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Each day approximately 6,300 people die and what makes this haunting is that presently there are

83,513 people waiting for organs to be donated, yet each day 17 people die because they do not receive
a transplant ( These statistics show that people who are
waiting for organ transplants have a good chance at being saved and get what they need. The sad truth
is though, because of the lack of people willing to donate organs, many people will continue to wait for
organs to save their lives. ?Waiting lists of patients for organ transplants become longer as the need for
transplantable organs increases? (Sheehy 1). Think back to how someone might feel when a close
family member or friend dies. With out argument, the feeling one experiences when going through a
time like that is one of the most painful experiences. The feeling when one gets when they know that
they will never again see the person you loved so much, never hold them, touch them, experience their
presence. It is a horrible feeling. What many do not realize is simply by donating organs, you can help
someone else not have to deal with that pain.

     Organ donation is when someone who has died, has previously given permission for their organs to
be taken from their body and transplanted into someone else?s who because of some sort of medical
condition, can not survive off of their own. At the time of death one?s heart, intestine, ki.

Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population
organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is
not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these
techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of
organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation would more likely be on the rise. An effort is
needed throughout the world to make people aware of the benefits this process contains.Advances in
medical technology have made it possible to save someone’s life by a process of organ donation.
However, the scarcity of available organs is bringing the beneficial process down. By becoming an
organ donor, people engage in improving someone else’s life at no cost. Although the question of
religious or moral cost comes into effect, virtually there is no physical cost of becoming an organ
donor. Organ donation should be seen as the

For organ donation to increase, efforts must be directed to those who are not convinced that patients
better regarding the benefits and success of transplantation. Public education about organ donation
giving someone this privilege a person feels they are adding to another organ donation is in serious
need for more participants. Medical technology has made it possible to give people a second chance at
life and our public population is bringing this chance down. Educational Organ Donation-Why People
Do Not Become Donors Organ Donation-Why People Become Donors person’s life. Some reasons
people give this gift is simply from having a kind heart, they may find the people are donors, non-
donors or recipients, all the public should be aware that other person’s use for the organ more
important than their need or maybe just because they just have no use

There should be more investments in public education programs to promote the idea of organ
donation. Some reasons people give this gift is simply from having a kind heart, they may find
the other person's use for the organ more important than their need or maybe just because they
just have no use for the organ. Non-donors simply mistrust the organ donation system. Organ
Donation-Ways to Increase Awareness organ donation is in serious need for more participants.
Many non-donors have an overall mistrust of the medical community. The goal of this
coalition is to ensure every individual in the U. The role of a family must also improve. The
public needs to recognize the benefits of such a process. They have mistrust for the system in
regards to physicians and who physicians will award an organ to. " Religious aspects play a big
role in why people don't become donors, despite the fact that all major religious support organ
donation to save lives. Organ Donation-Public Education Needed For organ donation to
increase, efforts must be directed to those who are not convinced that donation is for the
common welfare. Public education about organ donation and volunteering for donation is
Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population
organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is
not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these
techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of
organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation would more likely be on the rise. An effort is
needed throughout the world to make people aware of the benefits this process contains.Advances in
medical technology have made it possible to save someone's life by a process of organ donation.
However, the scarcity of available organs is bringing the beneficial process down. By becoming an
organ donor, people engage in improving someone else's life at no cost. Although the question of
religious or moral cost comes into effect, virtually there is no physical cost of becoming an organ
donor. Organ donation should be seen as the "gift of life" but there are not enough logical explana

role in why people don't become donors, despite the fact that all major religious support organ donation
to on Donation and Advertising Council. The goal of this coalition is to ensure every individual in the
U.S. donors tend to seem more suspicious and distrustful. Many non-donors have an overall mistrust of
the Organ donation to some people is not the "gift of life," but "dying not whole." Religious aspects
play a big other person's use for the organ more important than their need or maybe just because they
just have no use organ donation is in serious need for more participants. Medical technology has made
it possible Organ Donation-Why People Do Not Become Donors

Organ Donation

Being an organ donor saves life, but only if you help. Ever since organ donation became a way of
saving lives, there has been a shortage of organ donators. Each day the organ transplant list gets longer
and the organs available for transplant become scarcer. Many people are dying because of not enough
organs are available. Although society put a lot of efforts on educating people to sign a little organ
donor card, people still misunderstand of the real meaning of this process. Actually, there are many
mistrusts of organ donation such as donnetc. To some of the public population, organ donation is a way
of saving life of another. However, some of them believe that it is unnecessary, morally incorrect and it
may even threaten their lives. Why shouldn¡¦t we donate our organs? Since those organs can save
others, why should we take them to the graveyard? After we die, those organs can keep functioning in
other¡¦s body, which means to continue our lives. In that sense, dispelling people¡¦s mistrust of organ
donation is highly essential for helping more people who are at the edge of their lives.

Organ donation used to be an ethical issue for those in the field of medicine , ethics , religion , and the law .
Nowadays , it seems to have been theoretically widely accepted , nevertheless , it is a known fact that in the
United States , two-thirds of patients who need transplants are left without organs (Rhodes . Given such a
condition , there is a renewed
need to talk about organ donation . In this essay , I shall try to establish that organ donation is not only
favorable but good a good act .
This point shall be established by first going through a teleological argument : organ donation leads to a lot of
favorable ends . After which ,I shall establish that organ donation does not only have good effects but is
deontologically good as well , that is , organ donation is itself a good act .
That organ donation leads to a number of good effects could be established by looking at the following facts ,
people are on the United States organ transplant waiting list , people die each day waiting for their turn to be
organ recipients , 3 , candidates are added to the transplant list every month (National Women 's Health
Information Center 1 , only , transplants were performed in (Mayo Foundation , paragraph 7 , and that we , as
individuals , could save as much as lives by being organ donors (National Women 's Health Information
Center 1 . If each of us could save as much as people by
donating our organs , just imagine the number of...

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