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Nama Mahasiswa : Arvan Prima Tungga

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 042501004

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : Kode/Nama UPBJJ : PBIS4313/Writing II

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)


1. Write a well-organized expository essay within four paragraphs, not less than 400 words.


The Importance of Technology in Education Field

In this sophisticated and advanced era, computer technology is very rapidly progressing,
it can be said that the world of computer technology is very, very important for human life today.
Especially in the field of education, computers have even been widely used both in Indonesia and
abroad there to support learning. In fact, almost all sectors of human life use computers. The
development of this technology has a significant major influence on the world of education,
especially changes in learning media when Covid-19 hit starting in December 2020. Technology
has become a part of life in learning activities. Technology provides a role as a development of
learning media to convey information and knowledge needed for the world of education.

During the online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of technology
is very effective for children. Through digital technology, children can access digital libraries,
access virtual classes, access virtual museums and access social media containing learning
practice tutorial content, and much more educational and useful information. The Ministry of
Education and Culture in collaboration with the Minister of Communication and Informatics
finalizes the curriculum of informatics subjects at all levels of education. Both packaged in the
form of intracurricular and extracurricular programs. This indicates that technology is so
important in supporting learning in all situations.
The use of technology in the world of education, the Ministry of Education and Culture
from time to time continues to strive to facilitate all elements of education everywhere. Starting
from the education unit, teachers, students and parents. This effort began with the development
of “Rumah Belajar”, as a learning platform that can be used by teachers and students in
Indonesia, especially during this pandemic. This means that the use of technology in the field of
education is beyond doubt.

The importance of technology in the world of education will be inherent with the times.
Technology can be used for various learning efforts to have better results. In its journey,
technology continues to develop to become more modern and have a positive impact on learning
activities. Not only does it have benefits for students but teachers are also closely related to
technology and feel the benefits of using technology. In conclusion, not only does it support
learning, the benefits of technology can provide students with new knowledge and have
tremendous potential because it utilizes technology. wisely, students who utilize technology will
be smarter and able to highlight their talents.

2. Write a well-organized example essay!


Why is Friendship so Important?

Friendship starts when we are small. When we are children we learn to interact with other
people. We learn how to agree and disagree, exchange opinions and tolerate other people's
temperament points, and also to make friends. This is the foundation for our friendship, but as
we get older, friends become less and less, our inner circle becomes smaller, even for some
people at a certain age their friends are just that. There's nothing wrong with this. When we grow
up, our time is divided into many things. Some are busy with their work, some are finally
married and have children, some are still single, but are too workaholic. We don't realize it is, the
remaining friends are those who have the same point of view as us and likely have the same
background and traditions. They are also the ones who witness our changes from time to time.
Our sorrow, the ups and downs of our personal life and a great celebration.
The first thing, one thing that is often overlooked is that friendship plays an important
role in making the mind and body strong. The results show that friendship is as important as
maintaining a healthy body and getting a good diet. Having a solid friendship can maintain brain
health and help us make better life choices. Friendship helps us deal with stress and helps us
recover from various health problems quickly. Spending time with friends in a positive way can
also make you look better; because it makes us feel happier. A solid reason to invest time in
good friendships and get rid of friends who actually bring bad benefits

The importance of friends is also the most basic component in every relationship, from
co-workers to marriage, based on friendship. Everyone who is present in life will help teach us
how to interact with others, how to forgive, make jokes, and start conversations. They help us
interact especially with people who are opposite to us or have different views. It is from
friendship that we meet new people, and in the process we learn to understand differences. It is
friends who often help us to push boundaries and keep us out of our comfort zone. It does so
while giving us an emotionally safe space where we can be ourselves.

In conclusions, for some people when they experience a sad event, they usually contact
old friends, for support as well as advice. However, for some other people, when they are in
depression, they lock themselves in their room, avoiding contact with other humans, either
because they lack energy or they feel interacting with people will make things worse. They
withdraw when they desperately need the support and attention of others. Good friends are
friends who are open, sincere, and honest with one another. A good friend is one who is willing
to tolerate each other's weaknesses, respects differences of opinion, and honestly criticizes when
necessary. Over the years, they participated in each other's celebrations and weddings, and in the
milestones of their posterity. They are the ones who are always there when needed, and some
people have to accept losing old friends they love, which feels like losing a part of themselves.
3. Write a well-organized comparison essay!


Homeschooling and Public School?

Being a parent is certainly a challenge for all of us. Because sooner or later, people will
have families and have children. And being a parent, of course, can't be arbitrary. must be smart
in educating and making decisions for the survival of the baby's future. When the baby is still a
toddler, maybe everything still feels easy and fun. But it is different when the child has entered
school age. The consideration of choosing this school has certainly been thought out more deeply
in order to get the best results. There are two choices in taking education, the first is public
school and the second is homeschooling. Both are quite familiar in the field of education. Not
much different, apart from slightly prominent differences, between the two have similarities that
are worth considering when making decisions.

The first similarity between the two is regarding the same educational goals. Schools
have an educational goal, namely to deliver children to be better in terms of general knowledge
and social knowledge. No school wants to give negative things to its students. Both
homeschooling and public schooling have a good goal, namely teaching good things related to
education to children. Both of them also have the potential to increase children's talents to
become better and more extraordinary. Not only homeschooling that focuses on children's
talents, but now public schools also have many extras in schools that facilitate children to
increase the interests and talents of students at school. In fact, both formal schools and
homeschooling are both legal institutions whose existence is recognized by the state. In
accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System article 27. Both
are educational models that aim to educate children with knowledge. Content Standards and
Graduate Competency Standards covering science and technology, nationalism, health, sports,
and aesthetics are the similarities between the two. Formal schools and homeschooling will also
take the National Examination (UN).

