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Increasing numbers of students are choosing to study abroad.

To what extent does this trend benefit the students themselves and the countries involved?

What are the drawbacks?

Education is a crucial aspect to consider when you are growing up because it represents the future
of your live, taking account this statement is normal the young adults leave their countries to
study in another nations as it can give them a better schooling and style of life no only for
themselves also for their relatives that perhaps depend on them. Therefore, in this essay I will take
about the benefits and the drawbacks that have study abroad.

Firstly, in my experience if you get the possibility to study outside you will have better skills in
several aspects for instance, you will be more autonomy in your life, also you will appreciate more
your relatives and that feel is going to encourage to do your best for them. Moreover, when you
study by your own in other country you will make new relationship with another people and this
aspect will open your mind to another idea that you might not have regarded yet whereby when
you come back to your country you will have different perspectives and this will be worthy it due
to the fact that a multitude of countries are looking for this kind of people who are able of leave
their comfot zone

Despite of this arguments its also known that study in other environmental could bring you a
handful of drawbacks the most essential is the isolation, students are going to sufferthis because
they wont count with their relatives which is absolutely normal that they feel blue and depressed,
also could be that the atmosphere of the place is different from your likes so it can be a large
issue. The weather is another topic to keep in mind since it can affect in some ways to the people,
perhaps you can hold out the winter station but other people can’t do it and could find difficult to
handle it.

To sum up there are both pros and cons when you are considered study in another country hereby
you must take your time and planning what is the best country that match with your future plans,
your family and yourself.
Many people believe that the high levels of violence in films today are causing serious
social problems.

What are these problems and how could they be reduced?

These days the films are getting more relevant since a lot of people have the opportunity to watch
it in cinemas, internet and Tv, unfortunately a number of people who have watched some movies
have tried imitate the things that happen in the films. For these situations governments are
looking forward to some alternatives that can change this pattern in the behavior of the people.

As I said one of the most notorious issues that you can find is that some people don't realize that
the movies are fake (not real) therefore they suppose that they can do the same in real life, this
could be a huge issue because they can put themselves in risk, for instance someone who saw a
film about drugs and arms can buy one of its and shoot on a street, in addition child who are
exposed to violence films without a parent can have a change of their behavior in their life.

For this reason, the politicians should create new alternatives to reduce this troubles starting with
regulation, also the society have to be awareness about what they watch and understand that in
movies appear actors and actress that their job is to amuse the society consequently the people
don’t have to behave like them. Moreover, governments must build up facilities to help people to
recognize this issues and treat them

To summarize people must know that what happen in tv is unreal and governments have to make
regulations to the movies in order to reduce in a significant way the violence on there, it’s a work
that require the effort of the both sides.
Women are better at childcare than men therefore they should focus more on raising
children and less on their working life.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Formerly the mother had the obligation of raising the child in a family however, nowadays
women are more independent and empowerment, also the society has changed and females
can opt for whatever job that they want. Besides, men and woman have the same skills in
all the fields it can be science, technology and music for that reason both of there can raise
a child without issues. Taking account, the last statement I believe that a superb rearing
depends on the communication and dedication that the parents put, is not about genders

The child rearing involve a multitude of aspects, firstly is the communication, if the couple
desires the same things for the child the relationship is going to work out, they must face
the issues as a team and not individually, moreover, the bases of communication start with
assimilate that sometimes you are going to differ with the other part whereby you have to
grant and find out a scape, this is extremely essential when you are raising a child due to
the fact that the parents perhaps will want something different for the child but it could be
fixed with communication.

Although communication is an essential aspect to keep in mind dedication is other that has
the same importance. Couples must spend a lot of time with their child, it could be the
difference between someone who makes good decisions in life and someone who goes to
the bad way, Some researches explain that is more arguably that a child who grows up
without a parents figure have more possibilities of be a bad person that could be finished in
a jail.

