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Nowadays more people are choosing to live with friends or alone rather than with their families.

This trend is likely to have a negative impact on communities. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?

The number of people who prefer to live alone or in a shared flat has been increased. While there is a
controversial argument that this trend would harm societies, I believe that it simultaneously has several
benefits and drawbacks.

On the one hand, living alone might increase the risk of depression. If society do not have efficient communication,
they will have to face mental health problems. In other words, humans need to get emotional support from their
families or close friends to remain healthy. They also may feel bored in the case of loneliness for a long time. For
example, I used to live alone during my college and I became too introverted to go out and too bored to stay home.
Another difficulty of living on our own would be in the time of emergencies. If a person, who lives alone, became ill,
there would be no one to take care of her or him.

On the other hand, I think there are three main benefits besides the above-mentioned disadvantages of living alone.
Firstly, it would make people more independent and raise the feeling of responsibility. They need to learn
housework such as cooking and cleaning on their own and also, they should learn financial management to avoid
pecuniary problems. Secondly, these community have more time to think and plan to reach their goals. They can
also choose where to live to be close to their office or in the countryside. Finally, they are free to have any lifestyle
they want that may affect their motivation and discipline.

In conclusion, although there is a population who believe that living alone or with friends would negatively affect
societies, in my opinion, this trend would also benefit communities.

The number of people who prefer to leave alone or in a shared flat has been increased.While there is
controversial agreement that this is trend harms societies, I believe that it simultaneously has several
benefits and drawbacks.

To begin with, living alone might increase the risk of depression. If folk don't have effective communication they will
have to face mental health problems. In other words, humans need to get emotional support from their families or
close friends to remain healthy.They may also feel bored in case of loneliness for a long time. For example, I used to
leave alone during my college days and I became introverted to go out and too bored to stay at home. Another
difficulty of living on our own in case of emergencies.If society are living alone ,they become ill, there would be no
one to take care of her or them.

However, we cannot undermine the disadvantages over the advantages .Firstly, it would make community more
independent and raise the feeling of responsibility. They need to learn household chores such as cooking,cleaning on
their own and also, they should learn to manage their finances to avoid problems.Secondly, population will have
more time to plan and achieve their goals.They can also choose to live near the offices or the countryside.Finally,
they are free to have any lifestyle they want that may affect their motivation and discipline.

In conclusion, although there is a population who believe that living alone or with friends would negatively affect
societies, in my opinion, this trend would also benefit communities.

Some think that developing a successful career is more important than spending time with family and
friends, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays work-life balance is a subject of a controversial issue, affect the lives of all people; while some highlight
the importance of career progression in a person's life more than spending time with family, critics condemn this
idea and believe that people should spend more moment with their loved ones. In this essay, I will discuss the
viewpoints of both sides of the debate and express my perspective in the conclusion.

Firstly, spending space with family and friends is more important as it provides a good and compatible social
environment and forms a good relationship for every individual. Thereby , population will be able to share their
thoughts and deep feelings with their loved ones . Also , a career should be kept on a balanced scale as having a bad
career causes low income which affects your relationship with the family. For instance , a person having a bad
income significantly affects his relationship with his wife which in turn leads to miscommunication with his children
and the outcome is not desirable. Moreover , the family should be your first priority as they are the one who raised
you and made who u genuinely are.

In my ,opinion family should be always at first , as spending more occasion with our family often cures your mood
swings . To illustrate , a young man having a bad day at work comes home and having a good conversation with his
family cures his pain . Thus despite having a bad day , this specific conversation changes his mood and makes him
happy. Lastly , the family should be given the maximum importance as they are every individual's backbone and
supports him in every phase of downfall and pain

In summary, while the role of professional success in one's life is undeniable, it is sensible to conclude that society
should put aside materialistic consideration and not sacrifice their own and family's well-being, the most important
priority in everyone's life.

Some people think that family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think
that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use
examples to support your opinion. You should write at least 250 words.

A number of people advocate that family has the most profound impact on adolescents. Others, however, claim the
opposite, stating that friends outdo family members in this contribution. From my perspective, I voice approval of
the latter, in that I believe peers play an indispensable role throughout one's stage of maturity.

