my desires is lovingly and harmoniously
drawn to me. I accept this or something better. I am ready,
receptive and grateful, and so it is.
Apply these techniques, and I guarantee you will see wonderful
results within days.
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Lesson 2: The Ultimate Secrets of Truly
Effective Affirmation Techniques
Affirmation has been used by successful people for centuries. It
has helped many ordinary people achieve extraordinary results in
their lives. It has turned many failures into successes. It has made
many miracles happen in the history of human evolution. However,
the majority of people who use affirmation find that it doesn’t
work. Why is this the case? What are the elements that people
have missed when they use affirmation techniques? I constantly
ask myself these questions, and seek for the answers. The result
is, no one book gives the complete answer. Some tips given in
one book work for a specific situation, but not for others. Other
books give other tips that work for other situations, but not for
this. I have tested and filtered out the ineffective ones, and left
only what I call the ultimate effective technique secrets.
The purpose of affirmation:
Before I give you the effective techniques, I must make you
understand the true purpose of affirmation. Simply stated, the
purpose of affirmation is to pass a command from the conscious
mind to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has the
ability, in anything it accepts as true, to do whatever it takes to
turn it into reality. The purpose of an affirmation is to pass a
message to the subconscious mind, and to make it believe the
message is true. So this brings us to the first element of an
effective affirmation.
1. The affirmation must be believable to the subconscious
Most of the affirmations people use, fail at this first stage. They
tend to give an unrealistic message to the subconscious mind,
hoping for a positive response. If you are financially broke, and
you say to yourself “I earn $100,000 per year”, is this believable
to your mind? If your body is totally out of shape, and you say to
yourself “I am very attractive”, is this believable to your mind? I
doubt it.
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What if you are currently broke, and you want to make $100,000
per year? What if you are out of shape, and you want to make
yourself attractive? I find the best and easiest way is to use the
word “I choose” in your affirmation.
Instead of saying “I earn $100,000 per year.”
Say “I choose to earn $100,000 per year”
Instead of saying “I am very attractive”
Say “I choose to feel that people find me attractive”
Do you feel the difference?
2. The subconscious mind seeks for proof
There is a misconception that the affirmation must be repeated
thousands of times before it can be installed in the subconscious
mind. This is not necessarily true. You can use the repetition
method to embed your affirmation, but there is an easier way. It
is, at the time you find the proof, state your affirmation. Many
people stay in poverty because they associate pain with money.
Whenever they spend their money, they think of their bills, loans
etc. This will automatically lead to ultimate pain. It is the feeling
you attach to money that makes you rich or poor.
How can we turn this to our advantage? Instead of feeling pain
when spending money, what if we associate pleasure with it? Next
time when you go out shopping, at the moment you take out your
money or credit card, say this affirmation to yourself “I always
have more than enough to spend.”
See how you feel. This works because the subconscious mind sees
the proof. As long as you have some money left in your pocket,
this affirmation is always true, so the subconscious mind will
believe it.
How about if we combine the first and second methods together
and make an affirmation like this: “I choose to feel that I always
have more than enough to spend.” Say this at the time you spend
your money. See how you feel. You don’t have to repeat it
thousands of times, a few times of real life proof will make your
subconscious mind believe it.
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3. The affirmation must trigger feelings
A fact about the subconscious mind is that it does not speak in
words, you can only communicate with it through feelings, and
emotions. There are two methods that you can use to trigger your
feelings. The first method is to use words that involve feelings.
Words like “fun, enjoyable, comfortable, delightful” will work
effectively. The second method is to use imagination. Visualize
that the situation stated in your affirmation has already come true.
See yourself in that situation and feel the feelings. (I will give
more details for effective visualization in my future articles; stay
4. The affirmation must obey the 3 Ps factor.
The 3 Ps are Positive, Present Tense, and Personal.
Affirmations must be stated positively. Instead of saying “I am not
fat”, say “I choose to stay slim”. The reason for this is that before
the mind knows the meaning of, “I am not fat”, it must think of
what fat means first. So saying that statement will inevitably lead
to the feeling of being fat.
Affirmations must be in the present tense. Many books mention
this. However, I only agree to some extent. If you say “I have a
luxury car”, your mind will not believe you. The reason I include
this here is that once it is combined with the first technique, it will
work perfectly. Now say “I choose to have a luxury car”. Your
mind will do its best to bring it into reality.
Affirmations must be personal. Your subconscious mind only
works for you, not for others. If you say “Ann loves me”, it will not
be effective, because you have no control over Ann. Now say “I
choose to feel that Ann really loves me”. This time you are in
control, because you can control your own feelings.
5. Personal development affirmations should be stated in
the comparative
“I am confident” may not be as effective as “I am becoming more
and more confident”.
An even better affirmation might be “I choose to feel more and
more confident”.
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The reason for using the comparative, is because there is no end
to how much more confident you can become. Otherwise, your
mind may think you are already confident enough, and it will not
need to do any more work.
These 5 techniques are the most effective ones that I have found
from my research on affirmations. If you can use all the 5
techniques, I guarantee your results will be amazing. Even if you
only use one or two of the techniques stated here, you will find
your affirmations will become far more effective.
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 3: The Easiest Way to Achieve
People always think that what they want is money, relationships,
and material possessions, but what they truly want is happiness.
Wealth, health and relationships are just the rewards of being
happy. Happiness is a state of vibration that is in harmony
with the universe. As you already know, the same frequency
vibrations tend to attract each other, so the vibration of happiness
is going to attract more wealth, better relationships and better
health, since these things are going to add more happiness to
your life, and they are in the same vibration. If you go after
money, you may not get it, but if you go after happiness,
money will flow to you. The same applies to relationships and
I believe the ultimate goal in life is to achieve a state of well being,
or we can simply say happiness.
