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Incoming years, the world is facing new problems such as the lack of land, due to the
growing population and fast urban developments. Many developed island countries
and countries with long coastlines in need of land have for some time now been
successfully reclaiming land from the sea to create new space and, correspondingly,
to ease the pressure on their heavily-used land space. In response to the
aforementioned needs and problems, researchers and engineers have proposed an
interesting and attractive solution the construction of very large floating structures

At present, most of the small countries require increase in their governorship territory,
so it is possible to establish the Island even in burial place of garbage. Oceans create
71% of land surface. Some of the rich countries began to colonize primarily the oceans
and so, increase their homeland territory or form the new homeland territory through
it that this is similar to the old idea of making large ship in ocean.

At present, formation of floating cities on natural ice of South Pole is called as floating
cities in world. History of construction of floating cities is returned to Kiyamori Laira
in 12th Century. A person designed the floating city in coastal waters of Kobe for the
first time (Watanabe and colleagues).

At present, most of the countries such as Netherlands, Singapore and Japan benefit
the floating countries to increase their homeland territory. Structural and civil
engineers are introduced to the world of very large floating structures (VLFS) that
have been gradually appearing in the waters off developed coastal cities (and
countries with coastlines). Their presence is largely due to a severe shortage of land
and the sky-rocketing land costs in recent times.


Very large floating structures (VLFSs) or very large floating platforms (VLFPs) are
artificial islands, which may be constructed to create floating airports, bridges,
breakwaters, piers and docks, storage facilities (for oil and natural gas), wind and
solar power plants, for military purposes, to create industrial space, emergency bases,
entertainment facilities (such as casinos), recreation parks, mobile offshore structures
and even for habitation. Currently, several different concepts have been proposed for

building floating cities or huge living complexes. Some units have been constructed
and are presently in operation. Floating structures offer several advantages over more
permanent structures which might extend from the shore into open water:

 They do not damage the marine eco-system;

 They do not cause silt deposition in deep harbors;
 They do not disrupt the ocean currents;
 They are easy to construct, since much of the construction is completed
 Installation is rapid;
 They are immune to seismic shock


As aforementioned, many different types of structures have been built in the sea as
floating platforms in order to expand the living space or for functional uses. It started
with small structures as illustrated and ended with architects designing offshore
floating cities to absorb urban expansion in the years to come, which will be referred
to in the research as the “Floating City”. By 2020, it is expected to establish the first
Floating City, with significant political autonomy. To the research, an “Floating City”
is the city where its residents live and work permanently on a floating or underwater
structure, on offshore shallow waters or on open-ocean in deep water. The city can be
fixated in a certain place or free to move and travels like a ship or a submarine with
different promising visions and constructive plans to deal with multiple scenarios .
Developed from these visions, the “Floating City” will be classified into three main
types; a floating city, a submersed city and a semi- submersed city.

The basic characteristic of floating homes is that the building is not supported by a
firm foundation, but floats on water. Traditional foundations are therefore not
required. The position of a floating home is permanently fixed in a horizontal
direction, while it can flexibly follow vertical variations in water level. A floating
home is recognized (under Dutch law) as immovable real estate, because a building’s
position is fixed in horizontal direction.

The base of a floating home consists of a floating mechanism that secures the
building’s buoyancy. The bottom level of the entire construction should be at least 1
meter from the water bottom in order to maintain favourable water quality conditions.
It is essential that a floating building never touches firm ground, because the
construction is not designed for such conditions. The floating mechanism that is
positioned at the basis of the floating structure can consist of high-density EPS
(expanded poly-styrene) or a hollow, concrete structure.

Hollow space can be used for storage of light goods. Floating homes can have terraces
that can be regarded as a small-scale version of traditional gardens. Infrastructure
connections to floating buildings should be designed so at to be able flexibly cope
with expected water level variations


 EPS(Expanded Polystyrene)
 Rexwall Composite panel
 Concrete Pontoons 2400, 3000
Polystyrene is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene, a
liquid petrochemical. Polystyrene can be rigid or foamed. General purpose
polystyrene is clear, hard and brittle. It is a very inexpensive resin per unit weight.

