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Sometimes you have to be own Hero!


I've been thinking a lot about the phrase of ‘be your own hero’. I always used to find someone to

come and save me from my petty issues being a student. In my high level school days, I was

mush defendant on my friends and family. And it was always break my expectations. With time I

realized, many people spend such a great deal of time and always waiting around for someone to

save them. These kind of people usually sit alone and but constant looking around hopefully for

a Superhero. When dreams turns into nightmare, let's be honest and serious: there is no such

thing a Superhero with too many super powers is just a fabrication of someone's creative

imagination and nothing else.

But yes, in some cases, we can be (and will be) saved by superhero who are around us.

Friendship and love can protect us[ CITATION Nar17 \l 1033 ]. Many opportunities that comes from

nature can protect us. Kind and pure soul people can also be a reason of our survival. Lately I

have witnessed a lot of people in my life, including myself, being their own heroes in life.

The real game changer is when you finally realize you are and have to be your own hero.

Nobody can save you instead you own and I took actions which were needed for changing my

life and these are;

 Stop waiting for people help and think what is going on your life

 take possible actions with little steps

 Once decided to change yourself then do not give up easily

 Be brave to face the challenges and handle consequences

 Learn from mistakes and failure and be wise not to repeat them

These are my mantra to learn, unlearn and relearn and to be myself in every step of life.
“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” (Opinion)

Many times in my life we have heard that phrase “You’re not good enough” or “You

can’t do it” or the most of all “If you don’t get an education you’ll never get a good

career/job”. It does not mean that education is less important or never am I

encouraging not to complete your degree for good career. My point is that just

because someone offers their opinion of who they think you should be or what you

should do in life cannot define you who you are and what your abilities and

capabilities are[ CITATION Nar17 \l 1033 ].

This is mostly very hard to digest when these opinions and thoughts come from

those we respect and love the most, most of them are close family, parents, siblings,

friends and teachers. But the most hardship is that when we listen their opinions and

perceptions and tried to change our own selves. We always do this task unwillingly

but we cannot make them stop and even and unable to tell them what we think and

what is our own opinion about ourselves. And that the point when real dilemma is

started. The main stuff to realize is that we cannot undo the past and its mistakes,

but we can decide from today not to make those opinions turn into our reality.

We should be very careful about the opinions of others that we allow in, even those

who care for us can have the greatest of intentions, but it is your decision that your

intensions can be your destiny[ CITATION Nar17 \l 1033 ]. Firstly, you have to remain

true to who you are, and what you want from life and what is your goals and career

because no one is the author of your life except you. The moment you start
believing in yourself instead of what others say you are or think, you become a

magical power that can do wonders in life.

It’s never too late to focus on your dreams! (Dreams)

At my higher school level, I changed my major to English subject and also announced to my

immediate family that I wanted to be an author. The sudden thought of my parents was that I was

joking and they started making fun about my choice. My parents said to me that do I know even

the basic of writing. Reading does not make you writer. You should have some literally guts to be

an author. My siblings recoiled at my decision. I always wanted to study literature but in my

school, my parents forced me to be a doctor and they forced me to study science because in my

family there was no concept of arts and literature studies.

I am sure, it is the story of every second person in this whole world. Everyone wants to do one

thing but family and friends force them not to pursue dreams and many of us break our own

desires because we have no courage to fight for our dreams. Time is always be uncertain, but I’ve

never been more certain about this: Life is short. Live your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

This will never be a straight-forward path. My youthful writing career was short-lived. Because I

decided to pursue my career in English writing but pressure that build around me was much

influential and I dropped my subject. I’ve learned a lot about writing from different channels. I

read famous authors[ CITATION Kin17 \l 1033 ]. And I also learned how to learn. I always

believe that I could write, but I didn’t know about the writing can be my career or profession. But

I never gave up on writing and I started to write plots of my stories. Now all these stories publish

in magazine.
It is our conscious effort to set our mind on a goal and then nature always give you courage to

conquer your dreams.

In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic! (Living Style)

Living style is a term which is generally used to mean the way people live and reflect their entire

choices of social values, attitudes and activities[ CITATION Nar17 \l 1033 ].

Living style is lifelong personal habit of people and it is also their cultural and behavioral happened through the social interaction with family, parents, friends, group of people.

In today’s world, health, fitness, and even illness are surprisingly influenced by our way of living

and lifestyle. And it covers different aspects of human behaviors patterns of consuming food,

drinking, smoking, drugs, exercise, and sleep patterns too. Good health always requires a healthy

lifestyle[ CITATION Kin17 \l 1033 ].

Usually it is said that it is easy to build and maintain bad habits. But it is very difficult to switch

those bad habits into good habits and journey is really challenging. This is major issue of healthy

life style but people do not take it serious and they are quite reluctant towards healthy living


As young generation, we need to take it serious. And now healthy living life is geeting promoted in

schools, colleges, and universities. These educational institutions invite certified people who guide

us to live healthy living and guide them accordingly. As students we are already stressed about our

education, exams, and we got less time for extracurricular activities. And with this we always try

junk food and we have unearthly eating habits. Sleep tenure is also getting less due to electronic

gadgets and it is very harmful for healthy and living style[ CITATION Kar19 \l 1033 ].
Furthermore, you can take small steps towards a healthy lifestyle but before that you have to train

your mind first. And you should also keep this fact in mind, never go overboard with this change of

life. Moreover, this healthy living style will help you in life in a lot of different ways.
Our culture diversity has most certainly shaped our national character!

Cultural diversity is very significant in every aspect of life. But this diversity can be even more

essential when it happens within education. Students around the world have the equal rights to

access and get a chance of quality education. There are also many advantages that come along

with it when the institutions believe in the power of cultural diversity.

This cultural diversity in education helps students to support:

Learning: Only curriculum is not the only part of learning. Outside the curriculum is also

important for students. With the diverse student strength, they are always privileged of getting

more knowledge and gaining more understanding about people, their backgrounds, behaviors

and attitude patterns.

Growth & Confidence: When students from different cultures come together so they get more

opportunities to lean about each other culture and also break their comfort zone to grow and gain

confidence[ CITATION Day17 \l 1033 ].

Ready for Future: Students are future. So they should know the learning patterns of different

people. So when they will take charge of their professional lives so it will help them to

collaborate with different cultures and people.

Empathy: Empathy is key to understand people and win their trust. We cannot fully understand

other lives until unless we listen them and understand them[ CITATION Day17 \l 1033 ].

Cultural diversity is very important thing in human lives which connect them with others and it

has few benefits as well, like;

 Compassion is very important to deal with people.

 It gives you innovative thoughts to face the challenges of life.

 Cultural diversity always bring new opportunities for people. When you meet and

collaborate different kind of people so it will give you changes to grow and enhance your

knowledge and skills.

 Problem solving ability is also a great feature of cultural diversity. When you live with

different people, you always get to know how to respond, react and bring everyone on

same page.

Narbut, N. P., Puzanova, Z. V., & Larina, T. I. (2017). Student life in European dimension.

Sociological Studies, 5(5), 47-50.

King, K. (2017). The future of student life: learning. On the Horizon.

Day-Calder, M. (2017). Student life-Imposter syndrome. Nursing Standard (2014+), 31(43), 35.

Magomedov, G. B., Veretennikova, E. V., Ulyankin, S. V., Martynenko, S. E., Ilkevich, T. G.,

Karnaukh, I. S., & Borisova, L. V. (2019). Healthy lifestyle and social networks: Trajectory of

their intersections in student life. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 7(3), 389-


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