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RTL1 – Assessment 2 Excerpt

…Creating competitions in the classroom has been found to improve engagement, as

students seek knowledge and skills from each other (Olitsky, 2011). The game promotes
engagement through encouraging technology use and setting achievable, yet challenging
goals, which they can share with the class. The practice of presenting group work to the
class was shown to build confidence according to Galegane (2018). Galegane, explains this
by stating, “When students are asked to work in smaller groups and later report their
findings, they are eager to participate.”(p.1). Galegane, noted when individuals are asked to
share their work there is a reluctance to participate. This modified learning activity helps to
build an environment of trust and respect, while improving intellectual quality through
increasing student participation. The changes made although specific to this lesson are able
to be adapted to any lesson. Callow and Orlando (2015) state, the improvement of
engagement does not require simply using the strategies mentioned, “Rather, it is a
pedagogical commitment to aligning high cognitive, affective and operative elements across
all areas of learning.” (p.366).

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