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Being a teenager

The teenage years can be considered the transitional stage from

childhood to adulthood of an individual between the age of 13 and 19. Being
19, at the last year of my teenage, I can surely say those seven years are
most adventurous as well as sensitive years on my life. But looking back to
these days makes me realize that I have gone through the most important
period of my life which was tough and full of emotions as a teenager. From
my point of view, being a teen in today’s society is moderately challenging.
It is not only about dealing with the constant and dramatic changes both
physically and mentally, but also the responsibility that comes with
maturity, which I suppose, is the most significant part about growing up.
However, without a doubt, it is undeniable that there are a handful of
positive things as well as negative.
Frankly, I think one of the most favorable parts that should be highlighted is
the opportunity of a young adult for obtaining part-time employment which
he finds without being worried about high salary or wage for a living. While
some choose to go job-free through their teenage years, having a part-time
job is definitely a wonderful way to get a taste of the real world. Even if
teenagers spend a small amount of hours each week working, this
employment will provide them with the opportunities for gaining valuable
work experiences which enable teens to land the ideal jobs and boost their
promising careers in the future. Also, this will allow young people for extra
expenditure arising from the money they earn themselves. Furthermore,
taking on a job will encourage the young’s abilities to live independently
from their parents and offer them the opportunity for saving up and
practicing financial decision making. In recent times, part-time employment
can be found everywhere, making it the big chance for teens to have several
choices and to look for weekend jobs and after-school.
A teenager, however qualified and brilliant he may be, is supposed to
lack experience and maturity. On this ground, he is usually denied
opportunities of holding high positions in any field of life. Many a bright
competent youngster must start his career in a humble ability and to work
under those whose only claim to a higher position seems to be based on the
number of grey hairs they have. This is not to deny the importance of
practical experience. What should be remembered is that other qualities like
knowledge, integrity and enthusiasm also should count. Nor should it be
supposed that because a man is oldish, he necessarily has more practical
experience in the real sense of the term. Many people cease to learn from
life after they are thirty and for many others, practical experience means
little more than a realisation of the need to be selfish and dishonest in this
world. Bernard Shaw has sharply remarked that every man over forty is a
rogue. But so long – as the world is governed by the middle-aged and the
old, the teenagers must put up with this handicap of being thought
This is a crucial age from where everyone passes through and faces all
the difficulties of their life and become mature. All they need is a good
listener and they feel that exceptionally good listener should be one of their
parents. A teenager faces a lot of things all together and those things
become life lessons for them. Everything is secondary, example; success,
money, position, power, etc., the very first thing a teenager literally begs for
is the support. Whatever they feel from inside that matters the most, as
everyone can show fake smile and are able to speak lies and run away from
their problems. The thing is that they cannot trust because when they trust,
they end up being alone and heart broken.
They should be given more time than internet, gadgets, and social media. As
time is a medicine for them which really gives better results. No one knows
how badly a teenager needs a person to rely upon, a person who could
understand, support, and trust them and also who would never judge them.
They love being down to earth and that is what everyone should be like, real
and open as perfection is not necessary neither available, faults make one
strong and help one to grow mentally & physically. An individual learns from
his mistakes itself. A person has so many choices in front of him and once he
is proven wrong, he becomes weak. Generation after generation, trends
changes, mindset changes so as people. So many people and so as their
shades. There are a lot of needs of a teenager and they are genuine.
Teenagers like me spend most of their time studying or going out with
friends. For a teenager, the company of friends sometimes becomes more
valuable than family. Peer pressure is at its peak now that I am a teenager. A
lot of my friends are into sports, partying or being in a relationship (having a
girlfriend or boyfriend).
Vices such as drinking, smoking, and even doing drugs are prevalent for
teenagers. That is why I believe it is important to be surrounded by the kind
of people you want to follow as an example. There are still teenagers who
choose a right lifestyle. One can have an enjoyable time without getting into
cigarettes and drugs. It is hard to be a teenager. No more carefree playing
around. People expect me to be more mature in everything I do but at the
same time I cannot be fully independent because adults, especially parents
and teachers, think otherwise. It is a conflicting situation. I think that I can
decide and doing things for myself but adults think that there are a lot more
things I need to learn from them. It is also in this stage where people start to
question things that have been taught to them when they were kids.
Teenagers are explorers in many aspects. They are open to a whole lot of
innovative ideas and are full of imagination.
Being a teenager, these days can be quite frustrating at times. Relationships
with different people can get complicated. We make a lot of mistakes as
teenagers but these will help us grow and improve as we grow older. At the
end of day, just like any other person, teenagers like me just need
acceptance, love, and support from the people around them to get through.

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