Density: 1.05 g/cm³

Melting point: 240 °C

Formula: (𝐶 𝐻 )

IUPAC ID: poly(1-phenylethene-1,2-diyl)


The developed sandwich plate is laminated on both sides by special process with
different core`s. A flame retardant has been added to ensure that the material can
complies with Fire Safety Standards. The plates can be bonded together to
produce a tightly closed seal that is maintained even after decades of continuous
building- physical stresses.  A carefully coordinated process gives the plates a
high measure of strength to produce a strong, insulating wall that is resistant to

dynamic stresses (low energy manner of construction) with a surface that has the
final structure of a facade. The enormous strength is the result of the sandwich
construction in conjunction with the tear-resistant glass-fibre fabric. The
technically defined dew point, combined with the outstandingly adjusted
transverse diffusion of room air, exclude the formation of condensate. The
material does not absorb any moisture so that condensation water cannot form.


The All-Concrete represents the latest know-how and design of the Marinetek
pontoon portfolio. It is light and inexpensive but still gives a very long service
life. Its’ innovative end-to-end connection box, mooring wells and lifting system
are all rust- proof. Internal cable ducts are available for water and electricity. The
Pontoon has been designed for economic freight, easy installation and for modern
marinas. Pontoon length can be chosen in 3 m intervals because of the 9 m long
float. Mooring is by piles, chain or Seaflex.


 Lily pad floating city

 Water-Scraper
 Floating Ecoptopia city
 The Ark

Figure 6.1 The Citidel, Netherlands



Floating house is inspired by the symbiotic relation between tree and fungus.
House is constructed of two parts: the backbone as the tree and the capsules as
the fungus. Backbone supports the capsules and transports ‘nutrients’ such as
energy, water and waste. Through symbiosis they form a comfortable living


Floating pavilion features a demand-driven climate system. A lot of energy and
material is saved by putting it only where it’s needed. Solar transmission is
regulated by applying reflective printing to the foil.


Vital parts of the building, such as the auditorium , are situated within an
insulated inner shell. Ventilation air is dried by a sorption material. During cold
days the solar panels are used as a regular heating device.



A Dutch design firm has proposed building floating annexes to the world’s major
cities that would absorb growing urban populations and produce food and energy
from the land-based cities’ waste. They estimate that by moving just 13% of the
world’s urban population onto these floating developments the impending global
scarcity of arable land caused by population growth and environmental
degradation can be averted. This “Blue Revolution”, envisaged by the young
Delft-based firm, DeltaSync, would lead to a balance between humanity’s needs
and the limits of the planet.


Floating cities attached to existing coastal cities would ease that pressure not
only by giving people somewhere to live but, more importantly, by acting as
massive farms for algae, which can produce biofuels, food and livestock feed –
all while eating the carbon dioxide and polluting inorganic nutrients cities

As an energy source, algae turn carbon into high density natural oils while at the
same time extracting inorganic nutrients from the water. According to the
literature, potential yields of microalgae are estimated to be five to 60 times
higher than yields of oilseed crops, while algae consumes 150 to 300 times less


Algae also contain protein and carbohydrates, and can be used as food for
humans, and as feed for fish and some livestock. The researchers discovered that
chicken feed can be up to 10% algae. For pigs that goes up to 35%. Cows and
other ruminants can’t, however, digest algae carbohydrates.

DeltaSync sees a powerful symbiosis between the land city and its offshore
annex: in goes the waste, pollutants and carbon dioxide (captured from
smokestacks) and out comes food and biofuels, which otherwise would require
arable land to grow.


The efficient management strategy for water can be expanded to the water use
of the floating city’s inhabitants. Cities use clean water as an input and produce
wastewater as an output. Rainwater is a resource that is not often utilized –
instead it is mainly converted into wastewater in combined sewer systems.
However, rainwater can be applied for many purposes. On a seastead in
particular, rainwater could be an important resource of freshwater. If rainwater
will not be collected, fresh water would need to be imported or produced locally
from desalination of seawater.


