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6to ARTE

Group names: Chiara Girardi

The Leg of Lamb (pages 72 and 73)
Briefly summarize what happens/the main events. Remember to be consistent when
using either past or present tenses. e.g. “this character told/tells the other that…” It’s
ok if you are using present tenses and need to use the simple past in one or two
sentences. The problem is when you write one paragraph using present tenses and the
following using past tenses.
Mary Maloney, anxiously awaits the arrival of her husband to receive him as he
deserves after an exhausting day as a police officer. He arrives concerned, and at the
woman's insistence that he have something to eat, he informs her of his decision to
leave her. The impact that the news produces on her is of such magnitude that,
without thinking, she goes to the refrigerator to make dinner where she finds a
frozen leg of lamb with which she strongly hits her husband, causing him an instant
Maloney returns home with the vegetables Thursday night to cook dinner for her
husband. “Do everything well and naturally”, she told herself. “Keep things natural
and there will be no need to act at all.” Therefore, when she entered the kitchen
through the back door, she was humming a tune to herself and smiling. "Patrick!"
she called. "How are you darling?" He put the package on the table and went into
the living room; and when she saw him lying on the ground with his legs bent and
one arm twisted back under his body, it really was a shock. All the old love and
longing for him welled up inside her, and she ran to him, knelt beside him, and began
to cry.
When detectives arrive at the scene of the crime they find a wife mourning the dead
man with a perfect alibi.

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