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Promiscuity in teenagers is very widespread in today's era. Free association is a

deviant act that crosses the boundaries of the norms that exist in our lives.
Adolescents are individuals whose emotions are very vulnerable, lack of
knowledge and invitations from friends who hang out freely make their potential
decrease. the younger generation in advancing the times. The method I use is the
interview method and approach to teenagers by giving broad directions about the
dangers of promiscuity. Avoid actions that deviate from the norm with strong

Keywords: association, freedom, youth, faith, strong.


Research on promiscuity has been widely studied both at national and

international levels. Free association is synonymous with deviant adolescent
associations and which usually leads to sexual acts. Today's technological
developments have had a lot of bad effects on teenagers, causing juvenile
delinquency. Adolescence is a time when an individual experiences a transition
from one stage to the next and experiences changes in both emotions, body,
interests, behavior patterns, and is also full of problems (Hurlock, in Roy, 2011).
Adolescents who are caused by parents who are too cruel, cannot adapt their
education to the child's needs for autonomy, or vice versa cause these parents to
not care about monitoring the child's social development (Dishion, Patterson,
Stoolmiller, Skinner (1991), Fuligni and Eccles (1993) Students like this have the
potential to find peers who have problems which then become a pull factor to be
involved in social phenomena. Disappointment with family or the surrounding
environment continues to affect the behavior of teenagers who deviate to
express their feelings of being loved, causing restless individuals to be afraid of
being left behind and able to do things. anything to get affection.Students who
feel themselves in their daydreams of love cannot control healthy friendships, on
the contrary, are too obsessive, or follow the orders of their peers or loved ones
too much, leading to promiscuity (Ru biah, 2001). Failure to handle relationships
makes adolescents and early adults trapped in social phenomena such as
adultery, pregnancy out of wedlock, birth of children out of wedlock, abortion,
and so on. Apart from that, love that is not taken care of causes most students to
fail in learning. Sex expert is also a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Boyke
Dian Nugraha in Jakarta revealed, from year to year the data on teenagers who
have free sex is increasing. From about 5% in the 1980s, to 20% in 2000, this
figure range, said Boyke, was collected from various studies in several big cities in
Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Palu, Banjarmasin, even in Palu, Central
Sulawesi, in In 2000, it was recorded that 29.9% of adolescents had had free sex,
while a study conducted by Boyke himself (1999) on patients who came to the
couples' clinic, it was recorded that around 18% of adolescents had had
premarital sexual relations. The average age for entering the study was 17-21
years, generally still attending high school or college students. However, some
cases also occur in children who are in junior high school (SMP).

Research methods

The location of this research was carried out in Bukur Village, Bojong District,
Pekalongan Regency, with the consideration that the area contained social
interaction among students who had indications of promiscuous behavior and this
research was carried out for approximately two weeks until the required data
were accurate. namely SMP and SMA students in Bukur Village. The type of data
in this study is qualitative data, where qualitative data has been presented in the
form of a narrative to describe the promiscuous behavior of students in Bukur
Village, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency. And the method I use is to approach
and provide direction to teenagers in the village of Bukur to avoid promiscuity.
Results and Discussion

Promiscuity is generally defined as a form of behavior that deviates or has crossed

the boundaries of applicable norms. These norms can include social, religious,
ethical, obligations, rules, and so forth.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), association means social life,
while free means free or not bound. Thus, promiscuity is a social life in which
friendships are formed independently or not bound.

Adolescence is the time when humans are in their teens. In adolescence, humans
cannot be called adults but cannot be called children. Adolescence is a period of
human transition from children to adults.

Along with the development of an increasingly modern era, science and

technology are also developing. This development resulted in a change
experienced by society. These changes will be more visible if they change in a
negative direction. These changes often result in social deviation.

Social deviation is behavior that does not succeed in adapting to other

communities, in other words ignoring the norms that apply in society.

Association is a process of interaction carried out by individuals with individuals, it

can also be by individuals with groups. Association has a great influence in the
formation of an individual's personality. The association that he does will reflect
his personality, both positive and negative relationships. Positive association can
be in the form of cooperation between individuals or groups who do positive
things. While negative association is more directed to promiscuity, that is what
must be avoided, especially for teenagers who are still looking for their identity.
This promiscuity is common in adolescence.

Adolescents come from the Latin word andolensence which means to grow or
grow into adults, teenagers actually do not have a clear place because they are
not included in the child class but also in the adult or old group. Adolescents are
candidates for the nation's successors who are expected to be able to build and
advance the nation by applying the values that exist in education. However, in
reality the current of globalization that enters Indonesia has an impact on the
mindset and way of life of teenagers which results in changes to teenagers in
Indonesia today. Because an individual or teenager all hang out, then there is
what is called promiscuity in teenagers.