One of the anticipations of The Seasteading Institute is to settle in tropical
climate zones. One of the benefits of these regions is the availability of a vast
amount of solar power. Solar panels generate electrical power by converting
solar radiation into direct current electricity with semiconductors. The amount
of electricity solar panels can produce depends on the local solar radiation, or
‘insolation’. In the case of Honduras, this is around 6 kWh/m²/day or 2190
kWh/m² annually (average). The efficiency of the panels is currently around

15% but increasing rapidly. Expectations are that by 2015 solar panels will be
competing with regular electricity prices.


The energy needs of the city are met by OTEC. Ocean thermal energy
conversion (OTEC) generates electricity indirectly from solar energy by
harnessing the temperature difference between the sun-warmed surface of
tropical oceans and the colder deep waters. Since OTEC exploits renewable
solar energy, recurring costs to generate electrical power are minimal.

Figure 8.1 Process of OTEC


 Unique and promising growth market.

 Creates new space in densely populated areas.
 Combines urban development and water retention.
 Safe and climate proof solution.
 Offers urban flexibility and movable buildings.


Floating city has many advantages. As urban development grows in land-scarce

countries or countries with long coastlines, resorting to floating city to decrease the
existing load on heavily-used land is the best solution, since it creates additional
spaces for new cities to ease the over-population. Furthermore, living in water is a

reasonable solution to the dilemma of environmental collapse since to some experts,
it will be less expensive and easier to accomplish than building in space. Floating city
also provides a testing ground for new water, energy and floating technology
solutions. It provides freshwater produced using condensation of precipitation or
desalinization and energy developed from sunlight by using solar panels and from
wind by using wind turbines. In addition, its design can allow it the flexibility to move
around the world as submarines or ships or position itself offshore as a fixed structure,
providing movability, dynamic geography, water experience and sea keeping. The
city that will be constructed offshore or in bays will be easier for its citizens to travel
to and from the existing land-city and acquire goods and services when needed.
Moreover, fresh seafood is easy to deliver from the bottom of the ocean. However,
most of the aqua cities are self-sufficient and can also use the Blue Revolution
technology which allows for remediating the environment and high technology food
production ways. Finally, one of the main advantages of an floating city is being a
smart, sustainable, livable and resilient city.


For its disadvantages, one of Floating city greatest challenges is transnational law
since it can support populations large enough to create a new state in itself. In addition,
crucial needs such as emergency evacuation systems and environmental controls,
used for air supply and humidity, use technological advances that will need high
maintenance and observation to avoid their failure. Also cooking underwater,
although possible, will be prevented because of the smells it produce, since fumes are
felt stronger in static air, unless special technology is found to contradict its effect.
Other factors that present challenges are mooring, wave breaking, comfort and costs
of the city, which depend greatly on the sea depth, the large waves, tides, winds and
storms. The city must also be guarded against disasters especially hurricanes, since if
not protected well it can lead to total loss of the city. In addition, a submersed city
will face another challenges such as scalding volcanic fluids, ravaging storms and
bone-crushing pressures



With global sea levels predicted to rise significantly over the next century due
to climate change, a lot of people living in low lying areas are expected to be
displaced from their homes. Architect Vincent Callebaut has come up with a
possible relocation destination for these climate change refugees in the form of
the “Lilypad” concept – a completely self-sufficient floating city that would
accommodate up to 50,000.

With a shape inspired by the highly ribbed leaf of Victoria water lilies, the
double skin of the floating “ecopolis” would be made of polyester fibers covered
by a layer of titanium dioxide, which would react with ultraviolet rays and
absorb atmospheric pollution via a photocatalytic effect in the same way as the
air-purifying concrete and paving stones we looked at last year.

Three marinas and three mountains would surround a centrally located artificial
lagoon that is totally immersed below the water line to act as ballast for the city.
The three mountains and marinas would be dedicated to work, shopping and
entertainment, respectively, while suspended gardens and aquaculture farms
located below the water line would be used to grow food and biomass.

The floating city would also include the full complement of renewable energy
technologies, including solar, thermal, wind, tidal, and biomass to produce more
energy than it consumes. The Lilypads could be located close to land or set free
to follow the ocean currents wherever they may lead.

While Callebaut‘s Lilypad concept is admirable in its aim of providing a home

for displaced climate change refugees, it seems that these same people would be
the last ones to be able to afford a place on what would likely be an enormously
expensive piece of real estate.