In the first place, it is undeniable that fellows generally come in closer contact with the young than do their parents
or siblings. In other words, by spending most of their day at school, teenagers embrace the opportunities to get
along with their schoolmates, thus fostering mutual trust and intimacy among them over time. Hence, their
personality shapes under the influence of their friends, at the same time reflects whether or not it is a healthy
friendship. For instance, a large number of juvenile delinquents are talked into committing crimes or taking drugs
by bad companies, while the morally good ones flourish by gaining huge benefits from peer support and guidance.

What is more, there exist many other reasons for the close bond between young adults and their companions on a
variety of grounds. That is, those in the same age bracket tend to develop a sense of empathy when it comes to
sharing or seeking advice from each other, which would not be the same for the relationship between adolescents
and parents, which is sometimes hindered by the generation gap. Take, for example, the case for many teen
Facebook users is that they are inclined to befriend their companions, while on the other hand ban their parents
from following them. This could be hazardous at times as teenagers would easily go out of control.

All things considered, fellows have proved their worth in having a significant influence on one's growth, be it mental
or physical. Therefore, I am supportive of the latter, consequently placing emphasis on having trustworthy and true

In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents’ home once they finish
school. They start living on their own or sharing a home with friends. Is this a positive or a negative
development? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples.

In the modern age, people are adopting new trends and lifestyles. One of which is, children want to be independent
and hence, they choose to stay separate from their parents once they have completed secondary schooling. Though
such steps have some demerits , it also has many merits.

Nowadays, children want to grow up faster and in-process take some harsh steps like leaving their parents alone for
their own good. For example, in the case of a single parent, it becomes difficult to live without the child who was the
only support for them. In such a situation not only the family suffers emotionally but also, the younger one bares the
consequences of staying alone. Moreover, they lack the support of the elderly and experienced person.
On the other hand, one of the benefits of staying apart from their home is, youngsters, learn to become self-
dependent. To illustrate, when staying alone children are forced to cook their own meal and clean their places
without the help of either mother or father. Such circumstances develop the person to be a better human.
Furthermore, they also get the freedom to explore what is there for them on the platter. In other words, they get to
travel across cities and choose what they feel is best for them from work, education or sports field as their career. To
exemplify, if children wish to opt to study further, they can travel and stay in a city where better universities are
available. This way they are not confined and get better exposure.

To conclude, choosing to stay away from parents after completing school, have more benefits on the children than
harm. However, they should also consider their parents and not act self-fish.

Do you agree or disagree with following statement? It is more important to keep your old friends than it is
to make new friends. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

There is no shortage of opinions on whether it is better to keep your old friends or make new ones. But if I were
forced to choose, I would definitely opt for saving relations with the friends I already know. It is my firm belief that
one old friend is better than two new ones for a number of reasons, and I will develop these ideas in the subsequent

First of all, trustworthiness and reliability are key things you can always expect from people you have already
known for a long time. Drawing from my own experience, it means that in hard times you will receive a hand of help.
And that's why keeping your old friends is so crucial. For instance, I remember when my car suddenly broke in the
midnight over a hundred kilometres away from the city I live, and my close friend Danya, without a bit of hesitation,
jumped into his car and drove to get me out of the middle of nowhere. It is certainly clear why I believe that your old
mates will always help you, even in the weirdest situations.

Secondly, there is a lot of fun, when you have a group of your soulmates. You understand each other quickly, have
common hobbies and interests, and maybe even work together in the same field. And this brings you lots of
memories to remember later. My personal example of this is my friendship with Sergio, whom I have already known
for 8 years. We travelled around Europe, and even visited the highest mountain in Spain, the dormant volcano Teide.
Therefore, as a result, both Sergio and I have a bunch of funny stories from all of these trips. For this reason, I think
that keeping your old friends is so significant and way easier than trying to look for new acquaintances.

To summarize, I want to emphasize that for every person in life is so necessary to find friends. They are the people,
with whom you can share all your secrets and thoughts, but you should be thoughtful to detect the right ones.
Therefore, I totally agree with the statement, provided on this question.

Some people think It's better to choose friends who always hav the same opinions as them. Other
people believe it is good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them Discuss both these
views and give your own opinion.

