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Datos de la asignación

Curso: Inglés Avanzado Intensivo

Ciclo: IV

Semana: 1

Título: “Memoirs”

Instrucciones para la entrega de la TSA

 El nombre del documento de trabajo debe tener la siguiente estructura:

“TSA2 - Apellidos- nombre”. Por ejemplo: TSA2_Portilla_Hugo
 El documento debe ser entregado por la pestaña correspondiente en el
AULA VIRTUAL hasta el plazo establecido por el docente.


Read the text and answer the questions in the exercises.

A survey

1 A survey of five- to seven-year-olds revealed these dream careers. What do you think the top five
dream careers were for boys and the top five for girls? One career was chosen by both girls and boys.

2 Survey 5 members of your family and write 2 childhood wishes or regrets for each one (10 in total).
Use the grammar for Wishes and Regrets.


1 2.39–2.45 Read about people talking about their biggest dream as a child. Match the dream careers
to the speakers. Who doesn’t talk about a dream career? What were their childhood dreams?

Dilamar, Brazil
My greatest dream when I was child was um … be a teacher. Yes, but it … uh … I never uh … I started
university, but I always give up everything that I start in my life so … I’m here, in England, work like uh
… like … like a cleaner.

Judy, Australia
Um … My greatest dream was actually to be a professional tennis player but that didn’t happen, but I
have played tennis all these years and had a lot of fun and made great friends from it.

José, Spain
Um … My greatest dream as a child was to become a footballer, a professional football player. I think
for, for all the boys of my, of my school when I was a child was very popular to become a football
player because it’s your main interest you know. It’s the main thing you, you think about. Um … now,
when you are older you think about another things; you think about your studies, your opportunities,
eh, politics or economics. Now, my, my dream is to become a, a um professor at the university.

Karina, Russia
Um, I wanted to save the world. When my grandfather told that the roads were, er, very bad I
thought when I grow up, I’ll change everything and we’ll have the best roads ever. And, all the time
like this and then when I, I became older I start thinking uhm, is this possible to change everything so
you should be a president or a magician, which is, which is much better.

Javier, Spain
My big dream as a child … Well, my big … My dream as a child was the same that I have now. Um, I
would like to be a professor at the university, I always was think it to be that. So now I work at the
university as a researcher and I’d like in the future to go … to go back to Spain and try to ind … inish
my PhD and try to ind a job at the university and teach there. That’s my dream, that was my dream as
a child.

Alison, England
What’s your greatest dream or ambition as a child? As a child I wanted to be a paramedic, but um …
as time has gone on I think from seeing the reality of life and yeah I, I don’t think my stomach could
handle that sort of thing anymore.

Mingyu, South Korea

I wanted to go every single countries in the world and try their um, er local food and I’d still like to do
it, I love to go new places and try new things, food and their customs and so it’s always interesting.

Dilamar, Brazil

a paramedic Judy, Australia

b football player José, Spain

c teacher Karina, Russia

d university professor Javier, Spain

e tennis player Alison, England

Mingyu, South Korea

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Whose dream came true?

2 Who is on the way to fulfilling their dream?

3 Who had to give up their dream?

4 Whose dream was only a childhood wish?

3 Which of the dreams did you relate to most?

Language focus: repetition

Look at these sentences (1–3) from the listening. Match them with the type of repetition (a–c).
1 [It] was very popular to become a football player because it’s your main interest you know. It’s the
main thing you, you think about.

2 That’s my dream, that was my dream as a child.

3 I’m here, in England, work like uh … like … like a cleaner.

a repetition of the same words, to gain thinking time (often with words like er or uh)

b repetition to correct a mistake

c repetition of the same idea, to explain or expand on something


1 Write a paragraph about your biggest dream as a child. Explain why it was your dream at that time.
Mention if you fulfilled that dream and how. If you didn’t fulfil your dream, explain why.

2 Then decide what your biggest dream is today. Write a short paragraph about it.
Write your answer in this same document.

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