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 Eli rosmiati
 Tuti alawiah
 Anas sahroni
 Usep nurdin
 Anwar hidayat




Association is the process of interaction carried out by individuals with individuals,
it can also
by individuals with groups. Association has a great influence in shaping the
personality of an individual. The association that he does will reflect his personality, both
positive relationships and negative relationships. Positive relationships can take the form of
collaboration between individuals or groups to do positive things. While negative
associations are more directed to promiscuity, that is what must be avoided, especially for
adolescents who are still looking for their identity. This association mostly occurs in a
Teenagers come from the Latin word adolensence which means growing or growing
up. Teenagers actually do not have a clear place because it does not belong to the group of
children but not also the group of adults or older. Adolescent diamana is the nation's
successor who is expected to be able to build and advance the nation by applying existing
values in education. However, in reality the current of globalization entering Indonesia has an
impact on the mindset and lifestyle of adolescents, which results in changes in adolescents in
Indonesia today. Because an individual or adolescent likes to get along then there is the
emergence of the association of adolescent self-reliance.
Free association is one of the necessities of life of human beings because humans
are social beings who in their daily lives need other people, and relationships between people
are fostered through an interpersonal relationship. free is identified as a form of promiscuity
or can also be called illegal association. Free association can also be defined as deviating
from one's association from true association, wild association.

How to overcome the problem of promiscuity

1. The importance of affection and sufficient attention from parents in any case and
2. Supervision from parents who are not curb. Restraints on a child will affect the
psychological condition. In the presence of his parents he will be kind and obedient, but after
he comes out of the family environment, he will use it as an outlet for the restraints, so that he
can do something his parents don't teach him.
3. A child should get along with peers, who are only 2 or 3 years apart either older than him.
That is because if a child mingles with friends who are not the same age whose lives are
different, so he can be affected by a lifestyle that might not be time for him to live


• What is Interpretation of Association?
• What Is Understanding Youth?
• What is the Definition of promiscuity?
• What are the factors that cause promiscuity?
• What are the consequences?
• How does the Solution prevent promiscuity?

• To find out the meaning of association
• To know the meaning of Youth
• To find out the meaning of promiscuity
• To find out the factors that cause promiscuity
• To find out the consequences arising from promiscuity
• To find out solutions to prevent promiscuity



Association is a process of interaction carried out by individuals with individuals, it
can also be by individuals with groups. As stated by Aristotle that humans as social beings
(zoon-politicon), which means humans as social beings can not be separated from
togetherness with other humans. has a great influence in shaping an individual's personality.
The association that he does will reflect his personality, both positive relationships
and negative relationships. Positive relationships can take the form of collaboration between
individuals or groups to do positive things. While negative association is more directed to
promiscuity, that is what must be avoided, especially for adolescents who are still looking for
their true identity. In his teens this is usually a very unstable, easily influenced by persuasion
and even he wants to try something new that he might not know whether it is good or not.


Teenagers come from the Latin word adolensence which means growing or growing
up. The term adolensence has a broader meaning that includes mental, emotional social and
physical maturity (Hurlock, 1992). Teenagers actually do not have a clear place because it
does not belong to the group of children but not also the group of adults or older. As stated by
the Candidates (in Monks, et al 1994) that adolescence shows clearly the nature of the
transition or transition because adolescents have not obtained adult status and no longer have
child status According to Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari (2004: 53) adolescence is a transition
from childhood with adulthood experiencing development of all aspects / functions to enter
Adolescence lasts between the ages of 12 years to 21 years for women and 13 years
to 22 years for men. Meanwhile, according to Zakiah Darajat (1990: 23) adolescents are: a
transition period between childhood and adulthood. In this period the child experiences a
period of growth and a period of physical development and psychological development. They
are not children either in body shape or way of thinking or acting, but also not adults who
have matured Similar things expressed by Santrock (2003: 26) that adolescence (adolescene)
is defined as a period of development of the transition between childhood and adulthood
which includes biological, cognitive, and social-emotional changes.
The age limit for teens commonly used by experts is between 12 and 21 years. The
time span of adolescence is usually divided into three, namely 12-15 years = early
adolescence, 15-18 years = middle adolescence, and 18-21 years = late adolescence. But
Monks, Knoers, and Haditono differentiate adolescence into four parts, namely pre-
adolescence 10-12 years, early adolescence 12-15 years, adolescence mid-15-18 years, and
adolescence late 18-21 (Deswita, 2006: 192).
The definition presented by Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari, Zakiah Darajat, and
Santrock illustrates that adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood with
an age range between 12-22 years, during which the maturation process occurs both
maturation physical, and psychological. Adolescence is a very important period, very critical
and very vulnerable, because if humans pass through adolescence with failure, it is possible
to find failure in the journey of life in the next period. Conversely, if adolescence is filled
with full success, highly productive and effective activities in order to prepare themselves to
enter the next stage of life, it is possible that humans will get success in the course of his life.
Thus, adolescence is the key to success in entering the next stage of life .
Adolescence begins at the time before baligh and ends at the age of baligh. By some
psychologists, adolescence is in the age range between 11-19 years. There are also those who
say between the ages of 11-24 years. In addition, adolescence is a transition period (transition
period) from childhood to adulthood, which is when humans no longer want to be treated by
the family and community environment of some children, but seen from physical growth,
psychological development (psychiatric), and mentally has not shown signs of adulthood. At
this time (adolescence), humans experience many very fundamental changes in life both
physical and psychological changes (mental and mental). (According to Abdul, p. 2, 2009).