To sum up the rearing of a child doesn’t depend on the gender, it takes something else and
it is communication, dedication and understand that is a group work that entail and effort
for the both sides.
In some countries it is thought advisable that children begin formal education at four years
old, while in others they do not have to start school until they are seven or eight.

How far do you agree with either of these views?

Education is a relevant aspect in the life of a child but it could be difficult to identify when
is going to be the best moment to start studying, it is going to depend on where the child
born. Countries have different perceptions of this matter and culture will define if the
child begin formal schooling at four or eight years old
Children from Asia begin education at four years old, they are encouraging by the
government and their parents to study hard since a low age, for that reason they are able
to take responsibilities and duties. Discipline is another aspect that they learn and it could
be an advantage due to the fact that companies will interest more in them. Unfortunately,
they are under a massive pressure behind their shoulders, the must fulfil al their duties to
please their parents moreover they must spend a lot of time studying, according to some
researches youth Koreans spend almost twelve hours at the school per day, they even
don't have time to amuse themselves, therefore it could be difficult to grow up in those
On the other hand, children from South America begin their education at eight years old in
my experience I would say that it was the best choose because it allowed me to enjoy my
childhood with my relatives and my friends, also at school my teachers didn't demand a
multitude of homeworks, then I could spend time in things that I was interesting in that
stage of my life. Nevertheless, these days I have realized that I have a lack of discipline and
this could have been triggered by the low education that I receive when I was a child also
when I shared with my Asians colleagues I found out that they were extremely
responsible. I wish I could be more like them in somethings
To sum up both of the options have pros and cons its up to you what is better for you or
your child, it will depend on your style of life and your culture as well.
Today's teenagers have more stressful lives than previous generations.

Discuss this view and give your own opinion

In all the generations youths face a multitudes of aspects that can entail disappointing for
themselves, for example in the 70s and 80s teenagers had to deal with the idea to go to
the army to serve their countries, in addition Afro-Americans gone through a lot due to
the inequality which they were treated. I believe that each generation deal with a lot of
stress and we can’t measure which is the highest.
Nowadays teenagers are going over difficult moments, for instance they have to be careful
about what they posted in social media because it could generate terrible things if they
use in an bad way like bullying or cheating, moreover, although the parents are there for
them children young adults almost never speak their mind and it can be harmful for them
because they hide their feelings and this can trigger mental illness like anxiety and
different kind of phobias.
All of us understand and comprehend the issues that are facing our young generation are
serious but we can’t forget about what the other generations coped, as I said before the
previous generations confront a multitude of though situation even more that today. The
war was beginning and children didn’t have the facilites that they have today, also the
politic ideology reduced a lot the rights of a certain population and it generated a role
back of the lifespan of the teenagers.
To summarize all the generations have been through difficult moments even though today
with internet and other tools can treat and overcome these that make you feel under the
weather things that don’t exist before.
Some people think that it is important to have a single language as an international official
language. Others think that it will make it difficult to identify countries and cause a loss of

What are your opinions on this?

Languages are the roots of our culture and traditions therefore, they are priceless and relevant
in our history, in addition language illustrates a mark that identifies a nation around the world
so it encourages people to know more about there. In my opinion I believe that it could be a
mistake to unify all the countries to one language due to the fact that the mankind will have lost
part of their history, traditions and culture.

First of all, if the humanity want to have just a single language to communicate with all the
people it could provoke that a multitude of towns and families disappear because they
would find tough to get use to this new style of life, so they will reject this possibility and
will decide to continue with their culture without changes, moreover people who are
spread out of the cities will take a lot of time to understand and recognize another
language basically owing to the fact that they don’t know enough about the development
Although the idea of have one language in the world is worthy since it can contribute to
make strong relationships among the countries and be able to comprehend all the
thoughts of the people, it could deteriorate the traditions of a place owing to the fact that
the humanity would forget that in a long term hereby if you want to learn a language the
governments must allow that their citizens have the possibility to be bilingual with the
creation of new facilities as school, languages school and universities
To conclude each language around the world are essential in the culture of the mankind
so we have to preserve all of them in order to remind our history and traditions.
Fashion trends are difficult to follow these days and it’s widely believed that they primarily exist
just to sell clothes. Some people believe that we shouldn’t follow them and that we should dress
in what we like and feel comfortable in.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?.

