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373 100 00 (01) ECUMENISM (GENERAL) A CATECHISM ON ECUMENISM. QMNININININININNIMNIMMNIMMIMINMMNMNPG CATECHISM ECUMENISM ‘This Catechism has been drawn up by the Very Reverend ‘Francis J. Connell, C, $s. R, at the request of the Depart- ‘ment of Educetion, Diocese of Lafayette a eae ee 1. What ls Ecumeniam or the Ecumenical Movement? Eeutnenism or the Heumenice] Movement is the effort to Unite all Christians motivated by a apitit of charity and mutual respect. Tow separsted from one another One of the purposes 2, Why should wo tract thoes who ait fon with charity? from us tn ralg: Weshould treat those whe differ fron usin religion with charity because Jetus Christ commanded that we should love all our fellow men, whatever may be their ce of religion Why should we treat thore who differ from usin zaligion with reepect? We should trent those who differ from usin religion with Depot hat respect because we must take t for granted that these persone are sinotre and honest in their religious bei and practices. the sin of separation to those who at present are bon Into these communities (Protectants) and are Incl therein with Cheats fait The Cathole Church te cepts them with tespet and affection ao brltec is 4. Would « Cotholic sla fhe treated « person unkindly of unjustly beceuse ke dose not belong to the Catholic Church? ‘Yes, a Catholic would sin against charity and justice if he treated @ person unkindly or unjustly because he does not belong to the Catholie Church, make “ovary eft fo slime words gents ta Actions whith do not respond to tho codon of ‘Separated brethten with truth and fame, and $0 Inake mutual Tultone betwee them move ifiea® oo Does this mean thot other religions are jutt as good os the Catholic religion? No, this does not mean that other religions ere just as ‘ood as the Catholic religion, for the Catholic religion lone has been established by Jesus Chris, and eon sequently the Catholic church ithe only teve Chueh, The Destes on Eoumenim say: “The Church, Gade ‘ce, ministers the gospel of peace to all mankind es she ‘Bakes her pilgrim way in bope toward her goal the fatherland above" (3) And toe Declaration oo ele, ous Preedom ls sued bythe Second Vatican Coun cl assrts” "We believe that ths ene tue tlio ube Sis inthe Catholic and Apostolic Chucry fo which the “Lor Jenss committed the dsty of spreading It sbvond How do we know that the Catholic Church ts the only ‘rue Church? We know that the Catholic Church is the only true Church because it is the only Church that has come own in an unbroken line of Bishops and. Popes from the apostles, headed by St Peter, who were appointed the first Bishops of His Church by Jesus Christ. 4 Jesus Chest sto the spots, the firs Bishop of in heh: "BsholaT am with 7 st dys even unto the fonsummation of the world” hatthew, 2620) To Se Peter, whom Our Lord made the hend of His Church, He iid: “Taow art Peler (hat iy nth) and upon this rock wil bulla my Church andthe anes of all Shall nt previ agsinse"atinew, 1848) The Pope ind Bishops of the Catholic Church or the suceters (oF 8 Pates tnd the ober poses Is some form of union with the Catholic Church neces: sary for salvation? ‘Yes, some form of union with the Catholie Church is necessary for salvation. ‘he Second Vatican Coun n the Contin on the (Church docared: “The Church now adieuring ot arth asa exe neceusy for svation, For Chit, ‘ade prove ous in His body which te Chasey the one Mediator andthe Unigee Way of salvation” wo 9. Does this mean that @ person must be an actual member of the Church in order to be azved? No, this does not mesn that @ person must be an actual ‘member of the Church in order to be saved. But it means that one cannot be saved if he knows that the Catholic Church is the one true Church and refuses to center if orto remain in It ae Send Vata Cou in he Contain on te ff tath and Bop (Mere, 1636; John 8) and thers: fore atime tls the necessity of the Church for through Baptom at thought door men cher the Church, Whosoever, therefore, knowing thatthe Cx tholle Church wes made necserary by Cod though esas Crist would elus fo enter het oto tan In ther cou not be save” 1). How is a person saved who ie not en actual member of the Catholic Church? ‘A person who is not an actual member of the Catholic Church is saved if he is sincere in his religious beliefs land endeavors to serve and to love God according to his conseience. Such a person is united to the Catholic (Church by derive 0 ‘pro's set ost he ata Church ay felony imo ti ay bave econ sentra tat menting ts Suh speak Ineo ch ees, foo Pas