With the easy access to ,education every educated person has their own reaction whereas tolerance is getting lower
in the modern era population. Friendship is also made based on the acceptance of assessment. This essay will
discuss both the views whether friends should be one having the same speculation or the one who sometimes
should disagree with them, in the ,end my own assumption will be provided.

On the one hand, better to choose friends who always have the same attitude. Firstly, in this fast and nuclear life
stress in various aspects is very prevalent, but a friend with the same idea understands each other and help to
reduce stress. For instance, the study says 80% of the young population party with their friends every weekend to
release the stress of the entire week. Secondly, a very little clash happens for any belief between them and they
spend more quality time cherishing the friendship. For example, limited time is provided for every individual and
every single minute should be spent wisely with happiness and there is no time for disagreement and clash.

On the other hand, it is good to have friends who sometimes disagree with your impression. Most importantly,
sometimes disagreement is important for improvement, the discussion makes the matter more clearly to take an
appropriate decision. Such as, the Times24 survey found that the majority of the population discuss with friends to
take any big decision and in that ,scenario if the friend is also having the same judgment then a thorough analysis
can't be made. In addition to this, disagreement helps in building tolerance and acceptance in every human. To lead
a better life on every step people will be there to disagree with the ideas, if it is happening from a young age people
learn how to tackle the disagreements. To illustrate, the study finds that the majority of a successful marriage is
based on the difference in point of view, a spouse gets conflict in beliefs but success is achieved only because of long
practice since childhood.

To summarise, although it looks good to have friends who agree with all the ideas, more advantage is having friends
who sometimes disagree and help in uplifting the thought and make us a better human. In my ,viewpoint I will like
to make friends with one who instantly disagrees with my ideas so that each idea can be evaluated from different

Modern forms of communication such as email and messaging have reduced the amount of time
people spend seeing their friends. This has had a negative effect on their social lives. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Thanks to the rapid development of the internet and electronic inventions, the way we communicate has
changed significantly. Some people think it could damage our relationships because of the decrease in time
spent with each other. Personally, I disagree with this statement because I believe modern communications
benefit people’s social lives.

It is true that modern technology has reduced the present people spend meeting. However, it can be seen as a
positive aspect as it makes communication become easier than ever. For instance, one can start a conversation with
their friend only by a click on their phone. In this way, it reduces the space of travelling as well as avoids the
possibly unpleasant surroundings at the meeting place. Moreover, modern communication tools help us to stay
connected with our distant accord. Therefore, geographical distances are no longer the problems to maintain

At the same time, I do not believe that modern communications should be responsible for the poor quality of our
social lives. In fact, even in a face-to-face meeting, people still can have a bad time with each other due to a lack of
conversation. Nowadays, it is common to catch in a café where people gather but instead of spending moment
together, they tend to focus more on the screens of their mobile phones. Hence, modern means of communication
shouldn’t be blamed for unhealthy relation.

In conclusion, I strongly disagree with the statement in the question due to the fact that modern communications
bring many advantages to improve a relationship and, therefore, is not a reason for anyone’s unhealthy social life.

It is true that messaging and email have reduced the quantity of time that people spend on face-to-face
conversation these days. It has had a dramatic impact on their social lives. In my opinion, this development
is as much positive as it is a negative one.

There are two principal reasons why this trend can be deemed favourable. Firstly, most people are able to use the
internet and communicate with their friends via messaging or email. For example, people who live or study abroad
have no possibility to meet in person every day. This is because their families and friends are in another part of the
world. Not only in foreign countries but also people can contact by text-messaging in the same neighbourhood .For
them, it is more convenient to keep in touch with society.Secondly, while a person is applying for a job or a
university, it can be easier and more practical to send multi-page documents through email.

However, by looking at the trend from a different prospect, we can see that it is not without its demerits. For
instance, among some friends and relatives, a bond or relationship is becoming lost day by day. Also, it leads to
affect social life by not having care and love between inhabitants. Today, young generations tend to use messaging
for killing their free time, instead of reading books or learning something new.

To sum up, although, on the one hand, using modern forms of communication can make people stay in touch and
help to exchange information, on the other, a number of young adults might be antisocial individual because of
being addicted to surfing social media. Therefore, I am of the view that this is both a change for the better and for
the worse in equal measure.

