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Kyla Eduardo Module #2


Task #1
1. In your own words, define good citizenship values.
"Good citizenship values" in my view, refers to a quality of a person that represents his or her
morals towards society. This comes with characteristics that sets to be the community’s identity
based on how they act towards society, which must have a positive effect on the community to be
considered good citizenship values. A person who possesses good citizenship values is able to
foresee the possibilities before taking actions or making decisions, as they are able to determine
whether their actions could harm people and the environment or benefit them. He who puts
consideration in everything is more likely to have good citizenship values as he is able to balance
his responsibilities as a fellow citizen, child of God, and responsibilities towards the nature and
nation, this aims to improve the condition and relations within the community. Good citizenship
values have something to do with culture and traditions, as we all know Filipinos share the same
traits that are passed down through generations. Therefore, good citizenship values is something
that is important to put into action in order to attain their goal, which is to improve the quality of
life of each citizen inside a particular community while also preserving these values. As people
apply good citizenship values, they are able to start building strong and pure relationships with
each other, unite as one, and at the same time could improve their quality of life sharing the same

2. How can you show your respect for life?

Respect for life is one of the most important traits that a person should possess. It is something
that could affect someone’s view of his/her life, especially nowadays that people have learn to
freely express their opinions without thoroughly thinking on how it could damage other people
physically and mentally. Respect for life promotes the value of living, showing of love, acceptance,
and appreciation, those are some of the forms of respecting life. Respect plays a vital role in
making people realize their potential and value in life. Even by just thinking thoroughly on our
personal decisions could also be a way to respect other people’s life, because most people are
unaware that taking advantage on their human rights in making decisions could also harm people
as they are just focusing on the benefits they can have. Personally, I show my respect for life by
providing moral support, especially with my friends. Whenever someone feel down, I always try
my best to stay with her, listen to her rants, and giving her assurance that she did great in life, in
that way, I can make her realize her value in this world. This could also make people feel that they
are precious and their existence is worth living. Respect for life does not only apply on making
other people feel loved, but also to ourselves. Do not let people take advantage on your existence,
you also have your own life to respect.
3. The Golden Rules says “Do unto other what you want others do unto you”. What do you
think is the standard of love if we consider this rule?
This golden rule basically means to treat other people the way how you want to be treated. What
behaviour you show to people reflects on how people will treat you, the more kindness you show
to them, the more you will feel the love and appreciation. This concludes that what you put is what
you can get, if you put much love towards someone, you will get the same amount of love.
However, this does not apply in every situation, because people are not actually obligated to return
your kindness as it is up to them. In worst case scenario some people lack in appreciation do not
really tend to return the goodness they received, after all we should not depend our kindness on
how people treat us, we can always show love even if we do not receive the same. Our standard of
love is something that we want to receive from other people, but this standard cannot be attained
if we only show mediocre, we should be our own standard, wherein we express love the way we
want other people to express towards us. Love should not be biased, it is not limited to your family
and friends, it is something that you can show even to stranger and your community as a whole.

4. What is the importance of the environment in the development of the society? Why do you
say so?
Environment and society are indeed linked with each other, environment is the ones that supports
the daily living of the society, likewise with the society, they are the ones that preserves and take
good care of the environment in order to function. Our natural environmental is the major source
of life as it provides food, water, and air which are the essentials to continue living. The
development of the society depends on how well the environment is, as environmental issues may
result chaos to the society. As for example when deforestation happens, it will affect the food
production along with the inflation as the food resources would be limited, and because of that
different issues will rise affecting the society as a whole. Therefore, if environmental threats are
solved different benefits will be provided such as: the society will continue to develop as the
agriculture will improve which will sustain livelihoods; healthy environment creates more job
which could contribute in increasing employment rate preventing poverty; healthy environment
could lessen the risk of diseases which improves human health; and most importantly caring for
the environment does not only means developing our society but also saving our planet. In
conclusion, environmental conservation reduce and resolves societal issues which at the same time
improves the living of every individual as part of the society.

5. In your own ways, how can you contribute in the protection of the environment from its
Environmental threats are harmful for the planet in general, wherein all the living things in it are
all affected. These environmental threats are triggered by people who are not knowledgeable
enough that even their minimal actions could contribute in worsening the environmental condition.
But on the other hand, positive minimal actions could also help the environment to slowly survive
from these threats. Different organizations worldwide have raise their campaigns in protecting our
mother nature, by simply participating and volunteering in such organizations provide huge help
towards the environment. Personally as a student, I considered enrolling in Civic Welfare and
Training Service (CWTS) after I have read that it focuses on conducting community service
programs which would greatly help our environment. Knowing that environmental issues are
getting worse, CWTS program promotes environmental activities such as recycling, tree planting,
composting, etc. These activities aims to enhance civic consciousness of the students in order for
them to reflect on their commitments towards the nature. By simply conducting research on how
our daily routine could affect the environment can be a way to protect it from its threats, especially
when we ought to share our knowledge to other people regarding the issue, we might influence
them to conduct environmental movements.

Task #2
 Maka-Tao
As a member of my community, being maka-tao is one of the most important values that one must
possess. In my personal experience, I can consider myself as being maka-tao whenever I put into
consideration other people’s condition before making actions and decisions. Being maka-tao is
associated with having respect towards other people. As part of the community, I am being
understanding when it comes with expressing opinions. We all know that people have differences
in opinion and views on something, being maka-tao is when we never invalidate other people’s
opinion as we differ in our social status which makes us also differ in our personal viewpoints.
Personally, the values of being maka-tao applies when I limit myself on my human rights, because
sometimes taking advantage on my human rights could harm people, we must be aware that human
rights must both benefit you and other people, selfishness must not take place. With this
experience, I realized that being maka-tao should consider the importance of showing love,
freedom, peace, integrity, and equality towards everyone in the community rather than just
focusing on the personal benefits, people around us must always take into consideration.

