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Homeschooling is an education system which provides child’s main education

program at home. Homeschooling takes the place of full-time school attendance and it
usually meets state of requirements for compulsory education. Although homeschooling
might be easier to manage and could achieve the objectives of compulsory education, I feel
that homeschooling isn’t the best educational system to be applied. The main thing is
homeschooling system doesn’t wrap all of the learning aspects neither like the public school.
First, homeschooling system doesn’t give any room for students to socialize, interact, and get
to know each other with the other students out there except with the teacher itself. Now, let’s
talk about humans. Humans are categorized as a social being which means we as humans
needs that interaction, relation, and help from each other. The lack of interaction with other
people can give a negative impact on a person’s social life. Lack of relation, lack of
communication, and lack of solidarity, it’s 180 degrees inversely proportional to the meaning
of us, humans, as social creatures.
Now, looking towards to our country, Indonesia. Indonesia is a large country and the students
are from many kinds of different backgrounds, which means that students need a kind of glue
to make them stick with each other to give them a sense of unity. Compared to the public
school, the easiest and the best place to get that kind of glue is in the public school. Without
the present of the glue between each other, students may not be able to fit into the mass
society, which means, among other things, believing of what most people believe and liking
what people like. Or homeschooling may not be able to help students to find a set of values
with which they could resist and reject man values of the mass society.
Homeschooling does provide a comfort surroundings to the students, such as no bullies or
something else that may disturb the student at the surrounding of them. But we must think
more critically with the comfort surroundings provided by the homeschooling system, we
have to think ahead. So, what if we think about the student’s future? Homeschooling may not
give the students a good development to face their real future where they must interact,
understand each other, solving several problems, and even compete with each other which
they don’t even get the spirit and development to compete with one another. They wouldn’t
know how to control and face a problem that they don’t want to and they don’t even have any
experiences with things related to the problem. Guess what, all of it comes from the
comfortable private surroundings around them.
But for me, all problems have a way to solve them. Great things come from a small thing. I’m
sure that by making a small event for homeschooling students to interact with other students
or even strangers in the society such as a small meeting, having fun together in the weekends,
and other things that can be done related to socializing.
So, the conclusion of my opinion is homeschooling may be effective in the management and
homeschooling does provide safe and comfortable surroundings for the students, but it will
give a negative effect towards a student’s social life and their future. So, homeschooling isn’t
the best educational system.

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