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Quantum Field Theory 1 Homework 3

Arjun Dey (

May 18, 2020

1. A theory of two scalar fields

(a) For computing iM upto O(λn ) draw all the connected, amputated diagrams with n vertices

and for each diagram:

(a) For internal propagator of the field φ with momentum p:

p2 − m2 + i
(b) For internal propagator of the field σ with momentum p:
p2 − M 2 + i
(c) For each vertex:


= −iλδ (4) (p1 + p2 + p3 ) (3)
(d) Integrate over each undetermined loop momentum

d4 p
(e) Divide by symmetry factor.
(f) Remove the overall delta function.

Note that:
• We have used solid lines for φ fields and dashed lines for σ fields.
• The vertex gives −iλ instead of −i λ2 , we can see it when we perform the perturbative expansion
of the exponential.
• We don’t need the external lines for computing the scattering amplitude. Anyways, external
lines for both the fields φ and σ gives 1.

Quantum Field Theory 1 Arjun Dey ( Homework 3

(b) The Lagrangian has scaling dimension 4 so 2 + [φ] = 4 =⇒ [φ] = 1. Similarly, [σ] = 1.
∴ [λ] + 2[φ] + [σ] = 4 =⇒ [λ] = 1.
That means λ has the dimensions of energy. For some process (like 2 → 2 scattering), say the
particles have energy E1 , . . . En and minimum of that energy is E i.e. min(E1 , . . . En ) = E,
then we need λ << E for perturbation theory in λ to be valid.
(c) Using the momentum space Feynman rules described above and removing the factor i, we can
directly write down the total scattering amplitude of the two diagrams:

Note that there are only two diagrams. The second and third diagrams are the same. I drew
them just for the clarification.
1 1
M = −λ 2
+ (5)
(p1 − pA ) − m + i (p2 − pA ) − m2 + i
2 2 2

(d) Using the momentum space Feynman rules described above and removing the factor i, we can
directly write down the total scattering amplitude of the two diagrams:

Quantum Field Theory 1 Arjun Dey ( Homework 3

1 1 1
M = −λ 2
+ + (6)
(pA + pB ) − M + i (pA − p1 ) − M + i (pA − p2 ) − M 2 + i
2 2 2 2 2

(e) The scattering amplitude from just a single diagram is

M = −λ 2
(pA + pB ) − M 2 + i

Now, if we take the non-relativistic limit, we can compare this with the Born approximation
to the scattering amplitude. Then we follow the same procedure as the tutorial and take the
Fourier transform to find the static potential between two φ particles in the non-relativistic
We observe that our scattering amplitude is exactly the same as the Yukawa scattering am-
plitude ( ref: Peskin / Tutorial notes ) with a mass parameter M. So, the static potential is (I
don’t see any point of doing the calculation again, since it is done in the tutorial):

λ2 1 −M r
V (r) = − e (8)
4π r
1 ~
So, it is a attractive Yukawa potential with range M = Mc .

(f ) Scattering of two φ particles into four φ particles occur at O(λ4 ) (leading order).

1 1 1
M = −λ 4
(p1 + p2 − pA ) − m + i (p1 + p2 ) − M + i (p3 + p4 ) − M 2 + i
2 2 2 2 2

Notice that: there is no undetermined momenta because the momenta of all the external
particles are fixed. So, q, k1 and k2 , all are fixed.

(g) The first contribution appears in O(λ4 ) as we need to contract the four external legs by four
vertices (since each vertex has only one σ leg).

Quantum Field Theory 1 Arjun Dey ( Homework 3

The symmetry factor of this diagram is 1 because all of the vertices are attached with external
legs. We can see this also from the perturbative expansion (I will not do it explicitly here).
The scattering amplitude due to this diagram is:

d4 k1
1 1
M = −iλ 4
(2π)4 k12 − m2 + i (k1 − p3 )2 − m2 + i
1 1
(k1 − p3 − p4 )2 − m2 + i (k1 − p1 )2 − m2 + i

The integral converges at the low k limit. So we only have to check for the high k limit.

d4 k
M ∼ (11)

So it is convergent. (From dimensional analysis.)

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