Fashion is a large company and it has a lot of support behind it, important people invest
money in this sector, unfortunately this conglomerate has put a lot of pressure to the
society in order to dress like their models, it seems to be a huge and tough issue due to
the fact that people are wasting money in this products that generally they don’t need. I
believe that each person has to dress how they want without following a fashion trend
because each of us are unique and we have different likes and behaviours.
Firstly, its normal and common that the society wants to imitate the behaviour and the
style of dress of someone important who sponsor an essential company as Adidas, Zara,
Pull and bear however people must consider what they want and ask themselves if they
really need that kind of clothes therefore, they must be conscious about fashion and the
effects that it could entail, like an obsessive behaviour to purchase stuff that they don’t
require and the wasting of money that it involve.
Secondly, fashion has always incited to imitate their models, although it triggers that
thousands of people change their habits and perceptions of themselves just because they
want to look like them. Its important to control these situations therefore, fashion
companies must regulate their ads and show how the people in real life dress, so the
costumers will feel comfortable with their appearance and can decide what they really
want to dress
To sum up its crucial to recognize that fashion not means a style of life is the human as
individual who decide what the want to dress taking account their personality and their
likes, In addition fashion conglomerates must include normal people in their
advertisements so the society can feel stunning with their appearance.
Nowadays, education overseas has become more accessible and growing numbers of people
send their offspring to study in other countries. However, this trend has its detractors.

I strongly believe that the pros far outweigh the cons, and will examine both below.

Schooling is an essential aspect to regard when the youths start to grow up hereby
nowadays parents are taking account the option to send their children to another country
in order to achieve and reach a competitive level that can allow them to work in the most
important companies around the world. Nevertheless, they are a handful of people who
believe that they most stay in their countries due to the fact that an important number of
teenagers develop their life overseas and never come back to their nations which means
countries wont increase their welfare because of the lack of youths. In my point of view
teenagers must do what they want and not depend on what other people said even if they
are relatives or friends the have to maintain a clear stance about what they want to do.
First of all, go out of a country contribute to the self-sufficient and autonomy to teenagers
therefore, in a long period they can handle stressful moments that might be difficult to
overcome but with the background and experience earned abroad they could manage. In
addition, generally young adults when they establish outside start to support their
relatives sending money to them, this is a crucial aspect that has a lot of relevance due to
the fact that usually their families are struggling with the lack of money and it may be an
alternative to face this issue.
To summarise parents, have all the reasons to send their children abroad, because it will
be encouraging them to achieve a better future no only for them also for their offspring. In
addition, it will contribute to grow up either in a personal and a professional way.
Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately,
international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

These days tourism has been extremely vital to the economic aspect of developing countries
owing to it generates a multitude of jobs and also provokes inversions from multinational
companies. Even though in some cases could be difficult to treat people from different countries
because of the unknowing of the language, traditions and others complex topics that affect the
behaviour among the community. Taking into account this strengths and drawbacks I believe
that governments must pulling for tourism in their nations due to the fact it contributes a lot to
the progress and thrive of the nation.

Firstly, researches that have been done in Colombia illustrated that tourism represents roughly
the 50 per cent of the whole economic, that means this sector is an essential pillar to my nation,
also according to the same research people from foreign countries fond special and splendid the
people who attend them in their trip therefore, relationship between tourist and local society
can be superb, it depends on what country you will go.