Is there an easier way to achieve happiness? The answer is Yes!
and I am now going to show you how.
I have learned one phrase from Dr Wayne Dyer, that I will never
forget. The phrase is "How may I serve?". Dr Dyer said that
before his seminars, he always meditates, and repeats the phrase
as a mantra "How may I serve... How may I serve?". He never
brings any notes with him, and when he speaks, the words just
keep flowing to him. He knows exactly what to say, and what to
teach. Dr Wayne Dyer is one of my favourite role models. He has
achieved great success in almost every area of his life. I believe
the one single most important element in Dr Wayne Dyer's
success is this mantra "How may I serve?"
Ask yourself now "How may I serve?". This is the key to
ultimate happiness and fulfillment in life. I would like to
share some of my own experience.
The most enjoyable thing in my life at this stage is writing articles
that can make a difference to the quality of people's lives.
Whenever I finish writing an article, I feel positive energy
throughout my body. I sometime get puzzled myself! Where does
this information come from? How do I write so many articles,
having thousands of people read my articles every week? I have
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finally realized the secret is within this phrase "How may I
Every time I write an article for my newsletter, I sit in front of my
computer, and ask myself "How may I serve? How may I serve?".
Strangely, the ideas come, and I put my fingers on the keyboard,
and words just start flowing.
I didn't understand how this process works, until one day I
realized that the information does not come from me, it comes
from God (or the Higher Intelligence), I am only a channel for the
information to flow. I am a channel that God has created to
serve the world. Because that is what I am here for, when I am
serving, I feel positive energy, and I feel happy.
I have learned that my life purpose is to serve, and I think this is
applicable to everyone. This is what God wants me to learn, this is
also what God wants you to learn. You will only feel truly fulfilled
once you realize this truth. "Your life purpose is to serve". I
am sure you have heard that "If you seek happiness for
yourself, it will always elude you, if you seek happiness for
others, you will find it for yourself." I know this is why every
time I finish an article, I feel so happy, because I know that my
article is going to benefit thousands of people, and it is going to
change the world to some small extent. Maybe 90% of people will
not take any action after they read my articles, this is the nature
of human beings, but I know as long as they read them, their
awareness will be expanded, and they will see a difference in the
long run. For that less than 10% of people who do take action, I
know my words are going to change their lives for the better.
What a great thing I am doing! I am proud of it. I feel very happy
about it.
So starting from today, find ways to help other people. Find some
way to serve. You will get addicted to it, because it is so
enjoyable helping others. Your help is going to change people's
I often receive emails from my subscribers asking me for help.
Can you imagine how happy I am after I’ve answered their
questions? I know that this person's life is going to change for the
better just because of my words. How wonderful that is!
Here is a secret I want you to know...
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The person who benefits the most is not the one you give service
to, but yourself. You may find it sounds strange, but this is true,
and it is governed by the universal law of cause and
effect. Anything you cause others to experience will come
back to you, and multiplied. If you cause others to experience
love, you will find more love in your life; if you cause others to
have wealth, you will have more in your own life; if you cause
others to succeed, you are guaranteed to succeed. This is the
law of the universe, and it never fails.
So, whatever you want to experience in your life, cause others to
experience it first. This is the most powerful way to attain your
own desires, and the easiest way to achieve happiness.
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 4: An Easy Way To Attain Your
There is a hard way to get what you want, and there is an easy
way. Which one do you choose? The answer is obvious, everybody
wants the easy way, but most people are not even aware of the
existence of the easy way.
Most of us have been told, since the moment we were born, that
in order to succeed in life, we have to work hard and struggle. It
has been said "no pain, no gain". For most people, life is just a
long series of struggles.
If that is what you are feeling, I have good news for you! There is
an easy way, which will lead to your ultimate destiny in the most
stress free manner.
Listen carefully, because this is going to determine whether your
life is fulfilling, happy and stress free, leading to a high quality of
Here is the ultimate secret of the universe: "Change the way
you look at things, and the things you look at will change."
Pay special attention to these words. Really think about what they
Yes, I hear what you are saying. You have heard it a million times.
Everybody knows it. If this is what you are thinking, I must warn
you not to take these words lightly. I can tell you 90% of people
read these words, and don't understand what they truly mean.
You can tell by simply watching their lives. If you are not living a
happy, fulfilled life RIGHT NOW, I can tell you, "You are not truly
understanding these words”. Then let's get down to a deep
understanding of this golden rule of success.
As I have discussed in my earlier articles, we are living in a
material world, which is made up of molecules, which are made up
of atoms, which in turn are made up of subatomic particles. We
have also discussed that these subatomic particles act at our
commands, they come into existence only when we observe
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Let's see what scientists say about these amazing building blocks
of this world. The subatomic particle is a kind of wave packet,
which can be in the state of wave and particle
simultaneously. We describe a particle by its location, and we
describe a wave by its momentum. However, the subatomic
particle can exist as a particle and a wave at the same time. This
sounds very counterintuitive, but it is true. Either the subatomic
particle becomes a particle or it becomes a wave, it depends on
how you measure it. If you decide to measure it by its location, it
instantly becomes a particle, if you decide to measure it by its
momentum, it instantly becomes a wave. It all depends on how
we measure (or how we observe) it.
Deepak Chopra in his new book, "Spontaneous Fulfillment of
Desires", describes a thought experiment by Erwin Schrödinger.
Imagine you have a closed box that contains a wave-particle, a
cat, a lever, and a bowl of cat food with a loose lid. If the waveparticle
becomes a particle, the particle will trip the lid, and the
cat will eat. If the wave-particle becomes a wave, the lid will
remain on the food. When we open the box (making an
observation), we will either see an empty bowl and a happy cat,
or a full bowl and a hungry cat. It all depends on how we observe.