In this day and age, influence on a child’s development has still been a subject of heated debate. Many people
suppose that family exerts the greatest impact on children; however, some say that other influences such as music
or other people have the biggest influence on a child. Personally I support the former opinion and justifications
(=reasons) are as follows.

Some people say that family has the most powerful influence on a child’s development; however,
others say that influences such as music, other people,... have the greatest influence on children.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There are many factors that affect a child: là cá ch diễn đạ t thô ng thườ ng, khô ng giú p cá c bạ n đạ t band điểm cao.
Thay và o đó cô có mộ t độ ng từ diễn tả sự thay đổ i, có nhiều loạ i khá c nhau là từ /ˈveri/

/iˈmɜːrdʒəns/ emergence of something: sự xuấ t hiện củ a mộ t cá i gì đó

First, factors that affect a child vary but the most outstanding one may be the emergence of technical devices. As a
result, children will be easily to get access to public websites or social networking sites such as Facebook or
Instagram. There are a number of videos or songs or even short films that are shown on these sites and children
may watch and imitate the characters.

Second, another significant factor that exercises a great influence on a child’s development is friends. At school,
children who share the same personalities, interest or concept may form a group, which can be considered a small
community. Consequently, as being a part of that community, children’s thoughts or behaviors are much likely to be
affected by their fellows.

in _____ of: (spelling favor)

in favor of something: ủ ng hộ , đồ ng ý vớ i cá i gì

Though it cannot be denied that friends or music have a profound impact on a child’s development, I am in favor of
the opinion that family exerts the greatest influence on children.

/ˈetɪkət/ - etiquette: cá ch ứ ng xử , giao tiếp

code of ____ (spelling ethics)

code of ethics: tiêu chuẩ n đạ o đứ c

Though it cannot be denied that friends or music have a profound impact on a child’s development, I am in favor of
the opinion that family exerts the greatest influence on children. First, children are taught etiquettes, code of ethics
by parents at a very young age; therefore, they might behave properly when communicating with others.

Because children spend a huge amount of time being with their children at home so it is easy for them to see the way
that their parents solve problems and copy them: câ u vă n đơn giả n, từ vự ng khô ng đặ c sắ c

see = witness

solve problem = everyday issues are handled

bear a striking /rɪˈzembləns/

bear a striking resemblance to somebody: giố ng vớ i ai đó .

Though it cannot be denied that friends or music have a profound impact on a child’s development, I am in favor of
the opinion that family exerts the greatest influence on children. First, children are taught etiquettes, code of ethics
by parents at a very young age; therefore, they might behave properly when communicating with others. Second,
children spend a huge amount of time being with parents at home and it is easy for them to witness the way how
everyday issues are handled by their parents. Accordingly, they will bear a striking resemblance to their parents
when it comes to problem-solving.

In conclusion, although it is clear that factors such as music or friends have a great effect on children, I am of the
opinion that family exerts the most profound effect on a child’s development.

Some people prefer to spend most of their time with friends. Other people prefer to be alone most of the
time. Which way of life do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Time spend with the friends can be enjoyable. There is a time to be alone, however, and to think seriously without
the input of others. Relaxing alone at home is a good time to think about something important or enjoyable without
interference from other people.

Also, solitude is an aid to creativity. Many good ideas occur when one sits alone and lets one's mind wander. The
result may be valuable new insight. The chemist who worked out the structure of the benzene ring, for example, had
that particular idea while sitting in front of a fireplace. Would that idea had occurred to him if he had been sitting
with friends in a noisy tavern?

At such moments of creativity, company may be the last thing anybody desires. Consider the story of British poet
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who composed his famous poem "Kabula Khan" in its entirety in his mind and was ready
to put the poem on paper when received and unexpected visitor. The visitor soon departed, but meanwhile
Coleridge had forgotten portion of the poem. He was able to recall and record only bits and pieces of it. Those
fragments became one of the best-known poems in English. However, what must the original work have been like?
We will never know, because an unwanted company distracted the poet as he was about to write it down.

Therefore, companionship may have its own benefits, but so does time spent alone; and while group activity may be
fun, solitude yields deeper and more lasting rewards.

Television has destroyed communication among friends and family Do you agree or disagree with
the following statement?