Free association is one of the necessities of life of human beings because humans
are social creatures that in their daily lives need other people, and relationships between
people are fostered through an interpersonal relationship. Intercommunication is also the
human rights of every individual and it must be freed, so that every human being does not
may be limited in association, especially by discriminating, because it violates human rights.
So the association between humans should be free, but still adhere to legal norms,
religious norms, cultural norms, and social norms. So, medically if the association is free but
regular or limited by the rules and norms of human life it certainly will not cause excesses as
it is today. Free association can also be defined as deviating from one's association from the
true association, free association is identified as a form of promiscuity or can also be called
illegal association.


There are several factors - and there are still other factors - that influence the
occurrence of bad associations among young people, namely:
The Parent Factor
Parents need to realize that the times have changed. Communication systems, the
influence of the mass media, social freedom and modernization in various fields quickly
affect our children. The life culture of young people today, is different from the era when
parents were teenagers first. Influence of association that comes from parents in this era.
we can mention include:
1. Sex in the eyes of teenagers
Sex is a matter that is no longer taboo to talk about nowadays from young children
to parents who know what sex is. Likewise today's teens, they know what sex is. But saying
the teens are only limited to knowing about sex, but do not understand what sex really is.
They do not understand the impact of sex.
What is the difference between sexual activity and sexual relations maybe they also
do not understand. Please note hugging and kissing with our partners is also included sexual
activity. For this reason, it is important to educate us about sex from an early age so that we
understand the positive and negative sides of sex.

2. Influence - the influence of the occurrence of free sex

2.1 Influence from within
The meaning of influence from within is the influence that arises from the soul of
the teenager in looking for his identity. The nature of adolescents, among others, is always
wanting to try new things that they have not felt, besides that they are always experimenting
with new things that they find. Plus their young souls are always exploding - making them
always decide things without carefully thinking about what is good and what is bad for them,
as well as sex. They always want to try and be challenged to do what is meant by sex without
thinking about the impact for them.

2.2 External influences

2.2.1 Influence of foreign culture
We as easterners have always been very polite in socializing but with the
introduction of a culture that has no limits on etiquette and politeness makes our society and
youth affected so that without us realizing there is no longer a line between politeness and
freedom. That is what drives us to act and behave like foreign cultures, especially western
cultures. How sad when we know that many of our teenagers are influenced by the culture of
that person.

2.2.2 Environmental influences

- family
As the smallest scope, the family has a very basic role in our lives including
teenagers, a teenager who is less attentive from the family will do whatever they want
without fear of being banned, scolded or admonished so that the cultures or whatever they get
outside they will immediately swallow without having to filter and sort out which are good
and which are bad for them and vice versa adolescents who get attention from the family will
tread carefully in all respects because all their movements are judged by parents, supervised
and noticed by parents of teenagers who too confined by their parents their freedom will
rebel. If this happens then they (teens) will do more than we (parents) fear.
For this reason, we need to emphasize the discipline and regulation of these
adolescents in family life with limits that are too restrictive in their outline. We can say that
care and affection are the most important aspects of the family for the teen's future.
- friend
Sometimes teenagers trust friends more than their own family. Friends are
considered the place that best understands with their hearts (teenagers), because their fellow
friends think it will be easier to talk, mingle and interact because they feel the same soul,
same age and feeling and have the same values. But not all friends can get us on the right
path. Not a few friends who actually plunged us into a bad path.
A teenager who has the friendship of a criminal will be easy to become a villain too.
A teenager who has a friend who is free will be easily influenced to get along freely but a
teenager who has a virtuous friend and is virtuous to behave the same as his friend. Therefore
we need to be very clever in choosing friends.
- School
In schools, teachers are an example or role model for students. For this reason, the
need for a teacher who can be an example for them, a teacher who is full of freedom, behaves
badly, speaks freely in teaching or has free relations outside of school will be easy to model
by his students and vice versa.
Talking about discipline at school, discipline in the school needs to be emphasized.
For example, the prohibition of wearing shirts and tight pants at school, prohibiting the use of
skirts above the knee or prohibiting the use of make-up to school or at school. These
prohibitions will minimize the impact of the influence of promiscuity and free sex. Female
adolescents are the main subject in violations - sex offenses, from research conducted by
experts in the world 62% of the occurrence of free sex because women are easily seduced by
men (like and like), 17% because they are forced by their male partners, 10% because of the
demands of living costs , 8% due to crime and 3% due to narcotics.
For this reason, a young woman needs to have a strong faith so that it is not easily
seduced by her male partner or, if necessary, young women should have martial arts skills to
overcome coercion and minimize the number of sexual crimes against women. It should be
noted that women are the pillars of the state if the morals of women in that country collapses.
And 75% of the inhabitants of hell are women.