Before we open the box, the bowl is both empty and full, and the
cat is both fed and hungry. Both possibilities exist at the same
time. Deepak says "It is the observation alone that turns
possibility into reality."
The whole point is that the basic building block of the
material world acts at our command. At the very moment of
our observation, it comes into existence. We are the creator of our
world. Nothing exists without our observation.
How does that relate to manifesting your desires? Well, it has
everything to do with manifesting your desires. Why does our life
seem like a struggle? Why don’t we get the money we want? Why
don't we get the relationship that we have always desired? Why is
our life is filled with a long list of never ending problems? All
these are because of our habitual way of observing the
world. We have been conditioned that what we are seeing is
reality, and we continue to live this way and continue to
observe the same things happen in our lives. Let me tell you,
your reality is not reality. Only you choose and observe it to be
your reality. As soon as you realize your own observation is
the cause of everything, then you can literally decide to
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create another reality. You can decide to observe another
reality into your world, only when you choose to.
How do you do it? First, don't let your outer world delude you,
this is not necessarily the reality. Secondly, observe exactly what
you want in your mind, observe it with certainty and clarity, and
then let it go, knowing that you have already created your desires
at the quantum level. You simply let the universe arrange for it to
come to you. When the opportunities come, don't forget to take
action and express your gratitude. Everything begins with your
change of the way you look at your world.
Remember "Change the way you look at things, and the
things you look at will change."
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 5: The Power of Appreciation
There is a powerful force within each one of us that you can use to
overcome any obstacles, no matter how bad the situation is. Once
you know how powerful this force is and how it works, you will
never have to worry about anything in your life, no fears, no
worries, and no anxieties. Life becomes an easy and fulfilling
process. You start to enjoy your life; you start to enjoy every
moment of your existence.
Are you getting excited about knowing what this power is?
The powerful force that I am making reference to is “The power of
Yes, it is the power of appreciation. If you want to win, and win
big in life, you have to know the power of appreciation, and you
have to know how it works, and live by it. This is the secret
weapon that you can use to win the battle of life, no matter
how bad your current circumstances are. Don’t let its
simplicity fool you. Just this one simple idea will completely
change your life.
Ok, let me make a clear statement, let it enter your subconscious
mind. “No matter what circumstance you encounter, no
matter what situation you are in, you always have the
choice of finding something to appreciate in it, and you can
immediately change your point of attraction at that
Remember, the quality of your life is determined by the
quality of this moment. And you have a choice in every moment.
You can choose to feel depressed and unhappy, or you can choose
to find something to appreciate, and change your point of
attraction immediately.
OK, now you ask “How can I find something to appreciate?”
Let’s do a simple exercise…
Stop whatever you are doing now, find something right here that
you can appreciate. Go ahead, find something.
Have you got it? If you haven’t, let me remind you of something.
No matter who you are, and where you are, I can assure you that
you at least have one thing to appreciate, just because you are
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reading this. Have you got it? Yes! You got it… It is the internet!
How wonderful it is that we can have access to the internet and
find literally any information we want in minutes. Now, stop for a
moment, and really feel it. What does that make you feel? Think
about how fortunate you are, compared to those people living in
third world countries where they don’t even have a computer.
Hold on to the good feeling for a few seconds, really feel it. If you
can keep it for 17 seconds, your life will dramatically change. I
guarantee you.
This is just an example to demonstrate how you can find
something to appreciate anytime and anywhere. It is actually very
simple, it only takes a few seconds here and a few seconds there,
and your life will never be the same. You will find yourself full of
energy and happiness.
Appreciate the food that you eat, appreciate the air that you
breathe, appreciate the sunshine, appreciate the relationship that
you are in, appreciate the room that you are sitting in. Appreciate
Well, you may say “The food that I eat is not as good as what the
rich eat”,“the air that I breathe is not as good as the air in another
city”, “the relationship that I am in is not as fulfilling as it should
be”, “the room that I live in is not as big as I want”. Maybe all
these are true, but it is true only because you have chosen to
perceive it this way. And the important thing is you can perceive it
in a different way right at this moment. Ok, think about the food
you are eating. DO you know there are millions of children in
Africa who do not have enough to eat? (BTW, make a donation to
those children at . I made a donation
of 300 USD a few days ago; this is enough for 3 children to live
for 1 year. I just feel great every time I think about this.) Think
about the relationship that you are in. Don’t you remember that
last time your partner gave you a hug when you were facing a
major challenge? Don’t you remember all the wonderful things
that your partner has done for you over the years? Instead of
focusing on what he/she did wrong, why not focus on what he/she
did right? More importantly, appreciate him/her; appreciate what
your partner has done for you.
So you get my point, there are always positive and negative
aspects to any circumstances or any people, you can either focus
on the negativities and blame what is wrong, or you can choose
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to appreciate the positive aspect and what is right. This will
make a big difference to the quality of your life. I have to repeat,
don’t let the simplicity of this idea fool you, practise
appreciating here and there, and you will find miracles in
your life.
(Do you know that by donating $2 to FeedTheChildren foundation,
you can feed a child for one whole week, and ALSO you can get a
free trial membership to the Success University site, where you
can find lots of self improvement and business training programs?
Click Here to check it out.)
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 6: The Power of Feeling Good
Today I am going to share a powerful lesson that you can use to
immediately achieve any success you want in your life. And I
promise you that if you do what I suggest you do, your success is
You will have everything you want in your life and enjoy the total
fulfillment that you deserve. Remember this… there is no limit to
what you can have, be and do. Every thing you can imagine, you
can achieve. And you are going to find out how to do it now...
Feeling excited? Let’s play a “what if” game. What if you could ask
100 of the most successful people in the world whether there was
a single magic secret to success? What if they told you there was?
What if they all gave you the same answer? Are you willing to do
what they suggest you do?