iid ne eee Nit erp “Eien tegh asoueciagy te Sonne athe Monies Bela heReeeree ne Brand em they sll mei eps 3 an nfoy oly tn the Caole Church, May they then Stier nts Cette eit nd uned i Uri oe ores nan fh Beiy ot Sas chit ay oy ii) 10, How are Chrlatizns who are not Catholics ualted to Catholics by religious bonds? Christians who are not Catholics are united to Cathotis ‘apecially through the sacrament of Bap, which in- corporates them into Christ and takes them brothers and sisters of Catholics. Moreover, some of them, ex pecially Eastern Orthodox Christians, have true bishops and priest, the strifice of the Mas, the Holy Bucharst fad the other sacraments ‘The Decree on Heumenl of the Sesond Vtisin Coun leave "All those juste by faith through Bayon ‘Incorporated into Chest They thoretors have 2 Fight to be honored by the ide ef Christan ed are ‘ropery fqarded as brothers in the Lara by ihe one {tthe Cathie Church Moreover, sme, vem very hich together oto bud up and eve life fo the CChuze hers dan exist autde te vile bound” Jes of the Cathie Chute: the writen word of Ged, tho lite ot grace: faith hope snd hart alone with other Inlrir ite ofthe Hoty Spit ahd wists ‘monte! 3 11, Should all Catholics take part fn the ecumenical mover ment? All Catholles should take part in the ecumenical movee ‘ent for itis the will of Jesus Christ that all His fol- lowers should be united. He expressed the wish that ‘there should be "one fold und ane chapherd” (loan ate 1. snd on the night before his death prayed that all His followers should be one (John 17:21)" Hence, all the true followers of Jesus Christ will work toward the unity of all Christians according to thelr ability and opportunt Who trough Bm were bora again into on boy sad ‘ith Hit llekened Io pewnest af le Rode in the Catholic faithful to recognize the signs ofthe times ot ecumenio” fan 39) Tm what does the perfect unity, or Christ desired it, consiet? ‘The perfect unity as Chelst desired it, consists in this That all believe the same doctrines, Partilpate in the same sacrifice and sacraments, render obedience to the Same eeclesiaticl superiors, expecially the Pope, and ere hol separated from the Chueh by grave excommutls. {he socnty of the church bo, poseng the Spt ot salvaign given to hen an thYOWEN union with er Wislbte stature are joined to Chist who sues ber joining ls eect by the bonds of professed faith of ‘What do Catholics hope will be the final reault of the ecumenical movement? CCathoties hope that the final repult of the eeumenical movement will be the ually of all Christians in the Cathotie Chiured, ‘tid: “If on the one hand ite highly valuable to belong {5th Church ate nity 0 poral on ou ae ‘Mand it eso muck more drab nt auch tongs ‘ach ll meu, Toe Church one and ono ‘Oar ecuenieal mover tens prey een dcconing the obaneswbich oppose the Ea cea ‘steal communion toward th epee a pene Stig men Echt! Revo. aa 14, What Is the first duty of Catholics toward promoting tho ecumenical moverent? ‘The first duty of Catholis toward promoting the ecu ‘menical movement is to live holy Christian lives and t0 pray for the unity of all Christians ‘The Deere on Eeumeni says: “All the falda jou earth thee ti te ma they further Chetan unity and put i Int pectce seogals noel ct tr Cat tone Chute with which the Savior Hinelfon the eve of ‘Hs eat oo Yrventy apes to Hie Fehr Pat 18. May Cotholics unite in prayer with Christans who are not mambors of the Catholic Church? Catholics may unite in prayer with Christians who are fot members of the Cathalie Church when the oppote tunity is offered, provided the prayer contains nothing contrary to Catholie destrine. ‘Toe Deere on Keumenim sales: "In eetain ero {ithe See pred prayers or amg estas, that Cather should jin in prayer ith ‘elt separated brethzen. Such prayers in Commun are fertatniy an effective means Of cbsinng te Eee of "bind Cathis fo this separa brethren” 8) 18, May CetholicsJola in common worship with Christians ‘who are not members of the Catholic Church? CCatholies may join in common worship with Christians who are not members of the Catholie Church, provided 8 ‘this worship expresses nothing that is against the Catho- ie faith and the proper permission is granted by Church aushortes, on-Cathlie publie worship ~ that mere presence ‘without akin ey ative paet— unde certain eeu lances suche intimate friendship a mariposa funerals and similar eeremonies, rowed thre i mo danger of sandal or sanger tote faith (Can. 125) ‘Tha Drone om Esumenism lowe seen measure of Toca eplcopal authority, unlet otherwise, povided {or by the Banos Conference secotding to i satis, May