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Exercise - English III Past Simple Passive

Complete the sentences in the past simple passive using these verbs

advertise attack give interrupt

not make repair steal

1. It was advertised in the evening paper

2. My best suit was ___ steal___ and I was __attack __ by two Policeman! And the first

time, we __ by __ interrupt_ those crazy Russians - remember?

3. The party _ was__ interrupt by my English teacher`s father

4. The elevat_ was_ repair last week, and then it broke down again the following day.

Obviously ___ _by not make__ in Germany.



The Past Simple Passive is formed in a similar way to the Present Simple Passive, but using was / were in
place of is / are . We use it to talk about actions in the Past where the object of the action, rather than
the subject, is the main point

PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE : Nothing is known about this

PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE : Nothing was known about this until last year
PRESENT SIMPLE PASSVIE : This bridge is painted every twenty years
PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE : This bridge was last painted in 2006

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