Well I don't know what they will tell you, but I do know, from
years of studying the most successful people, that there is one
single most important factor that contributes to more of their
success than any other factors combined, and anyone can use it
to achieve his success no matter who he is, or what his current
conditions are.
You must be eager to know what this secret is. Let me tell you
Listen Up!
The single most important factor for successful people is simply
feeling good.
If success is really that simple, then why are so many people
That is a good question. We have been taught that in order to
achieve something, we have to suffer first. It has been said, no
pain no gain. But I tell you this ...That is ABSOLUTELY false.
Look at the life of a highly successful person. Is he suffering, is he
struggling? If he is, then I can assure you that he is not successful
in the area that he is struggling against. He may look successful in
a certain area, but very unsuccessful in others. Have you ever
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seen a multimillionaire who is suffering from bad health? Why
does that happen? He has all the money he needs to hire the best
doctors in the world, why is he still suffering from ill health?
Here is what‘s really happening…
He is highly successful financially, because he feels really good
about himself in the financial area; he is unsuccessful physically,
because he feels bad about his health.
The point I want to make is this. If you notice someone who is
extremely successful in one area, then you will be certain to notice
he feels great about himself in that area. He has been conditioned
to feel good in that area, just like most people have been
conditioned to struggle in some areas of life.
If you are still not convinced, perhaps you can think of it this way.
How do you define success? It is certainly not just about setting a
goal and achieving it. That is important, but it’s only part of the
story. Success in my definition and in most successful people's
definition is about enjoying a state of well-being in every moment
of our existence. It all comes down to a state of feeling good. You
may not agree with me, you may consider success as having a
million dollars in your bank account; you may consider success as
being famous as a public figure. Then let me ask you a question:
“why do you want a million dollars?”, or “why do you want to be a
famous person?” If you think hard about this question, you will
find that all you want is simply to feel good.
Here is the big mistake that most people make. They think they
are going to be happy once they get that million dollars, they
think they will be happy once they become a superstar. But when
they reach that goal, they feel a moment of excitement, and
finally they realize that that is all there is. And then they set a
higher goal, and wish they will be happy once they reach that goal.
They will never be happy as long as they don’t change their
Then what is the right approach?
Since your ultimate goal is to feel good, then why not choose to
feel good right now? How do you do that? It is simply by choosing
to feel good at this moment. It is as simple as that. People have
spent great amounts of money searching for techniques and
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strategies to make them successful, but they forget that the most
powerful tool is the most fundamental; it is simply feeling good.
You may say "it is easier said than done, how can I feel good if I
am broke?" If that is how you think, here is my answer to you...
There are only two kinds of feeling we experience every day. One
is feeling good, and one is feeling bad.
Good feelings send a powerful signal to the universe, and through
the law of attraction, you will attract people, circumstances and
events to match your state of feeling good. Bad feelings also send
a powerful signal to the universe to bring back people,
circumstances and events to match your state of feeling bad.
Have you seen that?
Feelings are the causes, conditions are the effects.
You cannot get away from being broke if you are feeling bad. You
only reinforce the cause.
So begin to feel good one way or another, no matter what
conditions you are in.
At the moment you choose to feel good, amazing things will
If you don't believe me, try it. You have nothing to lose.
There are certain techniques that you can use to maintain a state
of feeling good. One of the best techniques is called flip switch,
which was introduced by Dr Robert Anthony in his audio program
"Know How to Be Rich". You can get a copy at
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 7: The Fastest Way to Manifest
Your Desires
Is there a way to change your life condition, and manifest your
desires at the fastest possible speed?
YES! Definitely! There is a secret that can make you manifest your
desires in the fastest possible way you can imagine. I am going to
share this secret with you now. Once you master it, and apply it to
your own life, you will never experience struggle again. Your life
will become magic. You can easily create the success you want;
you can fulfill any desires in your life.
Are you ready to know what this secret is?
Here it is …
"The fastest way to manifest any desire is to think, speak
and act as if it has already come true."
You may have heard of this in many different ways, but you have
never found a way to implement it into your own life. This is
because you have never considered how powerful it is, and so you
doubt it, and don't see the necessity for any action. Let me now
help you to clear away your doubt, so that you can use it with
100% confidence, and produce 100% results.
Before I do, I am going to say a few words on the concept of
truth. "Truth is powerful" .Truth is a universal law, it's
unchangeable, it has its own organizing power within itself. As
long as you know the truth, your level of awareness will
automatically increase, and will never fall back again. Once you
know the truth, you will totally shift your own perception, and you
will see the world very differently. Your life will never be the
same again. Our entire life is seeking for the truth. Some people
are luckier, they easily discover the truth, and so they can enjoy a
stress free life based on the truth. Other people spend their entire
lives struggling, but never find the truth. Actually, truth is simple,
you only need someone to tell you, and you will immediately
recognize it and wonder why you never thought about it before.
I am now going to share a few simple truths behind this principle.
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1. YOU already have what you want.
You may have heard that “Before you ask, it is already given
to you”.
Have you ever thought of what this really means? You may think
that this is another religious belief, but from a scientific point of
view, it is absolutely true. What it really means is that everything
you desire, or anything you can possibly imagine, already exists in
the cosmic field of all possibilities as a form of energy. The entire
universe is a huge ocean of energy. This means you and I and
everything else on this planet, including money, house, cars, or
even the ideal soul mate you are looking for, are energy. What
you may not know is that this energy acts on the command of the
higher intelligence, which governs the entire universal system.
What you may also not know is that you are part of this
intelligence; you have every quality of the higher intelligence.
Therefore you have the ability to command the energy field. You
can create literally anything you can imagine out of this cosmic
energy field. Remember “You are the creator of your own life.”
Since what you want is already given to you, it makes absolute
sense to think, speak, and act as if all your desires have already
come true.