Although Colombia can be seen as an exception of the rule I hold out my stance with the
experience that I had when I went to Canada the last year, I had never meet people like them,
they were really friendly and kind since the first moment that I put my foot on the grown of that
astonish country even today I have got in touch with my friends that I did there so, tourist and
local people might get along if the respect each other.

To sum up tourism has given a lot of positive things to the mankind where stand out the
improve of the economic aspect to some nations, and also it has brought connections between
locals and tourists
Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be limited.

To what extent do you agree?

As the human being develops and devices new technology its also known that the gap
between the ethical and unethical being closer for instance in the field of genetic
engineering the possibility to make new treatments for several diseases are high.
Nevertheless, allowing this kind of researches could be inappropriate due to the fact that
the mankind can manipulate the behaviour, intelligence, lifespan and another aspects of
all the people, for that reason I consider that genetic engineer must be regulated in order
to avoid the issues that I explain before.
First of all, genetic engineering has been and intriguing topic for the science community
because it can carry another stage to the society, unfortunately some scientists have gone
to far, they have been experimenting with fetus in order to change their DNA, this have
provoked that babies don’t have any illness but also trigger another consequence that
could be the change of behaviour and future mental disorders
Although it hasn’t had any proof that assert this statements various scientists agree that
these experiments are neglect because they jeopardize the life of those people who put
themselves into this kind of researches. Moreover, the science community criticize and
reject the genetic genetic engineering due to the fact that with this power people with other
interest could trigger a disaster and can generate a biological war or even worst wipe out
the humanity
To summarize genetic engineering is a complex topic and are a multitude of opinions that
support or reject it, however in my point of view they are more drawbacks that strengths
and it have to be regulated by sciences who have enough ethic and moral to choose what to
do with this
Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to
make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities
with the benefits of not making plans.
Which do you prefer - planning or not planning for your leisure time?
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Leisure time is essential in our daily life because people can do whatever they want and also can
take a break in their life and spend time on themselves. Although, some people would rather
plan what they are going to do others prefer to wait and do things without following a plan. This
essay will see both options approaching the drawbacks and strengths of each one.

Firstly, citizens who plan what they are going to do with their free time are able to reckon and
calculate their schedule and can manage and handle their time therefore they wont be in a rush
or something similar. However, this kind of mindset could have several drawbacks due to the
fact that they will be unable to get used to different scenarios that can appear through the way
and change the schedule that they had planed before.

On the other hand, someone who doesn’t follow a plan to spend his free time can find small
things stunning, in addition he can adapt to different situations and enjoy more the moments
that he have gone through. Nevertheless, he could get in a trouble because some things require
time to do and without this spare he can lost the track of time and be in a rush most of the

To conclude, both options have drawbacks and strengths, however I prefer not make and follow
any plan due to the fact that I consider that the best things of life pass
In the past, shopping was a routine domestic task. Many people nowadays regard it as a

To what extent do you think this is a positive trend?

Formerly, shopping was a privilege that just few people could afford, due to the fact that
the incomes were significantly low consequently most of the dwellers didn’t have the
purchasing power to buy several products, then the society purchased only essential
things that they required like food. From my point of view now people have more
possibilities to go shopping and buy different things that they want even if they don’t need
like clothes, jewelry and technology devices.
Firstly, nowadays the labour market is extremely wide and the odds to get a job in any
field are high, it allows that people make money and go shopping often. Moreover, with
credits cards, loans and different resources of liquid money inhabitants can find easily to
buy stuff that they really want and required. Go to shopping seems to be a traditional part
of our lives in this generation it entertains and amuse ourselves.
On the other hand, as I mention before in the past go to shopping was something that just
high society sectors could afford. Acquire luxury products was utopic decades ago, people
just had enough money to maintain a minimum quality of live that allow them to survive,
this represented that they expense had to be reckon in order to don’t overtake the limit of
their revenue.
All in all, currently go to shopping is something normal that the mankind has done in the
last decade, nevertheless this pattern wasn’t an option for the people who lived in the 60s
and 70s in those times the incomes weren’t enough high to purchase products that they
craved for.
Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the
world are now 'one big traffic jam'.