 Maka-Bansa
As a Filipino citizen, it is important to have respect towards your country. Filipinos have to have
cooperation on how they can make the country a better place to live. Being Maka-Bansa has also
something to do with human rights, we all have the right to contribute on making the place peaceful
and organized. My personal experience that reflects in this values is that I always follow national
rules and laws, and I am able to recognize someone who would be the best leader that we can get
in our country. As have stated, “a good Filipino does not sell one’s rights or dignity as a person,
but instead entrusts the country’s welfare to the hands of someone whom he knows has the capacity
to govern well.” People should learn to prioritize the country’s state before making huge decisions
which could be a reason for the country’s downfall. With this, I realized that being maka-bansa is
someone who aspires to have an organized community through acting as one or unites in attaining
the same ambition for improving the community, being maka-bansa is also treating everyone
equally wherein the rights has been given fairly regardless of their status, being maka-bansa is
when we respect the nation’s law in order to make the community a safe place, and being maka-
tao will reflect by respecting the country through patronizing our own goods and serves our own
country rather than migrating. These will only happen if Filipinos would be able to unite as one
and nominate someone whom they have the same vision and mission for the country.

Task #3
Filipino citizens shares the same characters in the same community. These Filipino characters
strengthens one’s social life. Here are some of the characters that I think I possesses.
Pakikipag-kapwa tao
As an introvert person it is very hard for me to express myself with other people, but at the same
time I love building relationship and making friends with everyone I interact with. I always try to
help people as much as I can whole heartedly even if there are times I sacrifice things for the sake
of other people. I hate it when I feel intimidated with people, the reason why I bond with them as
much as I can to lessen the awkwardness. Pakikipag- kapwa tao comes with unity and cooperation
in achieving something as well as helping each other without any doubt, people have to unite and
come together in order to build stronger connection within each other. Personally, I show
pakikipag-kapwa tao by expressing my appreciation with people and by making them feel that
they deserves better treatment from the society.
Family Oriented
Openness within the family is something that is very important especially for kids. It encourages
them to trust their family which also strengthens the value of integrity. In my personal experience,
I stopped being open with my family as the distance between members occur because of some
family problems. That made me realized how important to prioritize family than anything else, as
the damage take place, it would be very hard for the family members to bring back the same bond
as before. However, now that I am already grown up, I realized that family problems is something
that we cannot avoid, but keep in mind that it is also something the must be resolved as it can affect
the life of everyone in the future. In the present time, I can say that I am now back to being family
oriented, I learned how to value the bond within the family and the openness as they are the only
people who knows me well and who would be there until the next years of our lives.
Joy and Humor
Positivity runs in the blood of all Filipinos, they tend to find humour in every situation even if they
are facing struggles. This serves as their coping mechanism to prevent stresses in their life which
also strengthens their relation with people. As a college student, we most likely feel drained and
stress because of the school works we need to comply, and in order to perceived stress we apply
humor on the things we do in order to feel motivated and cheerful reducing pressure. Filipinos are
known for being joyful and humorous, these are their strategies to face the problems they are
encountering. Family and academic problems could harm our mental health and the best way to
cope with these is through positivity. Personally whenever I feel hopeless I tend to go to my
friends’ house, mainly because we talk about things positively and we are our source of happiness
these past few years.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Change is constant especially for unstable people, adjustments are not that easy whenever change
takes place. But Filipinos are used to it, we tend to adapt things in just a short period of time
because we are used to changes. Filipinos are creative, we tend to continue improving things for
the betterment and satisfaction and this comes with being productive. Being productive enables us
to be immune in making adjustments as we are used to overloaded works to accomplish.
Personally, I have also faced different changes in the environment. During my elementary days, I
have transferred in more than three schools as we keep on moving places because of my father’s
work, and with that experience it made me flexible in environmental changes. That experience
made me realized how important adaptability is in order to survive my social life.
Hardwork and Industry
Hardwork is essential for every individual as it provides them different experiences that they can
hold unto until the future. As a student, I have already faced different circumstances that truly
challenged my beliefs in my own ability. Hardwork does not only means being productive, it is
also related with being resourceful and inventive. In my personal experience, back then there are
times that I do not have the capacity to do my school tasks due to lack in materials and insufficient
funds to provide, but as a resourceful person I looked for alternative materials that I can used to
accomplished my tasks rather than giving up. I always look for opportunities that I can get to gain
something that I can benefit with. After all, taking risks made me grow as an independent
individual with different experiences that I can make use of in the near future. I learned to work
harder and at the same time smarter.
Ability to survive
In my 18 years of living, there are different obstacles that I have faced where I learned different
lessons from. Filipinos are used to different struggles, they can endure heavy problems and can
still survive from it. Personally, I have the capacity to endure struggles as I encourage myself that
I can survive hard times by being just being strong and patient. Despite the difficulties I
encountered, I still managed to go this far firm and strong to face another challenges in life. I
believe that I am not the kind of person who easily give up on things without trying harder
considering all the achievements I have made. And I believe that I would still be able to grow
stronger and face worst struggles in life as I am determined enough to reach my goals in life despite
of the obstacles.

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