2. Feeling is the language of higher intelligence.
Since you are part of higher intelligence, why don’t you see any
evidence that you are creating the life you desire? Why does life
seem a never-ending series of struggles? Why is your life still full
of worries and anxiety? If you have any of these feelings, this is
exactly the answer. What you feel, you create and manifest. The
universe will never disappoint you. Whatever you ask for, it will
give to you. The problem is, the universe does not speak English,
or Chinese, or any other languages used by human beings.
However, there is a universal language built into our body system
even before we were born. This language is universal; so the
universe can communicate with any one of us. This language is
our feeling and emotions. We have been communicating with
higher intelligence every single second since the minute we were
born. The universe provides us with everything we ask for
according to our command. It is the ignorance and misuse of this
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powerful language that gives us so much struggle and
unhappiness. Think about it, if feeling is the language you speak
to the universe in, when you struggle, and feel unhappy, what will
the universe respond with? It has no choice but to fulfill your
command by giving you more struggle and unhappiness. It always
satisfies you.
Now you understand, no matter how miserable your current
condition is, you must stop feeling miserable and unhappy,
because if you don’t, you are telling the universe that you want
more misery and unhappiness. Instead, “Think, speak and act as
if all your desires have already come true”. This will trigger the
feeling that is consistent with your desires, hence pass your
command into the universe, and bring it into reality with effortless
ease. The universe will never disappoint you, only you do. Be
careful what you feel, because you will attract more of it.
3. The universe will take care of the details
Now I am asking you to “think, speak and act as if your desires
have already come true”. You may ask me how you are going to
do it.
You don’t have to worry, you will know exactly how at the exact
right time and the right place. The universe will take care of all
the details. Your job is to tell the universe what you want through
the universal language of feelings and emotions. Your emotion is
a kind of energy with a certain frequency. It will go into the
cosmic energy field, find the exact energy that matches the
frequency of your emotions, and bring it forth to you in the form
of a book, a mentor, an opportunity, or a group of supporting
people. It will find exactly what you need, but that is the job of
the universe; it is already guaranteed by the universal law of
attraction at the moment you send out your emotion. The only
thing you need to do is to focus on you heart’s desires, feel what
you should feel, see what you should see, hear what you should
hear, even smell what you should smell if your desires have
already come true. Let the universe orchestrate all the details.
I hope by now you have already cleared your doubt. It is
absolutely necessary for you to "think, speak, and act as if all your
desires have already come true". This is the fastest way to bring it
into reality.
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I wish I could share more of the truth with you, but space is
limited. If you are really keen on knowing more truth about the
universe we are living in, and how to scientifically use it to create
the life you desire, you really need to get a copy of Dr Robert
Anthony's life changing program "Know How To be Rich".
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Lesson 8: Why have you not seen your
desires come true?
I often receive emails, from people all over the world, asking me
this question. “I have been doing every possible self improvement
program I can get my hands on, and doing endless affirmations,
visualizations and meditations, how come I still haven't seen my
desires manifested in my life?"
My answer to them is always “You haven't known the truth".
No program will work until you know the truth behind it.
I have attended some of the best success and personal
development seminars in the world. The programs are amazing;
the techniques they taught in the seminars are very effective and
very powerful. I'm a strong believer that these techniques work
100% of time if one can follow through exactly as one should.
However, I have only seen a very small percentage of
people actually follow through. The majority of people fall back
into their comfort zone very soon after they leave the seminar hall.
I was getting more and more confused. Why do people spend so
much time and effort and go to so many great seminars, but fail
to follow through? I thought it was because they lacked motivation,
but I was wrong. I finally got the right answer. People go to
seminars because they have dreams. They are driven by the
positive results they might get from the seminar. The reason why
people don't follow through after the seminar is because they
don't like to take risks. They feel uncertain about the result they
might get after they have taken the actions. "What if I put in so
much hard work and effort, but it still doesn’t work?". This is
what's going on in their mind subconsciously. No one can give
them 100% guarantee that the program will work exactly as they
expect. They would rather not take any action, to secure
themselves from any risk.
What if you could get a 100% guarantee?
If you plant a seed in the earth, do you worry about whether it will
grow up, by digging it up every day to check? You don't, because
you know the law of nature guarantees it will grow up. So you just
sit down and relax, waiting for the seed to grow. People want to
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feel secure, they want a 100% guarantee. If I tell you a self
improvement program can guarantee your success 100%, explain
to you how it is design based on the unbreakable law of the
universe, will you be willing to take action and follow it whole
heartedly? Certainly YES! One key element that is commonly
ignored by most self improvement programs is the principle
behind the programs. When you go to a seminar, the presenters
always want to convince you, by certain results achieved by
previous attendees, but this will never be 100% convincing,
because people are different, and there are too many factors
influencing one's success. What works for one case, may not work
for another. The only way to convince yourself is to study
the principle of how it works, why it will work for you
100% of the time, and why it is guaranteed by the
universal laws. Once you understand these principles, you will
automatically take action, and follow though till the end.
Clear Your Doubt by Knowing the Truth.
These laws and principles are truths, which work perfectly without
exception. As I discussed in my previous articles, feeling and
emotion is the language of the universe. If you feel uncertain
about your future, or feel doubt about the results you might get
from a program, the universe will fulfill you by keeping you in a
state of doubt and uncertainty. This is why, the more you worry
about what might not work out, the more you will find it is not
working out. If you know the truth, and feel very confident and
very certain about the results you are going to get, the universe
will fulfill you and keep you in a state of confidence and certainty
by giving you the results you want.
To truly manifest your desires, you need to start learning the
principles of the universe. I have been reading and studying this
topic for a long time. I read books on quantum physics, on
metaphysics, on spirituality, but could not get the essence of it,
until I found a revolutionary program by Dr Robert Anthony. Dr
Anthony has the amazing power of explaining complexity in simple
language that anyone can understand. This is a six week audio
program called "Know How To be Rich". In it you will learn exactly
how this universe works, and how you can use your thoughts to
manifest virtually anything you can imagine with 100% precision.