How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to
discourage people from using their cars?

Nowadays, purchase a vehicle is crucial to move around the city, due to the fact that
urban areas have increased their outline and population quickly. Nevertheless, it has
produced some drawbacks in their, like traffic jam and pollution, in this essay I will explain
how this issues could be fixed through several regulations that government could
implement in the future.
Firstly, inhabitants in large metropolitan areas are being forced to buy a car that allow
them to transport inside the city because of the many trips that they have to make in a
normal day therefore, the car buying have been gone up the last decades, however most
of the cities can’t endure this phenomenon and different setbacks are being perceived not
only by governments also by dwellers. One of them is the traffic jam that have affected a
multitude of people in different ways like postpone their meetings or even can’t spent
time with their family.
As for measures, governments around the world have been thought some solutions that
allow them to handled and diminish this issue. One of the alternatives is discourage
people from using their cars reducing the price of public transport this alternative is
profitable owing to the fact that in some countries is extremely expensive the fare and
provokes that dwellers prefer to purchase a car. Moreover, politicians should invest
money in several campaigns in order to persuade the population of cons that entail buying
a car like pollution, illnesses, global warming and more, as a result people will be more
awareness about the risks that involve have a car.
On the whole, having a car is an essential matter nowadays because of the developing of
the cities however currently it could trigger another issues like illnesses and global
warming if governments and society don’t make regulation that bring down this rate of
vehicles consumerism.
When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new
Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices.
Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.

Customs are part of the identify of nations therefore, inhabitants have tried to maintain it.
However, when someone settle down to another country he must respect the culture and
traditions that this place has. From my point of view, I totally assert that people should
get used to the new culture which they are going to be involving in order to make
relationship and demonstrate love and loyalty to their new home.
First of all, adaptability is a crucial aspect when people are moving out to another site, due
to the fact that it will entail a huge and tough process to assimilate. Whereby new citizens
have to learn and recognize the different customs that their new city has in order to
familiarize to the new atmosphere. Furthermore, when people refuse to the new culture it
could provoke isolation and lack of motivation that would trigger a multitude of issues like
sadness, depression and mental diseases.
Secondly, when people just recognize their own customs it can bring some inconvenient
either in the personal and professional field. For instance, If someone doesn’t socialize
with the people that are around him. It could generate a lack of opportunities in a future
jobs because companies are looking for people that can establish relationships. In
addition, when someone reject the new culture it could seems as a negative feature by
inhabitants who live there and it could provoke discriminations and fights in a long run
To summarize, new inhabitants have to get use to the lot of traditions that the will find in
their new city, is essential to get along with the society in order to flourish and thrive in
their new home
In many countries, sports and exercise classes are replaced with the academic
subjects. Discuss the effects of this trend.

Academic subjects have been changing across the time, this has provoked that high school
students carry a lot of pressure behind their backs. One sector establish that even exercise
classes and sports must be wipe out and replaced by more academic subjects in order to
students be more competitive. However, critics of this measure nail down that this
possibility could bring a number of negative aspects, for instance lack of motivation,
obesity and change of behavior that could entail to mental diseases like depression and
commit suicide.
First of all, sport and exercise classes generate that students have a space that allow them
to feel relax with themselves and share with their collaeges or friends after an academic
day. Removing these subjects could provoke a massive stressful state for them due to the
fact that they wont get the possibility of amuse and entertain themselves and it can turn
out that the students reject to go to the school and even worst start to isolate themselves.
Secondly, If the school deprive the students of make exercise it could deteriorate either
their physical and mental state. Moreover, taking out sports could contribute to the rise of
the obesity rate inside the scholars because they will be sit down for a long term whereby
they wont have time to burn calories therefore, health is going to be affected in high
levels if this measure of wipe out sports and exercises classes flourish
On the whole removing sports and exercise classes could be a mistake due to the fact that
pupils depend on this subjects to feel good and motivated in the school, without this
classes it could trigger devastating effects either in the mental and physical heath of the
What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice

In the whole history of Colombian has existed a multitude of essential discoveries such as
pacemaker and color television although personally I believe that the most important has
been the vaccine against malaria which was invented by Manuel Elkin Patarroyo in the
70s, it was a huge breakthrough because it has prevented the pass on of this disease
throughout generations and also it has dropped the rate of deaths related with this.
Formerly, Malaria was considered as one of the most dangerous illnesses around the
world due to the fact that it had an easy spread in humans and the rate of infection was
extremely high, so Patarroyo seeing the bleak outlook decided to research more about a
cure for this problematic. Finally, Patarroyo found out a vaccine that has enough
components and elements that help to control the disease, contributing a better condition
of life to the people who was infected
In Colombia for instance people who settled down surrounding big cities don’t have
enough facilities where they can treat malaria. Moreover, the majority of people who get
infected didn’t have a lot resources consequently their incomes doesn’t attain to cover all
the requirements that the disease claim, for that reason most of them passed away when
the first symptoms appear. In this cases were a great support the invention of the vaccine
because it allows them to survive.

On the whole, Patarroyo has created a vaccine that has prevented a multitude of deaths in
Colombia and it has constituted an enormous help for all the people who have got the infection
In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old
peopleswheresthere are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for
this care.

Who should be responsible for our old people?

These days elderly people have undergone tough situations because their families don’t
want to support their expenses and they decide to abandon them in homes with other
senniors, nevertheless, this could generate several side effects, not only in the behaviour
of the senniors also in the economic part due to the fact that gobernment in some cases
might spend money in the care of them. From my point of view both goverments and
relatives should support the medical expenses of senniors in order to bring them a good
life depending on the situation.
First of all, I believe that governments must introduce a policy that ban the abandon of
senniors owing to the fact that is comun that when people beging a certain age they start
to get sick whereby their relatives dont want to deal with that inconvenient, so they
decide to bring them to a facilitie where they know that they could be take a good
treatment . Altough it could depend on the situation of the familie because if them don’t
count with enough reveniue, the government must support the medical expenses, but if
the familie has enough resources they should deal with the situatuin.
The welfare of the elderly is important and the family must comprehend and understand
this point is unwarrantable that just for the fact that they are sick they up to abandom
them on their luck, families must be with them until the last sigh, and deal with all the
hurdles that appear on the way
To summarize the expenses of seniors might be supported it by the governments and the
relatives depending on their style of life and incomes.
The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems to be increasing.
How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that developed countries
have a duty to assist developing countries in every way?

Nowadays the breach between rich countries and poor countries is gone up, this issue has several
causes some of then is the inequality and the few opportunities that locals have in weak nations,
in addition some development countries haven’t taken measures to reduce this inconvenient and
on the contrary they have step up this outlook since they have been extracting minerals and
resources of developing countries. From my point of view, I would argue that countries such as
USA, Canada, Australia should invest more in those countries that can’t improve their condition by
itself through innovation and technology supplies that can allow them to reach a better welfare

Firstly, if 1st world countries send technology, human capital and education to 3rd world countries
it could contribute to a better conditions of life to dwellers therefore, first nations have to
collaborate and make an effort in order to benefit poor countries, nevertheless this support must
be studied and developing nations must invest in facilities that allow them to attain the tools that
they required to success

Generally, wealth countries have the obligation to support conflicts from others nations that don’t
involve them due to the fact that they have enough resources and money to accomplish it,
although in my opinion it has a limit, 3rd world nations cant depend on this suport and they also
have to do their own part. Issues as corruption and violence must be solved by them, they cant
expect that someone else is going to go to solve this inconvenient

All in all, the gap between develop countries and developing countries is bigger than it used to be
and first nations must make an effort in order no narrow down this, but is also true that poor
countries cant depend on this, they must be concern and awareness about the inconvenient that
their countries has undergone whereby the have to face by there own
Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled.
They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make
it a legal requirement.

