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Shalom Farms

When I learned about this assignment, I was very excited to use this as an opportunity

to offer my service to an organization that benefitted the community directly. Upon

arrival, I first noticed how close the location was to my home. Shalom Farms is located

on a twelve-acre plot of land by the James River. I also couldn’t help but feel more at

peace while I was driving on the long, gravel road that led to the farm overlooking the

river in Powhatan; it made me feel at home.

There were barns, green houses, and a few fields where crops were being grown. I was

greeted by a young woman who led our group to an outdoor “classroom” where we

would listen to a brief history about the farm and their contributions to the community. At

this point, another employee took us on a tour of the farm and then to the area where we

would help plant cabbage and kale. The air was fresh and the only noise we could hear

was the faint sound of cars on the interstate and the consistent breeze blowing through the

farm. Every so often, I would catch a whiff of the warm greens being grown in the green

houses. It was an extremely peaceful environment. On this particular day, we would plant

vegetables to be harvested in approximately a month or two; this produce is either sold

directly from the farm or given to other programs/stores so that lower-income families

have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

I joined a group of six other volunteers, including two of the employees, for a three-

hour session on the farm. While planting the crops, I met another woman who is currently

working as a registered nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital. We talked with each other and she

mentioned that she had previously come to Shalom Farms to offer her service in the fall.

She has six children and has been working as a nurse for more than thirty years; despite a
full life at home/work, she still found it essential to volunteer and serve the community in

any capacity. Even though our volunteer shift lasted from 9:00 am to noon, she stayed a

little while longer to help out with some other tasks that needed to be done. These

qualities show an exemplary Servant Leader.

When the experience was over, I was physically tired and a little sore form working

on my hands and knees. However, I felt very energized and grateful to have been able to

not only serve my community directly, but also provide healthy options to families that

have a difficult time getting to a local grocery store. I would definitely be interested in

volunteering with this organization again in the near future.

While I am a homebody who enjoys spending time relaxing with my boyfriend and

dog, this experience has invigorated my spirit and I wish to volunteer more of my time to

those who are less fortunate. There are many different ways to serve your community as a

Servant Leader, but I get the most joy out of programs/projects that serve them directly

and immediately. I look forward to continuing my education with Bon Secours so I am

able to visit areas where its’ residents do not have easy access to health care or treatment.

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