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Metacognitive Reading Report # 2

Social Self
1. Things that I significantly learned from the readings…
Life around us can really change ourselves because on how we interact and socialize
with the people around us. Understanding the reading, I can tell that socializing is one of the
characteristics we have as an individual because it can shape ourselves in the things we learn
from others and the things we realize and acquire from ourselves. I learned that the primary
social group we have is our family because they are the ones who taught us the things we will
do if they are not behind us. They taught us almost everything and we should use it as a guide
in making decisions in life. I also learned from the reading that we can gain information and
experiences to the people around us. Through them we can harness and improve our skills in
socializing and how we can express our emotions to other people. We can learn how to
control our feelings wherein it can help us to think moderately on the decisions that we’re
making. I have an experience where I depend myself to my friends and I realize that we
shouldn’t depend ourselves to other people because we form our own life and learn to be
independent because sometimes people are temporary and we didn’t know the time people
will leave us but rest assure that there are people who will stay by our side through thick and
thin. Lastly, I learned that culture will also shape’s oneself because of its importance in our
life. It will depend on how we treat other people because we have different culture of
communicating with other folks. I have an experience where we went to a certain place with
different culture. The people there taught me how their culture works and what made them
different from others. Through this experience, I learned how to appreciate and respect
anyone’s culture because we have different perspective in living one’s life. Our culture will
mold us as an individual. These learnings can help us nurture our own life. Those experiences
will serve us a lesson to continue and live life to the fullest.

2. Things that are still unclear to me…

There’s a time when you didn’t feel like socializing at all because you didn’t have the
mood to talk to other people. Life might take us down but socializing can help us to release
all the negativities in our body. It can help us boost our mood because we have someone to
open up our problems and flaws in life. We knew that life is only challenging us and we
shouldn’t overthink those problems because there’s always a solution in every problem. One
of the topics that made me confused is the concept You vs. I. The concept made me realized
that there’s a difference on what you show to people and who you really are. Sometimes,
there’s a scenario that you didn’t show the people who you really are because we’re too
afraid for their judgement. We hate being compared that’s why we can’t really show them
our true colors. The reading taught me that anything and anyone can mold our social self
especially us because we are molding our life, our future.

3. Three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings

• How can individuals affect your preference and decisions in life?
• How can I improve my social skills with other individual?
• What are the cons of being alone and how it can affect your life?

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