Catholics discuss polnts of agrooment ond dlsa gresment in raligion with Christians who ore. not Gaholio? ‘Yes, Catholics may discuss points of agreement and disegreement in religion with Christians who are not Catholics, provided they are sufliiently familiar sith these maiters and have Feceived proper permission from secesiastical authorities, ‘This alled dialogue, “the Decree on Rsumenlam says: “Cathie who have a'proper srounaing moet! to aoquire mare aesquste Sndrranding ofthe respective doseins of oat spe Fated brethren, their history, hei spiritual and lr et le ther religious peyhology and gencal base Sf the wa ides epetally for docastion of theo. Jogi problems — where ech can tet ith the ober fn an equal fooling ~~ provided thet those so take Darin ther are tuly competent abd have the approval Uk the Bishops, From auch dilogue will marge sll hove clerly what the situation ofthe Cathlie Chureh really" (9) ‘Should Catholics express the full teaching ofthe Cathe. lie Church in dialogue with non-Catholic? ‘Yes, Catholics should express the full tesching of the CCatholie Church in dialogue with non-Catholies. because to conceal anything would be false eizenicism, the ex- cessive desire to please our separated brethren at the ‘expense of the Catholic faith, ® ARcH Diveess of Le: ET] 18. Do 2, Se time te Catole faith must be ensainad mene Douay ant precy uch a Inch Should not try to com Catholic Church? No, the ecumenical movement does not mean that Ca tholles should not try to sonvert good non they show themselves well dlapoved they deie that all men soul pertate af the bees tae theta, Sc oth rose fom he Pare Does the ecumenical movement mean that the Cetholle (Church regards mixed marriages as desirable? No, the ecumenical movement does not mean that the Catholie Church regards mixed marriages that is, the ‘marriages of Catholics with persons ef other religious beliefs — as desirable than anything else the fll and perfec eancord of toe "he Chureh considers most grave duly to ete Snd forthe ottipring” Presaely fortis teuson 8 tet itht inna neon oe the ecumenical movement mecn that Cothollce (eed non-Cetholics to the holes to the Catholle Church when the opportunity is ofered and 2 Has the Church inthis decree changed substantially the Frllage on mixed marriages which It hes previsusly hela? No, the Church has not in this decree substantially henged the rullage on mixed marriages which it had previously held, for i still requires that the marriage fake place before a Catholie priest and two witnesses and thatthe necessary promises be made by both parties, ‘lily of mixed mariage must take place before Uh autlerled pres and vo wines, Puthermore the Canalis party mast promise that al the shld ‘ofthe mariage wil be bape and ought pn he athoie religion, and she non-Catholic party must Moy Catholics cooparcts with non-Catholice in ways ‘that are not stretly religious? CCatholls may cooperate with non-Catholic in ways that are not strictly religious—for example, by striving 10 obtain elvil rights forall citizens, the promotion of good literature and good entertainment, the reli ofthe poor and the protection of our nation fom efforts to under mine our government Just evaluation ofthe dignity of the human person, the ‘the arte and sciences in a truly Chaistin spirit, or also the tee of various remedies Uo sellve the stfletons of fey and poverty, housing shortage snd the unequal ‘gettin of wealth" 33) ‘Are persons who are not Christlans included ia the ecumenical movement? Strictly speaking only Christians are included in the ek a eee ee _—_C OS ‘harty and pray that at some future time th united with tis in religion ‘The Second Vatican Coupe ined special Decars on ar. he Relationship of the Church to noncGer Felalionahip with Ged the Father and aegis With his rather men ar 0 liked togsther he Sen f and the rights wich How fom ies 2 tho Church reese tren tothe mind of oe 4%, What religion wos given special consideration in the Decicration on the Reletionship of the Church to soe Christin Religions? The Jewish zeligion was given spectal consideretion in the Declaration of the velationship of the Chursh te non-Christian Religions, because of the spititual tor be tween Jews and Christiens, with Abraham's stock. For the Church of Christ set f Enowledges that, acording £0 the mystery ef Gots ‘hough the prope with uhom God in Hise Declaration adds thet Out Lave ils Blesea Morne ‘ews ha share Inthe death of Christ cht hae fin His pasion etna be blamed small the fee then ving, without dtinction, nor on the Sew ot 2

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