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By: Cj Apalis

I watched those petals hit your grave.

I watched everyone, as they weep.

Is it all over? I need you, to hug, to save,

Instead of your body six feet under dirt seeped.

Is it all over? I needed you on that day.

I was emotionless, holding your cold hand.

I have my family, but why do I still feel astray?

Why was this moment your final stand?

I waited for you, as minutes become an hour.

They came up the door, saying you died.

My memories, almost immediately, were sour.

At that moment, I wished they had lied.

God, I need them back, to give me light.

Now, I only see blacks, and whites, and grays.

They gave me color, they made my life bright.

Why can’t I get my chance, change my ways?

I just need love, I need my old sight.

Victims or not, must be guided by the light.

The light that dreams to escape from the attic.

Let it be over! Free our light, trapped by the chaotic pandemic.

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