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1. Complete with have got/ has got

1. Max_________________ black hair.
2. The horse ______________________ a brown tail.
3. We ___________________ new toys.
4. Our dog __________________small ears.
5. My brother ____________________a new computer
6. The cats _____________________big tails.
7. Jill ___________________ brown eyes.
8. Mum ______________________ a camera.
9. We _________________________ big balloons.

2. Circle the correct answer:

1. A cat has/ have got a tail.
2. A pig hasn’t /haven’t got hair.
3. I hasn’t / haven’t got blue eyes.
4. Cows haven’t/ hasn’t got hands.
5. My sister hasn’t / haven’t got long hair.
6. Katy haven’t / hasn’t got a kite.
7. Rabbits haven’t / hasn’t got small ears.
8. Horses have / has got strong legs.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Has dad got a camera? No, _________________
2. Have birds got hands? No, ___________________
3. Has he got a balloon? Yes, _____________________
4. Has the girl got black hair? No, ___________________
5. Have they got big noses? Yes, ______________________

4. Fill in the blanks with have got or has got:

Look at the family. They are happy. They _________________ a new house. They
_________________ a new cat. It ________________ a white head and black feet. The children
________________ many toys. The girl _______________ dolls and the boy _______________ a

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