Model Answer 1:

The invention of television is undoubtedly one of the humankind's greatest inventions. It is a way of communication
among people of one country and different countries and nations. People watch TV to find out about the latest news,
weather, sports, etc. It is a great way to learn new and extend one's range of interests. Scientists say that children
spend the same amount of hours in front of TV as they do in school. I think that this can be said about many grown
people too. Also, television is a great means of eliminating stress and tension. One can relax and leave one's troubles
behind lying on one's favourite sofa and watching a comedy. However, some people believe that television has
destroyed communication among friends and family.

Personally, I do not agree with this statement. A couple centuries ago people spent their time gambling, reading,
gossiping or playing chess. I do not think that television is a cause of destroyed communication among family
members and friends. First of all, if members of a family have common interests and they want to make each other
happy they will always find many ways to spend their time together and be close. Otherwise, if people avoid each
other and they do not have anything to share with each other they will find television a great way to escape from
this miserable existence. I believe that many people chose family and their friends over some soap operas or a

Second of all, I think that television can be a great resource of subjects to discuss. Many people watch different
educational programs to find out more about their environment, nature, wildlife animals, economic situations, etc.
So, when they gather with their friends they discuss important issues and argue with each other in looking for the

My husband and I often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news. After that, we always discuss
some issues we concerned about. Also, we like to watch a TV show "the funniest animals". We like this program
because it makes us laugh. I cannot imagine how these programs can prevent our communication and be harmful to
our relations.

To conclude, I would like to add that if people want to communicate with each other they will find a way to do it.
Otherwise, if television were not existent, people would find other escapes and reasons not to be with each other
such as drugs, gambling, etc.

Model Answer 2:

Some people believe that the existence of television brings many negative effects in our communities. It is reported
that television is one of the main reasons for the miscommunication problem between families, relatives and
friends. I personally disagree with the statement, since it is not the television’s fault, but mainly due the
irresponsible act of the individuals themselves, and the following paragraphs will explain it in more details.

For a number of reasons, television brings a lot of benefits for many individuals and societies. Firstly, televisions
provide lots of crucial information which are certainly useful for many communities. For example, it is common that
news on television informs about the economic and political conditions of a particular country. This crucial
information is definitely important for investors, financial analyst or bankers in making short and long term
investment. Secondly, television also provides educative shows which are truly beneficial for the communities,
specifically for students and scholars. Some of the shows are National Geographic Channel, Discovery or Animal
planets which educate the public regarding the wildlife and natural sciences.

On the other hand, some people are addicted to television and have spent a large portion of their personal time in
front of the television and ignore their main duties as a member of a family or part of certain communities. I
personally think that these kinds of problems are not due to the existence of the television, but due to the
individuals themselves who are not capable and responsible in managing their times. It is also noticed that some
people are not being wise in utilising their smartphones which certainly exaggerate the issues.

In conclusion, I strongly disagree that televisions have caused some serious problems for individuals in terms of
communication among families and friends, as it is the mistake of the individuals themselves who are not being
responsible for organising their time.

Model Answer 3:

In today's world, television is ever increasing. It is one of the most important things in human life. Almost everybody
is using the benefits of television. Some people believe that television has demolished communication among friends
and family. In my opinion, however, the opposite is true. Television can increase communication. We see news and
other information on TV which gives us things to discuss with our friends and family. Moreover, it also helps us to
understand each other.

Television programs give us things to think and talk about. These days it is possible to hear news every time we turn
on the television. We hear about things happening all around the world. Everybody has opinions about these things
and everybody wants to discuss their opinions with other people. So, TV news and information programs encourage
us to discuss our ideas with our friends and family.

Now people in every part of the world have access to the same TV programs. When you go to a new city to work,
study, or take a vacation, you will already have something in common with the people there. When you meet new
people, you will be familiar with at least some of the same TV programs. This gives you something to talk about.

Most people use TV as a way of entertainment. People who play sports usually like to watch sports on TV. People
who like to cook watch cooking shows. If your friends and family watch some of the same programs as you watch,
they can learn more about things that interest you. This is a form of communication that helps people to create
mutual understanding among them.
In conclusion, these types of communication technology have brought people from all over the world closer

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