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“Black Blizzards” Video

1. What kind of storms were the Black Blizzards?

2. What happened that finally sparked national attention on the problems in the Midwest?

3. What was the name of the area given to parts of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, and
Oklahoma that was the center of these dust storms?

4. Who was responsible for the creation of the Dust Bowl?

5. Why was there no more Grassland in the Great Plains?

6. Farmers believed that “rain would follow __________”

7. What were farmers growing? Why?

8. What major economic event put a stop to the prosperity the farmer’s were experiencing?

9. Why didn’t Hoover help the farmers?

10. Why was the drought in 1931 different from the others? (Hint: “the soil was not ______

11. What did farmers do over and over again that caused the black blizzards of the Dust Bowl?

12. How did some of the farmers know a dust storm was coming? (Hint: “Cluck Cluck…Moo Moo”)

13. How long would they last sometimes?

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