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How many waves of feminism has there been?

1. 3 ✔
2. 4
3. 5
Jacques Derrida's of Grammatology explains.
1. His theory of writing ✔
2. his issues with Lacan
3. His plan for world
Freud was born in Moravia, in which year?
1. 1856 ✔
2. 1857
3. 1956
Which is the best colloquial English translation of the ego and id?
1. 'I' and 'it' ✔
2. 'conscious' and 'unconscious'
3. 'Reason' and 'passion'
Before inventing psychoanalysis, Freud made his name in the field of?
1. Neurology ✔
2. Marine biology
3. Literary criticism
Freud and Breuer had a book in 1895 about hysteria namely?
1. studies in hysteria ✔
2. interpretation of dreams
3. three essays on sexuality
The Vienna Pscho-Analytic Society was originally called?
1. The Wednesday psychological society ✔
2. The Vienna Fruedian society
3. The Moravian Society
Karl Jung split with Freud due to later's emphasis on the sex drive, in year?
1. 1913 ✔
2. 1914
3. 1924
The Interpretations of Dreams was published in?
1. 1899 ✔
2. 1895
3. 1913
In 1923, Freud was diagnosed with?
1. Mouth Cancer ✔
2. Lung Cancer
3. Tuberculosis
Which country is most associated with the theory of Formalism?
1. Russia ✔
2. America
3. England
Which of these features of a text would a Formalist be most interested in?
1. Strucutre ✔
2. Context
3. Meaning of words
Which type of text would be the most useful when applying Formalism?
1. Poem ✔
2. Play
3. Novel
What is the term Formalists use to describe a text that exhibits a special use of language?
1. Literariness ✔
2. Language
3. Langueness
Which of these people is connected with defamiliarisation, a feature of some Formalist texts?
1. Victor Shklovsky ✔
2. Abromovich
3. Vladimir Putin
Which of these literary theories DOES NOT oppose Formalism?
1. New Criticism ✔
2. New Historicism
3. Idealogical
Who wrote The New Criticism, giving the movement its name?
1. John Crowe Ransom ✔
2. Monroe Berdsley
3. William Empson
According to the title of his well known work, what was Empson analyzing?
1. Seven types of Ambiguity ✔
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Hundred of soup opera
In which work you would learn about "the heresy of paraphrase"?
1. The Well Wrought Urn ✔
2. Ulysses
3. The Interpretations
In which city Freud first delivered his introductory lecture?
1. Vienna ✔
2. Denmark
3. Paris
What is the name of Freud's innovative psychological science?
1. Psychoanalysis ✔
2. individual psychology
3. psychotherapy
Freud divides dreams into two parts. What are they?
1. Latent and Manifest ✔
2. Inner and outer
3. truthful and False
Medusa's head of ancient myth symbolize which kind of fear according to Freud?
1. Castration ✔
2. Death
3. Abandonment
The super-ego is heir to the ____ complex.
1. Oedipus ✔
2. Castration
3. Electra
What is found in the id?
1. Repressed instinctual desires ✔
2. Symbols
3. Trauma
Which two philosophers developed the principal concept of Marxism?
1. Marx and Engles ✔
2. Marx and Aristotle
3. Engles and Voltaire
What word did Marx label the Ruling Class with?
1. Bourgeoisie ✔
2. Monoplisers
3. Proletariat
Marx named the working class as ____ in his thoery of Marxism.
1. Proletariat ✔
2. Peasents
3. Beggars
Which 1960s-1970s philosopher believed in the Structural Marxism theory?
1. Louis Althusser ✔
2. Immanuel Kant
3. Friedrich Nietzsche
Which country was first to adopt Communism as its political blueprint?
1. Russia ✔
2. China
3. France
What was the name of book about communism co-authored by Marx and Engles?
1. The Communist Manifesto
2. Mein Kampf
3. The Republic
Which of the following thinkers had the most intellectual influence on Marx?
1. G.W.F Hegel
2. John Stuart Mill
3. Aristotle
During which century was the Communist Manifesto published?
1. 19th Century
2. 18th century
3. 17th century
What is the primary source of changes in man's ideas?
1. Man's material conditions
2. Progress towards Reason
3. Natural Section
What system did modern Industrial society replace?
1. Feudalism
2. Capitalism
3. Utopianism
In modern society, who owns the means of Production?
1. The bourgeoisie
2. the proletariat
3. the military
All liberal feminists advocate?
1. equal treatment in public
2. abortion on demand
3. right for property
Samuel Huntington is associated with?
1. The Clash of Civilizations
2. The End of History
3. The End of Ideology
Which of the following was not written by Michel Foucault?
1. Of Grammatology
2. History of Sexuality
3. Birth of the Clinic
Which Post-Structuralist philosopher came up with the concept of Deconstruction?
1. Jacques Derrida
2. Jean Baudrillard
3. Gilles Deleuze
Which Post-Structuralist philosopher stated, "Academics" lives are seldom interesting?
1. Gilles Deleuze
2. Jean Baudrillard
3. Michel Focault
Which Post-Structuralist philosopher authored "Capitalism and Schizphrenia"?
1. Gilles Deleuze
2. Jacques Derrida
3. Michel Focault
Which Post-Structuralist philosopher was interested in the "power-knowledge relationship"?
1. Michel Foucault
2. Gilles Deleuze
3. Jean Baudrillard
Who came up with the terminology of "signifier" and "signified"?
1. Ferdinand de Sassure
2. Michel Foucault
3. Jean Baudrillard
Which Post-Structuralist philosopher started in philosophy by studying "petaphysics"?
1. Jean Baudrillard
2. Michel Foucault
3. Jean Baudrillard
Who invented the term "Objective Correlative" which is often used in formalist criticism?
1. T.S Eliot
2. Michel Foucault
3. John Milton
Which theory propogated "art for art's sake"?
1. Formalism
2. Imagism
3. Romanticism
Which theory of the following rejects the meta-narratives?
1. Post-Modernism
2. Modernism
3. Post-Structuralism

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