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Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their

free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the
individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree? Provide
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Human is the greatest of all creatures on our planet. The possibilities of people are limitless.
Throughout our existence, we have been able to completely change life on the planet, practically
make it work for us. Can one person independently of another do all this? I think they can’t.
To begin with, a person is a social being, and he cannot be happy without society, without a
sense of himself in society. In my opinion, in order to become successful, a person needs to feel
the response of his personal success in the minds of other people. Besides, this circle of people
should not be below his level of development. In other words, a person needs to feel equality. I
believe that society is still important for a person, because we are on this Earth to study, learn
and improve our lives. Since childhood, a person receives ideas and concepts about this from his
environment – parents, teachers, other people brought up by society, from books, newspapers
and magazines. Therefore, different types of society form different worldviews in people, based
on specific cultures, religions, traditions and customs. Under the influence of culture, public
opinion, upbringing, a person sets priorities in life. She sets goals for herself and tries to achieve
them. Therefore, it is difficult to say that a person does not depend on others, because from
childhood we begin to grow in the circle of people who can influence us.
On the other hand, I can also claim that a person is able to adapt to the conditions of the life in
the society and is able to change them in a radical way. That is, having modern technologies, she
is able to cope with the task on her own, without involving other people, and even more so to
entertain herself. People become more independent from their parents when they move away,
they start earning money themselves, cooking for themselves. However, at the same time, a
person requires the love of others, wants to have a second half who can support her at any
moment. So it turns out that we can be more independent in terms of finances and independent
living, but we depend on other people when we get lonely and want to communicate. Also, there
are other people who can teach us. If there were no people who could explain and tell us about
the topic we are interested in, it would be difficult for us to figure it out ourselves. Therefore,
people play a big role in other people's lives.
In conclusion, we can say that society is our native home, which simultaneously gives and
demands. It is a complex system of rights and obligations, opportunities and restrictions,
incentives and punishments. It is difficult to imagine how a person would live outside society. He
would be lonely and unhappy. And people around us can influence it, help and teach something,
which clearly indicates our interaction with others and our dependence on them.

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