2.2.3 Effect of technological development

- Mass media
Now a days there are a lot of magazines, tabloids and newspapers that freely display
pornographic, pornographic or semi-pornographic images, for example, play boy magazines,
extravaganza, hot tabloids, lips, MOM Plus and others. With the freedom of the magazines
and tabloids, they put pictures or covers that are semi-pornographic or semi-nude, especially
pictures of women's bodies in bikinis, transparent dresses, or plain bodies without any
clothes. The pictures or articles will stimulate teens to be able to try what if it is real and they
can feel.
The magazines and tabloids with the ponography are not difficult to be obtained by
teenagers because they are sold freely in the market. I do not know whether there is no
prohibition from the government about it or indeed the government closes its eyes. Only
those who know.

- Electronic media
With the rapid development of electronic technology, the knowledge of adolescents
is also developing in everything including pornography that influences the relationships and
sex lives of teenagers. VCD porn we easily get on the market. Films that show sexual
relations affect the brains of teenagers to try the things they see. Plus films - films broadcast
on television - containing pornography even though small and very easy to influence
teenagers. Plus the development of internet technology on computers. Lots of pornographic
websites that we can easily open on the internet. These things are very influential in the lives
of adolescents, especially in the occurrence of promiscuity and free sex among adolescents.

3. Drugs in the association of adolescent relationships

The dangers of drugs are now gripping the lives of teenagers. Like free sex, teens
who have a curious nature and an unstable soul make them fall into the valley of drugs. They
always want to feel something new, including drugs. Teenagers who are depressed will be
very easy to fall into the dangers of drugs. Because of that once again attention and affection
play a very important role in this matter.


Free promiscuity is indeed very unsettling, it is not only parents, but the community
is also made restless. This can be reduced and can even be prevented in the following ways:

1. The importance of affection and sufficient attention from parents in any case and

2. Supervision from parents who are not curb. Restraints on a child will affect the
psychological condition. In the presence of his parents he will be kind and obedient, but after
he comes out of the family environment, he will use it as an outlet for the restraints, so that he
can do something his parents don't teach him.

3. A child should get along with peers, who are only 2 or 3 years apart either older than him.
That is because when a child mingles with friends who are not the same age whose lives are
different, so he can be affected by a lifestyle that might not be time for him to live.

4. More supervision of communication media, such as the internet, mobile phones, and

5. The need for personality guidance for a child so that he is able to choose and distinguish
between those who are good for him and those who are not good.

6. The need for religious learning is given early, such as worship and visit places of worship
according to their religion.


3.1 Conclusions
Free adolescent association is actually caused by all kinds of developments that are
misinterpreted by the teenager himself and his environment.
Association has a great influence in shaping the personality of an individual. The
association that he does will reflect his personality, both positive relationships and negative
relationships. Positive relationships can take the form of collaboration between individuals or
groups to do positive things. While negative association is more directed to promiscuity, that
is what must be avoided, especially for adolescents who are still looking for their true
In his teens this is usually a very unstable, easily influenced by persuasion and even
he wants to try something new that he might not know whether it is good or not. Teenagers
actually do not have a clear place because it does not belong to the group of children but not
also the group of adults or older. The age limit for teens commonly used by experts is
between 12 and 21 years. The time span of adolescence is usually divided into three, namely
12-15 years = early adolescence, 15-18 years = middle adolescence, and 18-21 years = late
adolescence. But Monks, Knoers, and Haditono differentiate adolescence into four parts,
namely pre-adolescence 10-12 years, early adolescence 12-15 years, adolescence mid-15-18
years, and adolescence late 18-21.

3.2 Suggestions
For adolescents, leave the knowledge of all developments while still increasing faith
and devotion to God Almighty and for parents, give the best to teenagers while maintaining
and supervising their behavior.

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