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Nataliia: Jarhead clan"?

And it worked?

Ira: Hey, I'm practically family.

They're gonna study me. I have to learn to be one of them.

Nataliia: That's called taking the initiative, son.

I wish I had 10 more like you.

Ruslana: Look, Sully. Sully.

Just find out what the blue monkeys want.

You know, I mean, we try to give them medicine, education, roads.

But no, no, no, they like mud.

And that wouldn't bother me, it's just that they're-

Hey, can you- Can somebody just- Sector 12.

Okay, go, go, go, stop. Stop-

Rich, stop! That's- Jesus!

Their damn village happens to be resting on the richest unobtanium deposit

within 200 klicks in any direction. I mean, look at all that cheddar!

Ira: Well, who gets them to move?

Nataliia: Guess.

Ira: What if they won't go?

Nataliia: I'm betting that they will.

Ruslana: Okay, okay, okay, okay, hey. Look. Look.

Killing the indigenous looks bad, but there's one thing that shareholders hate more
than bad press, and that's a bad quarterly statement. I didn't make up the rules.
So just find me a carrot that'll get them to move, otherwise it's gonna have to be all
stick. Okay?

Nataliia: You got three months. That's when the 'dozers get there.

Ira: Well, we're wasting time.

Ruslana: I like this guy.

Nataliia: Okay, let's run through them again.

Ira: Mo'at. Dragon lady.

Ira: Eytucan.

Nataliia: Eytukan. He's the clan leader.

But she's the spiritual leader. Like a shaman.

Ira: Got it.


Nataliia: Tsu'tey.

Ira: Tsu'tey.

Nataliia: He'll be the next clan leader.

Ira: Neytiri.

Nataliia: She'll be the next Tsahik

They become a mated pair.

Ira: So who's this Eywa?

Ruslana: Who's Eywa?

Only their deity. Their goddess, made up of all living things.

Everything they know!

You'd know this if you had any training whatsoever.

Ira: Who's got a date with the chief's daughter?

Ruslana: Come on. That's--

Nataliia: All right, knock it off, you two.

Let's go. Village life starts early.

Don't do anything unusually stupid.

Easy, boy.

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