To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Recently, people have been more concern about global warming and one of the aspects
that has a tremendous impact in this item is home wasting, although some experts believe
that government has to control this issue with the creation of campaigns and laws from
my point of view I think that is a responsibility that embrace all the society and all of us
have to put a grain of sand to pull through.
First of all, is essential to emphasize that many cities have been developing different kinds
of methods of recycling that have reduced a huge quantity of waste that generate a
normal family inside the cities, for example Toronto has used bags of different colors to
separate some type of waste such us inorganic waste and organic waste, this strategy has
provoked that different material can be used repetitive times like plastic and glass
therefore the amount of garbage and rubbish have been reduced a lot in the past
On the other hand, organic waste has been using to generate composting, this means that
in farms or even in a family garden people can feed their own plants given them enough
proteins and nutrients to grow up in a good way, its beneficial also for the environmental
due to the fact that it contributes to the generation of O2 in big cities.
All in all, people must face this inconvenient as one we must work together, its question of
change our mindset in order to drop the rate of contamination in big cities, and the
strategy that Toronto has implemented could be a good start in countries that have
problems with recycling.

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important

goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally
important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Formely , the economic aspect was crucial for the nations due to the huge impact that
generated in society, moreover, the instability of the market contributed that the nations
took care more about this item. Nevertheless, these days the world and the human being
have changed and social field seems to be as important as economic. In my opinion I
regard that both social and economic imply the same importance in our generation.
To beging, economic aspect is important because it lead to the welfare of a nation,
without money its almost impossible that a country get success for example money is
necessary to the creation of facilities, like Hospitals, schools, means of transport, and all of
this requirements being part of social items therefore either social and economic aspects
are correlated each other.
Governments could discuss that economic progress is essential to the developing of
nations, but if we look back most of the issues that have passed lately was because of
social inconvenient such as drugs in South America, religion in some countries from Asia,
terrorism around the world and so on. Taking account this statement is notorious that
social aspect has taken a big importance nowadays, and is extremely necessary that
politicians work and find out a solution to this problem.
To summarize, social and economic aspect depend of each other in order to attain success
and welfare for a nation, in addition, governments and citizens have to find the way that
provoke that it work out throughout a better participation in essential aspects that imply a
solution in the country.
The table illustrates the means of transportation that Canada, Belgium, Germany and
Netherland use in their own territory, and a bar graph that represents the reasons why
Canadians use more the car than others ways of transporting to attain their workplaces. It
is clearly evident that in Canada, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium the mainly way of
transportation is the car, moreover in Canada, Belgium and Germany the bicycle is the
least way of transporting it embrace 1% or 2% of the total, Nevertheless, the patter
changes in Netherland due to the least way of transporting is other with 1% apart of car,
bicycle, public transport and on foot. On the other hand, the main reason whereby
Canadians use the car is because they don’t have another alternative this encompass 40%
of the surveyed the next reason is need for a work with 30% of the total, while the least
reason is due to working night shifts slightly above 5%.
The table gives information about the number of people working as
researchers in technology per million people in five countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant

The previous table represents the amount of people working as researchers in technology per
million people in Turkey, Poland, Mexico, Moldova, Togo between 2003 and 2007

According to the table, the country that maintained a significant increase in the number of people
working as researches in technology throughout this period of time was Turkey which had 47
workers per million in 2003 and in 2007 had 106. On the other hand, Poland was the only one
nation which had a dramatic drop in their worker’s force, due to in 2003 Poland had 285 whereas
in 2003 the only had 226. Mexico and Moldova had a similar pattern owing to the fact that
through this year the rate of employees fluctuate a lot but eventually both nations had an increase
in their employees related to researchers in technology. Togo had a similar trend with Mexico and
Moldova because the fluctuation of employees over the years was notorious however in 2007 the
rate of workers didn’t increase or reduce, it remained steady with the same 18 researchers in
technology per million that there was in 2003
The bar chart below shows the global sales of televisions by Supervision
Incorporation from 1999 to 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The previous bar graph illustrates the sales that Supervision Incorporation had between 1999 to