You can get a copy of this program at
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 9: What is the right action that
will lead to your ultimate goals?
What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires?
What actions do I need to take Now?
Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing?
These are the questions that most of us are constantly asking
ourselves in our minds. Most of the time, we are asking
We are constantly judging what we are doing, because we are
afraid of making mistakes. Let me now show you how to choose
the right action that will lead you to your ultimate goals.
First of all, let's discuss ...
The root of all procrastination.
Very often, people tell me "I have studied all the theories of
success and read all the self improvement books, but I still don't
know what to do."
Then they end up doing nothing, and getting no results.
No matter how many books you read, how many tapes you listen
to, and how many seminars you attend, if you don't take any
action, you won't have any result. Action creates result. You can't
change this fact.
Inaction leads to endless procrastination, and ultimately
leads to failure.
You must understand that no matter how bad the situation is, you
can always take some action to improve it right now, even for just
a little improvement. If you can’t imagine how to make 1 million
dollars, just make a commitment to make 100 dollars first. You
might have heard of this phase CANI, It represents constant-andnever-
ending-improvement. Success is a journey, not a
destination. This journey is about improvement. As long as you
are making some kind of improvement, you are leading to success.
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Now you know you need to take some kind of action,
What is the right action?
The answer is to ask your intuition. Your intuition will
never fool you, because it is a message from Higher
Intelligence. Your intuition always knows what is right and what
is wrong.
Do you remember I said that feelings and emotions were the
language of the universe? They are also the messages from the
higher intelligence of the universe. When you feel a positive
emotion, the universe is telling you that you are doing well, keep
on doing it; when you are receiving a negative emotion, the
universe is warning you that you are not aligned with your
ultimate purpose, or life mission. You need to correct your action.
This is the way the universe communicates with you.
Before taking any action, ask yourself, "What feeling will it make
me feel once I have accomplished this action?"
Most of the time, your intuition will give you immediate feedback;
you either receive a positive or a negative emotion.
Listen to your intuition, and do what makes you feel good, don't
worry about making mistakes, because...
Everything is in its divine order
One of the most stubborn road blocks to success is fear of failure,
or fear of making mistakes.
To completely remove this road block, you must accept a
belief that everything is in divine order.
Look back over your life of the past 10 years. Did you make any
mistakes? Sure you did, but without those mistakes, would you
have the life you are living now? If you look deeply, you will find
that those mistakes have inevitably created some coincidence that
has led to your present life. There is always a connection between
the things that are happening in your life. The mistakes were part
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of your life journey that could not have been missed, so why did
you worry at that time?
After my university entrance examination, I did not get a chance
to join an old name university that I loved very much. Most people
that knew me felt sorry for me, but I did not care, I joined the
university of my second choice. A month after joining that
university, I was offered a scholarship to study abroad in a much
better university than my first choice university. Best of all, I did
not spend a single dime on my tertiary education; even my
everyday spending was covered by that scholarship. I would never
have had this chance if I had joined my first choice university. I
believe every thing is in its divine order, in my life nothing ever
goes wrong.
If you want more of this kind of coincidence happen in your life,
repeat this everyday when you feel doubt :
"Everything is in its divine order, in my life, nothing ever
goes wrong"
To sum up, you need to make a small improvement everyday.
Before taking any action, think of the feelings it will bring to you,
and make the right choice based on your feelings. Then just do it,
and believe you are doing the right thing because everything is in
divine order.
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson 10: 3 Simple Steps Guarantee
Your Success
Do you find your life joyful? Do you know your life purpose? Do
you know what you really want in your life? Do you feel
passionate about what you are doing? Do you know your real
In this article, I am going to show you how to clarify your life
purpose, and exactly what you need to do to bring your desires
into reality.
Since school age, we have been taught what we should do, what
we are supposed to accomplish in this game of life. We have been
given a life path that everyone has to follow. We have to go to
schools, get a degree, find a job, then go to work day after day.
This is what everyone is doing, so this must be what we should be
doing too. We just do it this way, and never question whether it is
right or wrong. This is our fate, we don't have a choice.
Is that really true? We really have no other choice? No, absolutely
not. We can choose anything we want. Since God has given us
free will, He must have given us the ability to use our wills.
We don't have to follow other people, we don't need anyone to tell
us what we should do. We have the power to choose. We have the
power to design our own destiny. The truth is if you don't choose,
others will choose for you. You don't want to give your power to
People tell me they don't know what to choose. They don't know
what they really want. They are afraid of making a wrong decision,
and they end up making no decision. Let me tell you a secret,
there is no right or wrong decision. Every choice or decision you
make is right at this present moment, and is to your best
advantage. People don't make their decision because they are
afraid that they don't have the right information and knowledge. If
you have this thought, please remember this motto, and repeat it
many times a day, until it sinks into your subconscious mind. "I
know what I need to know." "I Know what I need to know!"
Once you make your decision, the right information will come.
This is not optimistic, this is the law of the universe. As I have
discussed in my previous articles, everything in this universe is
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made up of energy and information. Energy and information work
by the law of attraction. There is no exception. The law of
attraction works perfectly. Your thought is also energy. What you
think, you attract. This is the law of the universe, it has worked
millions of times, it must also work for you. The universe is always
there waiting to help you, but you must let it know what you want,
otherwise, there is no way for it to work with you. Once you've
made your decision, the universe will take care of the rest.
Because at the moment of your decision, you are sending out
information to the universe, and through the law of attraction, it
will bring back to you the right information.