Callebaut’s hope that the Lilypad becomes a reality by 2100 might also make it
too late to benefit those worst affected by any rise in sea levels. Still, like the
Green Float and Ark Hotel concepts, it’s an eye-catching design that will
hopefully get people thinking about ways to tackle the looming problem of
climate change refugees.

Figure 12.1 Lilipad floating city
Throughout history, through his need for civilization, man has created buildings that
consume resources. The skyscraper is the epitome of this voracious consumption,
its highly dense grouping of activities ie work, play, rest etc has become an ominous
harbingers of our ecologically bleak future. As a reaction to the modern skyscrapers
and its dilemmas the world’s eminent minds have created many variations of the
skyscraper in the form of the antithetical subscrapers, groundscrapers and even
depth scraper. Yet still they still struggle to achieve zero input/zero output in terms
of resource production. There are greenscrappers which , though themselves are
ecologically sound, are tied to and urban fabric and interconnection of production
networks which are still contributing negatively towards the environment.

The water scraper proposes to break free of the urban fabric and functions as self-
sufficient ambassadors in the sea. The water scraper is an autonomous floating unit
of livable, functional and self sustaining space which will function, in a collective
manner, as a floating city. It is self sufficient as it generates its own power through
wave, wind, current, solar, bio etc. and it generates its own food through farming,
aquaculture, hydroponics etc. It carries with its own small forest on top its back and
supports places for users to live and works in its depths. Its bioluminescent tentacles
provide sea fauna a place to live and congregate while collecting energy through its
kinetic movements. Such sustainability strategies aim to ultimately create and

provide an oasis with ‘Zero’ negative impacts to the environment, not only that but
also improves on it hence the ’Plus’. Aptly as poetic antithesis to a skyscraper which
goes up into the heavens the water scraper goes down to the depths of the sea.

The main components of the programme for the water scraper consist of resource
generation (i.e. power, food, air etc), living, work, play, waste treatment and
maintenance. The programme is spread evenly in accordance to the proximity of any
specific required external resource i.e. the wind generators are placed of the roof
garden island, the livestock farming component is also placed there, the living areas
are placed just below sea level where the natural light is the best etc.

The building itself is kept upright using a system of ballast and balancing tanks. The
tentacles also serve as balancing elements as they, in generating their power, are
constantly moving with the rhythm of the tide. The buoyancy and ballast controls
are placed at the lowest portions to create the proper counterforce for keeping the
building upright.

In the finality, we envision a future where land as a resource will be scarce; it is only
natural progression that we create our own. Approximately 71% of the Earth’s
surface is ocean, even more if climate change has its way, hence it is only natural
progression that we will populate the seas someday. We picture a new metapolis,
created from a collection of water scrapers, as a city that does not consume nature
but creates and produces nature. In the end becoming Water Cities.


 It is hard to say if constructing a floating structure on water will become a

significant trend, but it has been proven that it is possible.
 Taking into consideration that climate change is affecting the way of living more
and more , people will have to adapt to new technologies, and building on
water might be the next step in the ladder of construction industry.
 We have already seen disasters all over the world , the flooding in new Orleans,
the tsunami in Asia and the rising sea levels in the Maldives.
 Although it might have more advantages and disadvantages , people think that
living on water is still far from the best solution of combating the climate
 It is not easy to revolutionize the building industry . It requires a lot of changes ,
and not only in the way of life but in the way of thinking as well. But if we wait
for drastic effects from climate change it might be too late.


1. Carl RTF, McCullough RR : Conceptual Design of a Floating Island City. The Journal
of Ocean Technology Spin drift.

2. Graaf R, Fremouw MB, buren V, Czapiewskak, Kujiper M (2012) Floating city ijmeer
acelerator for delta technology. Delta Sync 04, Rhine, Floating City IJmeer pp: 1-23.

3. Kashiwagi M, Endo K and Yamaguchi H. Wave drift forces and moments on two
ships arranged side by side in waves. Ocean Engrg.; 32, pp. 529-55.

4. Roeffen B, Zanon BBD, Czapiewska KM, Graaf de RE (2012) Reducing global land
scarcity with floating urban development.

5. White J : Floating cities could redefine human existence. New Scientist 215: 26-27.


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