It is clearly evident that since 1999 to 2001 it was a steady increase in the sales of television it
passed from 10 million of units to roughly 15 million of units. From 2001 to 2003 there was a
slightly drop in the sales of television, however the period of time that embraced 2003-2008 was
superb due to the fact that there was a significant increase throughout the time, in 2003 there was
sold slightly above 10 million of televisions and in 2008 this figure rose the 30 million of televisions
this means that the sales triplicates in six years, on the contrary from 2008 to 2009 the sales had a
dramatic decrease dropping almost 5 million of units in this range of time nevertheless,
Supervision Incorporation had a astonished recovery in their sales from 2009 to 2012, although in
2011 there was an anomaly in pattern. The others years showed a significant rise in the sales as a
sample in 2009 the number of television that had been sold was slightly above 25 millions of units
and in 2012 it increased to roughly 50 millions of sells.
Children in many countries are getting involved in paid jobs. Some people think that it is a
positive trend as those children are gaining valuable work experience and are becoming
responsible from an early state of their lives. Others, however, show their concern and
argue that this is completely wrong.

Which point of view do you agree with? Why?

Nowadays children have more information to develop new skills that could be extremely
useful in their future, these skills may allow them to start to work at an early age,
nevertheless from my point of view I believe that human being must live all their stages of
life in a plenty way in order to acquire knowledge and experiences, due to this if children
begin to work they are going to miss a lot of things that could be important and beneficial
in their own lives.
Firstly, if children begin to work, they will miss their childhood that encompasses a
multitude of stuff such as love, wisdom and learning about values, these aspects are really
important in the rearing of teenagers because they imply how they are going to behave in
the society.
As for working being a child, it might trigger depression and sadness in an early stage of
life majorly because they don't have enough experiences and knowledge to face and
confront adult life, for instance, live alone, take responsibilities, and making important
desicions that they cant make because they have low background and wisdom in these
aspects .
To sum up, kids must start to work when they burst all their stages and being concern
about all the issues that they will cope when they begin to get an income they must have
enough maturity to confront the hurdles that life has.
Life has become much more stressful compared to our parent’s generation. As a result, stress-
related illnesses are increasing around the world.

Why is stress such widespread in the modern world and what do you think can be done to
overcome the problems caused by stress?

These days people are more concerned about money and purchase power than it used to be after,
these symptom has generated an stressful life for society and it seems reflected in the raise of
mental illness, depression and lack of energy. Several measures have been taken to droop the
level of stress, for instance governments and companies have increased the holidays for their
employees and they also have provided a number of benefits in terms of leisure-time.

One of the causes that has raised the stressful rate in humankind is money due to the fact that
nowadays expenses has meaningful increased therefore, people usually are in a hurry in order to
fulfil and attain their duties, these expenses could be feeding, pay for services like electricity,
water and gas, schooling, transportation etc.

Governments have realized these issues and have been working in some plans to withstand this
problematic. For instance, French government has implemented a new labor schedule in order to
get to employees more free time doing things that they like or spending time with their families.
They assert that these measure is going to go down stress and besides it might increase the
performance of their stuff work.

The bottom line is that society is faced a new problem that we hadn’t had before and it is stress
nevertheless, is our duty to claim with solutions. Some nations have done several changes in their
labor market in order to endure and overcome this chalenge of the new century.
The news is an important source of knowledge for all of us about the world, especially in
this era of technology. Journalists are mainly responsible to bring this news to us but not
all of them are true to their responsibilities and ethics. How much can we trust the

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