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Roman symbols

a, b, c computational cell lengths m

a generic variable
a parameter describing the logarithmic wind profile
a coefficient in system of equations
a acceleration m/s²
an normal acceleration m/s²
at tangential acceleration m/s²
b parameter in raindrop-size distribution of Best mm
b term in system of equations
b, c vertical dimensions of wind enegy roof m
c speed of sound in air m/s
c instantaneous concentration
c integration constant
c(θ) Weibull parameter for wind direction θ m/s
c integration constant
cp specific heat capacity J/(kg.K)
d diameter mm
d distance m
ewdr wind-driven-rain error for the ratio Swdr/Sh -
f(d) probability density of raindrop size (in air volume) m-1
fh(d) probability density of raindrop size (through a horizontal plane) m-1
fd drag term (athletics) N/kg
fm maintenance term (athletics) N/kg
fs drive term (athletics) N/kg
fv velocity term (athletics) N/kg
g gravitational constant m/s²
h height of water column m
h reference grid spacing m
hc convective heat-transfer coefficient W/m²K
hIBL height of the internal boundary layer (IBL) m
k thermal conductivity W/mK
k(θ) Weibull parameter for wind direction θ -
k turbulent kinetic energy m²/s²
kP turbulent kinetic energy at point P m²/s²
kS physical roughness height m

kS+ nondimensional physical roughness height -
m mass kg
m parameter in raindrop-size distribution of Best -
n number of terms -
p instantaneous pressure Pa
p0 reference pressure Pa
pc pressure in point c Pa
pdyn instantaneous dynamic pressure Pa
psurf surface pressure Pa
pinl inlet static pressure Pa
pst instantaneous static pressure Pa
p order of the discretization scheme -
q parameter in raindrop-size distribution of Best -
sij strain rate s-1
t time s
t0 total time s
y co-ordinate normal to the wall m
y0 aerodynamic roughness length m
yP distance from point P to the wall m
yref reference height m
y* dimensionless wall co-ordinate y-star -
y+ dimensionless wall co-ordinate y-plus -
y0+ largest roughness length m
yv physical thickness of the viscous sublayer m
yv* dimensionless physical thickness of the viscous sublayer -
u, v, w x, y and z component of the instantaneous wind-velocity vector m/s
u’, v’, w’ fluctuating part of u, v, w m/s
ux derivative of x with respect to x 1/s
u friction velocity (u-tau) m/s
u* friction velocity (u-star) m/s
u*ABL friction velocity in ABL log-law m/s
u dimensionless fluid speed -
uw along-track wind speed m/s
v magnitude of instantaneous velocity vector m/s
vx, vy, vz x, y and z component of instantaneous velocity vector m/s
w passage width m
x, y, z Cartesian co-ordinates m
xv vapour concentration g/kg
z height above sea level m
z0 aerodynamic roughness length m
zG gradient height m
zref reference height m

A area (frontal area for athletics and cycling) m²

A1, A2 constants

Ad equivalent frontal area (based on equivalent diameter) of a raindrop m²
Af area on a building facade m²
Af(d) area on a building facade bounded by the end positions of raindrops m²
of diameter d
Ag area of a horizontal surface at ground level m²
Ah area of a horizontal surface at a certain height above ground m²
Ah(d) area of a horizontal surface bounded by the injection positions of m²
raindrops of diameter d
A(θ) Weibull parameter for wind direction θ -
B width m
B constant in logarithmic law-of-the-wall -
C mean concentration
C1 … C6 integration constants -
C1, C2 constants/parameters in standard and realizable k- turbulence -
Cd drag coefficient -
CKS, Cs roughness constant -
C parameter in k- turbulence model -
CP pressure coefficient -
D drag force N
D distance m
D molecular mass diffusion coefficient m²/s
Dθ,t turbulent heat diffusivity m²/s
Dc,t turbulent mass diffusivity m²/s
E energy kWh
Ewdr wind-driven-rain error mm
F force N
F flux or flow rate kg/s
FF free-field flux kg/s
FP passage flux kg/s
Farch Archimedes force N
FD drag force N
Fr Froude number -
Fs Safety factor -
F(d) fraction of liquid water in air with raindrops of diameter < d -
Gx, Gy, Gz body force per unit volume N/m³
Gk production of turbulent kinetic energy kg/ms³
Gr Grashof number -
H height m
H higher order terms
IA airfield annual index mm
IS airfield spell index mm
Iu, Iv, Iw turbulence intensity in x, y, z direction -
IWA wall annual index mm
IWS wall spell index mm

