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Use the verbs in the correct form.

put cut cost set hit

teach catch bring think buy
fight drive break write ride
read meet sleep sit feel

1. She ________ her finger when she was trying to cook.

2. The painting wasn’t beautiful but ________ a lot of money.

3. When her computer ________ down, she asked a friend to ________ up new software.

4. After she moved to Canada, she ________ maths to children.

5. He ________ he couldn’t sleep on a plane, but he ________ like a baby during the whole flight.

6. When Jim and Harry were children, they didn’t like each other and often ________.

7. He didn’t remember where he ________ his wallet.

8. When she ________ her future husband, he was a young adventurer and always got into trouble.

9. After she ________ her first car, she ________ everywhere and stopped walking at all.

10. Their cat ________ a mouse and ________ it into the kitchen with a very proud look on his face.

11. The guests were shocked when Jack ________ the host.

12. She never ________ any emails to her friends, but always ________ with pleasure when she got


13. When she was at school, she ________ a motorbike with her father every evening.

14. There were so many people at the party, so she ________ on the floor when they started to watch


15. When she argued with her mother, she ________ really bad.

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