People always wait for the right information or opportunity to
come, but they fail to understand that the right information will
never come unless they allow it to come. The universe
doesn't know what information to send to you if you don't let it
know what you want. At the moment of your decision, you
are setting the entire universe into motion. This is a scientific
You only need to make a decision, and the right information will
come. It will come in the form of your intuition. Deepak Chopra
once said “if prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is
God talking to you." Be sensitive to your intuition; whatever
information you receive, you must act upon it immediately. Don't
wait for the perfect information to come, because what you
receive is perfect from the universe’s point of view. The universe
is a perfect universe, it always provides perfect information. A
wise man once said " Everything in this universe is exactly as
it should be." Whatever you do with the information you receive
from your intuition is to your best advantage, and is perfect in
God's eyes. If you make any mistakes, it is because God wants
you to learn something. Nobody can achieve success without
experiencing any failure. This is the way the universe works. Don't
be afraid of making the wrong choice. A guru once asked "This is
my way, what is your way? The way doesn't exist." No, the
way doesn't exist, so do it your own way.
I hope I have made it clear. You need to make a choice on what
you want, and then wait for your intuition to show you the
information, and then act upon it immediately. Ask yourself,
“what is the next thing I need to do in order to achieve my
desires?”, and your intuition will constantly provide you with the
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perfect information you need. Do it your own way, your success is
Decision, Intuition, Action, these are three simple steps
that guarantee your success.
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© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Bonus Lesson: Powerful Techniques to
Live With Your True Purpose
Whenever I ask people this question,
"What do you really want in your life?"
They will usually give me answers as follows.
"I want to have more success in my life."
"I want to have more money."
"I want to have a better relationship."
Then I ask them “What will success give you?" “What will money
give you?" "What will a good relationship give you?"
They will always come down to one answer - "Feeling
Yes, "Feeling Good” is the Ultimate Need of any human
being. Nothing is as important as feeling good. Therefore, the
quality of your life comes down to one thing --your ability to feel
Did I say that? Yes, feeling good is an ability. It is like a muscle;
the more you use, the stronger it will become. You either use it or
lose it. Unfortunately, the majority of people today have forgotten
how to use this powerful ability.
Today I will give you some powerful techniques. As long as you
use them, they will awaken your ability to feel good. The quality
of your life will increase dramatically, you will have a tremendous
amount of energy, and live a life of total fulfillment. These
techniques are so simple that you won’t believe it. I only ask you
to keep a ten-day commitment, use them for ten days, and see
how your life will change. After ten days, you decide to keep them
or not. I bet you will get addicted to it. Ok, let's begin.
Technique No 1: Flip Switch
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Although we know the importance of feeling good, most of the
time in daily life we forget about it. We are so busy dealing with
the "important matters" we meet everyday, that we forget the
more important matters of "Feeling good, living a stress free life".
At the time we realize this, we are already in a deep state of
The Solution is to do a "Flip Switch" throughout the day.
What is Flip Switch? Flip Switch is a technique whereby you hold
in your mind a positive image, a moment from your past when
you felt really good, or just an imagined event that makes you
feel good. Hold it for a few seconds. At the moment you do your
Flip Switch, it will cancel out all the previous negative emotions.
The key is to do it often. Don't wait until your negative emotions
get big, and dominate you thoughts. Kill the monster when it is
Do this exercise throughout the day, and you will see the changes
in your life simultaneously. I can't stress enough how powerful
this exercise is, try it out for yourself.
Some people find it is hard to hold a image. My answer to them is,
just pretend you see. The importance is not how clearly you see,
but how strong you feel.
Technique No 2: Capture Magic Moments
We don't remember all the things that happen in our lives, but we
remember some moments. Unfortunately, most people only
remember the unhappy moments, and forget the happy moments.
These unhappy memories only make them unhappy, and they
don't even notice.
The purpose of this technique is to help you consciously memorize
those magical happy moments so that they will make you happier.
It is very simple, keep a magical journal, every night before you
go to bed, and recall all the good things that happened in your
day. Note down things you enjoyed, things you learned, and most
importantly things you have achieved. Every week, record your
top achievements during the week, and every month,
record your top achievements during the month. You will be
amazed at how many things you have achieved, and wonder why
you did not notice them before.
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Take the 10 day challenge; you will love the positive changes in
your life. When you find your ability to feel good increases, you
will really live with your true purpose.
Technique No 3: Be grateful for everything
Do you know what the most powerful emotional state that people
can have is? Yes, that is gratitude. When you are in the state
of gratitude, you are in line with the source energy of the
universe. You get to see things clearly. Any obstacles become an
opportunity for you.
People feel depressed, or unhappy, most of the time because they
focus too much attention onto the problems they have, and forget
that they have many wonderful things happening in their lives.
Be grateful for the love you receive from your family, your friends,
your colleagues. Thank them in some way. Treat them a meal,
buy them a gift, just give them a word of greeting, or just give
them a prayer in your heart.
Be grateful to yourself, to your body. Say thanks to your feet for
supporting you for such a long time, say thanks to your eyes for
letting you see the beauty of this world, say thanks to your ears
for giving you the beautiful sounds of the universe. Say thank you
to every part of your body.
Thank the universe for all the blessings it gives you, and all the
blessings you are receiving.
Be grateful for everything you have now, and you shall receive
much more.
Technique No 4: The secret of giving
What you give you shall receive! You can see much evidence that
shows you this is absolutely true. The wealthiest men on this
planet are always the people who give most. The more they give,
the more they receive. Bill Gates is the richest man on earth,
because he gives the most. No any other person in history has
ever given as much money to the world as Bill Gates does.
You must give the very thing that you want to receive. If you want
money, you must give money. If you want love, you must give
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love. The best way to stay happy and feel loved is to make other
people feel happy and loved. Give love to everyone you meet, a
simple greeting or a word of compliment will go a long way. At the
very moment you show your love to other people, the universal
law has already guaranteed you will receive it back, and it will
give it back to you in the most amazing way.