The definition of a teenager is someone who is in a period of transition from

children to adults. Adolescence is one of the most rapid developmental phases

When asked about what youth is, most people's answers may vary. So far, the
definition of youth is synonymous with children who are in junior high school
(SMP). This statement is not wrong, but also not quite right.

The definition of youth is broader than that. On the other hand, there are also
various stages in adolescent development that you as a parent should pay
attention to. So, if there is a certain problem in its development, you can notice it

Definition of teenager

The definition of a teenager is someone who is in a period of transition from

childhood to adulthood. According to WHO, adolescence occurs in the age range
of 10-19 years. Meanwhile, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2014, the meaning of youth is a
population aged 10-18 years.

In contrast to the Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), the age range
of teenagers is 10-24 years old and unmarried.

teenager and mother

Teenagers go through puberty

In adolescence, various changes occur in children as a form of puberty. The

changes that occur generally include:
The weight and height of the child will increase

Growing pubic hair

Enlarged breasts (in girls)

Menstruation (in girls)

Wet dreams (in boys)

Improved thinking skills

Have more sensitive or emotional feelings

Development of vital organs

Not surprisingly, adolescence is one of the most rapid phases of human


Children in their teens also tend to have a high curiosity. Without proper control
from themselves and their parents, this can make them fall into juvenile
delinquency. Therefore, it is important for parents to give good attention and
supervision to teenagers.

Free association is one of the necessities of life for humans because humans are
social creatures who need other people in their daily lives and relationships
between humans are fostered through an interpersonal relationship. Promiscuity
can also be defined as a person's association deviated from the right association,
illegal intercourse must also be shunned by teenagers.

The characteristics of promiscuity among adolescents are:

Get caught up in the merry-go-round.

Getting drunk and using illegal drugs (drugs).

Bad behavior.

Wear revealing clothes.

Factors causing promiscuity among adolescents are:

The low level of family education, such as a family that allows the child to date
without any supervision, causes the child to fall into promiscuity.

Parents who don't pay attention to their children's interactions, parents who are
busy with their work so that their children can't be cared for optimally.

Not being careful in making friends, for example friends leading us in a negative
direction, occurs because they are friends with people who are not good.

The economic situation of the family, for example, a child dropping out of school
due to a low family economy makes the child's behavior worse.The impact of
promiscuity has a great influence on oneself, parents, and the state. Such as drug
dependence, declining health levels, increasing crime, straining family
relationships, spreading disease, declining academic achievement, sin.

Impact of Free Association

1. Drug Addiction

One of the characteristics of promiscuity is the consumption of illegal drugs. This

has an impact on dependence on illegal drugs that have an impact on health.

This dependence can trigger an overdose that ends in death. In addition, illegal
drugs can reduce disease. For example, HIV Aids occurs due to drug consumption.

2. Family Relationships Are Not Good

One of the effects of promiscuity is because of family relationships. A child
chooses promiscuity because his parents often fight.

Children's attitudes to both parents can change, such as easily emotional and
disrespectful to parents.

3. Crime

The impact of promiscuity is an increase in crime. Social changes result in social

inequality in society. This social gap triggers crime at a young age.

Young people want to earn money for the things they want. They can steal money
to raise money.

4. Spread Disease

The characteristics of promiscuity such as free sex, drugs, and smoking have an
impact on health. Examples of diseases due to unhealthy lifestyles such as HIV
Aids, epilepsy, and herpes.

This dangerous disease can harm a person. In addition, this disease can have a
future impact on young people.

5. Performance Declines

Promiscuity in adolescents has an impact on achievement in school. For example,

a child chooses to spend time skipping school at an internet cafe. Whereas school
helps a child achieve and become better in the future.
Promiscuity can interfere with learning time and children's achievement will

As for how to overcome promiscuity against children, namely:

Improve perspective.

Be honest with yourself.

Instill eastern values.

Maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Lots of positive activities.

Thinking about the future.

Reduce watching TV that contains sexual and violent elements.

Always read books that provide good motivation.

Communicate well with people

Hold outreach about the dangers of promiscuity.

Enforce the rule of law.

With the methods above, it is hoped that parents, teachers (educators), the
government, are able to work together in reducing the level of promiscuity that
occurs in Sumbawa land, so that children in Sumbawa land are free from
promiscuity and become children who useful for the nation and the state.


Promiscuity is a deviant behavior that violates norms. Teenagers are when

humans are in their teens. The factors of promiscuity in adolescents are the low
level of family education, parents pay less attention to relationships with children,
are less careful in making friends, and the family's economic situation. The impact
of promiscuity is dependence on illegal drugs, bad family relationships,
criminality, spreading disease, and declining performance.

old/verina-intan-l/characteristics-pergaulan-bebas-remaja- causes-and-how-to-
prevent it. Hidupan-
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