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B-Manaba 217031724

Engineering and Power

Engineering is believed to have been derived from the military field; an engineer was
considered someone who operated siege engines. This shows that the military field has
shaped to varying degrees and in various direct and indirect ways -much of what engineers
do. Engineering might seem to have separated from the military, but it is still influencing
and being influenced by militarism. As an aspiring engineer, I would happily work for a
military company or a company involved with the military and security, on the condition
that I am made aware of why the company is developing such and such technologies for the
military. Engineering ethics will govern my choices. If the reasons are justified ethically, and
the technology is not used at the expense of helpless individuals or starting wars with
countries for selfish reasons other than defence. An example of a company I would work for
is Boeing, it develops technologies, not just for the military but also for civilians' benefit.
Military ethics requires one to pursue just ends using just means. Acquisition of military
technologies, either defensive or offensive might put any organisation or country at risk of
being in the wrong side of the moral campus. To avoid working for such companies that are
at risk of such, I look at the established norms that govern the employment of each
individual technology that I will involve myself in.

Military ethics employs a certain logic. The logic starts with a just cause, however, justifying
a cause can be a bit tricky. There might arise ethical conflicts, that end up making decision
making a challenge. I would reject the offer to work for a military/ security company to
develop technologies that I'm not aware of how they will be used. If the company is not
transparent in its dealings, I will turn down its offer. I will also consider the purpose of the
technology; I support companies that develop defensive technologies, not offensive ones, if
the purpose of the technology is for the greater good and protection of the national
security. I will not work for a company that uses its technology to amass civilians' data so
that it can pry on their conduct and use the information to push their marketing agendas.
Some may argue that the defensive technologies may also be used for offence. My choice of
the company will not depend on whether the company will keep their promise or not but,
on the regulation, they have in place at the apparent moment of my employment. It is
impossible to assess the future, therefore the decision I will make will be solely dependent
on the company`s norms. (Yasha Levine, 2018:) criticised Google for the misuse and
manipulation of search data and on concerns that its compilation of data may violet
people`s privacy including its collaboration with the military where Google was used to spy
on users. This breach of privacy, I consider it unethical, and I would not consider working for
a company that practices such.


Yasha Levine. (Dec 20,). Google’s earth: How the tech giant is helping the state spy on us.
The guardian (london), .

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