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Name: Ellen Thompson

School Name/Address: Sauk Centre High School, MN

Phone: 320.352.2856

Content Area: Animal Science – Nutrition/Feeding

Lesson Heading: Create A Feed

Activity Description:
After going through the unit on nutrients and animal needs students
will create their own feed pamphlet. The main emphasis of the
assignment is the proper nutrients for the stage of the animals life
and what those nutrients provide the animal.

Materials Needed:
Feed Tags and Pamphlets (acquire at local feed store)
Plain White Paper (for creating pamphlet)
Crayons, Colored Pencils, Scissors, Glue, Animal Magazines,

Activity Length:
90 minutes to work on pamphlets
1-2 minutes per student to present and take questions

Other Comments/Hints/Suggestions:
Require students to ask questions during presentations for points.
Limit the use of the computer for creating pamphlets
Save high quality pamphlets from year to year to use as examples.

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