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I. Specific Objectives

At the end of 60 minute period at least 75% of the students should be able to:

 Identify the equation that expresses a direct variation

 Determine the table of values and the graph that expresses a direct variation
 Solve the given problem using y=kx as the mathematical equation of direct variation, where
k is a constant of variation

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Direct Variation

B. Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Material for Grade 9, pp. 194-203
C. Materials:
1 Laptop – for encoding lesson plan
1 Cartolina – for visual aid
2Pentel pen (Black and Red) – for visual aid
1 Scotch tape – for visual aid
D. Concepts:
Essential Concept:
 Direct Variation
 Identify the equation that expresses a direct variation
 Determine the table of values and graph that expresses a direct variation
 Solve the given problem using y=kx as the mathematical equation of direct
variation, where k is a constant of variation
Teaching Strategies:
 Demonstration/Lecture Method, Discovery and Process Approach,
Problem Method, Board work
III. Procedure
A. Activity

1. Pre-activity
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Greetings
2. Introductory Activity
Please see at the last page of this lesson plan.
3. Lesson Proper
The activity you’ve done is connected to the topic for today which is “Direct Variation”.
Direct Variation – when a situation produces pairs of numbers in which their ratio is constant.

The mathematical formula of Direct Variation,

y=kx, where x - independent variable
y – dependent variable
k – constant of variation

can be translated in mathematical statements;

“y varies directly as x”
“y is directly proportional to x”
“y is proportional to x”
For 2 quantities, x and y, an increase in x causes an increase in y as well. Similarly, a decrease
in x causes a decrease in y.
Suppose we have the equations, its table of values and graphs:
x -2 -1 0 1 2
y -8 -4 0 4 8

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 4 2 0 -2 4
x -2 -1 0 1 2
y -1 1 3 5 7

From the 3 equations which do you think is/are the example/s of a direct variation? Why?

Correct! This is in the form of slope-intercept form y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the

How about y=4x and y=-2x, is it in a form of slope-intercept form? Why?

Correct! Therefore, direct variation is simply in a slope-intercept form when b/y-intercept is zero.
So, in y=4x and y=-2x, their y=intercepts are zero and their slope are 4 and -2, similarly the slope
determines the constant of variation.
Do you get it?
From the given 3 graphs, how do you determine if it expresses a direct variation?

From the given 3 table of values, how do you determine if it expresses a direct variation?

Correct! But when the value of x is zero the value of y will always be zero and its ratio will
always be zero. If you take a look in its graph, the graph of y=4 and y=-2 crosses the origin (0,0).

Get the ratio of y and x in each table of values to determine if it expresses a direct variation.

As you can see the ratio is equal to the constant of variation.

Now, how do you solve the given word problem which expresses a direct variation

Example #1
If y varies directly as x and y=24 when x=6, find the variation constant and the equation of
Express “y varies directly as x” as y=kx
Solve for k by substituting the given values in the equation.
y = kx
24 = 6k
k = 4 – constant of variation

Substituting 4 to k in y=kx,
y = 4x – equation of variation
Example #2
The table below shows that the distance d varies directly as the time t. Find the constant of
variation and the equation which describes the relation.
Time (hr.) 1 2 3 4 5
Distance (km) 10 20 30 40 50
Since the distance d varies directly as the time t, then d=kt. Using one of the pairs of values, (2,
20), from the table, substitute the values of d and t in d=kt and solve for k.
d = kt
20 = 2k
k = 10 – constant of variation
y = kt
y = 10t – equation of the variation

Example #3
If x varies directly as y and x=35 when y=7, what is the value of y when x=25?
x = ky
35 = 7k
k = 5 – constant of variation

x = ky
25 = 5y

Other solution by proportion, Since x/y is a constant, we write k=x/y, from here we can obtain
𝑥 𝑥
a proportion 𝑦1 = 𝑦2.
1 2
x1 = 35
y1 = 7
x2 = 25
y2 = ?
𝑥1 𝑥2
𝑦1 𝑦2
35 25
7 𝑦2
35y2 = 175
y2 = 5

we obtain the same answer.

Example #4 (Drill/Board work)
I. In each of the following, y varies directly as x. Find the values as indicated.
1. Find the constant of a direct variation when x = 6 and y = -30.
2. If the constant variation is -4, then what is the value of y when x = -6?
3. If y=3 when x=15, find x when y = 5.
4. If y = -8 when x = -2, find x when y = 32.
II. The distance traveled varies directly with the time of travel. If the distance traveled is 250
meters in 25 seconds, find the distance traveled in 60 seconds.

A. Abstraction
How do you identify equation that expresses direct variation?

B. Analysis
How do you determine the table of values that expresses a direct variation?
How do you determine the graph that expresses a direct variation?
How do you solve the given word problem using y=kx as the mathematical equation of direct
variation, where k is a constant of variation

C. Application
Bella uses 20 liters of gasoline to travel 200 km. How many liters of gasoline will be use on a trip of
700 km?

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