K wind speed amplification factor -
Kx amplification factor of x-component of wind speed -
L temperature lapse rate K/m
L non-aerodynamic resistance (cycling) N
L (characteristic) length m
Lb (characteristic) length for the building m
Lt turbulence length scale m
M parameter in raindrop-size distribution of Best -
M molar mass of dry air kg/mol
M mass of athlete kg
Ma Mach number -
N number -
O obstruction factor -
P mean pressure Pa
P∞ mean pressure in free stream Pa
P centre point of the wall-adjacent cell -
P exceedance probability -
P propulsion force N
Prt turbulent Prandtl number -
Q Volumeric flow rate m³/s
R terrain roughness factor -
R ideal gas constant J/(mol.K)
R residual
R rain intensity mm/h
R ground reaction force N
Rh horizontal rainfall intensity mm/h
Rh(d) specific horizontal rainfall intensity mm/h
Rwdr wind-driven rain intensity mm/h
Rwdr(d) specific wind-driven rain intensity mm/h
Re Reynolds number -
Reb Building Reynolds number -
Rex,cr critical Reynolds number -
Rey local wall-based Reynolds number -
ReR relative Reynolds number -
S separation point
S rain sum mm
Sct turbulent Schmidt number -
S0 meteorological rain sum mm
Sh horizontal rainfall sum mm
Sh(d) specific horizontal rainfall sum mm
Sij mean strain rate s-1
ST modulus of the mean rate-of-strain tensor s-1
Swdr wind-driven rain sum mm
Swdr(d) specific wind-driven rain sum mm
T topography factor -

T total time s
T absolute temperature K
Tref absolute reference temperature K
Tw absolute wall temperature K
T0 absolute standard temperature K
U, V, W x, y, z component of mean wind-velocity vector m/s
U mean streamwise horizontal wind speed (in x-direction) m/s
U relative air speed (in athletics and cycling) m/s
U0 reference wind speed m/s
Upot potential wind speed m/s
UH reference wind speed at height H m/s
Ue equivalent wind speed m/s
U10 reference wind speed at 10 m height m/s
UP mean wind speed at point P m/s
Uref reference mean wind speed m/s
UREL relative mean wind speed (relative speed of air around a raindrop) m/s
UT fluid speed tangential to the wall m/s
UWT wind-tunnel speed m/s
U∞ free-stream air speed m/s
V magnitude of mean wind velocity m/s
V characteristic velocity m/s
V volume m³
VH mean wind speed at height H m/s
Vg wind speed at gradient height m/s
Vt terminal velocity of fall of a raindrop m/s
W wall factor -

g gravitational vector m/s²

r position vector of a raindrop m

v instantaneous wind-velocity vector m/s

raindrop-velocity vector m/s
v drop

R rain-intensity vector mm/h

Rd specific rain-intensity vector mm/h

Greek symbols

 (adapted) wind-driven-rain coefficient s/m

 power-law exponent -
γ angle of deformation under shear stress rad
ij Kronecker delta -
, 99 boundary-layer thickness m

 turbulence dissipation rate m²/s³
h discretization error
 factor in Taylor series expansion
 catch ratio -
d specific catch ratio -
 temperature °C, K
 angle °
 von Karman constant -
 dynamic molecular viscosity kg/ms
t dynamic turbulent viscosity kg/ms
 kinematic molecular viscosity m²/s
t kinematic turbulent viscosity m²/s
 density kg/m³
w water density kg/m³
k turbulent Prandtl number for k -
 turbulent Prandtl number for  -
u, v, w standard deviation of turbulent fluctuations in x, y, z direction m/s
 shear stress Pa
h truncation error on a mesh with reference spacing h
w wall shear stress N/m²
,  wind direction (degrees from north) °
h exact solution of discretized equations on a mesh with reference
spacing h
 specific dissipation rate s-1

t time step s
x mesh spacing in x-direction m
y mesh spacing in y-direction m
 mean temperature °C, K
 scalar variable (mean)
 exact solution of the differential or integral equations
 rotation speed rad/s


∂ partial derivative
div divergence operator
grad gradient operator
lim limit
 symbolic operator representing the exact solution of a system of equations
Lh symbolic operator representing the algebraic equation system that results from
discretization of a system of equations on a mesh with reference spacing h


ABL Atmospheric Boundary Layer

ACH Air Change per Hour
AF Amplification Factor
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIJ Architectural Institute of Japan
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BLWTL Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory
BR Blockage ratio
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Levy
COST Co-operation in Science and Technology
CV Control Volume
CWE Computational Wind Engineering
DNS Direct Numerical Simulation
DP Dropped Position
ERCOFTAC European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and
GCI Grid Convergence Indicator
HWA Hot-Wire Anemometry
IAAF International Assocation of Athletics Federations
IAWE International Assocation for Wind Engineering
ICWE International Conference on Wind Engineering
LDA Laser-Doppler Anemometry
LES Large Eddy Simulation
LIF Laser-Induced Fluorescence
NWF Non-equilibruim Wall Function
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction
PIV Particle Image Velocimetry
PMMA PolyMethylMetAcrylate
RANS Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes
SGS Sub-Grid Scale
SIMPLE Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations
SST Shear-Stress Transport
SWF Standard Wall Function
TI Turbulence Intensity
TT¨P Time Trial Position
TUE or TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology
UP Upright Position
VKI Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
WDR Wind-Driven Rain
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WT Wind tunnel


qdf ensemble averaging or time averaging

fs full scale
ms model scale
nb number


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