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Halliday’s Functions of Language

Function Examples Classroom

Instrumental "I want to ..." Problem solving,
language is used to gathering materials,
communicate preferences, role playing,
choices, wants, or needs persuading
Personal "Here I am ...." Making feelings
language is used to public and
express individuality interacting with
Interactional "You and me ...." Structured play,
language is used to interact "I'll be the dialogues and
and plan, develop, or cashier, ...." discussions,
maintain a play or group talking in groups
activity or social
Regulatory "Do as I tell you ...." making rules in
language is used to control "You need ...." games, giving
Representational "I'll tell you." Conveying messages,
Use language to explain "I know." telling about the real
world, expressing a
Heuristic "Tell me why ...." Question and answer,
language is used to find "Why did you do routines,
things out, wonder, or that?" inquiry and research
hypothesize "What for?"
Imaginative "Let's pretend ...." Stories and
language is used to create, "I went to my dramatizations,
explore, and entertain grandma's last night." rhymes, poems, and
riddles, nonsense and
word play

Michael Halliday (1975)

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