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Nowadays, cohabitation is more and more familiar to students.

Perhaps, they live far away from their

family, so they have free lives without following or their shallow thoughts. That is why cohabitation
becomes popular with students. Many view it as the legitimate way to explore a relationship,
particularly teenagers, without considering all of the dangers involved.
As we can see, a growing number of people are no longer content to “go with the flow”. We no longer
feel as if we have to follow the same rules by which our parents, or grandparents played, instead we are
making our own set of rules for the new century. The college student renting out cohabitation becomes
more and more popular, and even some “ cohabitation villages ” have appeared next to colleges and
universities in recent years. Perhaps, they live far away from their family, so they have free lives without
following or their shallow thoughts. With no resistance to these, many students just look for a boyfriend
or a girlfriend as soon as they can. Cohabitation has inevitably come to stay with all its supposed positive
and negative consequences. There no denying that lovers living together can have good understanding of
each other, and take a good care of each other. However, the participants in a cohabitation setting are not
immune from the various problems besiege it. Actually, cohabitation is unsuitable with student’s lifestyle.
Most of us are too young to handle pressure from a lot of problems which we have not met before such as
financial decision, balancing time for study, family relationship

Most teens believe that because living together gives them the opportunity to get to
know one another better, they will make a more informed decision regarding marriage.
Hầu hết thanh thiếu niên tin rằng bởi vì sống thử sẽ cho bạn cơ hội để hiểu nhau hơn,
bạn sẽ đưa ra quyết định sáng suốt hơn về hôn nhân.

The likeliness of going through divorce goes down but the fact is the statistics do not
back this up.
Do đó có vẻ việc ly hôn sẽ giảm xuống.

There is plenty of data that even points the other way.

Có rất nhiều dữ liệu thậm chí còn chỉ ra theo chiều hướng khác.

One of the clear dangers in the statement above is that the emotional entanglement of
cohabiting before marriage is being drastically understated.
Một trong những nguy hiểm rõ ràng trong tuyên bố trên là sự vướng víu tình cảm của
việc sống chung như vợ chồng trước hôn nhân đang được giảm đi rất nhiều.

When two people live together, their lives become intertwined.

Khi hai người sống cùng nhau, cuộc sống của họ trở nên đan xen nhau.

The breakup may not have the legal implications, but the emotional investment causes
a mess and pain similar to a divorce.
Việc chia tay có thể không có ý nghĩa pháp lý, nhưng việc đầu tư cảm xúc này sẽ gây
ra một xáo trộn và nỗi đau tương tự như ly hôn.
However, a group of researchers said that the cohabitation had many consequences, especially
women; they must face all difficulties after cohabiting. Therefore, this problem will be gradually
eliminated. In this time, even though teenagers still run after this way of life, they will give up it
rapidly by various propagative forms and getting to understand the information so that they can draw
the necessary and useful lessons from cohabitation. For example, a boy who lives in America said
that cohabitation would be disappeared like hippy tendency at there. Namely in 70 th decade, they
lived freely, so their parents could not keep a close watch on their deeds. However, in 90 th decade,
many movements calling to teenagers for traditional living and they have already done that.

    In my opinion, I think we should find efficient solutions for this problem. First of all, we should
educate our young people about the negative aspects of cohabitation in school. Moreover, we can
propagate those negative aspects by banners and workshops to raise their awareness. Next,
parents play an important role in their life. As the first and prime teacher of the faith, parents should
instruct the children on this matter starting at an early age. Because when they become adults, they
will be away from home at college or working in another city, so their parents are not able to help
them solve difficult problems in their life. However, if they have the education of family, they will
know how to protect themselves against complicated problems in life.
While there are many circumstances and reasons for a couple to choose to live together during the years

of university, there are also numerous reasons that couples might not choose to live together.  Cohabiting

together before marriage is not a good idea for young people especially for teenager, because it will give

high risk for them. For example: Premarital sex tends to break up couples before marriage takes place,

high risk for having an unwanted pregnancy, high risk for contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted

diseases, and etc. Some of the teenager for example: those who leave home early and first and second

year college students, purpose for cohabiting is as a trial relationship, they will get unwanted pregnancy.  

For many couples, it is against their religious beliefs to live together without being married first.  They
might be afraid of what their church communities, families, and society in general might think of them if
they begin living together before they are married. There are strong ties between traditional values,
expectations of family life, and many religious teachings
Cohabitation among the undergraduates of university of Banking students is becoming a significant

problem. The students perceive cohabitation as normal ( 55% ), and none of the business of their friends

in school. This suggests the acceptance of this living style among the student. However the students were
not counseled to handle the consequence of cohabitation. Most of the cohabiting students refused to let

their parents know about their cohabitation status while in school. Therefore the idea of cohabiting with

someone who your parents never approve portends a great danger to the students when things go wrong.

When they were asked about what they would do if they had unwanted pregnancy, most of them ( 60% ),

both male and female chose negative solution such as: abortion, breaking up their relationship. Moreover,

the school security may not be able to regulate the conducts of students living off campus where

cohabitation usually takes place. Cohabitation could influence the life and attitude experiences of the

student. When a female student lives with her boyfriend on campus, she is fooled into believing that the

relationship will last forever. She undertakes every domestic activity like doing the laundry and cooking

most of the time. This often result in very pathetic situation, when after leaving school the boy not only

dismiss the relationship, but may also leave her with an embarrassing and uncomfortable parting gift: and

unwanted pregnancy or even HIV/AIDS and other STD diseases. The trauma the students encounter at

this stage could affect future relationships and perception of opposite sex. It was observed that some of

the students were in their late teens early 20s and were not ready for marriage. They just see cohabitation

as fun and opportunity to explore their new found independence and liberty in the university.

According to this situation, I believe that The University authority should provide more hostels

for student. At the same time, the condition of hostel provided must be examined to make them more

conducive to habit. Accommodation also should be made affordable on campus so that indigent student

could not be made vulnerable for any kind of exploitation including cohabitation. In addition, student

should be adequately enlightened during orientation about dangers of cohabitation. Last but not least,

student should be encouraged to meet councilors whenever they are in danger or be abused by their

cohabiters quick to save their life and enhance academic performances.

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