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Name:__________________________. Schedule: ______________________

Section: _________________________

A. Write your answer on the space provided.

__________CELL______1. The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms.

_________NUCLEOID_______2. The genetic material (DNA) of eukaryotes is found in the
nucleus, while
the DNA of prokaryotes is found in
________,Monocellular________ 3. Eukaryotic cells are multicellular, while prokaryotic cells
_________Genetics_______ 4. The study of heredity and variation of inherited characters.
_________Gregor Mendel_______ 5. The Father of Modern Genetics.
________Pisum sativum________ 6. Scientific name of pea plant.
________trait________ 7. Referred as specific characteristic.
________Highbreed________ 8. The offspring of crosses between parents with different traits.
________variation________ 9. Self-pollinating plants that produce offspring identical to
________allele________10. Alternate forms of a gene which occupy identical loci on
homologous chromosome.
________Principle of Inheritance________11. The principle in Genetics that states that some
alleles are dominant while others are recessive.
_________genotype_______ 12. The genetic make-up (constitution) of an organism.
________phenotype________ 13. The physical features /appearance of an organism.
________homozygous________14. A condition in which both the members of an allelic pair in
the homologous chromosome are identical (either dominant or recessive alleles).
________heterozygous________ 15. A condition in which the members of an allelic pair in the
homologous chromosome are not identical (either dominant and one recessive allele).
_______absence of dominant allele_________ 16. The reason why recessive trait reappear
during F2 generation.
________probability________ 17. A likelihood that an event will occur.
________50%________ 18. If a coin is flipped once, the chance that it will be heads is
__________Francis Crick and James Watson______ 19 & 20. Developed the double helix model
of DNA.

B. Enumeration

1 – 4: Differences between eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell

2.___________sexual reproduction_________________

5 – 8: Differences between plant cell and animal cell

5. _____________cellwall__________ 7. _____________centriole______________
6. _____________ chloroplast______ 8. ____________flagella_______________

9 – 10: Differences between mitosis and meiosis

9. _____________sex cell and growth cell_________________

10. ___________haploid and diploid__________________

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