Not only about educational goals, but homeschooling schools as well as public schools
also have goals related to the happiness of children. So that when children learn they can't, they
can chat with their friends at school. By interacting with friends, children can express their
feelings and improve their social attitudes for the better, of course for some students this is a fun
thing because they can meet their friends instead of just sitting and staying at home. However,
this cannot be generalized. For some children, they also feel that learning by focusing on one
student and one teacher is more fun and happy. Their happiness lies in how the environment they

Formal schools and homeschooling certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each.
The key to the success of children's education is the pattern of learning and the fulfillment of the
intake of subject matter that is in accordance with the interests and talents of the child. The
commitment and determination of parents in facilitating and guiding their children is also
important. So, both homeschooling and public school is perfect for the right students.

4. Write a well-organized contrast essay!


Traditional Shopping Vs Online Shopping

Everyone must have experienced how to shop. Shopping is probably one of the oldest
terms used to talk about what we've been doing all along. Without exception, children to old
people also carry out this shopping activity. However, nowadays with the development of the
shopping era, it is becoming easier because there is already an online shop. What exactly is the
difference between traditional shopping and online shopping?

Online shopping can be said to be any form of purchase made through the internet.
Shopping must have gotten a new definition since the arrival of the internet. Because of what the
internet offers, that is, any person or company from any part of the world that is able to post and
sell goods on the internet through websites is able to sell. What's more, any consumer doesn't
have to worry about having to find a way to exchange banknotes because Since not only online
banking is available, consumers are given the option to pay through different payment methods.
Lately, it is easier to find the most difficult product of all products, easily typing in the product or
item we are looking for. One does not have to worry about the location because the logistics
company also goes along in the bandwagon, so it can talk and help ensure their products are
available for any and all destinations in the world. Actually, there are more and more advantages
and benefits of online shopping and why people choose to do this traditional shopping.

Along with online shopping, traditional shopping is shopping directly by visiting the
nearest store or mall, we need to enter the store, slowly walk from shelf to shelf, check the
screen, put the dress over our body and try to check our shadow in one of the nearby full-view
mirrors placed around the store. We move on to the next display rack, and maybe make another
choice and do the same thing we did before. This is traditional shopping. Have the ability to
physically select and checking what the item or product looks like, it will look like, and the
features as they are. This is why some consumers still prefer traditional types of shopping over
online shopping because for one, it allows them to examine the goods carefully. Some consumers
are not so sure of their own size, sometimes fitting into a size that is usually larger or smaller
than the original size So come to think of it, while online shopping not only has many advantages
and advantages as described by many online consumers as well as studies and surveys, there are
still conventional shoppers who like to look at the products they are interested in buying.

Online shopping has given any and all types of consumers the ability to be able to buy
anything, any type of item or product, regardless of its location which is where each part of the
world What's more, the consumer does not have to leave the boundaries of his home or current
location to be able to own and buy the merchandise, goods, or products he wants. Traditional
shopping still allows more ground for the consumer in terms of being able to physically inspect
and even try on the merchandise he or she wants. So if we have certain oddities, habits or habits
that we want, such as consumers, no matter what type of shopping we choose whether We are
going to shop online or traditional shopping, the point is that we will always be able to find the
best way for whatever suits us both in the money factor and the needs or desires.

5. Write a well-organized classification essay

Parenting Style Types

Currently, there are many parenting patterns to build character and positive behavior in
life, especially religion, self, nation and state. Therefore, parental care plays the most important
role. Although the child follows school lessons. The goal is to raise a child until he becomes
independent, does not become a burden to others, can benefit parents & others. Not only that, it
is for growing develop and recognizing its potential from infancy, adolescence to adulthood.
Parenting styles are often different from one child to another, there are so many parenting styles
that have been applied so far. The classification based on the way of parenting has also been
conveyed by expert psychologists. Each type has their own benefit and also lack.

There are some types of parenting style, the most familiar one is authoritarian parenting.
This parenting style is widely applied by parents and focuses on the idea that 'parents are always
right'. Usually parents with this style of parenting think that all rules and orders of parents must
be obeyed and rarely want to listen to the opinions of the child. This kind of authoritarian
parenting style will have a bad impact on children because children can grow up having self-
esteem problems due to their opinions that are not listened to by parents. In addition to resulting
in self-esteem problems, authoritarian parenting styles can foster an aggressive personality and
inflict the habit of lying to the child learned to avoid punishment.

The second one is permissive parenting. Permissive parenting is a parenting style that lets
her child do whatever they want. Parents with this parenting style have the thought that whatever
they do is the behavior of young children and is considered normal. This kind of parenting style
slogan is 'the name is also a child'. Parents who adopt this parenting style will let their children
do whatever they want without limits or consequences and will only take action if something
serious happens. This parenting style fosters bad habits in children because the child becomes
undisciplined and causes problems such as poor grades or health problems.

The way parents take care of children is one of the important factors for the child's future.
Parents have an obligation not only to please the baby but also to educate them to grow a good
personality and to be able to blend in. The types of parenting mentioned above certainly have a
bad or good impact depending on how parents provide supervision and discipline their children.
It is true that authoritarian parents will look so bad in the eyes of the child for imposing much of
their will, but this actually sometimes provides a good benefit to their child's discipline. Even so,
it is not always authoritarian that is good, if the child is stressed then he will have bad attitudes
and traits. The opposite is that permissive parenting that frees their children is also not always
good. It is precisely that excessive freedom can have a bad effect on the problem of child

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