A point to note is that you must give out unconditionally; don't
expect return from the person you give to, the universe will
orchestrate all the details.
Give love, and you will receive love!
Technique No 5: I am a VIP
Nothing is so important as feeling good. Your outer world is a
direct reflection of your inner world. If you want to experience
joyfulness, and richness in your outer world, you have to have a
joyful, rich inner world. The only way to have a happy, prosperous
life is to experience happiness and prosperity in your inner world.
Nothing is more important than this.
Where can you find these wonderful feelings? Who can give you
these good experiences? The answer is YOU! You are the creator
of anything you experience in your life. Only you can control
your own feelings. If you don't give permission, no one can ever
influence any of your feelings. But what I find is that people
always give power to their environment, they allow others to
control their feelings. They feel bad because some bad things
happen in their lives, they feel bad because others have done bad
things to them. They blame the world, they blame others as the
cause of their bad emotions. What they don't know is that others
will never have any influence over their inner feelings if they don't
allow them to. From this day onwards, take full control of your
own feelings, never give control to others. You are 100%
responsible for your own feelings. You decide to feel good every
moment in life.
No one can make you feel bad if you don't allow them to. You are
in total control of your own feelings, and you decide to feel good.
The question is how you are going to feel good. You do this by
treating yourself as a VIP, a very important person. Think about
what you would do to a VIP. Wouldn't you do anything to make
him or her happy? Wouldn't you do something good for him or her?
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Wouldn't you put him or her as your first priority? From this day
onwards, treat yourself as a VIP, do anything to make yourself
happy. Treat yourself a meal; buy yourself a gift, give yourself a
break from time to time. You deserve this, because you are your
own VIP, no one is more important than yourself.
Technique No 6: The power of focus
I am sure you have heard sayings like "What you focus on
tends to expand.", " What you focus on becomes your
reality.", "You are what you think most of the time.".
Basically they are saying one thing "You become what you
focus on."
We all want a prosperous life, we all want a life of fulfillment, but
very few people focus on this. They only focus on what they are
worried about, and in the end that is what they get. You will
attract the very thing that you focus on. This universal law never
fails, it works 100% accurately. If you focus on poverty, you will
get it; if you focus on riches, you will get them. If you focus on
happiness, you will get it; if you focus on sorrow, you will get it
too. This law works perfectly.
The question is what should we consciously do to focus our
attention on things we want. We have been taught to focus on the
fears and worries for years. The answer is simple. We must use
the same way that we used to focus on negative things to focus
our attention on the positive things. What do you do when you are
focusing on the things you worry about? You probably talk to
yourself consciously or unconsciously. Most of the time, your self
talk is carried out in a form of Q&A .
Q: "Why do these things happen to me?"
A: "Because I am stupid?";
Q: "Why am I so stupid?"
A: "Because I am a fool."
Do you find you have ever had this kind of conversation with
yourself? The way to deal with it is to be aware of it, and use the
same way to focus your attention on the positive things. Ask
yourself empowering questions. Ask questions in such a way that
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you will always get the answers that make you feel good. No
matter how bad the situation is, ask yourself, "What is great about
this?", “What can I learn from this?"
If you continually ask yourself, you will always find something
great, and something you can learn. Will that make you feel better?
You'd better believe it.
From now on, make a commitment- no matter how bad the
situation is, you will always find a question to turn your attention
to the positive. You become what you focus on!
Technique No 7: No Competition
Many of our disappointments and bad feelings come from
competition, or comparison. We feel bad about ourselves; because
we see others are doing better than we do. As long as we focus
our attention on our weakness, we will never feel good about
ourselves. We feel bad, because others are more handsome or
more beautiful than us; we feel bad because others have more
money, better cars, better houses than we have; We feel bad
because others get promoted, but we don't; We feel bad just
because others are happier than we are. As long as you compare
yourself with others, you will always find someone who is better
than you. And you will never feel good enough.
Instead of falling into this trap of endless competing, why not free
ourselves, and live life in our own way. Instead of focusing on
what others are doing better than we do, and feeling bad about
ourselves, why not focus on learning from others and improving
our own skills? Life is about growing, not about competing. Focus
your attention on self-growth, go for the best, and you will finally
see the big rewards.
In the Athens 2004 Olympics, the Chinese athlete Liu Xiang won
the first gold medal in the 110 meters men's hurdles competition
for China. He has made new Chinese history in the Olympic
Games. When he was asked, if the four-time world champion Allen
Johnson crashed out in the qualifying heat, whether his own
performance would be affected, he said, "Not at all, I just follow
my own plan, and perform for the best." In his mind, he does not
care who is running against him, he just does his best.
Forget about competition, go for the best!
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Technique No 8: Get in touch with your higher self
Nowadays, we are too busy in our daily activities. We even forget
who we really are. We really need to find some time for ourselves;
get in touch with our higher self. There are two ways you can do
this. The first is nature. Find yourself some spare time every
week, and take a walk in the park, or go to the forest. Listen to
the sound of nature, and feel the power of it. See the greenness
of this beautiful nature, and enjoy being with it. Feel that you are
safe, and you are close to Mother Nature. The second way you can
get in touch with your higher self is through meditation. There is
too much misconception about meditation, and people tend to
make it really complicated. Meditation is easy to do, and
everyone can do it. The simplest way is to just sit quietly, and
count your breath. Whenever you attention goes away, bring it
back to your breath. The purpose of meditation is to clear your
conscious mind, so that you can get in touch with your
subconscious mind. There are some advanced meditation
techniques that can manifest your desires fast. I will reveal them
to you in my future articles. For the time being, practice this
simple meditation, it will give you a lot of benefits.
The Lost Secrets of Manifestation
© Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
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