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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

Glen Tabotabo
BA Communication Print Journalism-A

John Destacamento
TTH 10:30-12:00 PM

Cebu Press Freedom 2020

How do we define freedom? I think it is something that we should value as an

individual because it is the right that we consider as part of our existential being. It is defined

from different aspects, and according to different cultures, freedom varies from culture to

another. I know that we have different views on how we define it. However, to me, the very

essence of this right is the awareness of a person's existence in this world. Every decision

you make in your life is your freedom, and you are accountable for how you make use of it.

We have the rationality to assess the situation around us that may pose a threat to our

freedom – that will compromise it. That is why we are motivated to speak and express our

dismay at the injustices of the system. We have something to fight for because we do not

want other people would take our freedom from us. We use our voice because it is the only

weapon that we can redress the abusive system. The system has silenced so many people

who only want to speak for their rights. But the system is trying to turn down those voices

because of their self-interest. That is why, as an individual with rights, we have to raise our

voices to be heard and give sound to those who are forcibly silent.
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

Freedom is essential to everyone because it is our innate right that our government

should be protecting. To speak without fear of condemnation is the right that we should have

in the environment where we live. Therefore, a fundamental human right is freedom of

speech. It is neither a politician prerogative nor is it a journalist right. Journalists exercise

every citizen's right to free speech. For a democratic society, a free press is fundamental. It

seeks out and circulates news, facts, ideas, comments, and opinions and holds to account

those in power. The press offers the platform to hear a multitude of voices. It is the public's

watchdog, activist, and protector, as well as educator, entertainer, and contemporary

chronicler at national, regional, and local levels.

The Cebu Press Freedom, which held every third week of September to commemorate

the declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines. It serves as a constant reminder to Cebu

journalists of the freedoms they lost during the Martial Law era and provides an opportunity

for them to come together to discuss how they can defend and maintain these freedoms. It

also acts as an avenue for them to address the issues and problems their career faces.

According to Fr. Jonathan Rubin, who celebrated the opening Mass at the Sto. Nino Parish in

Medellin town said, "the essence of the media industry and its freedom is not only the ability

to write or broadcast anything for or against a person, but to air what would guide the public

to do what is good." Occasions during the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic can be

arduous to celebrate as government meetings are restricted, and health experts rely on

safety procedures. However, amid the Covid-19 concerns, Cebu media leaders agreed on a
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

special Cebu Press Freedom Week 2020 celebration. In these difficult times, they were firm

on holding events to highlight the critical position of the media and to call on the public to

support a press free of interference or censorship.

This year's celebration was different because the event held online since there have

been no physical gatherings allowed due to Covid-29. Despite the situation, nothing has

stopped the people in the media industry from being Journalists. They are aware that their

role in society is relevant, especially they have to convey reliable information to the public

amidst this pandemic. Journalists are essential today because there are many fakes news

circulating on social media. However, journalists tagged as the conveyance of fake news, and

they are prone to cyber abuse. Those accusations did scare them to stop them from doing to

make this country a better place for everyone where voices of the people heard, where fake

news dissipates as media increasingly being used as information online.

This transition to a digital platform has reached a wider audience who can receive

relevant news. Fear in the face of uncertainty is easy to succumb, but there is room for a bit

of hope. A broader online presence means different kinds of content that can be produced by

the media. A highly critical social media audience, while not always with good outcomes,

promotes engagement and debate. A lean-and-mean newsroom leads to tighter financial

controls, ease of adaptation to change, and versatility.

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
College of Arts & Sciences
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 6814 local 140

The Cebu Press Freedom Week 2020 was not just an event to sit in and listen to the

discussion presented. This event has been an avenue to make a change, where people in the

industry of media and journalism talk about issues in society, where journalists are the

epicenter of the abusive system who are continuously doing what is best for the country and

the people. Through Cebu Press Freedom Week, those voices of the people who have been

silent in fear for so long will amplify sound for the voiceless. We all protect each other's rights

to achieve the freedom we deserve.

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