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My Educational Philosophy

Combining the flexibility of progressivism with the focus on fixing and reconstructing

society found in social reconstructionism, students will achieve a balance between academic and

real-world skills. I believe the emphasis on helping society and the world found in social

reconstructionism pairs perfectly with the student-centered progressivism. Both philosophies are

similar in many ways, and their differences complement each other, creating a perfect

combination when put together.

My role as a teacher will be to guide my students and to work with them as a facilitator

and a teacher, basing content around student needs while connecting it to real world issues

students may be dealing with. As a teacher using both progressive and social reconstructive

philosophies, the content covered in my classroom will be determined based on the interests of

the students and issues or problems they may be facing. Relating content matter to student’s

interests is one of the best ways to get them involved in class. Students will have many chances

for “hands on” learning, and learning by doing. My role will be more like that of a facilitator;

guiding and helping the students to suggest ideas, and helping the students grasp and shape the

information they are learning. For example, field trips would be a major part of class; however,

students will plan them based on content we have been studying that interests them, and then

students will also tie in a related service project. Guiding the students to become intelligent

problem solvers who are prepared and willing to help society will be my main goal as a teacher.

The role of the student in my class will require responsibility, flexibility, creativity, and a

desire to learn. I will expect my students to be responsible with the freedom they are given; many

lessons and topics will be chosen by students, which will require a level of maturity. Students

will also be expected to participate actively in the classroom. As a teacher, the best way for me to
see that the students are internalizing the information is participation in class. My students will

learn and care about helping society, simply to better their community and the world for

everyone around them. By doing service projects they will be fostering authentic learning and

becoming equipped to function comfortably in society. They will become socially aware,

intelligent problem solvers who are prepared to live comfortably in and help improve the world.

Parents will not have a huge role on the classroom, but their support is essential for many

activities and projects that will take place. Parents will need to be encouraging toward their

children and the ideas they have, since student ideas are the basis of my classroom. As part of a

social reconstructive and progressive classroom, we will go on many field trips as well as

volunteer projects. Chaperones will always be needed, and some of our field trips and activities

will be dependent on parent support and involvement. The community will greatly benefit from

our class; we will do a multitude of service projects to help improve many areas of the

community. With the help of the parents and the enthusiasm of the students, the community will

be greatly improved.

While social reconstructionism and progressivism are two different educational

philosophies, when they are combined they create the perfect framework for creating students

who are socially responsible and aware, and who are intelligent problem solvers. Placing much

of the responsibility of the learning process on the students can be risky, but with my guidance

students will be prepared to take on their role in my classroom and grow both academically and


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