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”Time spent with family is worth every second”

Family is a real gift in life, are people you can count on to

care for you and listen, to share good times together and
support you in bad times.
Firstly, I agree with the statement that time spend with family,
is worth every second, because only the family will always be
with us no matter what and we must apperciate every minute
spend with they until it`s not too late. Moreover, family is
everything especially when this is the source of the infinite
love, harmony and peace of mind.
On the other hand the moment when we realize the
importance of our family is when we see an extremely
dysfunctional family where members of the family just view
each other as means to an end, or are verbally/emotionally or
physically abusive or neglectful for a variety of reasons.From
these families we can only learn not to be like them.
In conclusion, we must honour our family and take care of our
beloved persons, becouse family is the most precious treasure
and the best gift from god.

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